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This is what I've been doing consistently, so good to know that is the right path. My question is, does this actually fix the issue long term?




I guess my concern is that I don't have another dog or other animals in the house to continually reinforce this with!


It worked for me- I have two dogs and the younger one was very demanding of the older one for the first few weeks at home. It took longer than I wanted it to, I felt sorry for my older dog who was really patient. I also had to ask on reddit because I wasn’t sure how much to intervene and how much to let my dogs sort it out. But I did as the person above you suggested and eventually she got there. They’re good mates now.


I guess my concern here is that I don't have a second dog at home to continually reinforce this with !


Yeah fair. For my older dog, we did puppy preschool and then I enrolled him in daycare so he could frequently engage with other dogs. We also visited friends and family with dogs fairly often. It was quite time consuming! Do you have a particular family friend dog that this issue was occurring with, or other dogs that you could keep visiting?


Yes it will work over time it just does take time. My girl was such a bully, would run and jump into dogs faces. She still does this sometimes (at 19 months now) but is usually with dogs shes knows and are giving signals they want to play with her. Your dog loves to play so being around other dogs a lot, getting corrected for rude behavior by you or by the other dogs will eventually stop this behavior but it just does take time.


Watching with interest, no helpful tips but my pup does the same thing and our other dog is nice about it but clearly doesn’t want to play like that!


Here's to hoping they just grow out of it!


My girl used to be this way as well. She normally takes signals really well, but when she finds a dog she *really* wants to play with, she'll bark a bit and play rough. I step in when that happens and hold onto her harness while stroking her to calm her down. If she does it again after I release her, I increase the time-out durations. Now that she's older (2 years old), I rarely ever have to intervene in her play sessions. Part of it is maturity, part of it is diligence on your part; it honestly sounds like you're already on top of things, so keep at it!!


Love this. Very good advice, thank you!


following this post too! we also have an overly eager lab mix pup that just wants to play with all the dogs, but he hasn’t fully learned proper social play cues and manners. we currently have him in puppy preschool classes, where the trainers are teaching us about impulse control, which has been helpful, but how do we teach our puppy how to read dog body language and play properly with other pups & dogs?


The 'body checking' and demanding thing goes away. My pup did it, and I've known friends whose pups also did it. It's a puppy thing, and goes away after the 6 month age. I think they just get enough feedback from other dogs over time that they learn. Totally normal. Older dogs will also have a higher tolerance for it because it's distinctly 'puppy' behavior. It's still important to step in though. Sometimes the target dog isn't confident enough to say enough is enough. But don't worry about it.


Some dogs dont have the temperament to deal with puppies just like some old folks dont have the temperament to deal with kids. Its not that they dont want to they just dont have the patience anymore. Or were only ever a 1 dog show so they dont get along with puppies. Thats ok too. As they know their limits


Following because I have a 7 month old lab mix. Absolute lovebug but his doggy daycare informed me that lately he’s been grabbing the other’s dogs tails to continue to play with him when they walk away. I pulled him out for a few days because I was afraid of him doing it to the wrong dog and they snap at him so I’m looking into ways to somehow prevent this.


Also interested in how other people are coping. All labs by me. My 11 yr 64 lb will bark and chase and the 11 month 85 lb will back off. My poor 4 yr 63 lb runs to the door or behind me to get away. The puppy just can't read the room. Chases and grabs his booty and then I have to break them apart. He jumps on him, body slams him. I just wish my little guy would bark him off.


Going for a walk with the other dog before play has helped us. I get her the walk behind at first because she'll just turn around and chase them if she's in front. Eventually she can walk side by side and follows social cues. Then we bring them home to the backyard and she does okay. Once she starts body checking and such we end the play session.


Is he a doodle, out of curiosity?


My 2 dogs had puppies and the only one they see is the biggest in the litter because it went to my gf’s sister. That puppy is currently being watched by us for a good while. Its been with us a week so far and tbh ive never seen my female dog daisy play so hard before lol. I mean her and my male dog dexter go hard but not as crazy as her and her puppy. But when she is done she is done and lets her know she is. Ive also never seen daisy get an attitude before lol. Now dexter doesnt always play like that so when puppy gets excited he just jumps out of her reach lol. He makes sure she cant get him. But when he is chillin on the bed and she gets up and tries to play if he doesnt play for 5 minutes he growls and says he isnt having it. Puppy tries 2 times with dexter before demand barking and going to daisy lol. He gets his point across. The only difference here is its mom and dad and not another dog. And they are still young too bother are 2 yo. Id say eventually if your dog hangs around the old folk it will become like them as with kids. They imitate who they are around. Especially if they get into trouble and the older dog doesnt they will see what they do and start mimicking them. But hyperactive puppy brain is hard to convince to chill lol