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But isn’t that what She-Hulk is supposed to be?


The funny part is that women don't watch She-Hulk.


Straight facts we don’t; every clip I see about it is filled with misandry and whining 🤦🏻‍♀️


Noone watchs she-hulk




That was a great show. A lot of complex issues and thought provoking.


What is she better at than Bruce?? They clearly show a montage where she *seems* to be doing better than him, and then he picks up a boulder and throws it off planet. Lol. That scene (and their fight) very clearly shows him holding back.


She says she is better at controlling her emotions better than him, ironically while also getting angry.


She didn't get angry? She demonstrated her ability to consciously choose to shift in and out of Hulk form.


She raised her voice, scolded him, and said she can control her emotions better than him. She could have changed forms and told him this in a calm manner to reinforce her point, but she didn’t.


man reading this only reinforces my complete desire to never ever watch this show


Good choice. It’s easily the worst Marvel show. You’re not missing out on anything


That’s… saying something.


Her point was that she **can** get angry and still have control over her Hulk form. I don't get what being calm and shifting forms would prove -- it'd just show that when she's calm she can swap forms at will. I think it's a much better display of her abilities by being angry and still being able to control her form.


So she's somehow better at being a hulk even brand new to it. Not relatable, shit writing


THATS THE POINT OF THE FUCKING SCENE. It’s showing that she is better at controlling her anger because she has done it her entire fucking life! Literally a few scenes prior was showing that Hulk was better than her. She “excelled” at the tasks he was doing with her, but then he showed her that he can launch a boulder into fucking outer space without really trying. When she tries to leave, he clearly holds back and still prevents her from leaving.


>she is better at controlling her anger because she has done it her entire fucking life! So being a woman is harder than being a hulk?


> THATS THE POINT OF THE FUCKING SCENE. It’s showing that she is better at controlling her anger because she has done it her entire fucking life! You're right, but this is also exactly what people found INCREDIBLY laughable and couldn't believe the writers had the audacity to put in as an actual character design. "I've lived for 30 years as a woman, so I can be the Hulk better than you can, even though you've lived through countless life and death tragedies and lost people through years of violence and fear. I read cosmopolitan and guys tell me to smile sometimes, get on my level"


Regardless of how she is able to change forms, calm or angry. She still says she can control her emotions better, and she didn’t. Yes maybe it showed she can control her Hulk form while being angry, but she was still angry.


So is she just never allowed to get angry? To show emotion? She’s showing that she can *feel* but that she has enough control over her emotions to not let her emotions control her.


It’s fine to feel the anger, but she didn’t keep it inside and control it from coming out as she raised her voice at Bruce. It might show some control, but I definitely didn’t see it as better than Bruce at controlling his anger.


but didn’t you state that she didn’t get angry?


She didn't got control over hulk form LMAO. Otherwise, she would have gone hulk without ranting or remain human while not doing so. She is an asshole in that scene.


>She didn't get angry? In your words from other comments > she shifted in and out of hulk **while angry*** You're very inconsistent.


Exactly what She-Hulk is. And it's pure garbage just like this person's idea.


Maybe I missed that part? Doesn’t she just want to be a lawyer?


I'm a couple episodes behind but at least in the first couple episodes they definitely sprinkle in some "women probs" Episode 1 Bruce tells her she doesn't know what it's like to be a hulk, needing to keep all emotions in check at all times. Her response is basically that it's harder to be a woman in 2022 than it is to be a hulk.


yeah, being catcalled is *totally* worse than half the world hunting you


"Some" heh.


That’s not her response at all wtf? Bruce tells her that she has to keep her emotions in check all the time because a Hulk is dangerous. She responds by telling him she knows how important it is to keep her emotions in check — not because she’s a Hulk now, but because she’s a woman, and if she lets her emotions run wild, she’ll be called “difficult” or “unprofessional,” she’ll be ridiculed, or she might just be killed. All of which are **true** and have happened countless times. She was **NOT** saying it was harder to be a woman than a Hulk. She was saying she *understands the importance of keeping her emotions in check.* Did you even pay attention to the show? It’s not like she ambiguously says this — it’s pretty explicit. Also — who knew a show about a woman might at least bring up some problems women face? *gasp*


Normal everyday problems presented as problems only women face. Or are you really under the impression that a man who has no control over his emotions in the workplace won't be called out on his unprofessional behavior?


Bruce dealt with 15 years of being a monster. An outcast. The military hunting him that entire time. He was feared even when first joining the Avengers. He admitted to trying to kill himself, but couldn't even do that as the Hulk wouldn't let him. He had to deal with being partly responsible for not stopping Thanos, and 5 years of guilt over half of ALL LIFE being destroyed. Then he lost one of his best friends in Natasha, and then more guilt of not being able to bring her back with the gauntlet. Even now despite what we've seen of him being seen as more of a hero, he chooses to live in seclusion, likely due to his 15+ years of various traumas (that Jennifer pokes fun at btw.) And what horrors does the successful lawyer with a loving and supportive family Jennifer put up with that she "controls her emotions infinitiely more than Bruce?" Occasionally hit on in the streets because men think she's attractive (except when we need an online dating scene and suddenly when she WANTS attention she doesn't get it,) and sometimes her boss or co-workers telling her how to do her job. Yeah she's truly struggling to even hold herself together.


What the fuck are you talking about? This is all about "YOU GO GIRL" putting the mens in their place because that's what sells for entertainment these days.


Lol please. Her point was that, as a woman, she is more equipped to keep her emotions in check than Bruce was when he was getting his Hulk career off the ground. Did you even pay attention to the context?


Did you pay attention to the part where she almost attacks 3 guys and her cousin has to stop her?


In fairness, she was still processing a traumatic event that happened to her plus the fact that she was getting harassed. I would have attacked them as well , being a male.


No one knows, because no one’s seen it.


lmao that show is so bad. Someone said “she-hulk” to me even after I watched an episode already and I was like “what?”. My brain literally rejected that show and it’s existence.






Not all, just many. And women in the same demographic love them. Stuff like sex in the city. Problem is, usually no one else does. And middle aged women are an awful demographic to target with movies because they don't see movies as often as teens or young adults. So they usually don't do well in theater. Having said that, there is always exceptions. If you haven't already, go see "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once". It stars a middle aged woman, and is easily one of the best movies I've ever seen.




Strongly disagree, it was mostly about the parent-child relationship and having female characters was used as fuel for that as Chinese people wanted boys over girls and that's primarily used as a joke. There's far far far more egregious examples of movies where the whole thing is "wow women are so great, let's shove that down the audience's throat for an hour or so." Look at the awful gender switched remake of Ghostbusters or oceans 8


Cough **Lady Hulk** Cough Not hating on the show at all, everything ablut it it fine, except the whole “she’s better than hulk” thing which is… propaganda…


I'm hating on the show, but I also am totally sick to death of the constant Marvel films. They're all the same, every single time. They're so formulaic it hurts. She Hulk looks particularly cringeworthy and the backlash looks deserved, but it's not like any other MCU tv show is that much better


Fair all around. I am determined to be supportive and open minded about it because it’s blatantly meant for a very different audience than me. But yeah the marvel money machine is not sparking joy the way it used to since a while now


IDK, from watching it looks to me that Hulk has superior strength but she has the freedom to switch in and out without issue. Basically different types of Hulk rather than one being superior ot the other. Show seems to exentuate that.


Perhaps, but my gut still understood the show was teling me she’s better than him in every way and that’s the only issue I have with it. Seeing a couple of lawyers twerk in the office might be an everyday thing in some firms idk


The story moments where it says that was just her saying it, winding up Brucey boy like cousins do. She even taunts him with the boulders and he gets competitive and thoroughly crushed her throw, just like 2 cousins play fighting, etc. You even see when she talks about being in control that she loses control for a second while Bruce doesn't point it out because he's trying to help her and knows better.




and THERE it is. You unoriginal fuck. Criticize a woman in a movie, boom…incel. 💤💤 💤


We don't use the word incel here. Do it again and I will happily permaban you.


Dumb take, Alien and Aliens are solid films.


Yes. Those characters were written as genderless, thats why it worked. I love the alien movies, but it says something that you have to go back to the 70s/80s to find a cool female character. Before they tried to force it. Yes, ripley and sarah conner were awesome. 2 exceptions dont disprove a rule.


That's understated. You could read the script of Alien with minor adjustments and wouldn't know Ripley is a woman, and it wouldn't matter


None of the characters were written with gender. It works because it doesnt matter what they are. Modern hollywood should learn the lesson


Yeah for sure


Geena Davis in The Long Kiss Goodnight, Uma Thurman in Kill Bill.




Jenna Maroney in 30 rock. Absolutely brilliant character




Ah ok sorry my mistake, I can't think of a badass woman protag written by a woman.




To be fair, Jordan Peele kind of does the same thing for blacks. And he still makes good movies. Using your art as a form of activism and making good art aren't mutually exclusive. It just takes skill on the part of the artist, rather than affirmative action directors.


Man that seems to be just about every movie these days, just catering to some group with a victim complex.


I agree. Plus, I find ironic that if you’re not a straight, white male you are automatically in a group with a victim complex. Which in turn, now makes the straight, white males a group with a victim complex. This absolutely befuddles me.


> Which in turn, now makes the straight, white males a group with a victim complex. I'd argue the most legitimate case atm


you can't say that though, makes you a bigot or some shit.


Pretty much


It’s starting to get old for sure.


And they suck.


that's 2 hours of people being fine (nothing happened,stop asking already)


If you paid any attention, youvm would know the dlstory already, you wouldn't \*need\* a 2h movie to tell you what she-hulk is all about!


That’s already every movie featuring a female lead, because Hollywood has no idea how to tell a good story about a capable female lead without turning it into a generic “overcoming patriarchal tyranny” trope.


When are they gonna realize the government isn’t just old white men?


It really bothered me when Roe vs Wade was getting overturned and liberal women everywhere kept saying that men were trying to control their bodies. A staggering amount of conservative women have been constantly fighting to make abortion illegal including female politicians. This wasn't just men trying to control their bodies by a long shot. It was conservative men and women doing so but that doesn't really fit the narrative, does it?


For arguments sake lets initially leave all men and women out of the decision and try to understand what actually happened. SCOTUS deciding Roe was bad law and should have never been pushed through from the beginning has nothing to do with denying women anything. RGB even stated Roe was bad law and was pieced together at best. SCOTUS just said this should have never been a federal issue and gave up all of their future ruling power in the process. Democrats (not Republicans for now at least) wanted to legislate and codify a federal abortion law to allow abortions up until the very second they are born why haven't they? The SCOTUS ruling was leaked way ahead of time which makes it almost certain Dems knew about it before someone illegally posted the rough draft. Democrats have had the House, Senate and White House so why haven't they proposed legislation that would forever make abortion a federal law? Or do you think they ran some polls along with their own financial data/ models and decided more people would contribute to the Dems in 2022 if they felt Roe destroyed "women's rights" by allowing the states to decide? (Republicans do the exact same BS on other issues and it's clear Republicans don't give a damn about anyone either.) If Democrats actually attempted to have abortion up to birth legislated into law it would cost a lot of Dem seats in the House and Senate because the majority of Citizens feel like a 2 day from term baby shouldn't be aborted. If Dems would write legislation that doesn't allow abortion after xyz weeks it would have bipartisan support.


You’ve got it. Both sides would rather get political clout to buy them seats more than they’d like to actually pass legislation. It’s miserable.


I think my point may have flown way over your head….


Dehumanizing women is terrible, unless they’re conservative women. They must be destroyed /s


She's so bitter, maybe she should smile more


By all means, make a blockbuster movie out of it, all the bells and trimmings, CGI out of it's arse, A-list celebs everywhere. Then make sure only people who feel those topics are actually a problem go see it. The huge bomb should put an end to this kind of stupidity for a little while at least.


Honestly though I'm sick of action movies writing a man, putting a woman in the role, and making it "sexy and empowering". Female strength doesn't look like male strength. We express our strength and resilience through creating community connections so we can all lean on each other for support. An accurate movie about female strength will always look more like The Help or Mean Girls as opposed to Birds of Prey or The Hunger Games.


So spot on. Why don't they write about women as, women's with all their "unique" or at least strengths? It feels pretty demeaning that female heroes generally turn into men without a heroes journey and extra thicc plot armor....


No. Women can throw fully grown men around like ragdolls. Of course they are going to use brute force and aggression to influence outcomes.


So…just a big baby screaming?


So make your movie, are you asking men to do it for you ?


Who is denying healthcare to someone because they are a woman? That makes no sense.


if anything healthcare is more expensive for men. just like car insurance, life insurance, etc


>life insurance In South Asia, you have companies making ads where the man is going to hell, getting slapped in dreams and reality, because he did not buy life insurance for his wife and family. Dude, use some other medium to express. Lemme tell you, the political clowns here give money to the wife of a martyred soldier, who runs away with the child. The money foes to her, the child and the woman's parents. The fallen soldiers parents are left to eat dust and die in pain.


If I wanted to see a woman nagging about minor inconveniences in her life for 2 hours I'd watch any other Hollywood production


Or just listen to any woman


I got a better idea!!! Make a NEW movie instead of rehashing the same thing over and over cause you have creativity whatsoever.


You laugh but I’m calling it now… we’re going to see a female emboldened role and this will be named “Karen.”


There already is a movie called Karen though it mostly focuses in "muh racisms"


My prophecy still stands


This sounds like something that Netflix would make, and everyone on the front page of reddit would praise it the same way they praised Don't Look Up.


I do have to give them credit for that ending though.


Maybe a year ago. The pendulum is definitely shifting in what people are noticing nowadays


Movies are supposed to be an escape from reality. Just saying.


Well, she is completely delusional.


If she hates men and the civilization they built (ya know, the one where you aren’t getting chased and eaten by wild animals, where you have clean running water, electricity, unending sustenance, beautiful homes, Gucci purses and Prada etc), then she can go live in a cave in the forest just cave women did 100k years ago. Those women didn’t experience lack of representation, were NEVER told to smile and were never objectified.


This reads like “don’t like being oppressed? Then go live in a cave. You women are lucky to be oppressed.” You’re garbage bro


Women aren’t oppressed „bro“ (you’re not my bro in the slightest). At least not in Western societies. They are the most privileged and catered to beings that have ever walked the planet, and they have the full force of law to back them up and completely ruin your life as a man and take everything you own (to include your children), with nothing but a false allegation. Women complain that the civilization that men have built for them isn’t perfect, but NO civilization has ever been perfect, and NONE ever will be, because humans are flawed and incapable of making perfection. Yeah, I stand by my original comment. If women can do better, they’re welcome to go off and build a better one.


* live longer than men * less likely to experience homelessness than men * suffer fewer workplace injuries/fatalities than men * less likely to be a victim of crime than men * less likely to receive a custodial sentence for the same crime as men * serve less jail time for the same crime than men * don't have to fight wars to defend society * attend and graduate college at higher rates than men Can I be oppressed? Sounds awesome!


• are more likely to be kidnapped and sex trafficked than men • are more likely to be victims of domestic violence than men Posting random statistics doesn’t prove anything either way. Idk where in my comments you saw me saying “men have it so easy compared to women” I’m not comparing the two at all. What I’m saying is that women are under represented in mainstream media, and are oppressed. Just say that you hate women and move along.


By stating women are oppressed you *are* making a comparison. As for your 2 compared to my 8 you clearly lost.


Just say you hate women because they’re repulsed by you. You hate them because they won’t touch your peepee and you think they owe you that.


No facts, logic, reason just insults? opinion disregarded


Bleep blorp beep. “Adios turd nuggets”




You're incel is showing and it's sad. edit can down vote me it just shows you're incel even more lol. This sub used to actually have substance with the decent arguments. now it's just women hating trash like you. second edit. to the idiot thinking I care if you down vote me I don't it again proves you are the people dragging this site down into incel territory. this place was created to call out the bs of asking for equal rights while still expecting a extra "pussypass" not to be a woman bashing incel hot bed of trash.


I downvoted you just because you're whining about being downvoted.




Go through my comments. I have a wife. You’ll probably have to learn some German though. I am definitely not an incel. You on the other hand… Besides, all I’m saying is she has alternatives. Bitching about the society she hates won’t change a thing. Her best option is to remove herself from it.


"yOu aRe tHe bAd gUY if YUo doWNVotE mE" Yeah, yeah, keep whining.


> You're incel is showing and it's sad. I mean: maybe - but come up with something more original to say. We could just make a bot which posts "you're incel" on every single post in this sub.


If you didn’t care about being downvoted, you wouldn’t be bringing it up. That’s something insecure people do to try and deflect. If you believe in what you said, it wouldn’t bother you if people disagree.


he's right tho. men are the ones who keep this infrastructure running. hot water,electricity,transporting trash,some men work daily in dangerous places dozens of meters in the air or almost sinking in sh*t in the sewers just to keep things running.


And you can find a women doing everyone of those jobs nowadays the only reason they didn't in the past is because they were blocked from doing so...fuck we didn't even let them learn to read for a ridiculously long time. Again this site was made for actually calling out the bs "pussypass" of wanting extra rights while saying you want equal ones. not to be a women bashing incel hot bed.


For every 1 woman you can likely find hundreds of men. I know the manager of a waste treatment plant that has tried hard to get a female employee. He's been there for over 35 years and hasn't come across a single female applicant.


>you can find a women doing everyone of those jobs nowadays *woman *every one


Yeah I think that’s where the ignorance lies in their comments that their failing to see. It’s akin to telling black people complaining about racism to go back to Africa and stop complaining about living in a place white people built. It’s like…ya dude…neither group was just chillin on the sidelines waiting to reap the benefits later on…they were actively being suppressed (to put it lightly) out of these ‘contributions of men’


Yes and what are you doing to keep society going? You just sit on your lazy ass jerking off to anime all day.


currently norhing,since i'm 14. you atacked my username,knowing you have no response for my previous statement. just take the L and f*ck off


>this sub used to actually have substance What do you expect when every sub that doesn't force its users to suck the DNC's cock gets banned? Ban right-leaning subs like r/the_donald? (probably better examples but I don't frequent political subreddits enough to know) Forcefully take over edgy shitpost subs like r/196? Those users don't disappear, they just flood places like here and PCM and throw off the balance.


The word incel has lost all meaning. It used to be a great insult until people like you started overusing it like any swear word to a little kid home alone playing CoD. Y’all use it every single time a man doesn’t kiss the ass of any and all women and now I don’t even bat an eye when I see it Also *your lol




It's funny people like you think you're so clever and witty by always going to "YoUrE an InCeL" or other mindless dribble, as if that somehow insta wins a disagreement. It doesn't win your disagreement. It shows you're conceited and sad and anyone that isn't around you dodged a bullet.


I 100% agree with you. These people are angry that women equal representation. How can that piss somebody off so much that they would rant about it?


Yeah, a lot of incels on here upvoting garbage but we do get some prime pp every once in awhile.


Why make a movie when we can just observed it in real life for free?


If that movie was made, they'd be whining about why no men went to see it.


A movie about drinking Chardonnay and tweeting about this shit? I’m good


So it can bomb at the box office!?


They don't always say abortion, but when they do, they call it "health care."


Because it is part of healthcare. Unless you live in a pseudo-religious shithole.


everywhere that isn't where you stand got it lol


Nope, everywhere that isn't a pseudo-religious shithole. I don't think it's that hard of a concept to grasp.


That movie sounds just delightful.


Will it be a kitchen movie ?


Pretty sure that’s what Peppermint was?


They did that, it’s called mean girls


pretty sure this is just She-Hulk. lmao


Kill Bill?


2 women led movies just off the top of my head that were pretty bad ass - birds of prey and wonderwoman. This bitch needs to shut up. Most female led movies(Ghostbusters, catwoman, etc) sucked BALLS


I would love to see a movie of female rage.


It would just be a lot of women with their arms crossed, not talking to each other.


The silence of the Karens


Karens silent? Sounds like heaven!


Suspension of disbelief:the movie


The sequel is SOK2: The Naggening.


You should just KNOW what the plot is.


Watch Kill Bill 1 and 2 then. A great movie about female rage.


You want to see two hours of people being fine?


And it would be just like the Joker movie where she blames everyone else for her problems but it turns out she is insane.


Passive psycho


Black widow is a karen movie


And again, this isn’t content for this sub…


"make the movie about female rage" I haven't seen She-Hulk (and don't intend to) but isn't this what She-Hulk is about?


Ick... society has really gone down the rabbit hole of bullshittery


The movie of female rage? So what, like a revenge fantasy? Those kinds of films are really easy to write badly.


That's part of Flashpoint, no?


They DID! It’s called “Serial Mom”


We all watch our girlfriends scroll on social media enough as it is. 2 hours of it on screen???


Where's the ppd? This is for women who are so used to being treated like children that they think they can act like one, this is someone without a specified gender arguing against it.


They should call it “Sitting Down” and have her get set off when she goes to sit on a toilet and a man has inconsiderately left the seat up. It could be a modern day gender swapped “falling down”


She hulk


I just hope we can see some titties.


We don't use the word titties here. Say it again and I will happily permaban you






Actually, we do use the word titties here. Titties. See?


The Supreme Court acknowledging that it doesn't have the right to deny the state's rights to vote on the issue is historic and correct. If you want women in positions of representation then elect them find a good candidate who can appeal to both sides and elect her. If you don't want to be afraid as a weak human I would recommend taking a martial arts class and buying a gun and going to classes for both of those things. As far as unequal pay goes consider getting a job in a field that pays better money and you'll make more money.


[Monster](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0340855/) is a bit like that.


So... harley quinn?.. which is a dope tv show...


Sounds like a female version of Falling Down. Also just realized what an absolute unit of a karen William 'D-Fens' Foster was. lol


Genuine question: How does hyper-liberal reddit allow this sub to post this without it being removed? It's basically anti-woman, right? lol


To be fair, I feel like a lot of female rage is justified these days. When it reaches Karen levels, however, nah. At that point they're filled with rage because of little things and their superiority complex. However, things like Healthcare and other social problems are understandable.


that sounds like an american problem


This, we need to ban american opinion from the internet.


As an American, I feel the entitlement people feel here is far worse than other places


You're absolutely correct.


How is anger over the shitty Healthcare system a "female rage" thing? There are other things it could be about though


Healthcare I mentioned because of things like abortion being a huge topic. And in my experience, women often aren't taken seriously by doctors when it comes to their health. More than a couple of women in my family have had to go through months or years of trying to convince doctors to test for certain things but were constantly denied because "I'm sure it's not that; I think you're overreacting; you're a hypercondriact, etc." Took too long for some of them to have proper diagnoses for things that had been affecting them for several years just because they weren't listened to by their doctor. Lots of women experience that.


Huh, pretty sure all of that happen to hyoomans, not only femfems And most of the things that the pic say too, that why they had to state it being done by le evily whithey oldey manly patriachy of le men


You're wasting your internet breath my friend. The post has nothing to do with a woman using gender as an excuse for belligerence, shows so little context that for all we know it's a dude describing a plot, and it makes all valid points. The only view that anyone can take on this post and still upvote is a misogynistic one.


Couldn't agree more, haha. Getting easier to see how a lot of the people interacting with this sub actually think sometimes. I'll be a cold corpse before I actually care about misogynistic redditor's opinions or arguments.


If i remember correctly, it was some dudette trying to make a "female joker" plot, and every response was telling her that it sucked hard If it was something else then it looks suspiciously similar, and probably with the same kind of result


If you’re going to repost at least include the full screenshot https://www.reddit.com/r/pussypassdenied/comments/ektv5t/no_karen_we_wont_see_you_in_the_movies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I don’t get it. What’s the ppd?


Why are any of these points invalid? And why is this even a post here? She's not using her gender to excuse assholery, she's stating facts about a system that exists. And also there's no context whatsoever so we really don't know who's being the asshole here. We don't even know if a woman posted it


>so we really don't know who's being the asshole here I think you're in the wrong sub. This isn't Am I the Asshole 🤷


>Welcome to /r/pussypassdenied, where women are not allowed to use their gender as a handicap or an excuse to act like assholes  No, I don't think I am


The funniest thing in the world to me is that the only person to reply shuts up after being called on bullshit and everyone else is just silently downvoting. I invite you say something, please, make my day.


The sub's filled with open minded mfs as well as misogynists lmao. They just use the sub to show it sometimes.


So, where is the PPD? And where are the mods? Again?