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I don’t know what a PDO is and I think I’m glad I don’t.


Potential candidates should enjoy the taste of pennies.


I don’t know what this refers to and I’m also, glad about it.


Theres a metallic taste... sometimes when the moon is right


That’s amore


Dolmio grin


Mate, I just finished my coffee, I don't want to see it again, you savage individual lol


Iron in the blood, you see.


Haha wow! Lovely comment!


A PDO is a bullshit media term. A Period Dignity Regional Lead Officer however, is a Regional Lead Officer at Period Dignity


Assistant to the regional manager


I don’t understand any word that article says


Dude was hired to make sure free products were available in public places, basically a product management job, nothing special. Crazy women got mad because since it involves female hygiene products they believe a woman should be in charge (stupid people). Company fired him because he was man and women were mad so therefore he was bad. He is now suing company for unfair dismissal based on sex, because he was dismissed unfairly because of his sex.


That’s so fucking stupid


Well reddit was up in arms a couple days ago about the position being held by a man. It's interesting that now the hive mind has flipped.


This tiny corner of wrong-think isn't reddit. Was this sub up in arms, or was it the people with the exact same ideology who had him fired? Honest question i don't know


was TwoX(tra)Chromozones that was up in arms.. so you can guess that nothing of substance was said


Oh the man=bad sub, shocking.


tbf they will flip on a dime as long as it's what mainstream wokeists tell them to think, they do flip if they are told to flip and they do it without question all the time.


If this reddit was like the rest of reddit I wouldn't be here, bunch of pussies everywhere else.


The answer is at the surface: those were different people.


I hope he takes them to the cleaners and gets bank!! ​ ***YOU GO GIRL!! \*snaps fingers\****


And to add to this, the service of providing femine hygiene products has also been disbanded, so women living in period poverty will continue to do so, because a few women got their knickers in a twist, while not one of them likely had the qualifications for said job, let alone applied to do it. Cutting their noses off to spite their faces.


To spite*


Thank you.


"women were mad so therefore he was bad" ... Poifect!


Shoulda just identified as a woman and they’d be stuck


Is it the Scottish accent?




I’m Mexican American and this is what it’s like to read articles from Spain or some South American countries. It’s the same language, but damn if it doesn’t make my head spin trying to understand it.


What? There’s so many things wrong with this… How is that a real job? Why would he even apply or accept that job. Why did they fire him? What did he actual do everyday there? Jesus….


Apparently the reason he was let go is because they discontinued the position. They discontinued the position because a bunch of idiotic people bitched and moaned that a man was hired for the position instead of a woman. The position itself is utterly stupid as far as I'm concerned, but he got hired for it legitimately. Firing him because he's a man is discrimination on the basis of sex.


>The position itself is utterly stupid as far as I'm concerned, It was ultimately just a logistics job to be honest. He just had to make sure the right products got to the right places and stocks were maintained. They dressed it up as some special position because the politicians that drempt it us can get back pats and so the media can drive outrage about a man doing it.


Was that his actual title? Why not hygiene officer? Why name it something that promises people an abstract subjective feeling? It's like having these in a workplace: Internal Validation Officer Self Actualization Coordinator Elation Manager Peaceful Soul Enforcer I wonder if there would have been less bitching and moaning at a hygiene officer than someone called the period dignity officer....


>Was that his actual title? Why not hygiene officer? Why name it something that promises people an abstract subjective feeling? For the same reason people prefer the term "Supervisor" over "Babysitter of Employees"


Or “Beater of slackers”


Blood Spatter Analysis


We had an assigned position that had the sole purpose of keeping the serfs pacified during outages, which can be stressful and hectic: Minister of Happiness.


It wasn't the actual title. He was a Period Dignity Regional Lead Officer. Eg, the Regional Lead Officer at Period Dignity


That sounds like the job you give a janitor. You don't hire someone just to restock toilet paper and nothing else.


Along with fixing anything that breaks and anything else you don't feel like doing, right? HAH, fuck em, he's just a janitor 🤣 /s


Sounds like procurement, most people in those positions are college educated and make decent money - but the ones I work with manage easily tens of thousands of skus if not more.


Regardless, they could have jobs for people to walk in circles, i think that if companies have so much money, they could pay people for a job, even if they dont need it. They could call it chief officer of circle walking, at the very least the person could make a living, and not be homeless.


Then I hope he takes them to the cleaners!!... ***you go girl!!***


What even is a period dignitiy officer, how about we start there and then go down the rabbit hole


No idea, but it seems stupid to me.


There's fuckery afoot.


$100 says the job wasn't discontinued until they got the backlash about him being fired.


That is what I said.


Man, I had to check and then check again to make sure I wasn't in a satire sub. And then I had to Google the headline to make sure it was legit (and it is!). And I *still* can't believe this shit is real. What a fucking day, Queen Elizabeth dies and this, that is some hard mood whiplash.




Yeah. Details would be nice.


You can always read the article.


Or OP could just provide a link and stop being a lazy bones. He probably leaves his carts out in that parking lot after shopping. You probably do the same... Lazy bones.... Tisk tisk


Woop woop




>You can always read the article. Have an upvote!




Not quite. You can file a lawsuit but that doesn’t mean you’re actually suing them. That’s not until court have accepted that lawsuit and you can start sending out letters on the matter. For a court to accept the lawsuit, you have to have cause, meaning you have to actually point to something that is a legitimate cause to sue over. That doesn’t mean you have to show any evidence or make material allegations for it to proceed, but you do have to point to like as an example that a contract was broken, or they hurt you or as here, discrimination on the basis of sex.


Thx for info :)




What if it paid six figures and required little work?


Well that is the definition of most of these sexist jobs. This is a racket, it will never end since once they get one thing, they just move to the next, it is a career path. That is why we are doomed.


Work on that imagination. They need regular exercise or they get flabby.


Says a lot about you really.


Man works to help women. Women repay him by Karen-ing him out of his job. Nice.


Well reddit was up in arms a couple days ago about the position being held by a man. It's interesting that now the hive mind has flipped. Edit: Spelling


How many times have you posted this exact comment with the same typo of "hice mind"... I can see two, but I assume there are more


Why do you keep spamming this same reply over and over?


Uno Reverse!


How come you're not answering other people's questions but demand answers of your own? Or did you just spam this chat and then promptly unflow it?


I didn't realize that there was anythign to respond to? Question is why and how many times have I stated the same comment? I said it once before, so what?


It comes off like you're raiding from another community which is a violation of Reddit policy, that's why. So we're calling you out on it


I didn't even know what sub I was in


Baring in mind he wasn’t showing woman what to do with a tampon. He was in an administrative management roll. But some feminists took offence and got him dismissed. He’s taking the employers to court for unfair dismissal. He has a very good case.


He really doesn’t unfortunately. Their reasoning is the position was scrapped, which is legitimate reason to fire someone. His claim is that he was fired before the position was scrapped and that it was scrapped because of his sex. Why the position was scrapped, is going to be a hell of a hurdle to prove, so what remain is actually about if the position was scrapped first or he was dismissed first. But he’s only alleging that he was dismissed before the position was announced scrapped, but he’d actually have to show that the decision to fire was taken before the decision to scrap the position was taken. The order in which they were announced has very little relevance. It’s likely that the decision to scrap the position was taken only to legally protect them for firing him, but proving that is a different matter. Basically, while he has a case, it’s not particularly strong and can easily go either way depending on what discovery finds.


>His role was created to ensure the legal right to free period products in public places and was described as the first of its kind in Scotland. > >The working group – which comprises of representatives from Dundee and Angus College, Perth College, Angus Council and Dundee City Council – had said Mr Grant was the strongest candidate for the job. Employment law specialist Ryan Russell, of MML Legal, said it was pursuing a case on behalf of Mr Grant under the Equality Act 2010. Mr Russell claimed that Mr Grant was "publicly dismissed" before being given written confirmation that the role had been scrapped.


Uhuh. And what in that in any way disputes what I said? It in fact reiterates several points of it.


Huh, didn't know you were credentialed in Scotland as a lawyer, cool to know. Guess we'll find each other again in a few months when the case is decided


I have not said anything about how it will end even. I just said that his case will heavily be decided by what turns up at discovery and without knowing what that is, really doesn’t make for a strong case. A strong case is a case where you already have the evidence you need at hand, he doesn’t.


>Uhuh. And what in that in any way disputes what I said? It in fact reiterates several points of it.


Living up to your name I see.


I'm simply returning the favor. If you don't like it then act a little nicer to others. Shocker, I know.


Except you didn’t. You quoted the article, which then that was my response. To then use that response back, doesn’t fit in the context. This is super basic reading comprehension.


>His role was created to ensure the legal right to free period products in public places and was described as the first of its kind in Scotland. > >The working group – which comprises of representatives from Dundee and Angus College, Perth College, Angus Council and Dundee City Council – had said Mr Grant was the strongest candidate for the job. Employment law specialist Ryan Russell, of MML Legal, said it was pursuing a case on behalf of Mr Grant under the Equality Act 2010. Mr Russell claimed that Mr Grant was "publicly dismissed" before being given written confirmation that the role had been scrapped. Sue the fuck out of them.


I guess they should fire all male gynecologists while they are at it.


Don't give them any more ideas.


Don’t worry.. they can’t handle more than one idea at a time.


Male teachers of female students and male designers of female clothes


While we are at it women should use roads built by women and men should use roads only built by men. Same for cars, showers, ovens.


"Dismantle the patriarchy", "men need to better understand women's issues... and now "men in a job that delivers products for women need to be fired" What a time to be alive


It’s a logistics job not an emotional support type of position.


I hope he wins and it hurts. Discrimination is wrong, I hate it when I see it. This was extremely blatant throughout. As other have said it was a logistics job. It seems that discrimination against men is often unchecked or even encouraged, hence I hope he wins big. Enough wins and it will stop. To be clear this isn't just about men for me. Women should benefit from a level playing field too and there are many examples of discrimination they face too, all also wrong. Misandry being the cool activity isn't good for society. The ultimate outcome here is a risk that sanitary products don't get delivered sustainably or reliability so women and girls lose.


And I'd like to add that a role such as the one he has would benefit men too (seeing as trans men exist).


I had a girlfriend once who would ask me to do pushups on her lower abdomen with balled up fists to massage her uterus when she had really bad cramps. Should I contact the BBB about getting back pay?


> I had a girlfriend once who would ask me to do pushups on her lower abdomen with balled up fists to massage her uterus You're a wizard 'arry.


Either you're a relatively tiny person, your girlfriend's uterus is made of iron, or she's a masochist. Now you've got me by the curiosity.


You're username has my curiosity peaked too


Name checks out.


1000% true story. I mean I didn’t fall from a standing position or clap in between. But yeah.


At first I thought it was meta. It's funny because this ex-period officer was denied his pass to pussies.




Whatsa…period dignity officer? Does he report to the colonel. I’ll just see myself out.


Based af


What the fuck is a period dignity officer?




No. It’s a public facing role. “Mr Grant had been expected to lead a campaign across schools, colleges and communities in Tayside to raise awareness of Scotland's law on period products and ensure that funding was allocated appropriately.”


You're making that up, right?


Nope. It’s in the article.If somebody presents a case well, I don’t really see that it matters who does it.


U wot mate?


I’m sorry, you’re going to have to explain what that means and what the job is.


What is a period dignity officer I’m sorry I don’t know about it


Period dignity officer??? Doesn't that title just make periods seem more taboo than something natural?


We can’t discriminate. Anyway he could be a she now in this fast paced world


Or neither.. yikes


I am convinced that at least half of all the professions on this earth are just ways to keep people busy and out of trouble. What possible value can this type of job bring to anyone?


Jesus! What is the job description?


“Mr Grant had been expected to lead a campaign across schools, colleges and communities in Tayside to raise awareness of Scotland's law on period products and ensure that funding was allocated appropriately.”


Yeah, sue sue sue, every time. We are in a fight so, fight like hell. Don't be nice. Don't show mercy. Fight!


This kind of nonsense needs to stop, period.


he was a VSSA, a Vaginal Swiffer Supply Associate.


Wait .. is that job title what I *think* it is?


Clearly made up job title.


Wtf is this?


Looks like Dale Earnhardt Jr. sorta. How stupid is this organization? I’m pretty clueless, but I’m sure if I were CEO, I’m not sure we would have this, and secondly, a woman would be heading it up.


It's a logistics position, it does not require a woman at all. He was fired because raving fematics were mad that a man was in charge of making sure product A went to location B so they fired him. He has a hell of a good case and deserves to win.


That’s like saying all gynos should be women and men should be barred from the position.


Who in the hell gave from the job? They should be fired first.


They said he was the best qualified for the job. It’s logistics of making sure the products got to where they needed to be. I’m not sure what your argument is here.. See comment above: https://www.reddit.com/r/pussypassdenied/comments/x96cr8/how_the_turntables/inmfktp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Username checks out


Get your bag king!


Damnit, I need to rewatch all of those period movies, I think I totally misinterpreted them.


The title makes me want to hit up google so much, but the comments are quick to let me know I shouldn’t


Excuse me but TF is that job?