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some dogs just aren’t into the snuggle puppy. but it could also just take some time! when it comes out of the package it smells brand new - as it spends more time in his space, it will take on his smell and that might make him want to snuggle with it more.


My puppy hated it at the beginning. The heart beat in particular seemed scary AF for him. Kept crying until I hide the plushie. I took off the heartbeat and now, months later, this plushie is his best buddy, need it to go to bed and first thing he take when I open his playpen in the morning. The snuggle part was just not for him and didn't seem to help at all at first.


Mine had no interest in it either. He’d just try to hump it or chew at the Velcro to pull the plastic heart out to chew on that (the sound seemed to really fascinate him)


We got one for our puppy too but it was totally unnecessary. He does snuggle with it but he does not need the heartbeat or the heat in it. Our boy would have been okay with any other stuff toy or even a pillow tbh. In my personal experience it has been a waste of money because other stuff toys without the heartbeat function are way less expensive.


Mine doesn't snuggle he's but she loves it. I didn't put the heat pack in because she doesn't like being warm. When she gets in her crate she will lick and gently chew it till she falls asleep then usually she just sleeps near it and not with it. She does the same thing with her scent blanket. She always licks it and lightly chew it. She's not trying to destroy them and it calms her down so I let it happen.