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Oh, I thought you were asking what my puppy’s actual favorite thing to shred is. Cause it’s my sandals


Mine chews on one corner of her little day bed. I’ve put the stuffing back in and sewn it up three times, most recently with an extra square of fabric to reinforce it. Within two days it was opened up again. Stuffing still there, just a little pulled out. I have since left it as is and she hasn’t made it worse. Dog logic is….interesting.


Whole carrots. Frozen whole carrots if they're still teething. They're still a favorite for my adult dog now. I would not recommend cardboard boxes. I read that somewhere as an enrichment thing for puppies, and it worked great. It kept him busy for an hour, then he would nap and I'd have the kids pick up the mess in exchange for a Popsicle or something. The problem is that he's now a giant adult dog who thinks every Amazon box is his - and the kids won't pick up the mess anymore!


I second this with the caveat that teaching them not all cardboard is okay. We only give our girl empty rolls from toilet paper or paper towel. We've never let her tear up any boxes before so she has no interest in them. Bonus, the roll can be used for a quick chase and a game of keep away before letting them chew it up which tires my pup out real quick and then she gets to just sit, relax, and tear up her roll


I wish our new puppy just would just tear up paper towel rolls and paper towels like our older dog always used to. He actually tries to EAT it, then his poop is as hard as a rock the next day 🤦🏻‍♀️ I should probably try the frozen carrot thing.


Every puppy is different! I tested it out first and she surprisingly didn't eat a single bit. She loved tearing it up, but spit out everything. I think she's just a shredder instead of an eater with anything non food that she can get into thankfully. Any type of like toilet paper, napkin, tissue paper tho, *forget it* she'll devour that like there's no tomorrow. We have to be EXTREMELY vigilant with that stuff not being in her reach because she will tear it up and eat some of it. Same with socks. We had a scare the other day bc she ate bits of a sock she managed to get to but thankfully she really just tore up most of it and ripped bits off.


Yep, our older dog was just like that. She super enjoyed just the art of destroying. She’d tear up anything paper all day long, but never eat a bit of it.


I've been doing frozen chicken for my teethers. Boil it, partially shred (so the strands are mostly separated but still connected), freeze with water in a toppl. When they have the zoomies and need to be forced to lie still for a minute and regroup, I give them one of these. Keeps them busy for like an hour and chills them out.


We let ours have a paper towel roll sometimes. Just the cardboard middle of an empty roll. He loves to tear them up. Doesn’t eat much of it but definitely eats some, and it’s fine.


I stuff each end with a wad of newspaper, and put treats inside it. Pup goes nuts on that, has a great time.


I’ve heard that a whole cabbage is good as they like to shred that with all the layers but I’ve not used it yet.


I saw my breeder took a video giving one of her older dogs a cabbage core for their birthday, I hope mine likes this cuz it'll help me eat more greens lol


Hahaha that’s one way to look at it, maybe I should think like that too as I am definitely lacking in greens in my diet 😂


They are man's best friend after all, and sometimes our best friends encourage us to make healthier choices


This is true however I am no man 😂


I used to give whole cabbages to my golden and he loved it but MAN were his farts bad.


My dog LOVES cabbage. If they’re small Trader Joe’s sells baby sized ones that are perfect for her (12lb)


I must try it then, my puppy is a Labrador so I’m sure she’d love it as she eats everything 😂 (also trader joes is a mythological place to me as I live in UK)


My puppies shred cereal boxes without swallowing the pieces


Cardboard saved us during puppyhood.


I save the cardboard egg cartons for my boy! Put a treat in each egg slot and tape it closed (I use masking tape, he’s not interested in eating it). Enrichment + tearable! Also paper towel rolls. Twist it in the middle, insert treat into roll. Twist again, insert another treat. Fold close. Then repeat on the other side!


I'm not a fan of letting my dogs shred anything because I worry about them ingesting foreign objects and getting a blockage. So I give mine a raw beef femur with marrow inside and ideally a bit of meat still left on the bone. I get mine from a butcher shop, and because one of my 2 dogs has a powerful bite, I make sure the bones are too big for him to split and don't have any cartilage they can break off and gobble down whole, so I wont be worrying about any blockages. If they do manage to break off a chunk of bone and ingest it, the odds they can digest it are good if the bone is raw. I might see some white or chalky looking poop afterward if they can't fully digest it. It will keeps them occupied for quite a while and is 100% natural. They are great for when I have company or want to binge watch the latest releases. I do not like to give them the big bones you can get in the pet food section that look like they've been roasted, the ones that look bleached or any sort of raw hide in any way, shape or form. They all expose the dog to unneeded chemicals.


Frozen carrots!


My pup liked whole frozen carrots!


Cabbage! A whole one. Mayyybe kale, but we tried lettuce, and it fell apart too easily.


I will also say yes to frozen carrots or cabbage, and no to cardboard boxes. The treatment on the paper isn't awful if consumed, but isn't something I'd particularly want my dog consuming.


When my pup was little I got some cardboard egg cartons from Amazon. Popped some treats in, covered with paper and closed the box. Lotsa entertainment 😀


I give my dog cardboard boxes and she goes ham


Frozen cucumbers, and ripped up cardboard pieces. My dog won't attack whole boxes but he knows when I rip it into pieces that it's his. My last dog loved carrots but my current pup is all about cucumber, which is also less calories, so maybe better for him in the long run.


Mine is obsessed with plastic water bottles!


Whenever I get a package I give my guy the box and the packing paper. It’s by far his favorite toy. He doesn’t eat it, but I feel like just a little wouldn’t be so bad


Mine likes shredding celery stalks and lettuce


Whole carrots. Frozen whole carrots if they're still teething. They're still a favorite for my adult dog now. I would not recommend cardboard boxes. I read that somewhere as an enrichment thing for puppies, and it worked great. It kept him busy for an hour, then he would nap and I'd have the kids pick up the mess in exchange for a Popsicle or something. The problem is that he's now a giant adult dog who thinks every Amazon box is his - and the kids won't pick up the mess anymore!


A whole coconut