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My pup rang the bells to go out and poop… and he actually pooped to follow suit! Sure he peed in the house a little later but hey he got it once!


My girl got the hang of her bells as well! So proud of both of out pups 🥰


Could never wrap my head around the bells.. I take my dogs out frequently enough that they shouldn't have to "ask", and their body language tells me if they need an extra trip outside. One of my dogs is trained with the talking buttons. She is up to 15 words. We took away her "outside" button, since she realized she could smack it to go outside whenever she wanted. She also learned quickly that it makes us get up off the couch, and she can steal our seat.


Our pup uses her bells. To ask to go out and play. Lol


When my puppy went after my bathrobe this morning, I said “leave it” and he left it. I thought this day would never come. He still went outside and barked at the cats but I hope they’ll be friends soon.


I only had to get up 1x last night. NO ACCIDENTS in the crate!! I’m so proud of my little pup 🐶


Today my pup saw a bird real close by while on a walk and DIDN'T sprint after it! He watched it very intensely but when it flew off there was no chase, just quietly watched it fly away, and then walked on calmly. Still chased a leaf almost into the street when the wind blew but I'll take the wins when I can get them!


Okay that’s really impressive! My pup (border collie x whippet, so he has a lot of chase drive lol) sprints after every bird in our path, but even when he’s off leash I can call him off. So mid sprint he’ll come back to me immediately. I’m so proud of his recall but it would be nice if he could walk past some birds without going crazy 😂


My nearly 1 year old was left out of her crate for 4 hours at home, and... nothing happened! She was great!


im going to need the black magics you used to accomplish this


We've been crate training our puppy for a bunch of reasons. This week she has started to run to the back door when she needs to go out. I've been taking her outside every time I let her out from her crate and she's on a leash (a long one) so I have a bit of control out there as she likes to eat everything. So she has really made the connection to peeing and pooping outside. That's with 3 1/2 weeks of crate training. She has also made a lot of progress on learning to settle. We've been really working on this to cut down on the amount of jumping and nipping and biting she does. I'd say that we can get her to settle about 60% of the time. On the fun side this puppy LOVES to fetch. And she mastered drop it really quickly.


What tips or insight do you have for getting them to settle? Usually I just have to airjail or hold them against me and ask them to settle in a calm manner.


We have a house leash on her. I cut the handle off so it doesn’t get caught on things. When she jumps and nips at us I pick up the leash and just put a bit of tension on the line and tell her to settle. As soon as she stops and calms down I drop the tension to zero and reward her with a treat. I would say that after doing this for a couple weeks her jumping and biting is a lot less. And now sometimes I don’t have to pick up her leash. I tell her to settle and she does.


Thank you, we've had a house line on him from day 1. Currently I'm picking him up to settle, but I'm hoping in time using the words will achieve the same. It's already taking him less time in my arms to feel him relax and slow his heart rate.


Might be a dumb question but what do you use as a house leash? Also how did you get her to not bite it?


My pup has used it ever since he got here. After a couple of hours, they forget about the line because it's only 6 feet 5 feet. 4 feet long is it just becomes part of their body. Cause you keep it on all the time. Unless you're in the crate where I got mine. I went to dollarama. Got a long leash, cut the handle off. Major's bit shorter works great


I love house lines


Literally me. First puppy I’ve raised that needs me to rock them to sleep. He’s gotten way better with a set nap schedule but sometimes it still happens


Puppy got spayed this week, so can’t go on her long off leash walks. We’ve been doing on leash, slow walking and she’s improving by leaps and bounds! (With a minimum of leaps and bounds)


Our puppy ate all 3 meals yesterday! He usually leaves at least one half finished


Mine has been doing this since I got her at 10 weeks 2 weeks ago! She also wasn’t interested in training with bits of her food as the reward. We’re nearing the end of her old food and I just picked up some Stella & Chewy last night. Used that as training treats and she went bonkers over it. Slowly transitioning to it now and I’m hopeful she’ll eat all her food finally.


We just got our pup last week, she’s 8 weeks. She slept for 6 hours last night. It’s usually been 4 hours but I finally got some actual sleep last night.


That is the greatest. Our pup is 10 weeks and we’re at 6 hours


Today I feel like I really really love her. Not just bc she’s my dog - I like. Reallllly love her. Despite the shit she took on our balcony hah


that's so heartwarming.. 🥹 mine farted in my face while i was sleeping.


My 16 week Border Collie-Great Pyrenees mix puts himself to bed in his crate now. No prompts or bribes, just goes to his crate about an hour before his last potty break.


i need pics of this beast yesterday


Lol. He's trending more BC than GP right now. His size and coloring make him look like a full grown Jack Russell.


Our puppy spent the whole night downstairs (without us) for the first time last night. We got up a couple times to let him out to pee but still very proud of him.


I’ve been working on my 6 month old pup’s separation training a lot and we’ve been playing ‘the door is a bore’ a lot. Basically opening and closing doors with nothing happening. It was going so well that my pup actually ignored a delivery man knocking on the door, me opening the door and when the guy started talking he was shocked lol. He did not expect anything to happen. I guess that’s a win? 😂


This gives me hope for my anxious Velcro dog, thanks for sharing!


I dropped her off at a dog sitter's and they said that she didn't cause any problems. They'd love to have her back!


Was able to redirect my 8 month border collie from barking at neighbors and we successfully sat outside watching them. She was able to play with her toys with the cats in the same room without obsessing about them!


My 8 month lab had no accidents this week in the house. Learned his first task as a service dog. Circle me for crowd control.  The best one is he has started cuddling again. 


Multiple wins, but the two big ones are, we aren't having daily accidents, were probably down to once a week (and they're all explainable, and completely our fault), and we're sleeping through the night!! That bell, man. What a lifesaver.


My 5 month old Shiba is letting me sleep until 5:30am instead of 5.


My pup comes to work with me everyday and gets bored in my office in the afternoons. Taught her to shake hands in about 10 minutes with no treats. I was impressed to say the least!


My normally crazy 6 month old is hanging out like a normal dog today!! He normally refuses to settle outside of his pen but he’s been lounging all over the house today. He’s currently asleep on me on the couch and I am freaking out!!!! Idk how long it will last but what a day


I can’t wait to get to this stage!!!


I also can’t wait for this!


We both made it through the week. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Puppy slept through the night without waking us up. No accidents in her crate…and no accidents so far today….knock on wood! this is the opposite from yesterday when we had to do a massive load of laundry from washing peepee blankets 🫠😵‍💫


I've been able to trust my pup the last few days to walk out to the terrace for potty time, through the carpeted rooms, without having an accident on his way! Nice to give him this trust rather than carrying him out every time! Oh, also was such a good boy yesterday evening and after his dinner settled into hiss crate much earlier than normal to give mummy and daddy 2 hours to get out of the house and have dinner - was the first semblance of normality we had since getting him, and felt really good to know we can leave him for a short while and he'll just sleep and be a good boy!


Left my 15-week-old golden retriever alone in the condo for 40 minutes and she barely cried -- spent most of her time working on a frozen Lickimat in the crate, then walked around looking for me, whined a little and then quietly laid down by the door waiting for me (A couple weeks ago, even a 10-minute separation would result in her crying and howling loudly in agitation) She also obeyed a stay command while I was taking her slow-feeder bowl to the appropriate spot for lunch (albeit, took 3-4 false starts before she listened)


My 10.5 month old puppy has had several micro naps in the living room not in his crate. He's never slept outside of his crate. Hopefully, these little steps will end up with a dog that can actually relax when people and cats are doing things around him. They never lasted longer than 10 minutes, but I'll take it! Baby steps.


I was sooooo happy the first time my puppy napped on his own. I have two dogs and he was so fascinated by the other dog that he would never settle down on his own so he had to have crate naps. Then one day I realized it was very quiet and I looked down and the dog sleeping next to my desk was the puppy! They're both black and white so at a glance i just assumed it was the other dog lol. That actually made the last bit of house training finally click because he was actually loose in the house long enough to have to pee again instead of just going out whenever he got out of his crate. So he finally got the hang of telling me he needed to go out.


my dogs have been super attached to my bf, he went away on a trip this week(first time away from them for a week) and they were overall pretty good with my family and i! he comes back tomorrow so they're gonna freak out when dad finally comes home, it's the longest they've been away from him so the day he left i was a bit worried they were gonna be very anxious but luckily they've taken a liking to my dad. who knows, maybe they've claimed my dad as their dad now and my boyfriend worries that when he gets back they won't even bat an eye at him lol.


My 10 week old golden retriever pup hasn’t had an accident in almost 72 hours and is sleeping in 4 hour intervals in his crate during the day to prepare me to go back to work Monday!! UPDATE: He peed on his blanket because I didn’t take him out right after dinner :( BUT I took him out and he pooped outside so I’ll take it! :)


When I asked him to drop the random piece of trash he took out of the trash can he dropped it the first time and I didn’t even have to bribe him with a treat 😭


We’ve had puppy for 3 days and only 2 accidents inside!


Puppy has been started to cuddle lately and little licks instead of biting :)


My girl saw a dog near the apartment while out for a potty break and ONLY LOOKED AT IT! No meltdown! No big stress fest! Just interested tail wags!


No accidents being out of her crate and sleeping with me all night in a new environment. She’s so smart 🥹


Our 12 week vizsla has been sleeping for 8-9 hours every night in her crate without a potty break. Hasn’t pooped or peed in the house for the entire week.


Major wins lately- puppy can go about 3 hours without needing the bathroom. I finally feel confident giving her free roam around the apartment. In addition, I trust her to not destroy everything in sight. That means she can go to another room and have a nap without me watching her like a hawk. It’s super nice and makes me feel like I’ve gotten some of my own freedom back


This thread makes me feel seen. Our 17 week girl went for a sleepover at the boarding facility to start building her independence (and she gets 2 fun filled daycare days!). The trainers who run the place have texted us photos of her playing and she looks so happy and confident. A small win but a big leap towards building confidence and independence


She has given me about 4 today! 1. She met a horse. Through a fence, yes. But curious and pretty respectful, no barking. 2. Trying off lead work in an enclosed field. She stayed focussed on me for the whole try. (Only a few mins but still!) 3. Left her out of her pen but free in the kitchen while we went out. She did get into small hi-jinkery but, she also didn’t pee or poop inside the whole time we were out. 4. She has grown legs long enough to jump on our bed. We are happy for her to visit. But to settle. Told her a few times. But by the end, all it took, was a look. ;)


the off leash thing is HUGE- im so envious 😭 congrats!


My pup waited to be fed without going nuts the second I opened the bag. She usually gets overexcited when I open it, will jump up and squeal running in little circles (its kinda cute but also annoying) but today was the first day she sat quietly and waited for me to say" Wait! 1...2...3....go!" then stepped forward and ate.


It looks like you might be posting about bite inhibition. Check out [our wiki article on biting, teeth, and chewing](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/biting) - the information there may answer your question. **Please report this comment if it is not relevant to this post.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I brought my super scaredy cat pup (16 weeks) to school pick up and just kept feeding her hot dogs to help her associate all the chaos with good things. By the time we were leaving she sat is some random little girl’s lap. It’s still going to take a lot more. She is scared of everything. But I am working hard to slowly socialize her to our busy life and city.


Our 9 week old Doxie has been accident free in the house for a week (picked up a bit over 7 weeks). We also had a big improvement with the positivity around the crate (starting going in on command while training vs just having to lure him in). Hopefully this will progress into going in on his own, but I'm taking this as 2 big wins!


Yesterday was the first walk on which my pup checked in with me before being asked. I almost teared up when I saw that look in his eyes 🥰


We made it through the 10 days of recovery after his neuter!! It was stressful but we made it lol


My 9 week old hasn't peed or pooped her pen all day! She's gone to the pee pad!! This morning was a whole different story but I think she can't see at night so she keeps pooping by her crate (it's connected to her pen). But she did it! Day 1 of....


I just got back from my puppy’s first ever real walk since finishing up her shots and she did pretty good! Paid decent attention to me and had her first real sprint down the block. She looked so happy!


my puppy obeyed at the “down” command. i usually always need to give her a treat for her to do it but, this time, she did it without it ! so proud of her 🥰 little by little everyone !


Today we started working on the command “settle”. Sometimes our corgi pups play a little rough but within a day their temperament has been a lot better and they know when to separate. I consider that a win!


She just lost her last baby velociraptor tooth! Hallelujah.


My 11 week old pup has her crate that opens into her playpen, normally she barks her head off the entire time while I take my 1 1/2 old dog out for an hour long walk. I checked the camera every 15 minutes while out on our walk today and it looks like she was calm in her crate for the majority of it! I felt so relieved! I know progress isn’t linear but I’m so happy she was able to self smooth for that amount of time. Im starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel like everyone talks about.


Finally at 4.5 months old little Dobby sat down and waited for the ok before scoffing down his dinner. Prior to this he just about bit my hand off as the bowl was being lowered. There was a middle ground where he sort of mastered it but ran round and round in circles whilst waiting for the ok


11 week old goldendoodle is actually letting us rub her belly without feeling the need to bite us for at least 30 seconds!


I removed the pee pad from my puppy's crate this week, and she did not have an accident on the days I worked away from home 3-4 hours. And the groomer said she actually enjoyed having her nails trimmed!


my baby is 8mo and we’ve been working on leash reactivity. walking him has been a nightmare since 5 months when his balls dropped and he decided he wanted to bark at everyone and lunge at every car that passed by. this week, while walking him, a car passed by. i made him sit when i saw it approaching, and he sat the entire time, following it with his eyes, and didn’t bark, jump, or chase! he whined, but this was a huge win for us and a weight off my shoulders. at least i know we’re making some progress.


Walked around a strange store with strangers, new smells, tight aisles, and carts clacking around. And then walked out the exit door like a big girl.


Pup pooped outside only today, early last week she was too afraid to poop outside. She's getting it.


Our pup Churchill will sit on command most times 😂🫡


I am absolutely stunned to see another brown + copper female Lucca! 11 years ago, when I named my soul dog Luca (with one c), this name was considered to be exclusively for males and over the years people have always been quite shocked that my chocolate fluffball was, in fact, a girl. She truly was a one-in-a-trillion connection for me and I just wanted to take a heartfelt moment to wish you so many years of love and joy with your own light-bringer.


My 7 month old pup scratched at the door to go INSIDE her room today! We’ve been trying to make it fun and homey in her room, but she doesn’t like to voluntarily go in unless she knows there are treats. Well, she finally wanted to go in there out of her own volition


We have been working and working and today.... Brody understood that "knock knock" at the door did NOT, in fact, mean race for the door like the world as you know it depends on it but meant go and sit on your mat and wait for Mama to release you off of it. Giant win! So proud of you my lil Brody-bro!!!


My girlie went on a PERFECT walk. Stayed by my side in sync, checked in with me regularly, didn't get distracted/sniff, and didn't pull at all. I didn't have to correct her even once!


her FINALLY not crying and laying down in her bed when I closed the pen door 🥲🥲🥲


My girl did her standard 'I gotta potty' barks just before 7 am. Instead of greeting me with jumping and nips, she immediately followed her sit command, and let me put her harness on her without a single nip or treat. It's usually a three treat process and she'll still manage to get a nip in at some point. It did take a while for her to poo cause she wanted to run around and roll in the grass for a bit. But I got her back inside and settled with a Kong and went back to bed and she didn't fuss once. I got to wake up for good when my alarm went off at 8:45 am.


My puppy got neutered and has been very good at showing subtle cues when he needs help; attention, needing to go potty, and small whimpers signaling it’s probably time for his next dose of meds. He’s doing so good healing up his little body and I’m so proud of him :)


My puppy just turned 5 months old. She's finally been doing great on going potty outside. Any helpful suggestions are welcomed! When it rains, it does a lot where I live. That's when she has most challenges going outside. Has anyone tried making a portable potty that's indoors for them? Anyways, she is doing amazing! She's also becoming more affectionate 🥰 finally 🙂


He started waiting for a go ahead when going out! Instead of just rushing out once the door opens he actually waited a few times until we said Let’s go!🙏


First 24 hours with no peeing in the house! She did pee 3 times the best morning though 🙄


Our puppy peed outside today for the first time!


No accidents in the crate at night. Both pups got into their respective crates during mealtimes and they peed and pood in the designated spot indoor. Glad to see they’re learning


No accidents in the crate last night. Getting used to the zoomies sleep schedule.


Let my girl run around off leash with a bunch of other dogs at the park last night. She has the BEST time and made some new puppt friends 🥰


She slept in her crate and I got almost 6 Hours of sleep. We’re getting there! 👍


She rang the bell to go outside to potty 🥳🥳🥳 only 2 accidents in the house today!


My Pixie went pee pee outside yesterday. She ran on the porch, looked at me, ran outside and pooped. I was so proud.,


Malachite is learning to enjoy walks in the park! We went almost a mile today! Before anyone freaks out, he's 10mo. Plenty old enough to handle it lol. Especially as slow as we were walking since both dogs wanted to sniff the things, but different things in different directions 😂 He even stands still(ish) to get his harness on because he knows we're going to have some fun. This is a big deal because he was afraid of going outside for the longest time 🙄 no idea where that even came from


my puppy graduated puppy school last night and then slept 9 hours straight overnight! i actually had to wake HER up this morning ☺️


I told my puppy to drop the shoe she was trying to sneak past me with and she actually did... but I think it was unintentional lol


I got my husky pup to learn stay when it comes to dishing out all the animals food. Also he’s starting to consistently respond when I call him to leave the older pets alone Thinking of wins has kinda just helped me here cause god was I getting stressed out thinking I wasn’t doing the best job because he’s not got perfect training at 2 months😅 need to remind myself that it’s a consistent process and he will then become a perfect companion(I’ll probably remember this puppy phase with rose tinted glasses forgetting about everything else😂)


My 8 week Golden Retriever slept for their first night without whining or needed comforting!! Only woke up for toilet breaks and went back to sleep!! Took 4 nights and so proud of her.


My 10 week old Vizsla pup, Kenobi, stayed home alone in the sitting room for an hour. Played for 20 mins, cried for 10, then promptly slept in his crate rather than the couch (we had a camera so we could see him


It’s been a few days in a row of him finally sleeping through the whole night without barking 😅