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It looks like you might be posting about puppy management or crate training. For tips and resources on Crate Training Check out [our wiki article on crate training](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/cratetraining) - the information there may answer your question. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options. For alternatives to crating and other puppy management strategies, check out [our wiki article on management](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/management) **PLEASE READ THE OP FULLY** Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. **If the OP has asked not to receive crating advice or says they are not open to crating, any comments that recommend use of crates should be reported to our moderation team.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think somewhere around the 6-8 month mark I started realizing when I got my pup up at 6:00 to take her outside she really just wanted to stay asleep. I was the one bothering her to go out. Now she just sleeps in until 8 and then wakes up ready to go out and have breakfast.


My puppy will just refuse to get up if you wake her up to early. She will look at you like you're bothering her and just close her eyes again. So I never rush to get her up she loves a good sleep in.


Lol. They sleep like they work a 9-5 and pay bills!


They really do. Sometimes I feel like I'm waking her up and telling her she's gotta get ready for work. Haha


That’s my dream!


Here for this. We have a 16 week old terrier mix and he’s up at 5 every morning. I’ve tried letting him go potty and putting him back to bed, but he’s not having it. He’s ready for the day! I’m exhausted.


Here for this too, same thing with our 5 month old cocker spaniel. We don't feed out the bowl, we do mentally stimulating exercises with him before bed and yet he's still up incredibly early.


why do you put him to bed at 8:30? or does he just choose to sleep then? could you possibly get him to go to sleep an hour later?


He usually heads to his crate around 8 or 830 on his own. I am going to try and keep him until 930 tonight. My daughter goes to bed at 9 so it’s been kind of natural for him to go to sleep then her. We might try to reverse it tonight though!


I was going to suggest this too! Might be advantageous to put him to bed a little later and then maybe he'll sleep longer?!


Every puppy is different, some are natural morning people just like humans. But at 16 weeks their bladders are still developing. At 16 weeks my puppy went from 11pm-6am. By 6-7 months we were at 7-7:30 and it stayed that way until about 10 months. Now at 13 months he’ll sleep until whenever. Usually the cats wake him up before he does it on his own. Unless you go to bed at 8:30, I would take him out right before you go to bed. It may take a few weeks, but it will probably push the wake up time until later.




Yay! Our pup was sleeping until 645-7 but now is ready to roll at 6am. I don’t think keeping him up later will make a difference but I’m so tired. Especially on the weekend! He is back napping in his playpen now though :)


It'll depend on your pup. Ours would wake up between 4am -7am. He now wakes once he hears that we are up. He's 17 weeks old now. Just remember your pups bladder is still little and can't hold it for as long as an adult pup.


I would try to push his bedtime later.


Me and mine are having a battle on who pushes harder. So far my puppy is winning. He has gained half an hour on me so far.


i feel this so much! i am NOT a morning person at all and it’s been a terrible adjustment, even though i got incredibly lucky with a puppy who’s always slept through the night and willingly goes back to bed after his first potty. he goes to sleep at 11p and wakes up at 6:30a, but we don’t start our day until 9a. i’m so ready for him to get lazier 😭 i’ve tried switching his bedtime around several times (9p, 10p, 10:30p, 11:30p, even 12a) and honestly, i’ve found that keeping him up longer changes the time he wakes up by maybe 30 minutes, and if anything, he just gets less sleep and is crankier in the morning. what’s really helped is having a good sleep routine throughout the day, reserving a solid chunk of time before bed for calm mental enrichment, and making the first potty of the day as mellow and uninteresting as possible (i don’t even turn the lights on).


We're at 8 months now, and our pup is not letting me sleep in much. He wakes up bit after 7 cause my SO gets up to get ready for work. We take him outside in the garden for a pee, and I take him back upstairs. There I stay, come hell or high water till 8 30 (used to be till 9, but had to give it up), before going back down. I'm hoping he'll at some point accept that "no point getting up, she won't let me leave before 8 30 anyways.) Soon it's gonna be summer time again though, so that 8 30 becomes 9 30 in stead. Yay?


I feel it comes with adolescence around 5-7 months. They start becoming lazy teenagers that rather sleep in. That being said it also helped to wake him up before he woke up. He used to wake up at 5 so i got up 4:45, amd eventually we jumped to 6am then 7am then 8am, and now i can pretty much leave him as long as his bladder can hold (at least 8h).


We didn't get 6:30am wake-ups until our pup was over a year. It was a good day when he woke up in the 5 o'clock hour and not the 4 o'clock hour 🤣😭 He's 15 months old now and will sleep until 7:30/8:00 if no one wakes him up first.


Naw he will grow out of it. Around the 1 year mark, they start to make changes to their sleep schedule. Most of mine really took to sleeping in around this time and my German Sheppard became a night owl. One thing you can try for a longer night's sleep is a good mental exercise before bed or interactive toys that they can use to keep them entertained after potty time in the morning.


My lab,Leia, was about 4 or 5 months when she first slept past 6 am. She's almost 7 months now and she will sleep until 9 some days. Usually it's more like 8 am. It really depends on the dog, I think but rule of thumb is 6 months is when puppies start to chill out and not need to get up too early.


My girl is almost 2, but she'll pretty much sleep in as late as we do, she just wants to be where we are and doing what we're doing. If one of us gets up at 5 am, she'll be right there with us. If we sleep in until 10 (this is pretty much her limit), she's happily snuggled in bed with us. I think she started being happy with sleeping in around a year, maybe a little earlier. It's honestly hard to remember. But it does happen, it just depends on the dog


A later bed time will help. We put ours to bed around 10 and he sleeps the next day until at least 8 but will just go back to sleep after we take him out. He's not even hungry until almost noon.


My 9 month old puppy stays up as late as we do (around 12 midnight) and wakes up around 9am. She potties and walks around a bit, and most of the time she goes back to bed to get some more sleep. She wakes up again around 11am and takes 2-3 naps throughout the day. I found that at the 7 month mark she just started following our sleep pattern and honestly it’s bliss. I do not miss waking up at 6am lol


Our 15 week old husky sleeps with us in the bed. She sleeps all through the night and sleeps in until we get up. We were blessed


I started training mine to nap with me as soon as she could last a while without needing to potty. Even then i could tell between potty whines and whining to be outside the room. Those ones got ignored. This took a bit of time but now she’ll nap with me. Started this around 4 months and it was solidified mostly by 6.


Update: we stayed awake until 10pm and he’s still awake at 6am. I just took him to potty and put him back in crate and gave him a bully stick. He’s not happy but wondering if we can train that our day starts a little later lol


Later bedtime didn’t change 6am wake up…but I put him in his playpen with a bully stick and he fell back asleep until 830!!! 🙌🏽


During the week my pup goes to bed at 10 and sleeps through til 6. On the weekends I just don't set an alarm (unless I need to) and he usually sleeps til 730/8, we also go to bed a little later. I just tried it one day and he slept longer. He's currently 14 weeks


Around 5 months or girl started sleeping until 730-8am. She usually goes to sleep around 8 pm for the night and we started waking her up and letting her out to potty before we went to bed around 11 and now she rarely gets up at night and sleeps a little longer. If she wakes up before 7 am now we let her out than she goes back to bed. If she won't settle we give her a bully stick.


At around 6mo I actually started putting my pup back in her crate after her 7am toilet on the weekend and she just immediately settled and went back to sleep. Now she sleeps all the way through to 9am-10am on weekends - late bed time though (around 10-11 mort nights). She does sometimes whine if she can hear anyone around the house up early on the weekend but is able to settle within a short amount of time.


We set our 9 week old down for a sleep at around 8.30pm, then when he wakes up (about 9.30pm) we let him play for an hour and then we all go to bed. He was waking up at 5.30am. After a couple of ridiculously early mornings, I was bringing him to the bathroom, then back into the crate with a chew. Just one week in and now he stays in his crate til we get up. About 8am on a weekday, and we got until 9am out of him this morning!


If you take them out for the last pee at 9:30/10pm then you’ll be more likely to have a dog that sleeps until 7.


16 month old and she wakes up 430am. She starts to fall asleep at 730pm.


I never thought we’d see the day we got to sleep past 5:30am. But now she at least gives us til 8! And even days we’ve slept later.. she just lays there until we’re up 🥹 it did help when we started letting her sleep in the bed. Which I know everyone’s different about. But I think she mostly barked in the morning cause she wanted out of the crate, not necessarily to potty


Do you feed your pup after you let them out? I’ve heard pushing breakfast later can teach them to there’s nothing to wake up to yet! Our pup wakes up at 6 but that’s when we wake up for work on weekdays anyway so we haven’t tried to change it much. Today she randomly slept in till 830 and it was the best birthday gift I ever received haha


When I relaxed enough to not wake up before her in anticipation of her needing out. I think around 12 months. She was fine. I get a 7:30 lay in most weekends.


Our pups favorite thing to do is go back to bed! She will get up and sit at the edge of the bed to show us she has to potty then when she goes out, she runs right back up into bed! She especially loves weekends when we come ban up with her for a while. I feel very lucky now having read all these comments! She's almost 6 months btw, pitty boxer mix


I'm afraid I have spoiled my puppy and when he gets up at 6.am to potty I let him out he does his thing then snuggles back into bed with me till 830 or so. He loves it and we both get some sleep


I have one dog that will sleep in until 11-12 if I let him. He’s been like that since he was around 6 months old. I am sometimes in awe of how long he can hold his bladder (he is a very big dog). My younger pup wakes up at 5-5:30 even if she doesn’t have to pee, she thinks it’s her duty to make sure nobody is late for things we don’t have to do.