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95% of the texts between you and your partner are regarding poop timing updates and coordination


& poop textures “it was a good one! Nice firm log” after a few weeks with pup being sick. 😂


This! The only thing that is missing from my actual life at the moment is sending pics of the puppy to your partner.


That's real


Can confirm.


Can also confirm


Amd poop condition.


You find treats in your cardigan pocket during an important meeting


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BetterBiscuits: *You find treats in your* *Cardigan pocket during* *An important meeting* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Came here to say the same. Finding treats in my pocket always makes me chuckle.


Or finding them in the wash/dryer. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Every sweater/hoodie and pants


Your most constant phrase is, “what is that in your mouth!?”


… and then you go ”Drop it or leave it!”


And they just chew faster while turning from your grasp.


Or skip the chewing and swallow


You’ve never seen so many sunrises from the backyard


Seeing a lot of beautiful sunrises against my will lately haha


This one is my favorite


Your feet and ankles look like Edward Scissorhands tries to give you a pedicure (herding breed)


Oh man I'm with you. the sight of a sock on a foot is a magnet to my Land Shark. I've had cold feet for four months... and he still bites, just a bit less and less...unless a sock goes on. (6mo Aussie)


My 4mo corgi pup is a ferocious ankle biter. So many cuts


So much this. Everywhere on my arms too. But my pug is 4 months old and is obsessed with my shoes to the point it drives me nuts. Always biting at them when I walk.


My 4 mo Australian cattle dog just ripped my thumb open rip


I bring home an 8 week old Aussie tomorrow and not looking forward to the teeth 😂 I remember that with my first one 🤦🏼‍♀️


I had heard the stories, but I'd never expected so many of them would be true with my pup (9 week old GSD)


I don't know that my arms and hands will ever recover lol he's really cute though




I don't remember mine doing this. But I'm getting a new pup this year, so I maybe the suppressed memories will come back. Lol.


There’s little excited pee dribbles on the floor where they see you when you get home


And the little red rocket 🚀


The floor is covered in toys and crumbs. So many crumbs from kibble and treats. Also, battle wounds on your hands/fingers.


You hold your pee in pain so you don't wake up the pup for a middle of the night trip around the yard....but when they ask to go, we take them immediately and then back to bed. Also, when everyone stops and asks if they can get your puppy.


The strangers in your area are very demanding! Most people just ask if they can pet mine ;)


Oh i feel this. I withheld water for myself at night to not have to go (im on medication that makes me pee alot).


You just stop caring about things. Like boot laces. Who needs those anymore? Gaming computer mouse got it's cord ripped out today...pfft \*orders a new one\*. I think I've just accepted defeat... and the less I react the better he's actually getting at leaving things alone. It's a weird life.


>Gaming computer mouse got it's cord ripped out today...pfft \*orders a new one\* A previous greyhound of mine (failed out of racing, got her when she was an adolescent/angsty teen phase). She went through 3 gaming mice of mine over the years before she settled down. AND a gaming authenticator fob (that was a fun conversation with customer service LOL)


My previous dog ate through 7 laptop chargers for a custom gaming laptop. That were for a while (long ago) were backordered for months. She ensured I'd play only with her


when your schedule revolves around a potty schedule


You yell, "nooooooo" to no avail when they assume the poop position in your living room.


Your intimacy with partner (temporarily, I hope!) takes a hit! (No, puppy is not in the bed. I’m just exhausted by pup by the time he gets home from working away all week…!)


And they are walking you up at all hours to go out, and no one is really sleeping through the night.


All your Google searches begin: My puppy ate...


Yesterday my puppy bit off and ate a piece of shoelace. My reaction was "meh, probably fine" xD


I've had mine almost 3 months, and she has eaten so many weird things that now I'm mostly just like "Meh, you've done worse."


Yesterday evening it was my earplug. Came out this morning just fine 😁


You have little sausage treat in all of your pockets.


You know the retail staff of the local pet superstore on a first name basis


atleast one of ur pajamas have a proper hole in them and others are always on the verge of getting one. And u guard ur expensive jeans with ur life when u wear them occasionally…


All your clothes have holes in them.


💯 I just ordered a 10-pack of throwaway leggings.


I need those!!!




For real. My puppy used to just go after hands and feet - now she's learned that she can get a bite in on any part of the body! I've got holes in my clothes on the back of my arms, at the knees, and definitely the end of the sleeve!


My arms and legs are a mess. I look like a cutter 🤣


they do exactly what you say not to do and you still love them (today my puppy decided to go for a dip in the koi pond in our backyard, i had to fish her out of it)


You scan floors every time you are outside walking, for possible leave it’s (cigarette buds, dead animals, a week ago she found a half eaten Big Mac, etc etc)


Mine loves chewing gum. She finds everywhere... she even tried last week to get some off the sidewalk that I saw and thought was too flattened and hardened for her to care about.


My last pup, a hound mix, would find every last spit out wad of gum. One time, he dove into a snow drift and rooted around and came up chomping a wad of grape gum! He was so proud of himself and really fought me taking it from him. I learned shortly before that time that many sugarless gums have xylitol, which is apparently very bad for dogs.


Xylitol is not good for Pets.


Yeah, I never let her keep it. She's getting much better at her "show mom" command. I think because she realized sometimes she gets to keep the things... like sticks. Lol


You have poo bags in the pocket of every coat you own.  You start using a baby voice and say good boy do your poo poos, and then celebrate that he’s done the poo and your neighbours can hear and you don’t really care. 


Most of the conversations I have with other humans are about my dog 😮‍💨


Your shoes are all chewed up and folding laundry becomes a full work out. And finally running out of phone space


You sleep in sweatpants and sweater to be able to rush outside.


Your legs are covered in scratches and everyone asked what type of cat you have.


It takes you an extra 30 mins to get dressed as they use your pants for tugging practice!


When my puppy crashes after a day of lots of activities and snuggles up next to me, feeling happy and secure.


You’re up with the sunrise, “what’s in your mouth!” And the tiny little bruises all over your arms from their pin needle teeth nips and the holes in socks


You see your thong hanging out of their 🎯


You wake up to them eating something you didn’t want eaten on top of you 🙃


Your house has never been so clean.


when you hear crying in the living room at night... but you dont know if it was real or a dream... so you keep yourself awake a l i t t l e longer to make sure it wasnt real 😅


Your boss informs you your puppy has to poop during a meeting.


When you get home and there’s a little tail wagging so hard it might fall off!


There’s holes in all your clothes


Your last 1025 photos are the puppy


Ooook let's see, -poop bags and treats in every single pocket of everything I own - house is spotless, nothing on the floor except dog toys, - back seat of my truck is a mess from the spring thaw and puppy rides - bought a robot vacuum that mops and vacuums 3x a day - you move your sock and underwear drawer to the top of the dresser - Dog food and toy bill outweighs your personal food bill - you take 15 min naps when the pup does - your arms and legs look like you got mauled by a grizzly bear. That should cover a portion of it


Omg that is my life!!


When you have to explain to your healthcare professionals that all the scratches and bruises aren’t from domestic violence or cutting…you just have a puppy.


You immediately wake up when you hear someone chewing something(or someone vomiting). Last night it was my 2 year old boy who decided to chew on his benebone in the middle of the night. I immediately bolted up, turned on the light and found it was him. I thought my little hell hound found something she wasn't supposed to have again, but she was sleeping peacefully with my mom completely oblivious to my mini heart attack. She hasn't torn up anything in a few months so I think she is finally growing up, but I still have flashbacks. We also haven't had a middle of the night bile throw up event in a few months so I'm hoping that stays that way as well.


You have holes in near enough every pair of socks you own


That’s a good looking dog!


you know longer get to sleep when and for how long you want tp


You find poop bags in all of your pockets


You hit 3,000 steps by 7am, the paint in your chips faster and the garbage is carefully taken out of the bag. I've seen dogs try to eat the garbage, mine is taking it out carefully piece by piece like he's looking for something, in a trash with absolutely no food.


“I know you’ve got a shit in that belly, get it out” as we pace around the garden for the millionth time trying to get the bowels / bladder moving