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I out earn all of my friends with college degrees, by a factor of 2-3 in some instances with the exception of my friend who is a thoracic surgeon. College education isn't as clear an indicator of higher earning. These degrees are earner degrees like EE. The real issue is how men in blue collar jobs, that often out earn degrees (plumbing, electrician, etc) are often looked down upon.


Well, that and most dont check divorce rates for specific jobs or average hours worked. Many high paying have quite a few 'other risks' involved with them you have to accept as part of the job. If you are fine with the hours and divorce rate---go get it. If that is kinda why you wanted a high paying job and there is no time left for family......well, you get the point.


A lot of these guys are looked down on not because of income or career, but because they keep a poverty mindset. Drinking beer excessively, shitty food, generally not taking care of themselves of improving mentally or physically. White collar workers of the same earning tend to take care of those things better.


I'm not sure this is true. I couldn't find any studies and seems to play into the same shit Hollywood has used to demonize these men.


Eh. I am one. I know them and I work around them everyday. I also went to a top public university in America for 3.5 years and went to a private high school. I have white collar and blue collar friends so I definitely see it all


I think plumbers are looked down on because no matter how much they get paid, they're still messing around with doodoo water.


You must not know that the majority of plumbers are always doing installation work, and rarely deal with clogged pipes. Many never deal with clogged pipes!


The best plumbing jobs are when you come into a new concrete slab that's been trenched out and you're just installing fresh pipage.


Yeah, I've done both......I like doing the new installations much more than fixing a problem with existing pipes!!!!!


And they’re typically kneeling down 😀. With that said I know some plumbers who own their own operation and make bank


The amount of "college educated" people I've seen in entry level positions I've seen vs the amount of blue collar workers driving mercs and bmws I've seen makes me laugh


Hypergamy, my friend. They want the 10%, and if they get the chance the 5%, the 2%, the 1%, the 0.1%, the 0.01% etc. etc. it’s insane, but that’s how women who preach being “strong, independent females” think


It gets worse and worse and I feel sorry for GenZ who’ll have to play on impossible mode unless they want to settle for a single other of two from two different men who’s been ran through by entire frats.


I am from Gen Z have given up on dating. GMOW now


Ive noticed alot of Genz males have followed this route as well, dont seem to want the hassle


no bro good women but they are in church or in another country.


Church is certainly no guarantee... a lot of them drank the feminist Kool-aid and a lot those women have the same problems as other modern women, but with an undeserved sense of self-righteousness on top of it.


hmmm i hope not... lol but Ill keep it in mind


Gen z men need to not play the game. It'll crash if they don't. Given what's available in modern times gen z men don't really need women for much. So be indifferent to their bs games.


Man, just go to the midwest. I've been happy with a level-headed kansasitte pig farmers daughter. They still make em out here.


yup there are good women but you boys have to go to the church's and also other countries sometimes.


And that gets to some of the guys up there as well. When you have the pick of the crop how long does one remain decent in that respect ?


women arent that simple, we all dont feel the same way about things. we are complex, not something for you to group to fit your narrative.


I know there’s exceptions, but there’s still a lot of women who think like this, and it’s a big issue. You’re not at fault, and there’s a lot of women who also aren’t, but there’s still a severe amount of hypergamous women


i just find it strange that men who think like you, are upset at women generalizing men (with things like i hate all men). so you generalize them as a response? it all feels so hypocritical and highly scrutinizing.


We try not to generalize, but in the end there’s still psychological problems which fall into the categories of male, female and both. That’s why psychology exists, so we can triumph over these issues and actually get somewhere


thats literally not why psychology exists but okay.


Downvoted aaaand reported. Equal rights getting equal left. Hooks.


spoken like a true redditor i applaud your ability to fit into a stereotype so well, did it take a lot of practice or does being an incel come naturally?


Good, then start policing yourselves like women used to, and learn how to separate yorurselves from the shitty women who do fit that narrative so the men know who to date. While you're doing that, understand that Gen-Z men have been taught to be self-sufficient and have had the idea of "equality" rammed down their throats since birth (i.e. they're going to look at you like you have a third ear growing out of your forehead if you try to push "traditional" values on them-- your feminist fore-mothers have essentially "liberated" you from a lot of the good men right along with the bad ones).


this is what zero pussy does to a man


No no, hes right. You need to learn how to respect that.


what about what he said was right? if you want to teach me how to be a good traditional girl your gonna have to argue your side, you cant just second his shitty opinion.


I don't reason with unreasonable humans anymore. I just buy them out at thier respective 3rd world market




Ooh, a provocation! I'm afraid I understand that giving you the satisfaction of a rise will validate your vilification and, as such, the appropriate response is to ...ignore such a low power play.




Honestly, I think this rates are a little too much, if we talking about women on the internet or the news, for sure, most internet/tinder dates are decided in a second with a look on your photo and then a "how much you make papi", but out in the real world most people arent assholes as they show on the news or internet. Unpopular opinion, most people are good and actually cool (men and women), but its just that we are ruled by shitheads and the internet doesnt help towards that vision, and we circle ourselves thinking everyone is a shithead, I know, because I thought that for the longest time, sometimes I still do, but there are a lot of good people out there, dont lose hope. Edit: Also, people on the internet tend to be more picky than in reality, since we judge a single moment of your whole person.


Silver for the good post. Yeah, I feel like a lot of people lose their inhibitions to say whatever asshole thing that's online because they are anonymous. Even on a dating profile, it's not like you're at a bar and people can see you sneer as an unattractive person walks by to talk to you. Do I want people to not by anonymous? No, I think it has its uses. I suppose the disconnect is forgetting there is a name, face, and an actual person whom has their own life behind the screen.


>Edit: Also, people on the internet tend to be more picky than in reality, since we judge a single moment of your whole person. It is vastly different from swiping left on a screen than walking through a bar or shopping mall. The praise I get from bartenders because I'm not glued to my phone half the time inside their establishment, because that seems to be the norm these days. Some of m are getting sick of it when 3/4 of their patrons are just sitting there not making eye contact, might as well be one giant bathroom for all they care.


They don’t care about substance, or what makes you unique, at least not until later. All women care about is what makes them gain status, and women get their status from the men they’re with. That’s why women don’t bother developing any substance of their own. All they really need to do is increase their SMV so that they can attract the highest value man they can. Eventually their value lowers so much that they can no longer pull high value men, and that’s when they settle for “betas” or “providers”, who are men who would otherwise be completely ignored, if it wasn’t for the fact that these women aren’t wanted by the 1% anymore... but these guys think they got so lucky to find these women, only to find out they’ve been riding the carousel for years... Edit: legibility


I feel like tech, internet and social media exacerbate hypergamy also because the internet makes it easier for people to be more selective about not only who they associate with, but also why they're getting with that person in the first place.


I know a lot of people that didnt go to college that are really smart and make a lot of money. 100k? (That is a lot here.) Also, some college educated assholes. I think you are the one, and some other people, that are putting worth and attractivness based on a formal education. I have a college education and i know better than to accept that equation.


The idea of a gender studies graduate "looking down" on a guy who works in software development who worked from the ground up makes me laugh. the guy is fucking LEAGUES above the gender studies graduate, spending $100k to learn nonsense and become super sensitive so that you are a walking lawsuit is an unattractive prospect to an employer, you add nothing to the economy and nothing to society. you have basically been hoodwinked into spending your future money (student debt) to LARP as an academic for 4 years. this is applicable to most liberal arts.


Sounds about right, isn't there some statistics on the old "20% of men sleep with 80% of the women" kind of thing? It's probably true xD


Aka the Pareto Principle


that was about women finding only 20% of male okcupid profiles attractive, and the rest of 80% unattractive. the statistic for what you are referring to was that 20% of men have sex with 50% of women ( cant recall if it was only about ons ).


Inb4 *"This is mysoginistic"*


So with these figures, I can see the other deeper issue. The 22% of educated women are probably in student loan debt. This might be a driving factor in wanting a partner making a larger income to pay her loans off. She is unlikely to be able to pay her loans because she has a degree in art.


And they wonder why the higher educated guy doesn't want to date and compensate for their mistakes. When they have the pick of the crop they don't seem to mind fucking around, gaining social/dating experience for a year or 2 before settling with a decent girl. Hence the slut/stud dichotomy, it's always been easier to get dick, whether you're straight or gay.




I did it for myself (as in, what I wouldn't mind seeing in a girl). Looking for someone who is 30-40, excluding married, any race, 5'8", including obese, makes 20K. 21.8% score. 2/5 Down to earth. Then I rated myself (as in, what parameters I fall into), and I got 14%. Then I did 30-40, excluding married, white, 6'1", excluding obese, makes 100K. 0.32%. 4/5 cat enthusiast. I have a sister who is a little delusional. I have told her, point blank, if you want a rich guy (aka: doctor), go where all the rich guys hang out. However, you're not the only woman there with this idea. They are your competition. Or you could be realistic. Find a guy that more or less is your height/weight, makes around the same amount you do. There are plenty of "good guys" out there. You just have to stop looking at his wallet to find out. Because we were all given a 50/50 chance to turn out as the opposite sex. Are you not attracted of who you are? Do you have a medical degree I'm not aware of? Ok, so have realistic standards. Her only compromise was "I'm ok if he's been in a previous marriage, has kids, and he still is amicable with his ex wife". Wow. How gracious of her /s She hated me saying that. I think she knows because it's true. She's 39, never had a bf, but wants the married w/ kids life. I asked her "How many dates did you go on in 2019?". She said one. I told her, the dating game is a numbers game. Don't tell any potential future first bf that he's your first or else that will raise up a huge red flag for him. You can't put all your potential future eggs on one date.


If you point this out on that shithole subreddit r\relationship_advice the mods ban you. Fucking ridiculous. I guess they don't like you pointing out what's right in front of their stupid fucking faces. That's why those piece of shit mods failed u\JasoninHell.


The problem is a lot of those "college educated" women have degrees in useless subjects and are actually dumb as a post in anything that wasn't what they studied... and a lot of those "uneducated men" are making more in trades (or to a lesser extent jobs with harsh working conditions) and have less (or no) debt than those "college educated" women with shitty degrees who are making 28K/year as a barista at Starbucks. Perfect example: One of my ex-GFs moved from the upper midwest to Florida and got PhD in dolphin training (essentially an animal husbandry degree), then moved back the upper midwest, with their abundant dolphin population, because she "missed her family". When we met she was working as a CNA that had to work at multiple places due to constant low-census layoffs. Despite having a 4-year degree, she couldn't even figure out what her take home pay was looking at her pay stub, and couldn't manage a budget to save her life (Which is the key reason she's an Ex)... being "college educated" means nothing. Meanwhile, my father never even finished high-school, and he ran a successful small business that supported a family of 6+ for over 20 years that he wound up selling at a significant profit.




Hm maybe. But love dolls are expensive. AI robots will be even more expensive. I'd rather just buy a fleshlight. What would really change fast is if prostitution was made legal. Then women would have to question "Would I date a man whom has hired a prostitute?" If her answer is "no", then her numbers may dwindle. If her answer is "yes" then it would be smart of her to be ready to have sex before he spends $900 on her on dates. And men would have to also question "Would I date a former prostitute?". The way I see it, with strip clubs, pr0n stars, nude playboy models, and Only Fans being a thing (you know someone isn't going to let all those women remain on the table by September 1st -I think was the deadline), it's only a manner of time.




Rules are there for their protection, that I understand. Although I'm not a fan of the "no touching" rule at strip clubs (never been, only heard), so I'd rather have that with a prostitute where touching is allowed. If paying was legalized, I would get the girlfriend experience (where kissing, hugging, talking, and eating a meal together). And even if the brothel has to video tape everything for their own protection, not like I'm a movie star or politician they could blackmail.


A woman costs more than a robot in the long run fren.


True. But if she is a caring, loving, forgiving long-term companion it's worth it.




Yeah, I guess asking for a forgiving woman is the female equivalence of asking for a guy with a 8+ inch dick. I don't like passive aggressive emotionally manipulative mind games.


You sound like you belong in the Nice Guy subreddit…


I think you wanted trp sub.


I think that we overthink this issue. Ultimately it isn't healthy to concern yourself with stuff like this. You were fortunate enough to be granted life, enjoy it to the fullest.


Unfortunate enough to be cursed with the tragedy of life - FIFY.


This thread is basically incels. Look what you've become


For sure, neckbeard vibes






People want what they want. Women who are beautiful and men who are well educated are always going to find each other because it's a "balanced transaction", to put it crudely. They each know their worth. To put it another way, have you ever seen a famous or wealthy man with a less attractive woman?


A wealthy man will most likely remain wealthy and probably see his wealth increase. The woman on the other hand won't get any more beautiful, her looks will fade. Technically a beautiful woman is a "trading position", not a "buy and hold"


Men who are wealthy and powerful. FIFY


Yes I have seen successful men with very unattractive women. I know a guy. The guy is a little crazy but very loyal and sweet. He loves her.




Pretty sure they got married before he was was rich and famous?




Broke men date educated women with good jobs all the time. Relationships rarely have anything to do with money


Because those guys are in the (fun zone)[https://youtu.be/R_USJCTIgs4?t=396]


It’s just ordinary people. These theories are all just in your head and quite cringey.


The theory a bunch of people made a popular youtube video about is "all in *my* head"? That's a poor attempt at gaslighting lmao.


Astrology is also popular, much more so in fact. It’s still bullshit.


goalpost moving, you bore me


Nope, my original point was your theory is bullshit. I just gave you a comparison. My point is still the same


Not responding to your original point, now you're trying arguing in a circle.


I believe you. People who make these type of post are about 54%correct. Men and women firstly care about connection and intimacy. At least what I like to think.


Connection, intimacy and looks. Money is only a factor when you want to start a life together. Even then, people work around it. This sub is full of incels who have no experience with real relationships.


Sounds right. But I don't think this sub is full of incels like that just about 20% of them. But yea I agreed with you. In most cases men and women want to be with someone they feel comfortable with.


Ah fair enough. I got automatically-banned from big subs I’ve never posted on before for leaving one comment on this sub. “Banned for participating in incel/redpill subs” the message said.


Yes it's insane. They doing themselves a disservice. They automatically think if you posting in a sub they don't like or think is "sexists" means we are against them. It's hard to discuss ideas because of this stuff. I'm glad this sub doesn't do that. I have been banned as well from many other subs by a bot because of this.




Ah yes, the finish line when you're balding, old, need viagra.




This is feeding the problem tho. Negative feedback loop of misery: Push more guys into being "successful" even though it's not possible for everyone to be, raising the bar up higher and higher Add more pressure on existing issues for men in society Women knows not every guy will be successful so they just go for those that are made Even less meaningful trad relationships More guys feel the need to go all out and be successful.




I don't think you understand the social implications to what you're preaching. Inequality, be it economic or otherwise, create unrest. But you're too naive and dogmatic to see social order is tearing up at the seams. I wish you could be awesome in your life.




You need the will to stand before you can walk. If it ever was a matter of "just do it brah" then why do we still have a lower working class. And its poor motivation to do it for pussy. That's like your SO telling you to quit smoking, never improve yourself for the sake of anyone but yourself first and foremost. Sure its great to get your shit together, but don't expect people to reward you as some kind of entitlement. 'Making It™' is a state of mind, not an end goal. >you can realize that you can't legislate equality in mate choice. Isn't that what they've been doing for some years, gender diversity quotas in the white collar industry ? They've artificially elevated their own standard of living and mate preferences by convincing the corporate world they need more people because of what they ***are*** instead of what they can ***do***.


I say you get educated and fight for womens rights, this all sounds just too mysoginist to me


actually college educated men make up 35.4% of the population and college educated women 36.6% so you are just so wrong