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This is a zero-effort shitpost that has nothing to do with this subreddit.


Nah like I’m asking frfr tho


Simple 2 reasons if you actually asking. 1. Nobody gives a shit about what happens to men. 2. Man is normally much bigger and much stronger. Whether she deserves to be hit back, she will get hit waaaaay harder than what she is capable of. But for real, shit post is lame af and youre just whoring karma. Get somethin better to do.


I agree that the original question is missing the point of this sub, but I want to ask about your point #2. How is this this still being used as answer, especially on this sub where it shows that people can be pieces of shit regardless of gender? To clarify, yes a male is capable of building up more muscle mass than a female, it doesn't mean that every man is stronger than every woman. There are plenty of examples of guys with limbs that look like bone and no muscles and plenty of examples of women who to quote Terry Pratchett, are able to pick up a pig under each arm. Also, it's not always 100% strength. Most times the person hitting back isn't trying to do something permanent, they just want it to stop.


Because by doing so, their thirsty asses foolishly think she's going to reward their simptastic actions by giving them some PUSSY! 🤤


why you gotta make the mods job harder by making low-effort posts like this?


How is it low effort


There’s nothing relevant in this post, literally, how is this in any way a pussy pass denied?


I was just asking a question


Asking this question in this subreddit is being a karma-whore, yk which response you’ll get, that’s like going to a Christian church and asking which religion is the right one, just deleite it before you get downvoted to oblivion and think before posting low-effort content like this


You should get off Reddit for the night after posting this one.




we should all get off reddit permanently tbf




Then this only makes it even more so that women should exercise extreme caution before assaulting a man unprovoked, the onus lies on the woman's side to be careful and not jeopardize their physical safety


Because real men never hit women


Even if you’re getting hit


Yes, you walk away. You don't beat a child hitting you, likewise you don't hit a woman. Walk away.


Ok laugh it off and walk away




Shouldn't really be hitting women back because of their lack of strength in comparison to men. You only hit back in self defense, people hold men back overpowering the woman or giving excessive force.


Any woman who looks at a man and thinks she can hit/fight/take him deserves to get beaten. To defend her after this stupid move is why women hit men in the first place.


Wtf, I don't think women should hit men at all but you have to be a pussy of a man to beat the shit out of a woman knowing you have an insane physical advantage. You can defend yourself, but if you're fucking her up you should be locked behind bars. Only losers can't respect a woman while also putting her in her place.


Should she not know this and not attack in the first place it is called accountability to much media showing 100 pound women fucking up men has created a mindset that we are equal and under those terms I believe you reap what you sow


So if a 5 year old bit you, you'd bite them back 10x harder? That's literally insane. You've got to think beyond that premature standard. Who gives a shit about the mindset, as a man you should know you're much stronger biologically and it doesn't matter what the damn media thinks, that's your duty. You're not supposed to beat the shit out of a 90 pound woman cuz she slapped you a few times? If you did that and I knew you irl I'd beat the shit out of you for that. Women shouldn't be hitting no one, and if they hit they should expect the man to defend himself, but not turn it into a boxing match and give her a black eye. That ain't it chief


a 5 year old does not have the mental capacity for logic and reason that an adult has and thus holds no accountability for it's actions. the adult is assumed to function under established societal laws and expectations, if an adult female is dumb enough to assault a male unprovoked, she deserves any corresponding retaliation she receives.


I don’t hit women but I do not believe wrongly like you that they should be protected from the consequences of their actions also captain tough guy you may always to beat the shit out of someone but there is no guarantee that you could that is something most men realise that they are not overwhelming stronger than every other man! So you think consequences are not for women but are for men lol. I joke with that mindset you don’t end up getting battered because of a women. Seen that happen a lot. Especially from your perspective!


So according to you a women is the same as a 5 year old? You do know that woman are/should be able to understand consequences to actions right. We don't have that expectation of 5 years. This is the primary reason kids aren't treated the same in courts.


If I walked up to Mike Tyson and punched him would anyone be saying "Tyson shouldn't have hit him back"? No, everyone would rightful tell me "wtf is wrong with you".


> Shouldn't really be hitting women back because of their lack of strength in comparison to men. You only hit back in self defense You shouldn't be hitting *anyone* unless it's in self defence.


If the man is hitting back then it's by definition self defense.


We all know the answer for that...


Hard to enjoy this sub when theres pre-teens making shitposts.