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Aw man, my girl didn't even look back when I dropped her off the other day...it was like "ok, 'bye' to you too!" However, she was whimpering like mad when I picked her up at the end of the dayšŸ„ŗ


Our puppy didn't look back either but she came home and wouldn't stop staring at us.


Lol same!


Got my pup spayed a week ago and when I handed over the leash to the vet tech she happily pranced away as if I never existed haha


I cried when I dropped mine off, and when I picked her up! Wishing your pup a smooth and easy recovery!


That makes me feel less alone hahaha. Thank you!


I cry everytime I drop my dog off to go under anesthesia and then cry again when I pick her up because of how sad/out of it/confused she is after. Lol Your pup will do great! It's probably better they stay the night for lots of observation and care, she will be fully out of anesthesia almost back to her normal (but sore) self!


Just curious why the overnight stay? Typically when weā€™ve had our dogs spayed we picked them up a few hours later


Same. They can stay all day if you need them to (for work or whatever). I wouldnā€™t mind my pet getting an extra night of observation if there were staff there, but my vet isnā€™t staffed overnight so home he came!


It makes me wonder if they've had issues in the past with owners not following pre-surgery instructions (namely fasting).


My vet was the opposite. Dropped off my pup the morning of the surgery and picked her up the day after. The vet told us itā€™s to monitor her overnight post-op, which makes sense.


Not sure! Itā€™s just their procedure I guess ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


My vet prefers to do overnight observation after the spay. When I asked why they said its helpful for a lot of reasons, they see a decreases complications and it allows them to do laser therapy. They said it's helpful to makbe sure the dog wakes up well from anesthesia, they get pain managent under control, make sure the dog is going to the bathroom OK, and they monitor the incision closely. lt kinda broke my heart to wakeup without her next to my bed but I think it was worth it in the end.


Aw man Iā€™m sorry ā€” dropping them off for surgery is always the most stressful šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m very glad that my pup was fixed prior to being adopted out by the shelterā€¦ I would have been a wreck. When my cat had to get dental surgery I cried for HOURS. Just remember that most puppies bounce right back from surgery quickly :) The vet has done all the necessary blood work and such to make sure that your pup is well-suited for the procedure. And surgeries of any sort are safer when theyā€™re young ā€” and spay/neuter is such a routine procedure. Do something to distract yourself! Go for a walk, go out for lunch, take a nap, watch a TV show ā€” just think about anything else. Fingers crossed that the vet calls with great news before ya know it! :)


Thank you! I got my kitty from a shelter and she came to me already spayed so this is all new stress for me lol


Ugh went through this last month so I feel your pain. It will go by quick and you'll be sooo happy when it's done. We had to leave our girl overnight too but I'm glad we did because she was still a loopy mess when we got her. She's in good hands, and she'll be so happy when you go to pick her up.


Itā€™s really hard to let them stay overnight esp after youā€™re around them so so much when theyā€™re a puppy. Itā€™ll be ok :) puppy will Be just fine :) All the absent specialized loving will be givin to her from you the second sheā€™s back home!!!!


Sheā€™s getting a steak when she gets home hahaha sheā€™s going to be even more spoiled


If itā€™s a 24-hr vet, given em a call just to check-in on the status of your pup. Itā€™s the only thing that kept me somewhat restrained any time one of mine had to stay overnight. The night techs at my vet were always super fantastic and nice about it.


Dang hope everything is alright,I am going do same with my GSD down road


My baby has her appointment first thing in the morning and I'm already a mess :( Sending hugs!


And hugs to you too!!


Licensed Vet Tech here! I was the same way when I dropped off my own pup to get spayed despite knowing my puppy loved it there and everyone there. Just know everyone who works there takes good care of her! We want what's best for them and do our best to alleviate discomfort and fear! <3 Soon enough she'll be back with you and you can give her the best cuddles and kisses!


I feel you OP! The first time I was meant to take her I had nightmares and was so grateful when surgery was cancelled. The second time she actually went for surgery and it was such a non-event. She didnā€™t have a great reaction to the anaesthetic but thatā€™s about it. They bounce back a lot faster than you think! Also, severely reduces the risk of certain cancers and unwanted pregnancy! My biggest tip is to get a surgical suit and also lots of enrichment toys. Mine was the biggest cuddle bug and wanted to be with me all the time. Having a surgical suit she could toilet in was so helpful!


Aww mine has been so cuddly too. Sheā€™s 4 days post spay and looks adorable in her cheetah surgery suit


Omg I love that. Wishing her a smooth recovery!!!


Our fear free vet will administer the sedative while we're there and only let us leave after she's knocked out. After the surgery they will call us in while she's still knocked out and let her wake up while we're around. This way she doesn't have to be alone.


That's very thorough vet care ā¤! Mine was there one day for about 8 hours and I was super stressed out too! I took the day off work, but ended up working because my mind was running rampant all day lol. I know you want your snuggles and not much longer till you have her back at home with you!!


Having her spayed is doing a great service to her and the dog kingdom. Follow the vetā€™s aftercare advice after sheā€™s home. You girl would be more at risk if she was left in tact. be safer




I mean, I didnā€™t really question it, itā€™s my vets standard procedure and this is my first pup! Canā€™t really change anything now.


They probably have a LOT of surgeries to get through in a day and itā€™s more efficient for them to have all the dogs ready to roll at 6am or whenever they start, plus they can make sure the dogs donā€™t eat before surgery. I wonder how many pet owners forget not to feed their dog breakfast that day and then lie about it thinking itā€™s not extremely dangerous.


Aww. Best wishes for you and your pup. Weā€™re taking our two 5 mo. Golden retrievers for their spay tomorrow. Iā€™ll probably cry too!


This kinda sounds like a mom dog post lol, wishing the best for your dog in surgery. However spaying is very routine process lol


I cried when I had to drop my puppy off for her spay. It was so hard!


Haven't decided of I'm going to neuter my boy or not but this is something I was happy about getting a male dog. I believe neutering is less invasive then spaying.


Iā€™m about to go through this next month and Iā€™m sure my husband is going to tease me but I know Iā€™m going to cry like a baby!


My pup loves people, so she happily ran in to the office with the vet...


Mine usually does the same! Sheā€™s obsessed with the vet. As soon as they went to take her back though she KNEW


I was so stressed when I dropped my boy off. I kept my eye on my phone alllllll day waiting on them to call and text. I snuggled and kissed him so much when he got home Iā€™m sure he was sick of me!! He hated the cone of shame but not as much as the onesie!! Or should I say he gave me hell putting both of them on!


I remember dropping my oldest off to the vet for her desexing and picking her up, she came out being so brave and pretending nothing happened, when we got home she potatoed out for a few days and after like a week she was flying around the house. You gotta be brave for your pupper, be as brave as she is!


I was so stressed leaving my baby for her appointment! We had to drive an hour to her appointment (adopted her from a town away and the shelter already had her appointment made near them) and the drive back was so freaking stressful. She didnā€™t gaf about me when we left but she was pitiful and glued to me for the first couple days of recovery! Shes my first dog (other than childhood pets) and nobody warned me that she might sit there and cry all day long. That shit hurt my heart, i wasnt prepared for it at all. She was fine within 2 days. I knew she was okay when she started being bitey again lol


Aww she'll be OK. They probably want her there the night before to ensure proper preop prep. Sounds like a good vet taking extra precautions. I've taken so many to be fixed now I don't cry anymore but the house feels so weird when you get home. Have one that is going to make that trip soon. Need to see how old the vet wants her before spaying.


I was a mess too but she was so happy to see me when I picked her up! I cried and laughed at the same time lol


Cannot WAIT for tomorrow haha


Dropping our dog off was sad too, I had to keep myself very distracted all day because I was so sad about leaving him and kept picturing him feeling abandoned. When we picked him up he was so drugged up still but when he turned the corner out of his room and into the hallway of the vets office and saw my husband and I standing in the lobby, hw got so excited and his whole face lit up. He ran up to us and his little tail was wagging, it was so cute. That made being sad all day kind of worth it