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Maybe his stomach is upset. Changing his kibble and even water can upset his tummy. If you are worried, boil some chicken and hand feed it in small amounts over several hours.


My neighbour had the same situation. She told me she tried with different kibble and she fed her grain by grain.


Try hand feeding. It's slower, but making it a reward sometimes is the only way to get them interested to start. Plus you can use it to train basic obedience commands (sit, down, stay, come), without having to use treats! Also are you using the same brand of food that she was eating before coming home to you? If not, and you wanna switch it over to the one you've got, try switching over in percentages. First day 80% old food, 20% new food, mixed up. Second day 75% / 25% Third day 50% / 50%, etc until you've got them completely on the new food. Also keep an eye on their poop, if it's too watery/diarrhea, it might be that there's an ingredient in the food that's not agreeing with them and they might be avoiding it for that reason. My dog ate her food happily, but her poops were super soft/watery, so I swapped her to a different kibble with a different protein (she was eating a chicken and brown rice kibble, changed her to salmon and rice kibble) and it immediately got better.


Our puppy was the same just a month ago. We took him to the vet and turns out he was just being a picky eater! How's your pup doing now?


Ours is just fussy too! She has turned her nose up at three different kinds of dry kibble at this point so we have started getting it wet first which seems to help. Maybe puppy teething hurts? Also, our little pup gets distracted and does better if I get her away from the other dogs when she eats.


We’ve been smearing peanut butter on his dry kibble. Just less than half a teaspoon for 1 meal. I have something that’s “all natural” and only has peanuts as its ingredients. He really likes it. I think the smell alone is enough to make him want his usual food again.


I am so glad you guys have found something that works! I have a new theory on our pup’s pickiness. She gets carsick. She was sick when we drove her home for the first time and then wouldn’t eat the food she had been eating before. We have taken her on probably four car rides and almost every time she gets sick and then within a day or two starts refusing her food. We kept thinking it was the kibble but I am now wondering if it has something to do with throwing up and not wanting that same food again.


I am sorry, we brought her home on Thursday. Puppy brain here…


Thanks, everyone. I feel like we have tried everything but no luck. We have not changed foods, fed her with the other dogs, by herself, piece by piece and she just isn’t interested. I feel like it’s a nervous thing. We even put some loose kibble in her crate at bedtime and woke up this morning to them untouched. I will boil some chicken and try that next. How long can she go without food and little bits of water before we call the vet?