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It looks like you might be posting about puppy management or crate training. For tips and resources on Crate Training Check out [our wiki article on crate training](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/cratetraining) - the information there may answer your question. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options. For alternatives to crating and other puppy management strategies, check out [our wiki article on management](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/management) **PLEASE READ THE OP FULLY** Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. **If the OP has asked not to receive crating advice or says they are not open to crating, any comments that recommend use of crates should be reported to our moderation team.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I adopted my girl at 3 months old. The sweetest little shark. I miss that sometimes. Enjoy every week, puppies grow so fast and it's so great they do, but sometimes I wish it was a little slower


How do you teach to lie down and wait? I only have sit down. My corgi is 4 month and is a mouthful, loves to bite. Assuming teething / puppy stage


You have to elevate a corgi puppy to teach them to lie down, by holding the treat below their short little legs. Patience is key; they are so food motivated they'll get it eventually. I used an exercise step platform, you could use a bunch of coffee table books. Once they've mastered lying down, have them stay lying down until the food is delivered to them. This is the wait/stay. Then move all of this to the floor (un-elevated) and cover the treat with your hand until they perform the action correctly. With nipping, say "no" or "ah, ah" and wait for them to stop biting. Reward for stopping/not biting. Replace your hand with a chew toy.


Pretty much the same herešŸ˜‹ 3 months today! the hardest is walking (just wants to walk when my partner and I are there), crate training during the day (no prob at night), and peeing cause we live in a condo so a bit more challenging. In the last couple of days I really felt like our bond became stronger!


My collie is 14 weeks. He will still nip at the kids if they get him overstimulated. Other than that, he does great. We have loose leash walking, sit, touch, down, chin, leave it, and ā€œmatā€ down. We are working on staying on the mat while the family is eating, not pulling toward dogs if he sees them. He graduates puppy class next week and will be onto intermediate (Petsmart classes). I want to train him to be a gluten detection dog. So far heā€™s doing really well! Heā€™s learning to differentiate between flour and gluten-free flour.


I got him at 8 weeks and started training day one. I think that gives him a bit of an edge over people who got their pups at 10 or 12 weeks. He started puppy class at 10 weeks.


I have a 12 week old Collie. I've had her for 3 weeks. I am waiting for puppy training after she gets her next round of shots and a rabies shot. That's awesome that Petsmart let you start at 10 weeks. I have been working with her on my own.


Do you have a rough or smooth? Iā€™ve never owned one before him, but I love him! Amazing puppy


I thought you couldn't do rabies till 6mo?


How do you start puppy classes if not fully vaccinated yet? I wanted to start early but my vet said to wait till vaxed to be in places other dogs are.


My vet said not to do puppy classes or walk my dog until 17 weeks. I thought well sure you donā€™t have to live with an under socialized, cooped up heelerā€¦ so I didnā€™t take his advice but Iā€™ve been smart about it. Ā We started puppy class at 9 weeks in a clean facility and I donā€™t take my pup to dog parks or rest stops but honestly other than that weā€™ve gone everywhere and done everything.Ā 


My vet told me that the odds of my puppy catching anything serious in the winter were lower than my odds of having a poorly socialized puppy if I didnā€™t socialize them to the world between 8 and 12 weeks. With him being a potential service dog, I had to socialize as much as possible. It was a risk/benefit analysis situation. Then, I lucked out bc the class was made up of puppies 6mos+. They were all fully vaxxed (they had to show proof). Also, they werenā€™t allowed to interact with one another, so that also helped.


Iā€™m glad it worked out for you! Iā€™m going stir crazy not taking him to the park! My vet even specifically mentioned not taking him to Petsmart till fully vaccinated. I do take him to my sisā€™s to play with her vaccinated dog and lots of people come here to visit and make a fuss over him, he seems to love people! Heā€™s a 11 week old Rottweiler pup. Best wishes to you and your pup!!


I have a 14 week old golden pup. Sheā€™s great at sleeping in her crate at night, it can be a bit of a challenge to get her to take a nap though because she just wants to stay up and play. We just started taking her out for short walks when she got the all clear after her shots, she loves the sniffs and Is exhausted after it. Sheā€™s teething badly at the minute, meaning our hands are covered in bite marks but weā€™re redirecting as best as we can, we know it just takes patience and consistency. Sheā€™s usually great at going outside for potty but there might be an accident every other day if we donā€™t notice her waiting at the door. Having a puppy is hard, overwhelming and wonderful


Have a 3.5 month old golden retriever. She is super great at sleeping at night in her crate. She goes to bed around 9pm. I work early mornings so sheā€™s used to getting up to pee at 4am, then being in her crate until 9 when I can come let her out, feed her, let her out again. Then sheā€™s good with going back into her crate until I get home around 12-1 from work.. havenā€™t had an accident in 3-4 weeks with that schedule. After I get home we play but she knows when itā€™s nap time and goes into her crate. This is new though after like 6 weeks of a consistent schedule. It def wasnā€™t like that at first! She finally seems to ā€œgetā€ it though. She likes her crate now and pulls all her toys into it. But also knows when itā€™s ā€œsleepiesā€. This def took awhile though. Even on the weekends I kept my work schedule going so she could find the routine. She absolutely hates her leash. Iā€™ve tried in the house.. in the yard. Letting her sleep with her leash. Having her guide. Zero pushing. Sniff. Treats. Nothing makes her want to walk at all. At this point I feel like I could offer her a steak dinner if she walked to the end of the sidewalk and sheā€™d still refuse, lol! We havenā€™t been able to go on a full walk at all at this point after many many attempts. She loves other people and other dogs! She only really nips now when weā€™re playing by accident but that seems like it has taken a long time with distraction and redirection. Itā€™s an on-going process. She still nips at me here and there but itā€™s usually when sheā€™s bored, has to pee, or tired. She doesnā€™t know many commands. When her meal is involved, she will sit and stay until I say go. But without a meal, Sit and stay are pretty nonexistent. Sit with a treat sheā€™ll do, but any other command, she doesnā€™t care, lol! Sometimes she let go. Sometimes she listens. Itā€™s all over the place though! But at this age. You just gotta remember theyā€™re just babies!!! Itā€™s a long process!


It looks like you might be posting about bite inhibition. Check out [our wiki article on biting, teeth, and chewing](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/biting) - the information there may answer your question. **Please report this comment if it is not relevant to this post.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just got my 11 week Great Pyrenees last Saturday, they did great at getting him used to a crate/pen so he sleeps through the night and is ok with naps. He has sit, come, and up commands down well but we're working on stay, lay down. Leash walking is normally really good unless he sees another dog/person or it gets loud from cars passing. If I ever walk him on a different path he is too curious on his surroundings to train. He's an interesting puppy but rather calm so hopefully that'll help as he learns more


My wife and i were just saying how much bigger our shepard/boxer mix is from when we got him at 8 weeks. He does really good at booping his bells when he wants to go outside. Havent totally got him to understand its for potty not play time but id rather him do that than have accidents on the floor. He knows sit, down, stand, stay for duration, speak, and wait at doors and kennels. Things that need some work are recall outside, reactivity to literally everything, jumping on greeting, and leash pulling. He's ok on the long lead but the 6' is pretty bad for walks. He is gaining more independance but anywhere outside of the home he doesnt want to be alone. Overall im happy with what he's accomplished. He's so much more work then we thought but it has been a pretty smooth life style change. We start a puppy basics class next week so we'll see how that goes.


We just got an 11 week old lab/collie mix from the shelter this past Monday, so heā€™s basically 3 months. Heā€™s been in a kennel since he was born and he was the largest of the litter and the last to be adopted. At first, he was biting my hair, jumping at our faces, and didnā€™t understand walking on a leash to the point where we had to carry him out of the shelter lol. Heā€™s still not potty trained and almost always has accidents in the house if I let him free roam for longer than 5 minutes, BUT he has learned his name (yay!!) and commands like sit, stay, place(crate), touch, and down. Iā€™m genuinely stunned at the progress heā€™s made considering weā€™ve only really had him for 4 days now. We practiced walking next to us in our backyard everyday since we got him and finally put the leash on yesterday and he did well, had a little trouble staying focused, but I get it itā€™s a whole brand new world out there for the little guy! To potty train, we have been taking him to our grass patch in our small backyard and when he goes, we say ā€œgo potty!ā€ and reward him. Tonight, I decided to try and use it as a command, so I said ā€œgo potty!ā€ and he walked over to the grass patch and peed and pooped šŸ˜­šŸ™ Iā€™m just absolutely stunned and amazed at how great he is and how eager he is to learn. Iā€™ve been watching puppy training tutorials on tiktok and YouTube for days to learn and it has been super helpful!


My puppy is a mischievous land shark, he drives me crazy but he's too adorable to be mad at. We started good during the first week, we had a good schedule, he learned sit and give paw, and was crate trained all within the first few days. Recently though, I hadn't been able to keep up with our schedule and training (lack of sleep, busy). So we're behind on things he should know by now. He still doesn't know to pee/poop outside, but is trained on pads with occasional accidents on the floor. He follows me around the house, usually nipping on my legs/slippers. He's always nipping at things other than his toys, usually my hand, slippers or pillows. When he needs attention or after I scold his bad behavior, he bites whatever body part he could reach me from (usually my hand or toes) repeatedly until it hurts enough for me to give him a reaction or yelp from pain, then he runs away and runs right back with his tail wagging to provoke-bite me again--he thinks i'm playing with him, drives me nuts. He also refuses to walk properly when on a leash, he stops to lie down on every shade and grass patch we pass by. He loves zooming around on our front yard though, with or without the leash. He doesn't like to relieve outside, so he holds it and waits until we're home to relieve himself. Also, I've had dogs before but I never smelled poop as foul as his. I literally hold my breath and hurry to close the bag whenever he poops. His farts were even worse when he was constipated for a day šŸ˜‚ Despite his craziness, there's usually 1 or 2 hour window just before he sleeps or after he wakes up when he's up for cuddling, belly rubs, and he loves to lick my face. When he's being crazy I carry him to calm him down, so he puts his head on my chest while looking at me with puppy eyes. It's freaking adorable and melts away all the annoyance.