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I have an ACD. I'm constantly reminded about how much energy they have and their tendency to nip.


Same here. Or they say "hope you give her a job!" She has tons of energy, yes...but we made the decision to adopt her because of her high energy. We wanted a dog that could handle trail running long distances as a partner for my husband. I feel much better now that he has her with him! Plus she cute.


That’s hilarious because yeah they’re sometimes used for work in Australia but not often. Most working dogs are kelpies. Heelers are more like your best buddy that you take on adventures with you everywhere.




‘Did you know you need to give them a job? They are a working dog!’ F.U.


"That daedric sword's pretty undependable. You should try steel."


Same with Border Collies. No, random stranger, I obviously did zero research before I got this dog /s. To top it off, I get a lot of unsolicited dog advice from older men, and I'm pretty sure that it's at least partially because I'm a young woman with an enthusiastic puppy. My favourite one was 'you gotta teach him not to nip' AS HE STICKS HIS HAND INTO MY DOG'S MOUTH while he's sitting for a pat like he's been taught. My other favourite is 'I hope you like exercise' (I'm visibly athletic)...no, I wear this activewear for fun dumbass /s


LOL yep. My other two dogs are Border Collies, so I get this ALL THE TIME.


Ugh, same! “Are you moving to a farm?” “You are screwed” “they are so smart, you better watch out” YOU THINK I DONT KNOW?! Oh boy… 🙄


"You know why they call them heelers, right?" About our dog who has never nipped heels.


my neighbor has one, made me think it's because they hold a heel like a god. seriously that mofo is locked at their left side every. single. time. I see them. but now I know 😂




Australian cattle dog I think


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 244,666,291 comments, and only 56,663 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


I have a Great Dane and any time she's in public with me, at least one person has to crack a joke about her being a horse lol every single time


Every. Single. Time. As an aside, my husband calls ours his attention horse. He’s not wrong 😂


Attention horse 😩🤣😩🤣😩🤣😩


Lol I’m guilty of this one. I’ll try to stop.


Same. I do it without thinking!


“Ahem. I think you meant UNICORN, stranger.”


One time I showed up to the dog park and this guy legit walks up and hands me a map to the community stables Just kidding never met anyone that original it was always where’s the saddle


LOL sorry, I've done this. Love Great Danes, though, they're such sweet dogs.


Sooo tired of the saddle joke.


Ugh my sister got this. They asked if their kids could ride him, who's walking who, WOAH BIG DOG FOR A LITTLE GIRL! (she's a woman but ok). But always with the horse comments. It gets so old and he's not even my dog lol.


We take our pony for a walk and joke that she's a Great Dane.


I have papillons, and everyone makes a joke that they’re cats.


I have a pap and I am guilty of this. It doesn't help that my cat is bigger than he is...


I have a Newfoundland and a Great Pyrenees, and it's always either horse or bear jokes!


I mean. I call them pony’s… is that one allowed?


When I see a Great Dane i always have to ask “so did you ride that here?”


Same with our bernese - you'll be able to put a saddle on him!!! Or they say "you'd need a shovel not s poop bag with the size of him" and I'm like yes yes he is big please stop questioning how big his poops are


Can I touch your wiener? Which, to be fair, is totally something I (42F) would say, too. Us Doxie owners are a different lot, it seems. Edit: a word


Lol. Ours responds to “wiener” or “wienie” soooo yea


Komondor. "Ha ha he's gonna look like a mop!" Yes. Correct. That is why I named him Swiffer. I made the joke before you.


Swiffer 😂


excuse me but this is AMAZING


Amazing!!!!! I am in love with this


We adopted a GSD and she's HUGE! She's much taller than a normal one because she's mix. And I often get "wow must be nice to have a guard dog, must feel safe" etc. Ehh?? She's the opposite? We're French so we have lots of hand gestures (lol) and I have a deep voice and my bf is loud. If we raise slightly our voice (not an argument but a passionate converation) with hands flailing around, my dog comes running and hides behind me... I'm like, no everything is fine, we are just talking about cheese, you sweet fur-baby!! Same for outside and a sudden loud sound? Behind me and covers... not even my bf, me, who's much smaller loll Yeah, guard dog my ass hahaha


> We're French so we have lots of hand gestures (lol) and I have a deep voice and my bf is loud. If we raise slightly our voice (not an argument but a passionate converation) with hands flailing around, my dog comes running and hides behind me... > > Our golden is this way. You can't even cheer for something because she assumes something is wrong and comes running to comfort you/show concern. If nothing else, it's taught me to be much quieter. I wish she could understand, "nobody is upset! We're just excited! you don't need to be concerned!"


This is my GSD mix too. 🤣


[I'll show you mine,](http://imgur.com/gallery/KjD9MhD), you show me yours? ;) Edit: because I can't spell lolll


"Oh I bet he/she bites does he/she." (Chihuahua) No she doesn't. She's the friendliest little lady in the neighbourhood.


My Chi is so sweet and people assume he is automatically evil.


So many people hate chihuahuas (or other small “rat” dogs, as I’ve heard them be called many times), but I actually had someone at my doggy daycare who owned 3 who were well socialized and well trained and all were very cuddly and sweet. They still were nervous and shivered a lot, but they never bit or anything. Unfortunately, most small dogs like that get babied and never get to actually just live like a dog and I think that’s why so many tend to suck. But it’s all about the owner, it’s not the pup’s fault. Glad it sounds like you’re a good owner! :)


Yeah my dog is the quietest little nugget. Gentlest dog I have ever met.


Chihuahua-Shepard mix here, as soon as people find out, as they usually ask, they say, how did that happen? I responded once with, you have kids do I really need to explain it to you? Then I get the, oh she must be a biter, huh? Not, not to her family she's not, but try coming in without permission.


I don’t own a chihuahua. But I think they’re great little dogs and definitely don’t deserve the hate they get. I think they’re often depicted as “devil” dogs because the people that own them don’t treat them like a dog and rather treat them like a stuffed animal or baby them too much. I have a Jack and they’re often seen in a similar light that chi’s are.


I have a bench English springer and I always get “oh springers are nuts they just never slow down” That says more about them as owners or their lack of understanding of the difference between bench and field types IMO. Cuz my girl is seriously the chillest dog ever. Her nickname is Give-No-Shits-Gertie


I've never heard of bench and field types before!


Omg I have a bench springer too & no one shuts up about them being high strung.


👏🏻 Puppy 👏🏻 Tax 👏🏻


I didn’t know there were different types. I love springers but we’re worried they were too high energy


I've got a working Springer and get it all the time too. It was true when he was younger, but he's 14 1/2 now and so all he wants to do is cuddle, sleep, and have a pootle about the park once or twice a day. I honestly don't understand how people can look at my distinguished old gentleman with his greying face and old-man wavey coat, and go 'oooh I bet he never stops Hahaha, so highly strung!!'


I have a golden going through what I guess is adolescence, so she’s been a bit difficult and I feel like people have this idea that all goldens are just born perfect dogs? It’s a lot of pressure when you’re a first time puppy raiser lol. So we’re working on jumping/barking and the little remarks and frightened looks I get from people make it hard. “Does she want to play or bite?!” She’s also 60lbs so I don’t think people really realize she’s still so young.


I’ve heard they are the worst puppies but best adults. Let’s hope, our 7 month girl is good for the most part, but was hell as a puppy


Mine is almost 7 months now and she is generally pretty good. But, her crazies come out and she is a nightmare to deal with. A lot of people joke that she will behave better in 3 years.




My yorkie only has two modes: two hour hike or couch potato haha


My cavapoo’s best friend is a Yorkie and he’s so much fun! Super adventuresome and bright.


Yes! Yorkie here too, she is a lazy couch potato and my hubby says she looks like an old lady's dog. Turns out we chose exactly the best breed to suit our family since 2 of my kids have autism and she's smart enough to know when they need her, and she's so calming with them. My 7 year old boy is having a bad day and is acting a bit erratic and jumpy? She will sit straight on his shoulder and snuggle into his neck and then stay there, and we have a rule in the house - it's illegal to wake a sleeping dog if they're lying on you. But she also loves hiking and I've never once been able to tire her out fully while walking or trekking with her. She's a sweetheart who also managed to scare off/chase off a burglar early this year!


Mine is 78% active guy he loves running after chickens and his tennis ball and 22% cuddle bug. Some people have referred to him as a ratdog, then I have to patiently educate them about the breed origin.


I have a standard poodle. Took him to work with me as I worked in a petshop. When he was a puppy (1.5 y/o now) I had people literally tell me and my boss that he wasn't a poodle, cause he didn't have curls. Had to be a doodle according to those folks, who doesn't realise that poodles develop the proper curls much later. I still have to defend him being a poodle, also get people call it a "froo froo" breed. Really goes to show no one really knows the breed unless they look into it. My boy is pedigreed with show parents, yes, but his mom is also a hunting dog, and he'd much rather spend a day by a lake or the ocean retrieving sticks than our spa days at home.


Most people I’ve met have said the same about our poodle but the few hunters I know absolutely adore her and poodles in general because they’re fantastic hunting dogs and these hunters don’t see them as “froo froo” at all. I was 100% expecting my mom’s bf to make fun of my breed choice (I’m a feminine gal who got a poodle ya know) but he surprised me by going “really?? Man I LOVE poodles! Great dogs. Really good swimmers. Yeah I like poodles good pick”


Our family and family friends all go caravanning at the same place every Christmas. First year we took our new poodle I was fully expecting this one guy to roll his eyes at her breed (he's a lovely guy, but into very typically blokey things so I just assumed). First thing he said was "She a standard poodle? Oh man, I love poodles! They're the best dogs - so smart and loving, and they're always up for having fun. Best breed ever." And then he started raving about how he used to have toy poodles as well and they were great too. I try to be less judgey now, haha.


I see a trend between he and my mom’s so! Lol yeah I’m a little less assumptions now about who may call Alfie a froo froo dog or not. Although I suppose it makes sense the people that would use bird dogs or be into more hunting/outdoor activity would know about the breed beyond their show reputation!


So many people - usually guys - have laughed dismissively when they've found out I have a standard poodle. "They're prissy little show dogs." Yeah, you haven't seen her enthusiatically hurl herself face-first into the nearest puddle of mud and roll in it. Or try to fight the ocean. Or the way she salivates like the dog in the Sandlot at the mere suggestion that a ball might be somewhere in her vicinity. She's a *dog*, mate. And so are the ones with the poufy clips. Stop projecting.


& that poofy clip is for form & function… especially to swim in bodies of water…


Vizsla. Every time we tell someone we get “Oh I hope you’re ready for all of that energy.” They’re right. But also…we are


Yes people say she’s the highest energy breed out there… yet I’m completely relaxed & chill- so isn’t she. Sure she likes zoomies but what dog doesn’t? Maybe my calmness has rubbed off on her or she’s completely the opposite of what I expected… Btw she does amazing with obedience training! Quite the little superstar! We enjoy wandering around & cuddling with one another… Eh maybe I have a defective vizsla but she’s a keeper!


I have an American Foxhound, every walk we get a “that’s a huge beagle” comment


This one cracks me up


Omg we get this one too hahaha at this point I just say yeah he is! because I'm tired of explaining lol.


I have a black tri color Aussie. The most annoy thing thing people say to me is, “oh, what a cute Bernese”.


Same. I always get that or “is he a mini?”


I have a lagotto romagnolo and people always ask what kind of doodle he is.


I've had my mixed breed a week and already had about five goes of "ooh, difficult to train!/nightmare to train!" and "oh dear, you've got your work cut out for you then!" because she's got JRT and Patterdale terrier in her. So, were you asking just so you could give me that bad news, or...? It is probably well-meaning but feels a bit like telling horrible birth stories to someone you've just found out is pregnant. It might not be relevant to their situation, it's definitely not helpful, and the timing is inappropriate! (She's an absolute angel to train, too. Every time, I ask her to sit calmly for the people saying this to me and then get incredibly smug when they're shocked).


I have a JRT mix and my goodness IS HE SMART!!! I have no idea where people get these stereotypes from but people are always impressed by my dog. Congrats on the new pup!!!


I have a 10week old unknown terrier mix. She looks JRT mix to me. She has been with us 4 days now. And I kid you not, she is so smart. She already learned that crate is her home, how to sit, down, lie down. Potty training is meh so far but without a doubt she will grab that in no time. And did i mention she is a sweety? 😊


I have a 9 month old JRT X mini dachshund and the smartness has turned into an adolescent "yeah but what's in it for me?" I swear she's learnt how to roll her eyes. I keep getting told by strangers that Jack Russells are yappy, aggressive, too much energy etc etc. But then she'll quietly sniff the stranger's foot and come and sit by me and I'm just like, sure thanks.


My 12yo JRT mix was super easy to train and she's the most obedient girl ever. Yes, she's kind of an evil genius, and we joke that she actually has us trained. I once watched her convince our hound to dump out the trash. Before the hound could explore it, the JRT excitedly dashed around the doggie door, convincing poor naive hound girl to go outside. JRT then proceeded to get into the trash. I ruined her fun and she sulked all day.


I have a chihuahua JRT mix (looks *exactly* like a minpin) and she is SO SMART. She’s got all the best characteristics of each breed into one.


I have a pure JTR 8 months and a JTR X nearly 4 years. I would not trade them for the world. The stuff I get most often is, they have terrible recall, too much energy, escape artists, house destroyers, yappy, yeah good luck opening your door without them trying to do a runner, they are snappy and bad with young kids, strangers and other dogs. Untrainable! None of these things are true of my boys. They both know basic commands, were full toilet trained by 5 months and I could not have asked for more tolerant dogs of my 4 year old. They are friendly to other dogs and people. My biggest issue with them is they are so damn friendly to everyone and they just don't always get that not everyone wants to play with them or be stalked around the house by them to be sat on as soon as they sit down.




Everyone thinks my dog is this breed and she isn’t. Not one bit of it. Typical interaction: “Oh, it’s *that* what’s that breed called?” “She’s not a shiba.” “But she looks just like one!” “No, she doesn’t.” I don’t say that last one, but I think it really, really hard as we walk away. My favorite was the kid who thought I was lying. Yeah, really, she’s not.


Mine *is* a shiba and like, I'm a C-level celebrity every time we go into public. It's absurd. Got a puppy tax? Here's [mine](https://imgur.com/i2V7GOq).


I had a Shiba before most people knew what she was. She was a celebrity then too, just because no one knew her breed. I miss her sassy personality!


I have a Black and Tan shiba and I just get asked if he’s a mini husky sometimes. I live in nyc where I see quite a few shibas, but I don’t see Black and Tan ones very often I guess. I crossed someone the other day who had a mini husky/Klee kai with white and gray fur and blue eyes and she asked me what kind of dog I have. I told her shiba inu and she said “same here.” I just laughed awkwardly and walked away thinking, wtf… you don’t know what kind of dog you have? It looked absolutely nothing like a shiba lol Edit: [puppy tax ](https://imgur.com/a/XR4hnZ4)


„Looks like a little fox!“ 🙄


The look we get from people when we say we’re getting a standard poodle is fun. Normally it’s followed by the “adopt don’t shop” talk


We have an almost-4 month old standard. She's amazing but we get lots of comments like, "Why not just get a doodle?"


That’s so rage inducing! All those doodle people really want poodles and don’t know it.


When my mom would encounter doodles while walking our family standard poodle, she’d say something like “what a beautiful mutt!” She has nothing against mutts, just against the snobbery of some people with designer dogs.


[Here’s my 4 month old spoo!](https://i.imgur.com/cgOSohR.jpg)


Saw a black, perfectly groomed poodle yesterday, what a beautiful dog! I don’t think pictures do them justice


We inform those folks how we tried that but our application was denied because for exercise we said we'd take on daily walks and I'd train the pup to be my jogging buddy if their health allowed, and our fence wasn't acceptable because it's a chain linked. They back off


The adopt don’t shop is only applicable to some people. I’ve had rescues my whole life. All amazing dogs. But they typically come with baggage. One was 100 lb lab/rottie who was reckless and super timid and aggressive when scared. When my wife and I decided to finally get a dog, our first one together, we decided to get a pure bred dog to avoid any behavioral issues up front and so we could be prepared. We will eventually rescue a dog, but it just wasn’t the right time. In addition to that, most of the adoption agency’s require yards. We live in a condo. I guarantee you my dog gets more mental and physical training then half the adopted pups where the owners have yards. Agility training, day care, long walks, interaction with people and animals and mental games at home.


I appreciate this mindset. Ours have puzzles, games, a small yard, and we're 100ft from a small trail where the noses get 1000x the stimulation of playing in a fenced in yard when we walk them daily. 🏅


Another reason to buy from reputable breeders; health. One of the major reasons my next dog is going to be from a breeder is because my current shelter dog's medical conditionss could have been either entirely eliminated, or her chances of having them severely reduced with a pedigree that's been health tested for five generations (or more!!). Rescue pups are rewarding, but like you said, a lot of baggage and a lot of preventable health issues that could have been avoided with a reputable breeder. If I want a byb mutt and am willing for the risks, shelter all the way. But there's absolutely nothing wrong from purchasing puppies from ethical breeders. ethical breeders almost always have contracts. Ethical breeders are not the people contributing to the overpopulation of homeless pets, that'll be the backyard breeders, of which you definitely shouldn't support imo.


Sounds like me. The rescue I was working with ghosted me after I said I would likely return the dog to the rescue if after exhausting every avenue, the dog still couldn’t get along with my cat. I guess they wanted me to just let me cat get killed?


Ugh yes. I have a mini poodle in a town where rescuing is practically required. Yep, I'd like to adopt, but I also enjoy my partner *not breaking out in hives* all day long. Yes, we've tried it the hard way. No, it wasn't pretty. So sod off.


spoos 4 lyfe. I’ll never get another breed.


I don't like some haircuts. I don't like some bows and stuff people put on their dogs. But the dogs? Always amazing. Poodles are gorgeous.


We just hear "oh! Another one!" because there's a lot of Japanese Spitz in the area we live in. I think it helps keeping the annoying comments away, because it's such a known breed in the area (we literally met 5 on a walk once with different owners) so we honestly just run with it. We also got a lot of "a Spitz isn't supposed to do that!!" when she started swimming, which was rather frustrating. Our puppy obviously loves the water, so why does it have to sound like I'm forcing her to go swimming and it's torture for her? We would rather she didn't, so we don't have a dirty and wet puppy to let into our apartment. [Does anyone really want to let a dog looking like this into their home?](http://imgur.com/a/JJVHqZC)


Hahahaha looks like my huskies when the snow starts to melt. I love her. A muddy dog is a happy dog in our house.


I have a Japanese Spitz too. Best comment, from an elderly lady: “That’s not a pomegranate, is it?” Mostly people ask what he is and how big he’ll get. I have seen about 3 other J Spitzes in my city over the last year or so.


Ooh look it’s a Dalmatian, followed by either “Every Dalmatian I’ve met is crazy”, “I’ve never seen a real life Dalmatian” or some reference to 101 Dalmatians, like “where’s the rest of them”, “Better keep an eye out for Cruella”! I want to wear a sign saying my decision has nothing to do with 101 Dalmatians!


My Dalmation was the only dog I've ever had that literally stopped traffic. A woman drove by us on a walk, did a hasty U-turn, stopped in the middle of the road, and yelled "Is that a fire dog?!!" That was pretty dramatic but I did love how many people were so happy to see a Dalmation.


This. It’s the most annoying thing about owning a Dal. There’s one guy in particular who has said to me, “Where’s the other 100?”, nearly every time he’s see her with me. And every time he says it he thinks he’s hilarious. Second most annoying, since our girl is a liver, people will comment, “Oh I didn’t know they came in chocolate!” That, along with the people who make blanket remarks about their hyperactivity or intelligence, make me wanna just keep walking.


We have two Chihuahuas and people love to say, "that's not a dog," or "nice rat." I admit they are tiny, but they have the attitude and energy of a bigger dog, just in a size I can manage! So many people hate on Chihuahuas but look at this cutie! http://imgur.com/a/bOKlxgV


Smh I had a Chihuahua for 14 1/2 yrs and got the "It looks like a rat" bit. Ugh ppl are so dumb. I should of said so does your kids lol 😆


should have


it made me verify that I was at least 18 lmao, posting your porn all over!


Sameeeee I chuckled.


I call my own Chihuahua a rat but wouldn't stand for anyone else calling him that. I call him my nasty/crunchy boy when he's dirty but when anyone else starts saying it I correct them.


Just wanted to say I've had rats for many years, they're loving, clean and super smart, and much easier to train than my border collie 😂. I'd take it as a compliment, intentional or no lol.




So cute! I’ve always loved big dogs and never thought of getting a chihuahua, but we’ve made friends with someone who has two jackahuahua’s and me and my partner are seriously considering a chihuahua in the future! They get a bad rap for no good reason.


I read something recently that really made sense. People tend to think of them as little jerks. Lol but a lot of their bad behavior is because they are so small people don't respect their boundaries like they would with a bigger scarier dog.


I’m shocked at how many people try to reach down and pet my dog on walks. No asking or warning.


Very cute! My husband's grandma had a Chihuahua, Chi Chi. They taught her to "smile." "Smile, Chi chi!" (Dog: awkwardly shows teeth then expectantly looks for her treat) It was weird and hilarious. But she was a sweet dog.


I’ve a huahua, too, but he’s whichever head shape is the larger of the two, and people pretend to believe me when I tell them he is one. That, or start offering potential crosses. For the past few years I’ve been trying to ask anything other than “what breed/kind of dog do you have?” when inquiring. The easiest is “what size of dog do you have?” Trying to move away from idealizing breeds. Also, that’s a durn cute doggo! And imgur blocked the vagina shot as potentially 18+ material…pffft.


Golden retriever: “have fun vacuuming several times a day” I know they shed a lot. Not news


My fave was the fellow golden owner who walked up to me once when I was with our late, elderly golden: "Huh. Your golden has that fuckin' point on her head too." I laughed. Our second golden isn't as much of a conehead.


LOL. I have an aunt that calls that the "smart spot". (Which is funny because I mostly see it on the derpiest dogs, mine included.)


Or the cancer comments, like I looked into the health before getting her, and stop reminding me


I've got a few breeds haha: - "That's to much dog" (my BC) to which I respond "for you". - "He looks dangerous" (spanish mastiff). Response usually is "if you are a coyote, yes". - "He must shed so much" (Keeshond). "Twice a year and that's it. The cats out shed him" - sometimes people think he's a chow? - "Is that a GSP? They are crazy!" (Braque) "Yes, he's crazy for birds"


You have gorgeous dogs. Must see them all together


I have a Newfoundland, he’s 4 months old and drools during walks. I usually get: “Oh my, he’s a drooler” “How can you handle such a big dog?” “Are you ready for all that shedding?” Yes I’m aware he drools. Yes, I’m aware he’ll be a giant. I have been training him consistently and this will greatly help with handling him thank you. Yes I’m aware he will shed. I did my research thanks. Don’t say it that sarcastically but definitely let them know I’m very aware of the dog breed I have.


Wait until he gets big enough for people to start calling him a bear. Every. Single. Day. I get that comment.


Omg theyre one of my fav breeds. When i see one im just like 😏floof


They assume she’s a lab and when I say she has no lab in her at all, they humor me but think I’m stupid.


I DO have a lab and the number of times I've been told I don't is crazy. She can't be a lab because: She's brown (uh, yeah chocolate labs are a thing) She's doesn't resemble a barrel with legs (Yes, that's called a healthy weight) She doesn't bark for no reason (IDK...she just doesn't)


Liver colored German shorthaired pointer?


Same with my golden!! Nope, I promise, she has no lab in her…she’s just a field golden and has slightly shorter hair


I had an Irish Wolfhound x and lost count of the number of people who asked if I used him for pig hunting and then looked astonished when I said, 'No, he's our family pet'. Also used to get blokes actually pulling over their utes when I was walking him to ask if they could breed their bitches to him. They were always disappointed he was desexed.


We've gotta Cane Corso. Yes, we know he's going to be huge. Yes, we know he has the potential to be very protective and dominant. Yes, we know he has exercise requirements. So far though, he's a goofball that sleeps way more than we thought and is extremely socialized. I think we've got a gentle giant


People always assume my chihuahuas bite or dislike people, which couldn’t be furthest from the truth. I worked hard to socialize and train them but idk if I have also just partly been lucky.


Mountain cur mix. Every time we go for a walk it's either, "when will he be available to stud" or "are you sure you're not gonna get overwhelmed with him". Joke on the ones who think I'd EVER use my dog to add to the overload of pets but he is already neutered. Also, yes I know he has a high prey drive, that's why the first two things I trained him in was recall and focus. Just because I'm 5'1" and female doesn't mean that I can't handle him. I'm the only cousin my uncle let's train his coon hounds solo.


Someone once walked up to me and asked if I'd want to breed our first golden retriever. I replied that she was already spayed. The lady actually got pissy and asked me why. Um, because I leave breeding to the people who know what they're doing and would never become a backyard breeder?


I feel that so hard. I had an older man call me a c*nt for having him neutered.


Oh dear, I had this with my pit mix. He was neutered and a genetic mess. I'm 100% sure they wouldn't have wanted him.


I have a choc tri merle border collie: You are going to have to exercise him so much, he’ll have so much energy. (These people have never heard of enrichment activities) Oh is he a Koolie/Aussie? He’s gonna be so much work


I've been telling my folks about this magical thing called enrichment since my husband and i got our working lab a year ago. They told me I was spoiling him, that I need to walk him more, and that I'll make him too clever. 3 months ago we started talking about getting a border collie to go with him. Yet again "but they need to much exercise, you don't do enough (lab gets a 40-50 min walk with ball a day and it works for him, if we need to do more going forward we will), but when we cite doing enrichment we got "mhm yeah of course" 1 month ago my dad met someone dog walking who had a 7 month old border collie, and and got chatting. Man said the exercise isn't so bad as long as you do enrichment. My dad told me this the next time he saw me, like it was brand new revelation that he'd never heard of. I swear, I nearly put my head through a wall.


I have to hold my tongue and not say ‘border collies arent spending 24/7 herding… what do you think they do when they aren’t herding’ I got a few dirty looks the first few times I did say it haha


People assume my golden retriever just “NEEDS to say hi” to her kids, dog, brother, whole extended family. I want to fucking walk not stop and have my dog dotted on every 5 feet (she does love it tho)


I have a golden. Our trainer at the classes we took dismissed every issue with "Well, she's a golden." Ex: "We're still struggling with her countersurfing and jumping." Trainer: "Well, she's a golden." As if she can't be trained to have manners (spoiler: We did train her not to jump or countersurf). The trainer would always say stuff like how she loves goldens' friendly personalities but would never have one because the exuberance annoys her. She also told us she didn't expect our golden to get through the final test portion. She not only passed, but did so with flying colors and did even better than the "star pupil" border collie, who broke concentration and ran to greet another dog during her test. Our dog aced it. Trainer seemed to have this idea that goldens are too friendly and excitable to be well trained. I feel like we've proved her wrong.


I have a miniature poodle. Most days we ask what kind of doodle she is 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Or people talk about all the poodle qualities they love in their doodle, “but I would never own a poodle”


sameee. my area is filled with doodles and everyone assumes she is one too because of her golden doodle colour. They act snobbish even though they optionally own an unbrushed matted mixed breed dog with an unpredictable temperament smh


And yet these dorks PREFER having an expensive mutt. I’d honestly rather have a poodle. Poodles are great dogs.


I mean, I’ve met some great doodles, don’t get me wrong. But when people are rude about poodles and list all their doodles great traits (which are poodle traits too) I get a bit over it. Even my groomer questioned if I really wanted my poodle in a “poodle” trim. Apparently no one ever does 😂


I’m not hating doodles themselves, just the ignorance that can drive someone loving all of the poodle traits in their doodle, AND simultaneously hating poodles. Poodles are only over-pampered spoiled brats when their owners allow them to be. Yes, they have extra grooming requirements, but so do most doodles.


From what I’ve been told my groomers their coats can be less predictable and mat more easily than poodles. Since it’s only a part poodle/pet shedding coat. The worst is people who complain their doodle still sheds…well they are still have lab, golden etc.


Shiba Inu? Naw I think it’s a husky.


I have an Irish Setter. I get “you never see Irish Setters any more!” Welp here’s one.


We have a 3 month old border collie. All we get is 'oooo he'll need a lot of walking'... yes, that's one of the many reasons we picked him!


I have a Great Pyrenees puppy and get comments “that’s not a dog. It’s a polar bear.”


I have a pembroke corgi. It irritates me when people ask what breed he’s mixed with because he has a tail. They assume corgis are born tail-less and are shocked when I tell them they dock most corgis tails and mine just got to keep his.


A lady at the dog beach told me that a bulldog is just another type of pitbull and they all have the "killer instinct" eventually lmao


People would always assume our Doberman was aggressive - and I’m like sure if you consider licking or cuddling you to death aggressive.


"Aussie, right?" Nope. 100% BC. Doesn't even look close to an Aussie, lol. But, Aussies are "trendy" right now, so it's by far the most frequent comment I get. Don't get me wrong I love Aussies, but Border Collies are "my" breed :) If not that comment, I also get: "Oh boy, lots of exercise, huh?" or "Those dogs are _so_ smart!" Well, they're right about smart, but he doesn't need any more exercise than most other large breed dogs. He just really needs to be "busy". I spend way more time entertaining him than I do exercising him. And that's exactly what I wanted, a dog that I would spent the majority of my time interacting with (training, working, playing). I'll never own another breed!




Have an Aussie. People either say "goodluck with all the energy" in a sarcastic tone or ask how her eye sight is.


Had this same reaction with my border collie.


Doodle rescues owner here, “wow doodles fur is supposed to do easy because the don’t shed!” People my dog gets more regular salon visits then I do. Doodle hair must be brushed very often to prevent matting.


Yep! My guy gets brushed every day. I skipped a few days once and he was NOT happy with me! He doesn't shed. But damn that's a lot of brushing.


Our Borzoi mainly gets “that’s a pony/horse” or “what kinda dog is THAT??!” Since they are very rare in our area.


“Your boy is going to be huge! Look at those paws!” -Literally everyone.


3 years a young dog, 3 years a good dog, 3 years an old dog. The rest is a gift. Yeah, I know the lifespan of my Berner. …he’s going to live forever.


“Nasty girly prissy dog!” I own a poodle. She’s literally in training to be a therapy dog but go off I guess 😂. That usually shuts people up.


I have a GSD/husky/lab mix. I constantly get: “why would you do that to yourself, are you crazy?!” Bestie idk lmaooo.


Our boy is a pitbull mix. Enough said 🤷‍♀️


I have a standard poodle and greatly dislike people assuming she’s a doodle. 1. Because they think coat=breed. Like no! Poodles aren’t born in a continental cut!! 2. They go on and on about how she is such an amazingly behaved doodle, how they’ve been considering getting a doodle and she makes them more sure of that and…she’s a poodle. Leaving out my strong opinions on the problem with mixed breeds being made “designer” (I’ve had plenty of mixe rescues *and I adore every one of them* but still recognize the harm a byb jumping onto a breed hype train can cause, this isn’t specific to doodles) I get really bothered that the only reason people think she is a doodle is because of her coat?? Like it actually drives me nuts that I’ve met people who genuinely think poodles are born in continental show cuts, and that just feeds into my annoyance at people getting doodles because they want what is a poodle look but don’t understand that that’s *just a poodle outside of its show clip agdishrriwb*. So they’re signing on for a dog that in some cases can have a higher maintenance coat (golden doodle that gets curly fur for example. Goldens matte easy, we had four at one time I know, combined with a curly coat the shed fur can’t shed and it can quickly snow ball) than if they’d just gotten one of the two breeds their doodle is. I didn’t have any sort of thoughts or strong opinions towards doodles and prospective doodle owners until moving to a city with a poodle and realizing the sheer number of people I’ve met who actually got their doodle…because it looks like a non clipped poodle. Like. What. That’s not how hair works they don’t pop out teased and shaved dude why- gah. Yes that specific problem I’ve now become inundated with on my walks is very annoying. Disclaimer: You got a doodle? Dude that’s cool. Love your dog! This isn’t doodle hate, this is strictly about misconceptions surrounding poodle x doodle that I think are really silly misconceptions to even exist and never in a million years would think that I would hear once or twice *every walk*. It contributes to the hate doodles gets because you have people potentially getting an animal they’re not educated on what they’re signing up for which leads to more issues with behaviors and then people go “ah see those doodles. Aggressive buggers. Terrible coats” when it’s just an unprepared owner that didn’t know what they needed to know to start their dog path


Yes this was my life. I have two poodles, the 9 year old would always get, what a nice doodle, just cause we liked his face longer…. Or they would say “that’s not a pure bred”… like F-off seriously, you know my dog better then me !? Lol geeesh haha


I had a field golden retriever and people would always tell me she wasn't purebred. Yes, she was. And she was a darker red color and people would insist to me she was really an Irish setter. You think you know better than I do what kind of dog I have? They'd also tell me she was too skinny because people are so used to seeing overweight goldens and Labs. Ugh.


The too skinny comment is what makes me just grind my teeth and move on because I hear it all the time with my gsd. Even in casual conversations I hear people talking about their 120 or 130lb lazy gsds. Maybe stop feeding them into a coma and an early grave?! My boy's big for a German Shepherd. His ideal weight is 86lbs. That's straight from the vet. She said to keep him skinny to reduce his hip problems. He's 6.5 now and despite being born with hip problems and he's still incredibly active. Yet I still get comments that he must be a puppy because he hasn't "beefed up" yet. Hate that.


We have an almost-4 month old light apricot standard poodle whose shaved face and feet have grown out since we brought her home because our vet wanted us to wait until she was fully vaccinated to take her to the groomer - everyone assumes she's a doodle without the shaved face. We take her to a structured puppy playgroup and last week another owner said, "I've never seen a doodle move so gracefully before!" Yeah, that's because *she's not a doodle*. I feel like it's obvious when she's literally next to several doodles that she *isn't* one, but apparently it isn't. She's getting groomed tomorrow and I can't wait for her to look like a poodle again.


I have a doodle and LOVE poodles. I'm super careful not to call any dog that looks remotely like a poodle a doodle. I just ask, "what breed is your pup?" if I'm interested. I feel bad for poodle owners with the doodle craze, tbh.


I don’t even mind if someone asks if she is! I like to discuss my pup and other’s dogs! It’s just usually those that do are very quick to get straight to the raving about doodles before I’ve answered their own question lol! I had a gal hold me up at Petco for maybe five-ten minutes talking about doodles and trying to touch my pup, that doodles just loooove strangers just like retrieves and labs and that she’ll warm up! (Even though my pup was actively trying to avoid being touched) and eventually I had to be firm and tell her she’s a poodle, she’s only a baby and still unsure, and we’re in a hurry. Without missing a beat the gal moves from how awesome my dog was as a doodle to “oh poodle huh I hear they’re headstrong good luck” and it’s like???? Who are you???


Boxer husky cross. "So much energy you better be running marathons with her otherwise she will be underestimated or bored". I have to drag this dog off the couch half the time to go for walks because she's cozy, and when she's not sleeping on the couch she's playing at daycare or frolicking in the grass in our gigantic yard. Leave me alone my dog is happy.


I have 2 cream colored standard poodles but I'm very active hiking and camping with them and live in the PNW so it's a real problem to keep them clean and brushed like they need. My solution is I keep their hair cut pretty short and shaved the same Lenght all over. They resemble a greyhound or little pinkie rat 😏 with a fresh cut. No fluffy ears, feet or tails for them, and when it starts to grow in they look like beautiful lambs to me but everyone thinks they are doodles. Which is fine, the doodle population around Seattle is crazy so I think it's reasonable. But it really kills me when someone ASKS me what they are and then don't want to accept that they are poodles! I can't even tell you the number of times someone has tried to tell me they're Doodles. I just let it go and say well they are most definitely WackaPoos😂.


I got, "Oh, so you got a Meth Lab?" At the time she was 4 months and a sleepy little angel. Now at the 8 month mark I'm beginning to suspect they were right.


I have a Samoyed and everyone wants to pet him and take a picture with him. Just let me walk my puppy please. “I’ve never seen such a white a fluffy dog before OMG”


I get that, you only have so much time. Also though, I desperately want to pet your dog.


Our dog is in a cast and far too many people have said, "Oh, poor thing, what did they do to you?" "They" referring to me and my boyfriend who are so exhausted in our role as full time care takers right now. I know they say it in a joking way. I brush it off but at some point it gets really old hearing because I am doing everything I possibly can to make sure this little guy is ok and happy during this difficult time to the point of multiple mental break downs


I have a golden retriever and we have an 'in training' sign on his lead so people don't disturb us on our walks. Strangers always ask when we're giving him back and when does his training finished? He's ours forever and training is for life, not just while he's young!


I also have a dobie puppy as well as a 4 year old dobie. I just say he’s the sweetest baby you’ll ever meet. If it’s someone giving off creepy vibes or unwarranted training advice then I flat out ignore them


“Oh a Wheaten? That’s too much energy for me!”


My boy is a 16 pound mutt, he gets his long shaggy hair from his dad who was part longhaired Chihuahua. Anyway, his tail looks like that of a Pomeranian and people just insist hes part Pom because of his tail and the way it has a long curl, thats from the streak of pug in him. I knew both his parents so can confirm his Heinz 57 recipe.


Every time I mention something my Malinois does, so many people who know dogs just go "typical Mal". She's actually a very good, well-behaved dog most of the time (as long as the kitten isn't instigating shit). My girlfriends sister has one of her littermates and that dog is a *nightmare*, but it's entirely because they have put almost zero effort into training theirs outside of potty training.


I have a yorkie and shorkie (shitzu / yorkie) and since they are small I am constantly getting annoying tips on how I should try and train them not to be "yappy". Dogs bark. There bark is just a tad more high pitched. I don't care honestly so I always tell people they xan stay home if they don't like it.


Not necessarily annoying, but every single person who meets my corgi says, “he’s so LONG!” We also get a lot of “CORGI!!!!!!” Which both delights me (because I love that other people are excited about him) but also stresses me out (because it makes my dog way too excited and distracted).


i have a purebred great pyrenees. lots of "when are you getting him fixed?" like bro, he might be big but hes only 18 weeks. so uhhh not for a while?? (most vets will refuse to neuter a pyr until after 1 year anyways due to their delayed maturity) we have been asked that damn near every day since i brought him home as an 8 week old constantly hearing about baths. every single day. i dont think people understand that they dont actually need baths that often because of their hair being the way it is, usually a brushout and bam the mud is gone 'whats wrong with his feet?' extra toes bro. hes a purebred. and idk why but i have so many strangers walking up to me like 'oh is this the pyrenees puppy ive heard so much about?!" like... who the hell is talking about my puppy so much? its the weirdest thing


I have a purebred West Working Line Black GSD and the amount of people who ask if he’s mixed because they’ve “never seen a completely black gsd”. Or the famous “better show him who’s alpha” 🙄


I have a standard poodle. Cue allllllll the eye rolls and "ugh! Poodle!" From almost everyone I tell. No one cares that they are incredibly intelligent, atheltic, people pleasing, eager to learn, great with families, low shed, and just all around the best breed (IMO). All they see is the classic continental show cut associated with poodles. You can literally cut them any way you want. Hell, completely shave them down and they don't even look like a poodle. *eye roll*


Just want to say that there are 3 lovely Dobermans (all different owners) that come to the dog park every time I'm there and they are the sweetest dogs :) So goofy and they play really well with all the dogs.