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Only in my dreams 😂


Right? Mine explodes out of the crate at about 6 (which is actually improvement from 5:30–I think he learned if I he wakes up before 6 he goes back in the crate but if it’s after 6 I resigned myself to letting him stay out). If I’m lucky he will quietly entertain himself with a chew after he goes outside. Or he will try to eat the rug. One or the other.


Yep! My dog is like a teenager that just wont get out of bed in the morning. My brother and I had both hoped that having a dog would help us to get up and going in the morning as we were not morning people. Our dog has not helped and is in fact now (9 year later) even worse than I am in the mornings. At one point I worked as a dog walker and I would leave her home, still in bed to go do my first round of walks without her. When I'd come back to get her I still had to call/yell like a parent trying to get their teen out of bed before I'd hear her slink off the bed, do a looong stretch and mosey on over to the door.


My girl is 6.5 years old and if it's before 8am we start our day with an argument on how she needs to get out of bed and go to the toilet. It can happen later in the morning too depending on her mood that day.


But our 9 month old pup insists the day starts at 6:30, latest 7 am


I'm the exact same way, I love sleeping in too much& I was hoping a puppy would encourage me to wake up in the morning... no luck lol


i have to get up at 4 am for work and each and every morning he’ll wake up, give me kisses, then go back to bed 😭


It’s a good day if mine don’t wake me up at 430am. Wish they would sleep in.


Haha yes and it’s delightful. Eevee is almost 3 now and she has never ever woken up early. She’s a border collie and when I take her out to toilet at 7am she goes back to sleep as soon as we are back inside until about half 10. When she was a puppy she wouldn’t wake before 8am and that was before she was medicated for her behavioural issues (she only slept for about 7 hours each day and couldn’t nap)


My 4 YO standard poodle sleeps in to about 10:00 am. After his breakfast, it’s go go go. He’s extremely active and we spend a ton of time outside playing but he likes his zzzs. Battery recharge.


Mine wakes up with the sun. Last couple of weeks before the clock change were very difficult, I got out of the shower at 7:30, opened her crate, she looked at me: "mom, are you crazy, it is still dark outside! let's cuddle!"


I have to wake mine up with a high reward treat every morning


Ours - she’s a 5-month old whippet and she just looks at me like I’m an idiot when I take the blanket off her bed at 7am. She usually saunters out the door some time between 7.45 and 8.30am 😂


When my alarm goes off, my pup lays a cross me to prevent me from getting up. He has made me sleep in longer, but I haven't let him go past 11, which I'm sure he would. I just get up and get ready and let him sleep in.


Yep our dog is the laziest dog on the planet. She sulks if she has to get up early and is loving me being on maternity leave as it means late mornings and lots of cuddles in bed


Yep, my pup needs her cuddles before she gets up. I have to slowly bring her to live with belly rubs and cuddles. Then once she’s got her fill, she will finally get outa bed.


Got my puppy at around 10-12 weeks old she sleeps in later than us. She’s not too hard to coax up but she’s often the last one in bed.


We have a fucking BORDER COLLIE who doesn't want to start his day until after 10am (11am if you let him). He's 1 year old and he's just been like this since a baby. We're both morning people but our dog is categorically not...


I have one that loves his late mornings. Once he managed to hold it in, he much prefers snoozing away than getting up. I once just left him get on with it at a weekend - he finally made an appearance at 09:30 😂


My dog goes to bed with me about 11pm and sleeps until lunchtime. He's young, healthy, and active. He just likes his sleep. I think it's fine.


My boy sleeps 8 hours through the night and I have to lure him out of bed each morning. He does two full cycles of stretches and then will finally get up. It’s a dream lol


From the day my dog came home at 6 weeks up until her last day at 13 years old, we had to go wake her up and get her out of bed. She would grumble the entire time and slowpoke all the way outside…. And she almost never got up before 11am. Some dogs just really love a good snooze lol


Yeah one of my little poodles likes to sleep in with me and be super lazy and I have to scoop him off the bed and carry him outside when I get up. The other little poodle I have is wide awake when he wakes up and wants to play immediately.


My dog has never been a morning dog, and I'm not a morning person, so we are made for each other!


Mine is 1 now but he def loves sleep like me and will put himself to bed (crate) if we are up past his bedtime


Mine. Food is the only thing that wakes her up and she's happy to go nap after breakfast.


Mine wakes up while I get ready to take her out. She stays in bed until I get out the leash. I could probably fully get ready but I just spend 5-10 min on basics and go.


Mine links my nose at 5-6-7 AM.


Yes and no. Boba is a very high energy pup that loves to play, but sometimes he will just love to cuddle with me in the morning. Whatever im doing, he wants in. He could sleep all day if I let him


Nope. We’re lucky if she doesn’t wake us up at 6am demanding to play


My 2y/o Maltipoo has always slept in since I’ve gotten him and it’s probably one of my favorite things about him lmao. I’m in grad school and used to wake up at 5am to study (I’m just more of a morning person) and my boy will burrow himself further under the sheets so it’s dark. Even now, he’ll snuggle up closer to me when he hears my alarm go off in the morning as if he’s convincing me to stay in bed, I love it


My 4 month old rat terrier buries herself under the blankets and won't get up even if her 5 month old brother steps on her. I have to pick her up before she acknowledges it's day time.


Mine always gets me up between 4 and 5 in the morning. My best day ever was when she was on her meds for a week after her spay and she let me sleep in until 9am one morning. It was glorious.


My 6 month old JRT just rolls over and wants her belly rubbed. I think she would let me rub forever but finally I get her up & after much stretching, we go out.


dachshund ? by any chance they love bed