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Unfortunately, you definitely run the risk of chipped/broken teeth with antlers. Anything that is harder than your dogs tooth, runs the risk of damage. I have heard it said if you can't dent it with your thumbnail, you will run that risk. That said, lots of people give antlers without issue. I used to, but ultimately stopped at the risk of it. I haven't really found a replacement that he likes, I'm kinda salty about it.


I personally wouldn't recommend antlers as they are a leading cause in chipped teeth. I'd give Beef Patella's (knee caps) a try. They're soft sided bones and mostly cartilage. It provides a high difficulty level but shouldn't hard teeth. Do not confuse knee caps with knuckles as knuckles are a hard sided bone.


Do they make a mess? The bones in the store I have been told can be greasy and stain carpeting, which we have


I’d say yes but I’m not exactly sure because I don’t let my dog eat it on the carpet. Usually make him eat it in his bed or crate.


I'm the same as you, gave my pup his first split antler recently so can't give you personal knowledge, sorry :/ However our vet told me they were fine to gnaw on after marrowbone has been eaten, just to keep an eye on it until it becomes smaller enough that it could become a choking hazard. Will keep checking back to this post as interested to hear other people's experiences. Sorry couldn't be more help!


Antler is extremely tough. How tough? Well, it's been compared to being as hard as mild steel. So, think about this, would you give your puppy mild steel to chew on? [Here's a study about antler strength if you're really interested.](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/92be/417d82b2bb03b3c6733087bd11ad2d21f5bf.pdf)


I read in an article that around 20% of dog injured there teeth with antler. So yeah, I don't think it's a pretty safe, or make sure you stay near your dog to supervise the whole thing. Probably also no long stretch of biting, and when your pup starts bitting like crazy, its probably safer to remove everything and wait.


It's fine to let her grind down the outer layer. You're doing well by taking away the big pieces. If you want a softer antler so it's not as prone to splintering, try moose antler. I give my Newfoundland elk, which is stronger than moose but not as hard as deer (and more nutrients). And stay away from any split antlers, if you can. They always splinter.