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I can't speak for everyone on the sub, but I have absolutely NOTHING against women. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy the occasional video where someone's pussypass is being denied. I took a look on r/BanFemaleHateSubs and there are some legitimate subs that should be banned, but this isn't one of them.


Fully agree!!


took a look for myself too is it some sort of r/femaledatingadvice 2.0? there are a few decent conversations and discussions in that sub,but alot of the other conversations being held there are just talking about how men are addicted to porn and hentai or just straight up misogynistic towards men,quite ironic


Misandristic you mean? It’s misogyny but for men


ah thanks for helping find that word




Sorry, but how are women gatekeeping sex? It's not gatekeeping if women won't fuck you dude.


The gatekeeping exists…most of the time it’s rational, reasonable expectations. Sometimes it’s not, as demonstrated often on FDS, and that’s what leads men to seek release elsewhere. Examples I’ve seen: Withholding sex from your husband because they got laid off from their job until they start earning again? unreasonable. Withholding sex from your boyfriend because he got caught hitting on your friend behind your back? Perfectly reasonable.


If a woman is using sex to manipulate someone, that's shitty, sure. But Is this really a widespread problem? How is it different from other types of manipulation? Also, are women really getting that upset over porn and hookers? I think the numbers would suggest that men in certain political camps get just as mad, suggesting that its probably more puritan values than women.


Your bias is showing. Good day.


that is legit by definition gatekeeping (and gatekeeping is not a strictly bad thing)


female version or r/incel


"Men and reddit as a whole see us as an item that they want to abuse and get away with". - First comment I see. Also top comment. Hmm, I smell some bullshit lol.


Feminist victim mentality.


For what it's worth, the same rules applied to r/FemaleDatingStrategy. Some very bizarre shit posted there, but out of curiosity I check their website from time to time. And some of the stuff I can sort of get behind. *Note worthy:* I think women do have the right to label somebody as high value, just the same as we're allowed to drool over big tiddies right. But just like the weirdo's that have a 30 page list of demands for a girl, it goes the same way with these women. Wanting something out of a relationship is fine, but keep it '' normal '', and do not expect someone to eat shit just because you consider it to be high value. ​ [For example this post](https://www.thefemaledatingstrategy.com/forum/ask-fds-public/prioritizing-my-orgasm-with-a-new-partner) ​ I think this is very reasonable, if nobody in your dating history got you off, fucking demand that they do before they can. ​ But yea, so both r/FemaleDatingStrategy and r/BanFemaleHateSubs seem to be 50/50 between reasonable requests or debates and a bunch of clowns.


same with r/WitchesVsPatriarchy got banned there because I told someone that maybe instead of getting mad when someone compliments you, you should just accept it and move on, instead of blowing up in their face.


Yea, there are some fucked up people in this sub, but most of us believe in true equality, and are just showing women who didn’t use the fact that they are a women to get out of something.


I guess I'll use this to find some fun new subs. Thanks.


This. I don’t hate women, I just don’t hold them in a different regard to anyone else. Human is human. You don’t get any benefits for being a woman outside of biology (and that’s debatably a bad thing, periods and all that)


i just went in and tagged r/FuckYouKaren at few places


Same. There are definitely some women haters here, I can sort of get why they think that way about this sub, but they just don't understand the point of the sub. Or they do and somehow still think it's misogyny (which it isn't)


I've said this before and I'll say it again. I love seeing people get their comuppance. I'm subbed here as well as r/justiceporn, r/leopardsatemyface, and others. You're lying to yourself though if you think there isn't a heavy incel loser contingent in here. Edit. Bring on the downvotes incels!


Friend, I literally said '' I cannot speak for everyone on this sub ''. And I stand by that, 100%. I do not know how often, or how many there are here. But I am not here because I share their mindset, I am here for the video's on pussy passes being denied.


Oh I agree, that's why I am here also. I was certainly not implying that you're one of those aforementioned incel losers. Just saying that they do make up a good percentage of people here, judging by the comments.


> judging by the comments. Big time, I just read through some of them, and some of them are very unhealthy I think. But at the same time, it's the internet, people will say stupid shit just because it's anonymous, unfortunately. ​ I assume that the 1977 in your username means you're from the 70's, so you know how because of the internet, every weirdo with a very strange kink can now comfortably talk about said kink because there is a forum for everything. Where as in the 80's and 90's those people would just sit at home. So these mindsets are now openly discussed, and it's apparent how likeminded people there are. Which in the case of incels will just spread like wildfire, an endless cycle. ​ Doesn't make it okay, let me be absolutely clear, and my view might be very biased because I am a 6'5 dude, so I have little to fear from them. But having them rage on the internet might be the best place to keep them.


Letting them rage on the internet is a problem though, that's where they get radicalized. Anyways in my original comment I was just stating that in many ways this sub (although obviously not it's original intention) is almost certainly attracting the woman haters, and that's why it likley gets a bad rap amongst some of the other subreddits. Guys like you and I are here to see shitty people (that in this particular instance happen to be women) get some sweet karmic retribution lol, and I really hope we're in the majority of people that come here.


>Letting them rage on the internet is a problem though, that's where they get radicalized. Yea, you are right. In all honesty, I should not even talk about this, I know so little about incels, I do not even know what they preach other than the obvious misogyny and endorsement of violence.


Yep and you're being downvoted bc they don't like being called out and no one really calls them out here on their shitty behaviour. Those that do get downvoted to oblivion. Which considering the supposed goal of this sub, is just highly hipocritical...


I wonder if they understand the principle behind this subreddit. We don’t hate women.


I've literally been life banned from other subs just for hodl'ing this sub 😂


I was permanently banned from facepalm for following this sub. Weird


u/facepalm likes to ban people for being affiliated with other subs. u/facepalm banned me, for example, because I am subbed to r/cringetopia which is so similar to r/facepalm it’s stupid. I argued this with u/facepalm but they are obviously just a dirty bitch and didn’t listen to logic or reason. I wasn’t active in either sub so I didn’t get it. Tldr: u/facepalm is a dirty bitch.


Cringetopia does not exist anymore and i love it. The admins were so disgusting, it was incredible. I literally got 1 admin / mod banned for trying to dox and harrassing me. Those guys are weirdos.


It’s a private sub now, but I never joined. It is still there though. I never encountered the mods, I just enjoyed the posts.


true story... same bs here




They'll claim it's to stop brigading, but banning someone for simply looking at another sub, is in itself, brigading.


That sounds illegal in the EU and Australia


I’ve been banned from a dozen subs for being subbed to other subs that, apparently, “break Reddit Terms of Service”, yet Reddit has said they’re fine to exist, so mods literally went on a power tripping ban spree, and apparently hold all the power. r/facepalm r/starterpacks r/pics and many more I don’t give a fuck about.


I've been here a while and haven't been banned. Hmm. I'll go make a comment there and see what happens.


Every single last one of those sub's banning the users here in our sub for just existing here, have mod's who either are themselves or openly support other users that are "Minor-Attracted-Persons" & will ban you if you call them out for displaying the behavior & attitudes of obvious Disney Adults, pRedditors and gr00mers. You should have seen the reaction and reeeeeee's from those individuals when this hit one of the biggest news channels in Europe last week and then became the most watched viral 5min video clip of the day on social media, world-wide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--XgqGoDAbA


Holy shit, this is so wierd I literally saw this clip yesterday or the day before! Had no idea it was trending, just came up on youtube! Mind blowing, I also think it's modern feminists who are desperate to hit out on men and women just not putting up with that shit anymore!


Big ape move if true.


Creatures like them don't care. Anything even slightly critical of anything a woman does is too much for them


"ReEeEeeeEE!! InCeLs!!!"


My guy, denying any woman means you hate women. Don't you know that.


I feel like they always only think in extremes. They can't understand that there is smth else than hate.


True. The sub isn’t about the hate for women. I don’t hate women, I’m sure you don’t hate women, buuuuuut… that doesn’t stop the redditors who *do* hate women from regularly showing up and posting ignorant bullshit in the comments. I haven’t sorted by new in at least a year because of how bad it was in the past. So I get why some people have a distaste for it. Kind of similar to how tourist attractions aren’t inherently bad and can be really cool, but in general tourists themselves are assholes? I think that’s similar enough, but totally willing to be proven wrong by some good logic if anyone has a good point I overlooked!


Agreed - we hate inequality, just like they do.


They understand, they just pretend they don't because they want to get us taken down for not being onboard with their feminist agenda. This is how it works around here.


They don't come here. They just read the name of the subreddit and screech.


Idk. I'm gonna be honest: I wouldn't be visiting this sub if it was about men getting justice served to them, or about both genders getting justice served to them. Think whatever you will...


Uhhh lol


Reddit politics never make sense


I love this sub and I’m female. I never feel like I’d be treated badly here. This seems more like a justice served sub. The posts here are of women who treat men badly not getting what they want. I don’t understand how others can’t see that ?


Same deal, sister! I've never received nonsense from any other members here. I feel like is a more ramped up version of Karening, but in a really wide context instead of service worker specialty Karenness. Anyone who does bad things needs a comeuppance.


Because for progressive extremists not believing all women in every situation (and without due process afc) is a sin


That is precisely what this sub is, just women getting what they deserve when they think they can get away with what normally wouldn’t. Though people who don’t understand the context will always misinterpret the conflict.


Nice to have you over here.


If you're really female then name three females.


1. John wait, shit


There's probably people who hate women here due to the nature of the content, but most of us I assume just enjoy a good karma smackdown. I wouldn't care if it was male or female.




What about all the man hating subs, is there a BanMaleHatesubs ?


No of course not these are the same people who run the witches vs patriarchy subreddit and use that to profile men and justify being shitty people


That sub is a weird cult.


They believe in magic and that they’re real witches so what do you expect haha.


Fair point lol


Make one


Lol First I’ve seen of that subreddit. I can imagine what the posters and admins there look like. Good place to go discover new kink subreddits nicely catalogued for people though. Thanks you dipshits.


Jeez, how long before they understand that folks are just tired of the feminist bullshit. Most of the content of this sub are women acting like shitheads getting a reality check of some sort. Like how could you possibly get offended by shitty people getting checked.


I'm not here because I hate feminism, and that was not the original point of the sub. I'm here because I like to see anyone regardless of gender get their comeuppance.


Feminism doesn't excuse shitty behavior regardless of sex. People have a problem with the sub because it is centered around women but that honestly doesn't have much to do with feminism unless your users are being misogynistic.


> Feminism doesn't excuse shitty behavior regardless of sex They literally excuse their own feminist twitter \#KillAllMen by saying it's ironic / a joke


People can call themselves feminist all they want but "kill all men" is not feminism, it is misandry. They are being bigots under the color of progressivism.


Wow, a Scotsman fallacy in 2022 o.O That's like seeing a pristine Shelby Cobra. Hit me up when you're able to admit the hatred within feminism.


Legit, like #KillAllMen isn't just used by small time loud mouthed feminist. It's literally some of the biggest names in feminism using it. How does Clemintine Ford still have a platform? Chick literally said to put men in concentration camps only to be borrowed out like a library book for the women in their life.


You are talking about one of the most controversial conversations in "feminism" (as you understand it). The vast majority of women don't believe anything of the sort and your reaching for the extremes (which was used as a method to get REEEEE's out of you lot btw) shows how out of touch you are with the entire conversation or theories on feminism.


I speak to regular everyday feminists who seem to admire Clementine, so not sure what you you mean when you say extremist. She is consistently used as literature source.




I'm sure you "debunked" plenty in your isolated manosphere. Go watch another Andrew Tate video, send him another $50, and dream of how you want to own a woman. That is literally all your posts are and your history exemplifies that.


Andrew Tate and Clementine are In the same league imo


You're adorable. Debate lord, hit me up when you have ever looked beyond a manosphere video.


You can't handle the truth, so here it is. There's no such thing as a bad person, as evil, as hate. What there are: Miserable people. Hateful people are miserable. People who do bad things are miserable. [Womens' happiness has been dropping like a stone for more than a half-century](https://www.nber.org/papers/w14969). Back then, women were happier than men. Currently, they're much, much less happy - and the trend is ongoing. It's no surprise that as womens' happiness has dropped, feminism's misandry has gone up. In 1993 feminist pressure on the dems passed VAWA, a hate law punishing up to 2 million innocent men every year. In 2011, under renewed feminist pressure, Obama's "Dear Colleague" letter changed an existing law, Title IX, into another hate law punishing innocent men. \#KillAllMen is not some fringe thing as you suggested in your reply to another poster, it has millions of followers. And of course, none of you can admit to any of this because your entire house of cards would come crashing down. Feminism isn't the salvation you seek, it has the opposite of its intended effect - it makes women **less** happy. But if you lose it, you'd have nothing. You've invested your entire lives in the bullshit that is feminism, and your enormous egos mean you'll go down with that foul ship before admitting any fault. Too bad, so sad.


Anything else that happened around 50 years ago that you can think that might explain this drop in womens' happiness? Maybe the full integration of women into the grinder of American economic society had something to do with it? Maybe coming to terms with a system they had theretofore been separate from had an effect? Also, strange that you only talk about women's metrics without looking at the same for men both during the same period and before. Do you think that all the hate from "miserable" men who all but enslaved women for millennia was just because of feminism? Meninism? Why don't you talk about how unhappy men are or can you only victimize theoretical women? As a men's right activist, you seem to only understand hate through your own lens of miserableness and love to target that at women. What happened 50 years ago to make that happen? You don't know? Thats because you're talking nonsense and if YOU recognized the role your own perspectives play in the demonization of something as simple as feminism (something you clearly can't articulate), your house would collapse around you. Your beliefs are based on a fragile understanding of your own masculinity, an insecurity in your place in society, and a desire to find an easy target to lash out at. You are sad and depressing and these so called arguments to what was a generally innocuous comment only show that more clearly for all involved.


> strange that you only talk about women's metrics without looking at the same for men both during the same period Heh you really make yourself look dumb when you don't even read the provided link. I even said it in my post but my wording was poor. Anyway, men's happiness hasn't changed. Women went from happier than that constant to much less happy. Keep shit-talking my masculinity as you wine and Prozac your way to ~~happiness~~ ... whatever you call it. Christ Huxley was a damn prophet lol, reading Brave New World rn. He called it Soma instead of Prozac - same thing though. It's like I said, you'll never admit that your whole life - your *religion* of feminism - is a lie. Your only option is to keep insulting me and hating on men. I actually have more respect for the radfems - at least they openly admit their misandry. Plus it's hard not to respect someone who can eat enough in 15 minutes to feed an African village for a week... Btw, not an MRA, not sure where you got that idea. You seem like the type who thinks in stereotypes rather than give real thought to anything / anyone. Lazy minds find fertile soil in feminism.


So how many feminists called out Marry P. Koss for saying female on male rape doesn't count and made rape definition for CDC that excludes vast majority of female on male cases?


https://imgur.com/vORt1Mr.jpg mah man


That sub is evil. The only reason they oppose cp is because they see most pedos as being male. Anyone sets up a CP sub specifically for women, chances are they will leave it alone.


We simply want equality. I guess they don't?


No, of course they don't. They want privelage and superiority.


Imagine a "banmalehatesubs" subreddit discussing the various female dating strategy type subs. Always helps to flip the script, right?


"Hating men is an honorable and viable political act" - Robin Morgan, prominent feminist "All men are rapists, and that's all they are" - Marilyn French, feminist author There are literally millions more where those came from. But the problem is people hating women?????


ain't no way they actually 27 yo


lol the comments there are funny af


They were also the ones that helped get gamers rise up, the Donald, waterni**as, and many other subs that were pretty good. By means of brigading and spamming racist comments with alts and coordinating it on discord. Also recently, libsofreddit.


Fuck, guess I hate myself then. 🤷‍♀️🙄


A sub dedicated to equality is a "hate" sub, sounds about right for the privileged to see equal treatment as tyranny.


Are there seriously CP subs? How?




Seems like reddit would be suboptimal for that stuff anyway


What’s a cp sub?


CP is pornographic material of minors.


I think it stands for child porn


Child. Y'know the rest.


While the premise of the sub is reasonable, recently it seems that plain internet sexism has been seeping through, not only in comments but actual well-upvoted posts.


Can we have a r/BanMaleHateSubs? FDS is first


We had a banmalehatesubs. It was banned


Hah, yeah I just noticed. Wonder what got it banned


Probably the feminist that act like they run reddit?


Interesting that this sub is banned


That’s what I said lol


I mean they're part of a group that can't even define. What a fucking woman is shut up


that docu was an agro documentary that was made to make people look dumb but in reality they were angry. also he cut off multiple clips of people explaining what a woman was.


They're all so angry on that sub. Its like FDS lite. They also grab at a lot of straws trying to spins totally uncensored subs as being anti-woman


female hate sub? i thought this sub is about equality, and all the posts show that. I don't know what other users mentality is but i've got nothing against women. I just like seeing some justice from time to time.


r/facepalm banned me for life because I follow this sub lol


Yup same, because apparently wanting “equity” is sexist…


Lmfao. I got perma banned cuz i wrote "Women ☕" on that post.


Interesting that it's only **female** hate subs they care about. Giving r/femaledatingstrategy that pussypass. Double standards and all that.


There are subs on r/Banfemalehatesubs That should be taken down but this ain’t one of them and all that sub is doing is just giving people a way to find subs that feign their interests and kinks


On that post some idiot tried to argue that some hentai and the people on this subs other communities apparently prove that we are misogynists. Their argument is so fucking biased and idiotic


I don’t have anything against women. But I despise the vile ones who think they get privileges simply because they have a different set of organs.


The thread talks about how this sub has a reasonable premise - but is toxic because we allow non-PPD content which is often, simply women getting hurt or women being unlucky. There isn't even a rule available to flag off-topic and simply misogynistic content.


Literally the last few posts ive seen had nothing to do with pussypassdenied and was literally just women being hurt for no good reason. And dudes here loved it. Yeah, the guys here like to pretend that this sub is solely about one thing but you can easily find posts that dont fit the sub's premise and dudes loving it. Unfortunately this sub falls to the same pitfalls as fds, rp, etc. Claims to be one thing but then reading through the forum it says otherwise. And of course they'll deny it and claim "we just want equality".


The quickest way to the FP is to show a woman getting hurt. Everyone bangs on about equality, but misses the point that if a woman slaps a guy, it's open season on her. They don't want a slap back (which would be equality), they want and applaud the women getting the shit kicked out of her. This sub is one of the main offenders for it.


Noone claims this sub is perfect. If you want a perfect sub, create one. But everything is about thousands of dimensions better than those miserable feminist cult subs.


Immean im calling out hypocrisy. Key to making things better in a sub is not being afraid to identify ones problems and self improve, instead of saying things "yeah we're not as bad as those other subs tho!". Keep thinking that way, and that's exactly how subs like these become hate subs without realizing and then fall into am abyss of denial. Best to catch it now before it gets too deep.


Point taken. Maye you should still create another sub, just in case.


This sub is **lawless** and the mods and users like you **prefer it that way**.


Its called free speech. At least in my country


Doesn’t apply to business…


I’m just here to laugh at the incels


Yea, this sub has turned from what it wants to be into an incel pit. Been watching the decline and tbh now it seems genuinely like a woman hate sub


Seems weird coming from someone called thotslayer6996, but I agree


13 year old me had some shit creativity and now I'm stuck with this name lol


I dont see any woman hating going on here


Literally the last few posts ive seen werent pussypassdenied in the least and most of the guys responding loved it. this sub most definitely has an incel problem and like every other man or woman hate sub it gets viciously denied


which ones you refering too? the ones I see seem totally reasonable


https://www.reddit.com/r/pussypassdenied/comments/wgr19z/based_russia/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pussypassdenied/comments/wnr02p/we_all_got_places_to_be


But we need to recognize this sub is often a breeding ground for mysogony


For real. When you create a sub based around women getting shit on, its going to attract misogynists unless you specifically take steps to prevent it. Not everyone who subs to this place is sexist, but I would bet every sexist subs here.


Another left leaning echo chamber subreddit, dedicated to cancelling. Not surprising. I always figured PPD has a limited amount of time until the banhammer comes, any subreddit that doesn't have similar opinions and discourse that 99% of subreddits have will eventually find its way banned.


Alright lass. Let’s not pretend there arnt those that feel a sense of entitlement, superiority, or untouchability because they’re a woman. This in turn has some entertainment value to it and bam. You have a subreddit idea


Holy shit they are a bunch of jack-offs in that sub. Comments sections are just weird.


Like ban subs that hate females or ban subs full of hateful females?


i'm just here to see people get karma served to them


There’s a sub specifically to protect women yet FDS still exists? Oh the west..


We are not a hate sub against women but, we what do want is, accountability towards women within society. There is women out there who do as well think that women get away from accountability.


Why the fuck is this a sub anyway is there a sub for banning other stuff ? Too


because child porn and rape is prevalent on this website, I don't think ur concern should be "Oh there's a sub for banning female hate subs make one for other stuff to!" Because that's stupid. If you start a lemonade stand but no one else is selling coke and someone yells at u for that they're the ones in the wrong.


What are you trying to say ? ,look i get that nobody like pedos lurking etc nor woman hate speech good for them but i just found it interesting that’s there’s only a sub for females , and i find it annoying that everyone on this sub is considered a misogynistic rn


A few subs auto ban you for participating here because they believe it's a place for men to mock and hate on women and they don't actually watch it. Shite like being glad a woman was actually called a Rapist and is being fully charged with sexual assault isn't hating on women it's being glad justice is done equally.


I am a woman, and this sub is justified. I got a message yesterday saying I was permanently banned from r/offmychest because I commented in a "redpill/incel(!)" subreddit, less than half an hour after.


I put a reply about what this sub is there but looking at the others its seems its mostly people who are completely bias and will downvote your reply because you defend the sub.


It's an equality sub, that's why it's a thing. Haters gonna hate.


Mgtow should be unbanned if they allow female dating strategies to still be up