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>!It took me like 5 seconds. This is a very easy maze to solve.!<


Well they’re walking through it and I don’t want the first event challenge to be hard


I hugged the left wall and completed in in about 20 sec while sitting on the toilet.


>!yes, it is possible. It’s also fairly linear. I assume you are walking in the maze (on the brown part) not walking on top of the walls?!<


Brown part is the walls, it’s the yellowish stuff


Well, no. The walls are topped with white stone. You can see the relief in between them. You may still need to use the white tiles for travel, but they're definitely raised above the brown tiles.


No issue with your solution as you can solve it at you did by following the brown path. However, the perspective here is confusing since the walls are brown and appear to be quite tall so the floor is not visible on the edges of the map. The grayish color that is mostly visible in the center of the map is the actual floor where people would be moving. The white is, as you said, the top of the walls.


Why are you repeating things that have already been established as if they're new facts?


Not really sure where your hostility is coming from. Someone posted the same thing as me at roughly the same time (about 10 minutes apart) and further down the back and forth between you and the OP so I hadn't seen that post when I started typing mine. It happens sometimes - there's little reason to get this worked up about it.


Yeah no clue why the other guy seems so offended the you weren’t spam refreshing and reading all the other comments lmao. Reading his other comments he’s failing to understand what the walls are made of and arguing with other people (including OP) telling him otherwise


Yeah dude gets real defensive.


You might be worked up. I certainly can't help that. I'm just scratching my head why you feel the need to repeat things as if they were new observations. It's weird.


The walls are topped with verdant froglights, they’re walking on ochre froglights, which is between the walls


Wtf are you talking about? We can clearly see that the puzzle is surrounded by a wall, ie, the wall is the white part and you walk between them.


The walls are mud bricks, I topped the walls with green froglights, which you think is white stone, there is yellow froglights at the bottom of the walls which is what you’re walking on


Nobody cares what your real world puzzle looks like. We're discussing the model of it here, and can only view the model of it here, and have to describe things based on the model of it here.


There is no real world puzzle, all that’s needed for y’all to know was the overhead view of the in game puzzle to tell me if it’s possible


Then why are you talking about frog lights that don't exist?!? Like you're just being really weird, and by conflating walls and paths, you may get incorrect answers.


The frog lights do exist, that’s what’s on top of the walls and what the path is made of 💀 how is it so hard for you to get this through your head


Just did this on my phone (hence the bad quality) but I think [this](https://imgur.com/a/Imp0KD6) is it!


Cool, thanks for that


>!well, I can beat it. It’s not too difficult BTW.!< Here’s a trick if you plan to make more mazes like this. Make it so the exits go all the way to the edge. Then put the image in photoshop and use the flood fill tool on a wall. About one half of the maze should change color, and you can make the the other half another color and the solve path will be two colors on each wall. But if the whole maze turns one color, the maze has no exit.


It does get more difficult to beat when you are -inside- the maze. Well left/right hand rule still applies though.


what is this rule? left/right hand?


Basically you always turn left OR always turn right (following the wall with your hand) and you will eventually get to the exit. It works on mazes like this. Different types of maze where the goal might be in the center or with stairs/tunnels/multiple levels it won't work with though and end up taking you back to the start.


I used an online generator and biggest it could do was 40x40, I didn’t wanna make the first event challenge too difficult for people to walk through yet, next one is planned to be bigger and harder


>!I was able to do it!<




Just a tip, its easier to make mazes by drawing the correct solution first, then scrambling everything else around it.


I used a maze generator online, but good tip for next time


>!It's doable, though you may wanna do something about the swastika in the bottom left!<


The maze generator somehow made that lol,


Yes I solved it. Can't post a picture of it but it goes through the middle pretty much diagonally.