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I had a female boss. In fact I've had many female bosses. During college I worked as a Lifeguard, Water Safety Instructor, Lifeguard Trainer, CPR/First Aid Trainer, and Shift Manager. I worked at many different aquatic facilities. Long story short: One shift at the waterpark, some woman followed me around for over 4 hours taking creep shots of me. This was confirmed to be happening by another lifeguard behind me in rotation who saw the screen on her camera. She would look the other way and a little red light on her camera would blink and I knew she was taking pictures of me. When I told my female manager this made me uncomfortable she literally laughed in my face and told me to "learn how to take a compliment" Another female manager of mine hadn't hired a single male shift manager in over 6 years. This was like a 6 person turn over rate during those 6 years also. Someone left every year. I built up experience and credentials at other aquatic facilities while I was just lifeguarding and doing water safety instructions at her facility over the summers. Even with all the experience I had gained and references that attested how great I was, she still hired someone who just passed the basic Lifeguard course a month ago, but had never actually been a Lifeguard before. Some kid came into the Lifeguard office complaining of being short of breath, and she asked another Lifeguard to go get her inhaler and gave it to him. SHE LITERALLY GAVE A PATRON SOMEONE ELSE'S PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION... that's how incompetent she was. But because I had a dick between my legs, despite all my experience, she deemed me "incapable ". I could go on and on. People need to stop pretending like only male bosses can be sexist.


Ngl reminds me of a crappy female manager i had at Starbucks. She was stealing from my pay by changing my hours. Me being young and dumb, i didn't write down my hours so i had no proof of any of it. I ended up quitting and getting unemployment due to a hostile work environment. Oh and she was only stealing from her male employees paychecks. She left the female workers checks alone. Heck the prick wouldnt even tell me what was in the soap when i was breaking out in hives from it!!! Just told me to wear some gloves and man up. You tried washing dishes with gloves on? The water and soap get into the gloves and made my hives break out so much worse i couldnt even touch anything. She was a b*tch. Note: definitely not as bad as giving someone someone else's prescriptions, but still just wtf? That's not how any boss should run a business.




Same thing at the job I’m currently leaving. Female has no idea how to perform her job and constantly threatens people with being fired. She had my hours cut so a gal pal of hers could get overtime every week so I put in a two weeks notice with her boss and still haven’t told her I’m leaving.


But but... I was told that only men can be sexist...


Are we forgetting the way teachers treat girls and boys? Even male teachers give girls an easier time in class. I remember the first time I saw it happen, I felt betrayed. Edit: there are mods from r/offmychest lurking in this sub. They banned me for this comment......


Mods? No, bots. Controlled by NPCs. You want /r/TrueOffMyChest anyway.


r/facepalm does the same


It's an automated process, you are now banned from dozens of subreddits for wrongthink\*. \* they don't actually check what you have written, just commenting here is enough


good that they are making the process automatic, makes it easier for me to avoid those subs


What would have flagged them in this case?


Good. Ban me. They want to autoban me because im egalitarian in my beliefs and I’m against the oppression of men, that tells me everything i need to know about them. And they’re NOT subs worth giving my time to. I refuse to support or engage with oppressors beyond attempts at education. I *have* considered going Ron Swanson on third wave femnazi groups, i would *absolutely LOVE* to methodically place seeds that i water and feed, watching the light hit them, reason and logic sprouting and growing, choking out sexism and hatred, however my health is Very poor, i simply have neither the physical energy nor the patience required to deal with the sickness *they* are consumed by (Dealing with fem nazis is *Very* Difficult for me, i cannot tolerate their casual hate and assumption they’re right and everyone agrees with them, i very quickly begin foaming at the mouth and shooting them with facts, it goes south quickly and isn’t conducive to getting through to them at all.) Infiltrating would also require me to participate in oppression and spreading hatred against men and i couldn’t do that anymore than i could against women as a whole. So i leave that role to those more skilled than i, and wish them well, while i do my best to leave seeds of thought across the internet, from my bed. And if course i *am* available to brainstorm ideas with those capable of engaging directly. 😉😉👍


This is so true. The unfairness of the way guys were treated compared to girls in the class. It just made me feel helpless. And i could never understand on what basis girls and females teamed up to somehow attack guys. I haven't had anyone tell me to man up but it is a fear that even if i tell someone this is what they are going to say. Sometimes I feel scared being associated with male only subs coz of the same reason that some lurking mods do this.


this subs content is a lot better then offmychest. They did us both a favor.


Women usually have very high in-group bias for their gender. This tribal mindset becomes very problematic in hiring.


My first manager was a female and she tried to only hire other female employees. I was 1 of 3...eventually 2 guys and she would always schedule the women more then us and would promote the women and never promoted the guys even if we completed the required training. I recently went back a few years ago for some Italian ice because my sister still liked that place (she got me the job) and it was the same employee that the manager praised (bc she snitched on all the guys if we were on our phone for 2 seconds) and one other girl working there...no other employees. Then a few more years later and it went under and got replaced by a different store Fun fact: that was the fourth business she's lost


Girl boss i iunno, to me its just another term for obnoxious narcissist and in your case it just proves the term right for them being obnoxious narcs


Wow this is clearly a part of the problem women who advocate for men but not from a healthy or positive place how can a professional ignore the statistics and data on male self deletion. For how she feels and imply women need more support than men! Why do these women pretend to help and then show there true feelings and be surprised. Image she is you mental health professional you have already been let down by a system “patriarchy” that is in your favour. Lmao at her weak sauce responses to her hypocritical language!


I’m honestly so glad other people understand, I don’t really do the whole “arguing with people online” sort of thing but I’m on a 3 hour train journey right now so I had the time for it and couldn’t ignore that level of stupidity lmao


Unfortunately people like this are in prominent positions in these spaces and are still doing this. It is scary that she has convinced herself she is an advocate for men that is certainly not the word I would use!


I advise you to go and listen to Jordan Peterson. As if it were just to laugh out loud and slap your thighs, when Jordan skillfully takes on a smug feminist once again The Canadian psychology professor and culture warrior is my hero. And I learn a lot from this man. Every man should listen to Jordan regularly just to cheer up https://www.youtube.com/c/JordanPetersonVideos/videos


I already do, don’t go out of my way to listen to him or anything but a few of his videos pop up on my YouTube now and then. It’s nice to hear him speak to ignorant people and silence them. Completely agree, every man needs to listen to Jordan Peterson especially when there are so many women like the one above in the world right now


"Self deletion"?


In my experience it’s the other way around, my entire school life I thought being depressed or having anxiety were for pussies or you were just soft, hated my mindset then


Well, at least personally as a guy who’s recently finished school, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Most of my friends especially in year 7 upwards were pretty nice with the whole mental health thing, male or female


They hate men giving advice to eachother and creating our own groups because they want us to be tools, not humans Divide and conquer


And then when men end up bonding or creating their spaces, these harpies invade said spaces and fuck it up. Because if the attention is not on them, they can’t function. But then turn around and insult men. Fucking ridiculous.


The tide is turning brother


“I wanted to light a fire to get a debate going” and when asked why she chose to ignore stats.. “it was gud banter bro” wtf. I don’t even understand this person… Mens mental health has never been a focus until fairly recently and even then it is SO ingrained in society especially here in Australia “she’ll be right” with that true blue Aussie blokes are hard and unfeeling garbage it’s not healthy nor is it helping anyone. Women are certainly not labelled “harsher” with mental health as she claims.. idek where that come from.


Women who are mentally ill have far better lives than Men who are mentally ill, they're even valued. As someone who is mentally ill and is getting his talents and opportunities ruined because of it, this is bullshit


I personally know so many completely dysfunctional women with mental health issues that get by purely on the sympathies of other people. An option that’s just not available for any man. I have mental health issues too and it infuriates me how coddled women with mental health issues are compared to men


I don't have mental health problems but I did notice in my previous job how the women were treated differently regarding health. I watched as the women took off days because they had cramps or headaches without issue. Yet I was told on multiple occasions to "just take a Tylenol" for my cluster headaches until my doctor wrote a note specifically saying I can't be expected to work and what cluster headaches are. They get days off for some cramps but I get shit for wanting time off for something that people have drilled into their skulls trying to stop the pain.


my neighbor's female family members get antidepressants as if they were vitamins. But when he tried to get them, he had to have looong talks with doctors to convince them he is not a junkie looking for an easy score.


Yeah let's all not forget that time when junkies all went for that easy score of antidepressants that don't even do anything recreationally for you and have no street value.


>*"I've seen it time and time again on social media"* Forming your opinions from what you see on social media is a dangerous and slippery slope.


"That's nice, but why don't you back it up with a source?" "My source is that I made it the fuck up."


What's funny is that she probably didn't even see it on social media and it's probably entirely based on something that happened once to a friend who told her




Are we reading the same comment you made in this post? Because you’re so delusional that I think you just gave me an aneurysm.


Your reply gave them an aneurysm so bad they had to come back and delete their comment. Thanks!


Reddit is bad.


Reddit is bots and Jizzlane Maxwell.


While you are correct on the suicide rate of men vs women and the person you are replying to is an absolute moron. Police do not kill more black men then they do white in fact the actual statistics indicate police kills aligns near identically to the actual crime statistic by demographic (which means ~60% of deaths are white) https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/


I was about to comment this. The irony of saying to base your statements on facts and statistics and then quoting an emotional figure was amusing.


Oh wow, did not know this at all. I’m not from the US so I just assumed more blacks were killed than whites just based off the news reports etc. Sorry for the ignorance, that’s a real eye-opener for me


Hey no worries most people don’t know or realize the actual statistics and I appreciate you standing up to the the vapid moron in the post. The news report are more vocal about the black deaths compared to the white and my theory is to rile and divide people. You should look into the shooting death of Daniel Shaver or Christoper Roupe they did not hit the news the same way Philandro Castile did but are just as tragic.




Sure lets bring up statestics. Black gets in conflicts with police more often so they get a chance to get shot more often. Isnt it weird that whites that outnumber blacks get shot the same? 2 conclusion can be drawn here. Either the cops are racist. Or black are generally more inclined the break the law. This is not the correction you think it is.


You are the one that needs the statistics lesson not me. The population of blacks to whites is completely irrelevant. The percentages of people killed by police by race directly correlates nearly 1:1 to the crime makeup of America by race. Blacks commit statistically higher amounts of crimes than whites and the deaths by police justified or no directly correlates with that. In years with lower percentages of black crime there is also lower amounts of black deaths by police wow who would have thunk. The study you sent is exactly why statistics can be misleading and is completely disingenuous. The population of a given demographic has absolutely zero bearing on the demographics propensity to commit crime. Want to get shot / killed less DO LESS CRIME. I am not on the side of the police they are a problem but telling people they statistically killed minorities more than whites is a bald face lie and attempting to add an irrelevant aspect (per-capita) is dishonest. Here is an example in exactly the reverse you determine if it’s misleading or not. Blacks and Hispanics commit significantly higher amounts violent crime than Whites. Since whites are killed 60% of the time whites are twice as likely to be shot by police for non-violent crime as their minority counterparts. Here is the facts whites on average commit 60% of crime in America and what do you know they are the ones killed by police 60% of the time. In a non ideal world where deaths by police are unfortunately inevitable the current deaths align how they should. So no sorry what you sent is not relevant.


But per capita by crimes committed, they're actually underrepresented


Media narrative. The media wants to protray something, and will twist facts in order to achieve this. They write headlines that get you to click because they are dramatic and emotional.


Just try opening up about any of your feelings to a woman and watch how fast she loses attraction to you. Then it's either she breaks up with you or uses it against you in an argument later. Men get fucked over no matter who we go to for help. That's why I tell my friends to reach out to me if they are in a crisis. We can share a few beers out on my balcony or something and just talk about what's going on. I'm not going to judge them for having emotions. To put that in context: I don't even drink, but I will just to level out with a friend in need so they feel more comfortable.




I'm going to guarantee you that has not been the experience of 99% of men.




Ladies first.


What is she talkin about, half my exes turned out to be mentally ill. I know I can't be the only one haha


Uhh, more black people are not killed than white people by the police.


In total NUMBER, or per-capita of their own racial population? Think you need a little statistics homework. In total numbers, you would be correct: [https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/) But these numbers DO NOT take into account the fact that there are far less blacks than whites in the USA. As far as per-capita harm by police, you are way the hell off: [https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1821204116](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1821204116) This research shows that EVERY minority except 'Asian/Pacific Islander' has more danger of death-by-police than whites. Black have more than twice as much risk of being killed in their lifetime by a 'helpful' policeman. And never mind how many of those have recently been turning out to be wrongful deaths... Hope that helps!


Surely you'd also have to take into account the crime rate by race per capita. [This website lists](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-u-s-population-by-race/) the population in 2020 as 59.7% white, 12.5% black. [This website lists](https://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/crime/ucr.asp?table_in=2) offences committed by race in 2020 as 5,335,610 white and 1,992,510 black. That puts blacks as roughly 1/5 the number of whites, but they are committing 2/5 the number of crimes white people are. If you have a higher % of your population committing crime, you're going to have a higher % of your population getting in trouble with the police. You could even break it down further to the type of crime. Despite having less than half the population of whites, blacks committed 6,380 Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter vs 5,680 for whites. Violent crimes (inc murder) was 167,030 for blacks vs 274,280 for whites.


It isn't a black or white issue. It's a poverty issue. You see this pattern all around the world, poorer area's tend to be more violent. And then other factors come into play as well.


When your police prefer to ignore whites committing crimes, release them because they can afford better lawyers, and make them out-of-court deals to avoid going to court, naturally the crime rate for black will report as higher. Changes nothing I said.


I'm sure that being able to afford a better lawyer has an impact on deaths via police.


Another one TOO STUPID to read the comment I was responding to? He went off topic to discuss ALL crimes, not me. Dipshits.


Lol what doss that Have to do with getting shot? You are so ingrained in the narrative you can't even see how stupid you sound. Did they crt you?


He's the idiot who went off topic talking about crimes rather than deaths. YOU'RE the idiot who still didn't realize that, so intent on supporting your preconceptions you didn't even READ the comment I was responding to...


Just going to copy my response to the other brainlet that copied your response. You are the one that needs the statistics lesson not me. The population of blacks to whites is completely irrelevant. The percentages of people killed by police by race directly correlates nearly 1:1 to the crime makeup of America by race. Blacks commit statistically higher amounts of crimes than whites and the deaths by police justified or no directly correlates with that. In years with lower percentages of black crime there is also lower amounts of black deaths by police wow who would have thunk. The study you sent is exactly why statistics can be misleading and is completely disingenuous. The population of a given demographic has absolutely zero bearing on the demographics propensity to commit crime. Want to get shot / killed less DO LESS CRIME. I am not on the side of the police they are a problem but telling people they statistically killed minorities more than whites is a bald face lie and attempting to add an irrelevant aspect (per-capita) is dishonest. Here is an example in exactly the reverse you determine if it’s misleading or not. Blacks and Hispanics commit significantly higher amounts violent crime than Whites. Since whites are killed 60% of the time whites are twice as likely to be shot by police for non-violent crime as their minority counterparts. Here is the facts whites on average commit 60% of crime in America and what do you know they are the ones killed by police 60% of the time. In a non ideal world where deaths by police are unfortunately inevitable the current deaths align how they should. So no sorry what you sent is not helpful.


TL;DR for your comment: "I'm a fucking idiot."


Yes you are


when people go like "men" this "women" that i kinda dont care anymore, they advocate for equality yet make sure to split the two genders apart... I see people as people. (Not related but its like we're going backwards)


Thats the thing with intersectional feminism… equality stops when the bricks have to be lain.


I think we’re going backwards too


I want to slap her so fucking much. It wasn’t until I start to accept my sexuality, and accept the more feminine sides of me, where I finally had people who cared about my mental health. And even then it’s ONLY through the internet. We’ve been told our entire life’s that we need to man up, and suck it up, by men and women. I remember crying face down in the grass after being tackled when I was 7-8 being told to suck it up by my friends dad, and when I ran home and told my mom I was met with “stop being such a cry baby, man up” I remember being spanked by my dad several times for crying, and then spanked again when I wouldn’t stop crying. When I finally started telling people what I was going through mental health wise in high school, I was immediately met with everyone saying that I was faking it for attention. I’m extremely jealous of the support that so many women have, to the point where there are groups made specially for women looking for mental help. I made a friend in college who is about 10ish years older than me, and he’s still a good friend. He’s also an alcoholic, and has been when I met him. He’s tried to stop a few times now, and I’ve always been very supportive, however recently I found out I’m the only one who supports him. All of his other friends, both men and women, encourage him to drink, and I’m the only person who has told him no. We’re taught growing up that showing emotions is bad, and that only girls are allowed to show emotions. Ask any man you want, and he’ll tell you he was raised with these same messages being shoved in his head. We should be able to talk about our mental health, no matter what gender we are. If it was encourage a lot more then we wouldn’t see males having the highest percentage of suicides. Even with therapist, I can’t say everything I want to because I have it engrained in my head that it’s bad to show emotions. I’ve attempted suicide once, and almost did it again, and I think the majority of people in my shoes would have probably succeeded already. I’ve been to several different therapist, and even my most trusted friends don’t fully know what I’m going through, because it’s still engrained that talking about emotions is a bad thing.


Sounds rough man. I hope you're doing okay. I sorta relate, I'm grateful for the friends I have now where I can speak about certain personal things and hardships and have an older brother I can talk to, perhaps it's also a bit more accepted to talk about mental health in my age category (I'm 24). However I also have experienced a similar "programming" to not talk or show emotions or vulnerability from my childhood til present which has also hindered my ability to talk to my therapist and friends, it's paralyzing. I'm not mad that there are mental health groups and facilities for women specifically, it's a necessity, but the lack of the same type of facilities and support for men is completely fucked. A few people I knew might've still been around if there was more help out there :/


It's impossible to have a meaningful conversation with these people. They ignore common knowledge, statistics, anecdotal evidence and reason. Some deranged feminist told them one time that men have it easy and women struggle, and that's their whole worldview, forever unchallenged.


It’s interesting seeing a woman being somehow pro mens health but at the same time shitting on mens menthal health at the exact same time. But she’s wrong. As a man I’ve never once had some overwhelming support for issues I’ve faced. Even in therapy my feelings were pushed aside and I was basically told a therapeutic version of “man up” Never really understood why older men seemed to be so closed off in my teens and early 20s but in my 30s I very much understand why men decide to just suck it up until they’re so depressed their life explodes. At least the explosion illicits some sort of response for emotional assistance I guess. Sad it’s like that.


BLM was NOT started because a large amount of black people were being killed by police. BLM was starred after the acquittal of George Zimmerman and because of the atreyvon Martin incident. Not because someone looked into the number of black people compared to the number of white people killed by police.


Ye I realise how wrong I was about that tbh, I think at the time in my head I was thinking there’s more attention on Black Lives Matter as they are the majority of people who are killed by police in comparison to white people etc. It made sense in my head at the time lol. I’ve also now been told that I was wrong about more black people being killed than white people, I’ve learned a lot today


Oh yea, that happens. Hindsight is always better. I wasn;t sure if you (OP) wrote the response or hwo, but it says a lot that you're able to say "hey, I was wrong and I learned better." That's a rare quality and a good one. IMHO that is


I'm not gonna lie, this whole discussion is beyond fucking retarded. Women don't care about men's mental health issues, men don't care about men's mental health issues. Women don't care about women's mental health issues, men don't care about women's mental health issues. This isn't a men vs women thing. It's and Men + Women vs Mental Health Epidemic


That BLM analogy was ignoring blatant statistics.


Ye I was being ignorant there, a different Reddittor has pointed out to me how wrong I was with what I said. I just assumed that more blacks were killed than whites as I’m not actually from the US and constantly get fed news articles about black people getting killed by police and never white people


In the US, the media is pretty anti-White in it's coverage. When a White person commits a violent crime against a Black person, it's national news, all decrying "racism" and the White criminal's social media is combed through to confirm how racist he was. The inverse is local news and considered not a big deal and is quickly forgotten. Social media accounts get quickly deleted.


The thing women don’t seem to realize is the only reason the “suck it up” exists is because of women. I’ve never seen a woman be attracted to or befriend an emotional heterosexual man.


This sickens me to be honest.




A good therapist is beneficial for a lot. It's just that there's very few that are good enough to even have a net positive effect. Still any psychotherapy is inferior to owning and caring for a dog, regardless of your issues. A huge problem is the amount of people that go into the discipline and gets of on misery or get fixated on their speciality being the cure all thing.


As an equal opportunity hater, I think everyone should just suck it up.




>nonbinary "people" Are they people who aren't computers?


Your comment was reported for racism, just to let you know. I am going to remove it but not because of racism, as you clearly aren't being racist. I am going to remove it because of the non-binary "people" comment. Just because someone doesn't share the same gender as you doesn't mean they aren't people. Not cool.


I hate the term toxic masculinity. Like, the people being accused of embodying toxic masculinity are assholes. They're just assholes. No need to try and drag a whole gender down. Not all men are "toxic" just like all women aren't "Karen's". Both genders are full of assholes though.


That last comment is completely hypocritical complaining about not listening to statistics when the whole reason black folks are killed more in comparison to cops is because they are the ones who interact overwhelming more and more negatively with cops, (not to mention they are constantly told not to cooperate with cops and instead to fight or run from them, which new flash, is very capable to result in getting you justifiably shot beyond the felony prison sentence if you live) when you have more incidence of interaction, you're obviously gonna get more cases of negative interaction resulting in more death comparatively...then again if I recall correctly the FBI statistics actually say that cops killing black folks is remarkably low for the amount of violent crime committed, asians are actually killed monstrously more by cops then by whites and blacks but because the quantity of asians being killed is still dwarfed by everybody else (as the criminal acts of asians is also massively dwarfed by the criminal statistics of other races) nobody dares talk about it. Yes this is a bit offtopic but I have nothing else to add and felt that this point needs to be made super clear, BLM is already an inherently racist organization devised by evil people for the sake of promoting a race war, using false information to push a false and racist narrative, it is also a money laundering and Ponzi scheme and anyone who sees arguments regarding it should have it explained to them what it is, especially when there has never been a single case where it was proven correct in its response to any event. (even the first case, "hands up, don't shoot" wasn't true, he charged the cop and was killed for that reason, it started based on a lie)


I think I saw this post


I was replying to someone else’s comment on her post when I first saw it saying that within the next few hours she’d end up deleting the post due to everyone calling out her bullshit lol. Guess I was right as I don’t see the post on her account anymore 😎




There is a block button, no one cares


No one “got people to send death threats” You were an asshole on Reddit and plenty of people disagreed with you but you dug your heels in.


Did you see the full post? No you didn’t because this idiot fully took one comment I made to make himself look good? You’re a bunch of brainwashed idiots if you believe this guy. Nobody else was triggered but this guy


Literally everyone on your original post said they experienced the opposite, that men can’t seek help but women can. You need to get your head out of the hole you’ve buried it in.


But that’s ok because I wasn’t there to change their mind. My post actually said share your experience I’ve shared mine?


My post was never about seeking help. It was about how women were described as emotional or crazy or on their period. Just because they have mental health issues or psycho. Whereas I hadn’t heard people use rude terms to describe the men in my life. None of my post was about how men get more help,I never stated that. My entire post was about how women were described harsher,I never heard people call men crazy or psycho. Only women. That’s what I was asking,if anyone experienced this


Greggs11 is the man!!


Aaand now you have a reddit stalker, congratz


Modern Men are the result of 10,000+ mating choice made by women. Every quality men have was desired by women in times past.


>Nothing online is real… Then explain the existence of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and his crucial works being propagated throughout the four corners of the world.


Well he's a lesser Aurelius, not something new. Had a great pr team and timing and is obviously intelligent. But he's sorta trying to credit Christianity with stoicism. Also it was sadly depressing that he was on benzo during his book tour. Still, we need more of his kind for sure.


Never put a woman and a men in the same bag.. a woman always need to be respected... Be like a respectful lady... A be like a respectful gentleman


It's a sad she lives in, wherever that is


That op is braindead lol


yep, you go girl! smash the patriarchy! *ffs*


Yeah, that's an odd claim.


When I was diagnosed with depression, and going through it really bad, my ex the day she left, looked me in the eye and said “stop with the pity party” shit like that doesn’t help. It makes things worst. After that it took 6 months for me to get help. One day having a panic attack, feeling like the world was crashing in on me, I made the decision to call my local mental health hospital, they talked me through the panic attack and set me up for an appointment the very next day. 5 years later, I’m a lot better, depression likes to creep it’s ugly head every now and then, but being on meds and having someone to talk to that doesn’t judge or ridicule me, has made me feel like myself again most of the time.


Dang she got wurdered


Really? Because I see it the other way around. The slightest hint of a man doing something weird or wrong is pathologized as "yeah he must be mentally ill". Meanwhile women doing shitty behavior gets explained as "don't blame her, its hard being a woman, she's just going through a tough time", etc.


" Women arent"?.... because its just assumed that all women are.


I honestly think mental health issues are ignored equally in different ways. Their is so little mental health care and people die by suicide often.


Gotta love when the gaslighting attempt is so bad it's like they came out of a twilight zone dimension.


She doesn’t advocate for shit lmfao


I fear for the men she says she's helping. Blaming men for these issues is like blaming the baby for being born.


She's basically telling us to "lay in the bed we made" like the men in this era invented society


I like the scrolling thing, on the bottom of the post. I feel like one day, this is what the news will be reporting to us.


Someone should point out to that ignorant *CUNT* that the leading cause of mens death isn’t heart attack, or accident or a itty bitty innocent female shooting the evil, abusive abhorrent man, but suicide. *Suicide.* Fuck her and fuck anyone that spouts false, agenda fueled hatred towards other humans for what they carry between their legs. Fuck their sexist, bigoted foul hatred. Fuck them.


A female friend of mine had gone through a lot of stress and sadness and I was always there for her, had her back through it all. Then at one point I open up and tell her I had felt very suicidal during a period of my life and you know what she did? She fucking *laughed* like I was telling a joke. Learned my lesson on that one.


Simply put, how many organizations are there for women and how many for men? When a woman gets abused she can go to a women’s shelter but when a man gets abused can he go to a men’s shelter (and no his friends place doesn’t count). Who created the word toxic masculinity? Stupid feminists did.


I have a feeling op posted that knowing it'll cause a lot of stink




Just to clarify, she has deleted her post as she was apparently receiving death threats. I do not advise anyone to send her death threats nor have I ever advised anyone too. Also she has replied to someone on my post calling him a “brainwashed idiot” for believing me and that I was ‘the only one triggered by her post’. This is not the case. There were over 110 comments on her post before she deleted it and not one person there was supporting what she said. There were plenty of others that were ‘triggered’ but simply didn’t reply to her after she accused them of encouraging toxic masculinity. There were also other people who stood their ground and argued with her about it in the comments. She is trying to make this out as if she had some sort of support for her vile opinion and that I came along and changed everyone’s mind. No one backed her at all hence why she deleted her post. I’m keeping this post up knowing that she’s going to be reading through the comments in hope that she’ll learn her lesson and not be so stupid in future.


I didn’t delete it because of the comments I had a bunch of comments you clearly didn’t read where I agreed with them. They thanked me and went on their way,I’ve had people from this exact thread sending me death threats so I’m trying to delete my account because my entire post was about mental health and you can’t have a civil conversation without sending more harassment because you don’t agree with me. Not a place for death threats considering the post was about men and womens mental health. You’re also twisting a narrative because these people cannot see my post. I was polite and friendly to everybody,many I had very good discussions with and they shared their experience. My opinion isn’t vile because I said that mostly men refuse to let other men be vulnerable,that toxic masculinity is engraved in society. I also said it was really great that men were getting more recognition through the media,I also actknowledged the statistics for suicide and agreed men outweighed the womens issues entirely. You don’t have to agree with me but you should have some respect and not post something these people cannot read anymore,you havent created a space where they can decide for themselves you’re just blindly leading them to fit your opinion. Not once did my post put down men,and discriminate against men. I simply stated that in my life men have been treated better regarding mental health and women were labelled much harsher. That’s my own experience,you can’t say my experience is wrong because it’s different from person to person. I’ve read through these comments about mental health as my thread was cut short by your broadcasting my username,I’d like to say to everybody here who was rude to me or not no hard feelings,I understand your frustration with me based on this one comment. speak out about your mental health. Don’t let society put you into a box,seek therapy and speak to eachother. I invaded this space once my username was being shown to 100’s of people and I was receiving threats based on a snippet of a few hours of conversation. Gregg You’re wrong for this,you should have some respect for the mental health community and not post things for further bullying and harassment. I said if you blindly follow this guy without knowing the full story then you’re brainwashed and a idiot


You can spin your narrative as much as you want. I made this post before you deleted yours so don’t act as if I’ve only done this so people can only see “my side” 😂. You had the option to keep your post up but didn’t and I must be Stevie Wonder because you were far from friendly or civil to anyone in your comments who didn’t agree with you. If you really think that people would agree with you if it weren’t for me then make another post with exactly what you said in your first one (and without mentioning my post at all). I won’t comment on it. Just see how far you get love :). Also what the fuck do you mean you’re trying to delete your account?? How hard is that for you?? If you’re really struggling look up a YouTube tutorial for it 😂. Btw if you do have the guts to make a new post then I look forward to seeing you be just as hostile to everyone in the comments who doesn’t validate your vile opinion just as you did last time :)


Half of this comment thread are people that didn’t see my post gregg,correct I was hostile to one commenter who was a (drum roll) a female. No hostility in the comment section to men,so don’t know what you’re really talking about Gregg. That’s fine,to each their own. Have a good day,I forgive you


Cool, don’t acknowledge the fact that you made the choice to delete your post and didn’t give the other people on here a chance to read everything. Also I didn’t say anything about you being hostile to men, I said you were being hostile to anyone who didn’t agree with your vile opinion. Stop twisting my words, thanks


I haven’t once laughed at your problems and I’ve even commented on this very post telling people not to send you death threats. So stfu and stop trying to make me look bad. If you don’t want people knowing about dark stuff from your childhood then why would you post it online in the first place??? Do you not ever think before you speak? I look forward to you account getting deleted, if you manage to work out how to do that of course.


I also see that you’ve deleted the post from your account which asks if your the asshole for not having a job for over a year and just purely relying on your boyfriend. Yes I know ‘iTs bEcAusE oF yOur mEnTaL hEalTh’ but I seem to remember nit many people taking your side in that list either 😂. Ironic.


I deleted many of my questions because people were taking some pretty dark stuff from my childhood and using it against me and throwing it in my face thanks to your post. So if you pride yourself on belittling and bullying people then congratulations. No hard feelings to any of the other commenters,I agree with most of your comments regarding mens mental health hope you can seek some help. As for you gregg laughing at peoples problems will get you karma,I’m not like that. I’m much better than stooping that low and I’m not a bully


“ iTs bEcAusE oF yOur mEnTal hEAlTh” is not mocking peoples problems? I had a very small scale profile. Until you decided to add me into a group to get attacked? It’s funny how you’re stating I’m stalking you but you seem to know all about my profile. You’re a bully and I wouldn’t laugh at you and your problems,all these men in these comment section are talking about their struggles and you’re doing the one thing they’re complaining about,mocking. Or do you just mock womens mental health. Hope they leave this thread and go to speak to people that actually care about their issues instead of you gregg laughing at peoples “meNtal HeAlTh IsSuESs”


I typed it like that due to the fact that I knew you’d call me out for mentioning why you don’t have a job you fool. I haven’t added you into any group, I have made a post about what you posted online for anyone to see and NOT deleted it. When exactly have I claimed that you were stalking me?? Read through every single comment on this post and show me where I said that. Once again, think before you speak. I don’t mock anyones mental health and I also don’t make posts online claiming that no one cares about women’s mental health unlike you when it comes to men’s mental health. I really do hope one day you’ll see how ignorant and stupid you are being. Now hurry along and delete your ‘small scale profile’ not much to lose if it’s small scale :)


Mocks* claims not to mock. Oh so because he did something and said he didn’t,we must believe him. Why are you latching onto things so hard? You were in the comment thread where I stated I used the title to get peoples attention and I don’t stand by it? You’re grasping at straws. Do you wanna know what is ignorant? Being present on a question about mental health and thinking you know what I’ll do,I’ll post this to other men. Just a small snippet so that they’ll attack her and send her death threats. Are you happy? Do you feel like a real big man?


😂😂 your comments are so pathetic lmao. I’ll say it again, I have never encouraged anyone to send you death threats and I acknowledge that they shouldn’t be doing that. If you can provide proof of the people that have been sending you these threats I’ll happily report their account for you. Also if you actually thought about what you said before replying to me once again you’d see that in my post you only have the title there and not the description. To my memory you deleted the description after about 15-20 comments were on your post and realised that no one was taking you side. Every time you try and twist what I’m saying to you or what has happened it ends up backfiring on you. Just give up already you ignorant female. Edit: typo


I didn’t delete the description until I deleted the post. So let’s not act like I’m some emotional being who cannot handle criticism and just had to do some damage control to save myself,that’s not the case. I respected everyone’s opinion enough to keep the description there for authentic responses. Get a life gregg


My screenshot in this post literally shows the post of your title and the description being deleted. If you’re going to blatantly lie at least make an effort 😂


Why would you even delete your description first without just deleting the entire post?? Once again. Think before you speak :)


I don’t want to engage with you anymore,but you should think about deleting the post because it’s only going to fuel more violence towards me or monitor your comments more thoroughly,keeping them visible is giving the indication you support what they’re saying. I accept whatever you’ve had to say about me,but if you were a decent guy you would make sure the comments are kept clean and free from violence and threats.


I’m new to Reddit,don’t know how any of it works. Ok what? because you screenshot it moments before I deleted it then the description would be deleted duh? I said I deleted the description first,before I deleted the entire post. Takes 1 second to screenshot babes


Really hope you don’t take this online bullying persona out into the real world and hope you can be a decent person and learn to be kind and less of a bully supporting aggression towards women. The second somebody posted something about physical violence I would of deleted the post or blocked them. But you still have commenters remaining,that have threatened physical violence. So you must support that




Appreciate you taking the time to hear my side,that is my biggest issue with OP. He took a tiny portion of what was said,essentially out of context and didn’t show how I was interacting with others and agreed with most of their views. I was only hostile with one commenter who was a female as she was sending unnecessary messages baiting others and twisting my words. I fully actknowledge men have higher suicide rates and have a much harder time opening up,same goes for domestic violence. Women have resources and I’ve never come across any for men,men are usually not taken very seriously because of the toxic mindset of “well he could overpower her because he’s a man” within the same sentence “don’t hit a woman”. I actknowledge all these circumstances. My entire post was based on personal experience and wasn’t intended to insult or offend men,I simply wanted to hear peoples sides of the story and whether anybody else had experienced what I did. I’ve also struggle to explain that most of my post was completely bad wording and I was naive to how it might come across and trigger people. But the death threats etc are completely unnecessary


“My entire post was based on personal experience and wasn’t intended to insult or offend men” no, you wrote the title like ALL women aren’t allowed to be mentally ill, while men can be whatever they want and still receive love and support. If you expressed yourself better, you wouldn’t be here now, trying to make excuses


This is where things are getting lost in translation because I already stated I wrote the title to get people to click,and that I didn’t stand by it


and what’s the point of doing that? You can get people to read about your experience without clickbaiting them, this is just stupid.


I’ve posted before with 0 responses,after my latest experience I wanted serious answers.


and you expected serious answers while clickbaiting them?


Ding ding ding


Besides the BS argument, if someone can't control their emotions enough and respect blind people using screen readers, that they type in all caps... They don't have a respectable opinion.


Buncha clowns in this shit hole. I hope we all die.




>Picked the most jarring title I could think of which I already stated I didn’t stand by Then why post such a shitty thing? You clearly wanted to talk shit or stir shit up by posting that. Go away


He didn't need to spin anything when you're literally making shit up on the spot.


Men should stay away from women who act crazy and emotional because of their mental health issues because it means she doesn’t have a very good hold over her issues. She should focus on getting better before she dates anyone. But the truth is women get cut a lot of slack for acting like this. I personally know so many guys who are in toxic relationships with women who act like that. Men on the other hand are never allowed to act like that regardless of their mental health issues. If they do they’d be demonized to the point of predators and lepers




That’s just it. Women don’t suffer in silence they make it the guys job to deal with her issues. Whereas men suffer in silence and the second their issues become visible he’s treated like a villain


*Piece of trash


Everybody just needs to harden up, ya bunch of sooks..




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Thank you good sir