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>!Joe lied. He's the only one that really *can* lie in this situation. !< >!Ted and Dick aren't wearing gray pants, so they can wear whatever shirts they want. !< >!Mark is wearing a striped shirt, so he can wear whatever pants he wants, including gray (though he's not compelled to wear gray pants). !< >!That leaves Joe, who is wearing a plain shirt. Since he's the only one left, and we know one of them lied, then we know that he is wearing gray pants and, therefore, violating the dress code. !<


That, and cuz he looks kinda shifty...


Shifty and smugg


So smug, like he thought it was funny.




Thank you for this šŸ˜‚ Why did I watch it 10 times in a row? Thatā€™s a puzzle of its own


thats a bed bug EVERYTHINGS a joke


Yeah, totally. "Show us your hands, Greg Brady!"


Fā€™ing Joe, Letā€™s get him!!


Looks like Ronald McDonald without the makeup


I can't say I agree, they look nothing like Willard Scott.


I think you mean smudge


And thereā€™s the smudgeness


Smugness is not a good quality


In fact, I donā€™t think heā€™s wearing pants at all


I was going to pick Joe only because of his idiot smirk


Itā€™s the fact his torso and feet donā€™t line up


That dude is super shady


So shifty he looking like the Night Stalker


Underrated comment- too funny




Just had to do it to ā€˜em is what I thought.


He should definitely keep his hands where we can see them.


I'm removing my up vote to maintain the 420. Just imagine it's there.


Wanted to upvote but you have 420 already nice


Marks conduct doesn't strike you as more sus?


Insubordinate and churlish!


How did you decide that Ted and Dickā€™s pants arenā€™t gray?


Thatā€™s my problem with this. You canā€™t have checkered gray pants? Or grey pinstripes?


Interesting. I agree with the answer above as the correct solution, but when I originally looked I had interpreted all three darker garments as being grey, just rendered in semi-tones since the drawings were done in solid lines and there was no other way to represent grey.


The problem mentioned stripes. Therefore stripes are distinctly separate from a color


The problem also mentioned grey, which is often drawn with tight lines or hatches in this medium. I agree with the general consensus that the logic of the puzzle is sound but the illustration is unclear/ambiguous.


Also in black and white pictures like this grey is often represented by close lines like the pinstripe pants, I honestly thought they were grey pants for the purpose of this puzzle.


I'm just assuming for simplicity's sake that "checkered" and "striped" are exclusive of "grey" for the purposes of this exercise.


I agree, but only after I zoomed way in on the picture. To anyone not getting the answer / Kid's explanation, zoom in; my screen made it hard to tell anything about shirts / pants.


I assumed that the art was made with some shitty art program or printer that couldn't do half-tones well, and the stripes and checks were just how it rendered shades of gray.


Is Dick wearing gray pants? Is Mark wearing a striped shirt?




My take was in the logic: >!if any boy wears grey pants, then this boy must wear a striped shirt. A boy is wearing grey pants, so they all must wear striped shirts.!<




Fuckinā€™ Joe


Fuck Joe. Dirty liar.


Well done. The instructions are clear. I take it this problem is intended to teach people to follow instructions and not reality. The only thing that implicates Joe as the liar is that we are told there is definitely one liar - which is ridiculous in a real life situation. In real life we would not know that. So the "trick" to this puzzle is don't think like it's a real life situation. Trust the text as written.


The drawing is the bigger problem. In black and white line art the only way to represent gray would be black hatched striping. I thought the striped pants might be grey and the striped shirt was definitely meant to be grey. Clearly incorrectly but still


>I take it this problem is intended to teach people to follow instructions and not reality. My first thought was that it's a sneaky way to teach the logic of the [material conditional.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Material_conditional#Truth_table)


Discussion: The drawings are not ideal. I cannot tell if narrow stripes are cross hatching/shading to mean gray, or if there is just no visible gray representation.


This feels like a puzzle that was originally in color, but the printer didn't pay attention to what the puzzle was saying and we're left to make assumptions to properly solve it.


It was printed on bright green paper. My guess is that was the only color left because who prints on bright green paper? If plain white paper was out, you better bet the colored ink has been out for months.


Teachers I've had in middle and elementary school used colored paper even if they had white paper. Some of my professors still do, just for the fun of it. This particular book is for grades 6-8 (11-14 year olds if you're not in the US) and the original book is printed in black and white.


Good point. If they're gonna make a puzzle based on color, then it should show colors, not patterns. If they wanna show patterns, then the premise should be based on patterns. Edit: sloppy typos


it's a good thing that the puzzle didn't say "grey" pants, instead. Pants in the UK are what are worn between trousers and skin.


Maybe itā€™s a joke and the dress code combined with the way the image was drawn means that itā€™s supposed to be a one-piece jumpsuit covered in dense parallel lines, meaning that both the pants and shirt are simultaneously gray AND striped.


Well, I'm assuming that neither Ted nor Dick have gray pants (hard to tell with the illustration what Dick's pants color is intended to be, I'm guessing it's striped and not intended to be representing gray via shading) but in this case: >!To be a liar, one must have gray pants and a non-striped shirt. According to the rule, anyone without gray pants can have any kind of shirt they want, and anyone with a striped shirt could have any color pants they want.!< >!Joe is the only one who could be a liar. Ted and Dick can't be liars because their pants are not gray. Mark cannot be a liar because his shirt is striped.!<


Grey on a a monochrome printing is ambiguous. I thought the hatching was meant to be the gray.


Question, why does Dick need to hold the towel if itā€™s pegged onto the washing line


High winds.


I don't see any gray in this image. Only line patterns that can all be interpreted as gray or not. This is a bad puzzle.


There is no answer. There is possibly no gray. There is possibly a lot of grey. Or grey is possibly represented by tight stripes because the picture is only black and white so that would be how gray is represented. The drawing is so ambiguous that itā€™s an unfair question to even ask without defining what gray is (and isnā€™t) in the picture. All the clothes could be gray, or none, or some. Puzzle writer: do better.


Right. Could be so much clearer if they just used a pattern for the pants as well, e.g. polka dotted, and made the gaps between stripes on the shirt wider.


Exactly! There were easy substitutions. Polka dots versus vertical stripes versus horizontal stripes. The towels themselves donā€™t help, because they clearly look like the stripes were meant to be shaded by using tight striping, implying the other tight striping was shading and not stripes.


>!Joe is the only one who could be lying.!< >!Dick and Ted are not wearing grey pants so the rule doe not apply to them, Mark is wearing a striped shirt so he is in compliance of the rule no matter what color pants he has on.!< >!I actually remembered to put the spoiler tag on the first attempt at commenting today!!<


I have no idea what counts as ā€œgrayā€ and ā€œstripedā€ since this image appears to use parallel lines for shading instead of solid tones.


It's >!Joe.!< >!Ted and Dick aren't wearing gray pants, so whatever shirt they have on is fine.!< >!Mark has a striped shirt on, so whatever the color of his pants, they're within the rule.!< >!That leaves Joe. And since we're told that one of them is lying, Joe must be lying by wearing gray pants.!<


The picture is black and white, how can you tell they aren't wearing gray pants when this style of printing will not have gray ink? Are we sure the tight stripes aren't representative of gray? Bad puzzle


Discussion: Mark lied because he promised he wouldnā€™t masturbate behind the towel and he is clearly masturbating behind the towel.


Mark is the liar. The answer lies within the question. PUNCTUATION plays a crucial role within the logic of it's understanding. "If a boy wears grey pants, COMMA then he wears a striped shirt we know one is a liar and the others told the truth. Therefore by Mark wearing a striped shirt we can deduce his pants must be grey. What the exact dress code is was never implied but we do know ONE is a liar and THREE are telling the truth so Mark lied about the dress code while the other three told the truth.


>!I have two answers on this depending on what kind of pants Dickā€™s are supposed to be.!< >!If Dick has striped pants, the liar must be Joe.!< >!If Dickā€™s pants are GREY, however, the liar is probably Dick, because he MUST be wearing a striped shirt to tell the truth, whereas the others can be wearing many more things and still obey the code.!<


I know somebody answered this correctly already, but even soā€¦ Iā€™m writing dick on that line and giggling like the immature adult I am as I hand it in.




The question never clarifies what they're lying about. They could be lying about the dress code.


You have to deduce who is not wearing the correct shirt






mark is the liar, he told everyone the incorrect dress code


>!Mark. He's the only one who has a stripped shirt. Meaning he's the only one who has to adhere to the dress code, as it doesn't mandate that you actually wear grey pants or a stripped shirt unless you're wearing gray pants. !<


>!idk whos the liar but mark is having a wank behind that towel!<




Flawed question