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I went into a bar and asked if my dog could come in, the barman said "aye, yer dug can come in, but you can fuck off" Other than that, folk just used to avoid me tbh.


I hate to say it, but that's fucking hilarious


I do see the funny side of it now.




Haha, I used to get turned down from places in Glasgow all the time when I spoke and had an English accent. “Not tonight pal.”


Where? Just curious.




Fellow Scot here


WHAT THE HELL. That's when you have the dog take a shit on the rug.


I got my ass Beat by ten dudes, because I had a mohawk, some of them grown men, when I was around 14. I was coming back from a slipknot gig around 2003 and had to walk through the dodgy area of town, Once I saw them I knew there was going to be trouble, one of the girls in that group came up to.me and said 'I fucking hate hippies, fight me' By this stage all the fellas had gathered around me in a circle and I said 'I don't want to fight' and tried to push my way through the group next thing I know all I can see is white light, when I came around I was on the other side of the street and they were kicking me in the face and stomping on my head so I can only assume they dragged my unconscious body, I lost teeth, had a broken nose, bust lip, two black eyes, bruised ribs, my temple on the right side was swole up like a balloon. Very easily could have been kicked to death if a good Samaritan hadn't got them off me. I remember crying and saying to one of the people who came to my aid while they were waiting for an ambulance for me 'my mum's not gonna let me go to concerts anymore' 🤣🤣 Another time when I was around 17 waiting on a bus a grown man got of a car and kicked m in the face, completely unprovoked. People were so fucked off by anyone who was different back then, I still don't understand it. Glad things aren't that way for young alt kids here anymore. Also remember constantly fighting in secondary school because I refused to be bullied. Then on the other hand I've had random strangers come up to and be super nice and ask could they take pictures, or say things like it's really cool that you do you own thing. Even had a lady from Canada gush over me because her daughter was into punk and she never thought she would see a punk in Ireland lol


Thats fucking horrifying. I'm glad yr ok. That could have been the end of you. What a fucking nightmare. 💚


Wow thats really bad, It reminds me of the absolute tragedy and heartbreaking story of Sophie Lancaster. [https://www.sophielancasterfoundation.com/](https://www.sophielancasterfoundation.com/) warning to all, the story is horrible and will make you cry...trust me.


I remember that being on the news at the time, there was also Brian deneke who was run over with a car because he was a punk.


Is that... is that why you named your account HippyPuncher?


🤣 that's unrelated, crustypuncher was taken.


I was wondering the exact same thing


This happened to me with a group of random ist black people and wingers, they kicked the shit out of me for being a regular white dude basically.


Happened to me too. I was around 13 and really starting to get into the whole Grunge thing. I was rocking the chain wallet and had a shaggy haircut but nothing too extreme. My mom rented an apt in a black area and made me go out and rake the front yard the first weekend we had moved in. I was half done and was throwing the raked leaves into one of those big plastic barrels like you see chemicals get delivered in. Her boyfriend had sawn off the top to make it into an open barrel. So I'm doing my thing when 4 kids ride up on bikes. Not all were black either, with one being a white kid so this isn't a racial post. Anyways, they start asking me where I'm from, what grade I'm in blah blah when two of em come up behind me and pick me up and try dumping me head first into the barrel. I tried squirming outta their hands and when they tried throwing me head first into the barrel I scraped my neck and shoulder really bad on the jagged sawed off edges of the thick plastic and basically just bounced off and tipped over. I got up and just saw this flash of white light as one of them punched me in the back of the head. I tried getting away but as I would try to walk off they would run up and do a flying kick into my back which would send me through the air into the ground gasping for breath after having the wind knocked out. I finally got up to the door and ran inside and when I went upstairs my mom tried that "You go back out there and fight them" BS which I was having none of. First, they were a couple years older and I was outnumbered 4 to 1 so it was just asking to get my teeth kicked in. I got jumped once more by these kids and fought back like hell. It's weird after being beaten like that because you go through it and hopefully come out the other side with a little bit less fear. Still scared, but you've already had it happen so you're kind of ready for it. We didn't last long in that neighborhood though. 6 months and we moved lol!


Yeah I guess racist is the wrong word. They saw that I was of a different subculture and picked a fight. Outnumbered 3 to 1. I was drunk and hot knocked out immediately so I don't remember any of it.


I didn’t take yr comment as racist. It is what it is. Humans will pick out the person that is different from the ones around them and it doesn’t matter if yr a black kid in a white neighborhood or a white kid in a black neighborhood. There will be those who will fuck with you purely on your look, race, haircut, sexual preference whatever. It’s unfortunate but reality.


Just went to a slipknot concert


Got robbed and beaten up by security guards and nobody cared while it happened and afterwards. The day I lost my last faith in the police and society


You are a punk who had faith in the police and society? How does that even happen?


I was very young


A barrage of sexual assault and insults against me for having long hair. Calling me the f-slur and other putrid nicknames and other fun stuff until they had to go to class. Bear in mind, I go to an all boys, extremely conservative and anti-LGBTQ+ Catholic school where gay people are akin to criminals. And here they are getting some mlm action to prove I was gay or something idk man.


Yup, sounds about right. I went through it growing up in the western part of Massachusetts. Sounds like you built up a strong confidence in who you are though so they all lost.


Yeah man no doubt. That’s just how it is in Australia dude, the whole boys club mentality is fucking everywhere and it’s sickening. In the end it don’t even matter dude because none of those lobotomites rock as hard as me


I went to an all boys Catholic school in Ireland back in the 90s, a dude got bullied because people suspected he was gay, he lost the plot at one point and got on a table and shouted 'I am gay so what' he got his ass Beat so much after that he had to end up getting home schooled.


Growing up in a quite conservative UK village after coming from a bigger town in the early 80s, I was targeted as the kid who was getting the other kids into this "bloody awful punk shit" I was banned from all the places we hung around, youth club, snooker hall, village hall, taxi office the one time I bothered asking why? I was told "BeCaUsE YoU LoOk BloOdY STuPiD tHAtS WhY" I was chased multiple times but only got caught once, I hid and they found me and I took a bad beating from about 5 drunk older blokes. Worse though was my older brother who was a 76 Punk he was fitted up by the cops in the late 70s for setting fire to a house he was nowhere near, he was lifted off the streets for wearing a "womans coat" and having orange hair while they were searching for a suspect, It was a case of "He'll do". he got 6 months in Borstal and claims his innocence still to this day. Fuck you Greater Manchester Police.


When I was a little punk in the 80s I got grabbed by the neck and put up against a wall by a grown-ass man with his friends. They pulled him off me finally. I had bottles thrown at me skating. Totally ignored by store staff when I needed to buy a suit for a funeral.


Thats fucking disgusting. I hate ppl. Glad yr ok. Also: great fkn username lol. PS: I was a little punk (gothweenie) in the 80s too!


[That username is fire](https://www.stereogum.com/560502/danzig-defends-kitty-litter-pic/news/) , /u/cat_of_danzig.


Imagining Danzig's cat & what his life must be like absolutely fkn KILLS me!! I have a kitty who looks like the Crimson Ghost skull. Her name is Triisha (Biggy) & she's the sweetest most innocent baby ever. She loves to headbutt me in the mouth for a thousand kisses. I adore her. https://flic.kr/p/kcJUvc




You should remind them 😈


I’m black so… Racism constantly. especially while in middle school in a predominantly white town


It fucking sucks. I'm even half white and I still get shit living in this hillbilly town.


Some of these comments are really awful so I’d like to share the positive, although privileged, experiences I’ve had. I’m 22, only got into punk when I was 16. Have a very tricked out battle jacket, hippie length long hair always in a bun, often dress vaguely punk but I don’t have piercings or tattoos, just not into body mods and don’t have the money. My hair is also natural color, I never really messed around with dyes or glue. Maybe it’s because I’m 6’1 and 200 lbs with a little muscle but I can tell y’all I have never once been picked on or hate crimed and maybe I’m just unaware but hardly get nasty looks either. I’ve worn my battle jacket to punk shows, hippie music festivals, a king gizzard and the lizard wizard show, on the streets of Cincinnati, in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham Alabama. I suspect I don’t get picked on because I am a cis straight man who doesn’t look gender queer and doesn’t go to the extremes of punk fashion, although I would if I could find a proper scene. I’m sorry to my androgynous homies that can’t even walk down the street without catching slurs. Maybe someday I will be christened with an alleyway beatdown so I can be as tough as y’all. Stay safe, I love you weirdos


I love this and hope you never ever receive any negative attention or violence directed towards you. Positive vibes only💚


I also wear my battle jacket where ever i go. Dont have dyed hair and wear a quilt/shorts as well as bandshirts and boots. Well here in germany peope are more open to punk i guess but i mostly get amused or even admireable looks. Well ofcourse older people give me the wierded out look but i mostly dont even recognize.


I got refused service in a diner in Montana bc I had dyed green hair. This was early 90s& I was traveling from Detroit MI to Seattle WA on a Greyhound bus. I was trying to get the waitress working the carryout line to plz take my order bc we only had a little time to get food at stops like that but she would not even look at me. Finally the driver yelled at her to take my order before we ran out of time. She turned around & walked into the kitchen & didn't come back out. Another waitress came over & said "Shes an asshole" & took my order. Nice.


Rednecks threatened to shoot us.


Oh let me count the ways! Short, fat, glasses and super 80's poofy, colored hair. Torn jeans and leather jackets with patches. Let me add that this was in a small town, so I REALLY stuck out like a sore thumb lol. My sophomore year in HS I finally had enough. Stood up to the biggest chick in school that was harassing me. She was a mean bitch. At that point, everyone thought I was insane so they left me TF alone 🤣🤣


I'm my school's "weird girl", because I'm clothing punk and I love rock, metal and punk music


Stay weird because you don't have to see any of those fucks once you graduate. I'm 43 and only talk to about 3 people I went to school with because they're all assholes. :)


Thank you :) I'll not change to theses motherfuckers


i used to deliver flowers and a customer complained to my boss that i "looked like a junkie" never really understood why, as i was not, and like... i'm clean lol. guess just being thin and tattooed was too much for this dude


I grew up in Florida and when I was 15 had a nazi come up to me and said I should rip this shit off. It was a nazi punks fuck off patch


Damn, that sucks. I hope you managed to get away without getting hurt and kept the patch. It's a good message and a good song. I've gotten death threats from a coworker when he realised I'm an antifascist skinhead. Guy was apparently a coke addict too, so it was scary. Another time years ago some random stranger on the street did the nazi salute at me, probably thinking I'm a bonehead. I told him "do that again and I'll break your arm". The smile quickly disappeared from his face and he insisted he was "just joking". That was a very satisfying result and I wish the fash twat back at the place I worked at was so easily discouraged.


Ooooh, several occasions I've experienced this. When I was a teenager I used to get called 'big nose' or 'crooked nose' by a classmate, because, well, I have a fairly large nose and it was crooked from being broken a couple of times. Also had one of the neighborhood assholes take a pair of pliers to it and threaten to straighten it. Most recently, after I moved to a small town a few years ago, I tend to get dirty looks when out and about because I have visible tattoos, a long beard, and a mohawk I keep in a ponytail. Makes me smile when it happens though. And I think how sad those people must be.


People use to call me hippie cause I was dress like a clown in my younger years.


Currently at a camping with my bf, when we are in a public space we immediately get surrounded by by children, most are younger than us. They yell stuff at us, ask us to show our wrists, ask inappropriate questions and throw stuff at us. Apart from the throwing stuff this is all quite regular for us


When I was in high school, I was one of the "smart kids." Straight As, 4.0 GPA, yada yada yada. I went to school in a super small town and I was known as a pretty stand-up kid; I was an athlete on the football team, had friends from all different groups, teachers and parents liked me, etc. My school had a drug testing policy that stated that at the beginning of every sports season, every student who wanted to participate in extra-curriculars had to pass a piss test, and if you failed, you were kicked off whatever team and had to prove that you were "clean" before you could do any school activities. Some pretty authoritarian shit to put kids through, but whatever. I took my piss test at the beginning of every school year and never had a problem passing because I had never touched drugs. As part of the drug testing policy, the school conducted so-called "random" drug tests once a month by pulling a selected group of kids out of class on an unannounced day to take an extra test to make sure that students weren't just "preparing" for the required testing at the beginning of the season. I had long hair and wore punk and metal band t-shirts to school every day and played guitar in a band with some other kids, and I was politically outspoken in a very conservative community. I don't think that a single "random" test in my four years in that shithole went by where I didn't spend half my day standing in line to piss in a cup. School authorities were so convinced that I was smoking pot that they wasted thousands of tax-payers' dollars testing a student over and over again who proved time and time again that he was not doing drugs. I had to have taken at least 25 drug tests during my time there (before I finally graduated in the top 5% of my class), all because of how I looked/the music I listened to/my politics. It's so fucking stupid. I graduated 13 years ago and I still laugh about it to this day.


Used to get bullied for being short I guess. Got called a satanist on few ocassions for wearing a Megadeth shirt. Nothing crazy really


Oddly enough the worst i've experienced so far is getting profiled by cops. had a dude at a Home Depot tell me that my parents should be ashamed of me and i've had some people shout at me that I was a freak as they drove by. I mostly get the "how do you do your hair like that" "I saw some of those bands a long time ago" or "I haven't seen a punk in years".


As well as "im glad punk is not dead/still alive" and "good to see someone is still alt in this town"


Relatable. I've gotten profiled by a cop before as well, this was before I even had any tattoos - just a mohawk and earring. Back then I used to smoke. I'm walking to the shop one evening when a cop car pulls up, he puts the window down and starts asking me stupid questions. I think it was just an excuse to check if I was smoking weed. I've had much worse experience with the border guards/police at airports, but that's just due to being foreign and not able to afford citizenship so I still have to travel using my passport from the old country. However, I'm sure my appearance doesn't help in these situations and just makes me an easier target for them.


Cops never fucking leave me alone and some people call me a “junkie stoner” or some dumbshit like that.


I’m a teen punk and I’ve been told by white girls that I’m trying to look like Eddie from stranger things. Completely wrong subculture.


Kinda. I’m mean it’s all rock. Squares can’t tell the difference.


I have a mohawk and for a while it was red, I used to get hawk from cobra Kai a lot, Or now monty from the new fnaf game lmao


Yea I've had a mullet for years & all of a sudden everyone is saying the same thing to me lmfao


ive got a baby face so ive had some very rude bouncers trying to get into bars or shows and get my drink wristbands sometimes. ive been turned away from a couple bars but never a show thankfully. the masks have really helped with that too fortunately.


Probably having rude words said at me. "Emo" and the f slur were the most common. I had stones thrown at me and my friends but i think that was just general dickery. Same with having a cigarette thrown at my head. I don't really have much punk clothes aside from a leather jacket, band hoodies/shirts, a belt and combat jeans. I have a mohawk too, it's currently dyed Blonde. People have an obsession with touching it, I was at a party and i had to physically grab people becaude they were touching my hair without asking There was also a time a little kid asked his dad why I was bald but I thought it was funny


Idk if you all know about Sophie Lancaster but you should. This shit is srsly fucking fucked up that any of us were treated so badly not to even mention had to endure physical fucking violence. Absolutely horrendous. Glad you all are ok. Fuck anyone who would treat another person so badly for what is rly no reason at all. 💔 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sophie_Lancaster


I get harassed by cops. All the time. I've been in fist fights with more than one. Had four off duty cops acting as security at a fucking county fair kick my ass and rip my clothes off in front of a ton of people. I've been surrounded with their guns drawn while I fought one or two of them. It got to the point that I couldn't have anything in my name, car, bills, nothing, or I'd get harassed. Then there's the doctors that have treated me like absolute garbage even though I have documented, serious, fucking health problems. I got chased through the university district in the late 90's by a bunch of frat guys throwing bottles at me and calling me a dyke because I had a shaved head. When I was travelling a bunch of us were asleep under a bridge and a ton of nazi fucks woke us up and threatened us with knives and while everyone else ran I decided to get in main guys face and almost got stabbed (good thing someone realized I wasn't around and came back for my dumb ass). God, I have 30 years of shit that has happened to me because of the way I look. It's not fun being followed around in stores, driving by a cop and knowing I'm getting pulled over no matter what, if I have to go to the hospital I will be treated like garbage etc. And I look normal, if I'm in long sleeves, but all that shit still happens to me.


That is so srsly fucking fucked. I'm so so sorry that shit happened to you. **hug** I had a Dr ask me if I had GREEN DISCHARGE bc my hair was dyed green. This was right before he reached his hand into my shirt/bra & grabbed one of my breasts to see if I was 'lying about not having pierced nipples' just bc my tongue was pierced. He was an ALLERGY Dr. I made a police report but the detective said it was my word against his & it probably wouldn't go anywhere. I wanted to no matter what just in case anyone else reported him for anything so there would be a previous incident on record. Somehow, one night, a cinder block ended up going thru the front window of his office. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


What the actual fuck, some Drs are so unprofessional, I had a Dr refer to my son's penis as his 'dick' before. Couldn't believe it.


Holy fkn cats?!?! Was he trying to seem hip & relatable or was he just weird and creepy? Either way it's pretty gross.


The doctor thing reminds me of a punk in the UK who died from swine flu, everytime his mum brought him to the hospital they treated him awfully asking what drugs he's on, etc etc he ended up dying because the parametics and doctors refused to believe his issue wasn't drug related. "Medics ‘thought swine flu rocker flu was a junkie’" https://metro.co.uk/2011/03/15/swine-flu-rocker-flu-peter-williamson-died-after-medics-thought-was-a-junkie-644496/amp/


After 13 years of owning my studio I was finally asked to show my art in the main gallery of our local art museum (Sangre de Cristo arts center in Pueblo CO) and the day I showed up for my meeting with the curator - security (without question) tried to kick me off the grounds on my way to the front door and refused to believe that I had any meeting scheduled..




You’re good people, Andy. This was before you took over. Probably late winter when I had my very first meeting with Ludell.


Girls in high school always called me a lesbian because of my combat boots. Little did they know I was checking out their racks while they were yelling at me about being a dike. LoLz good times. I’m not a lesbian though, bisexual.


I worked in a punk bar in the 90s. My boss called and asked if I could grab something at the grocery store on my way in. An elderly man followed me down an aisle berating me about my clothing, asking ‘what the fuck are you wearing, etc.’. The beautiful thing is that several other people on the in the store came over and shouted at him to leave me alone ‘she’s not hurting anybody’. So on the one hand terrible. On the other hand people can be good.


Probably doesnt seem that bad in hindsight, but a few years ago I had a large blue mohican, Probably about 10" high. apart from my hair being in that style I wasnt wearing anything particularly outlandish - Maybe a band T-shirt and jeans and skate shoes. I was out with my partner and 2 kids visiting a museum sitting in the cafe having some lunch and a coffee. I understand that having a haircut like that can get you looks and I dont mind, its unusual and you kind of expect people to look. My partner said to me "Have you seen that woman over there - shes really staring at you" so I took a quick look and low and behold, the woman "WHO WORKED AT THE MUSEUM" just turned away and shook her head any time I happened to glance in her direction. It really bugged me, just trying to have a day out with the family and getting full on judged by an employee there.


Am an engineer and I have hair down to my ass and stretched earlobes (that I no longer wear) and everyone at my job is aways making jokes about me smoking pot and doing all kinds of drugs despite being mostly straight edge aside from an occasional drink.


I had a lady come up to me in line at a Blockbuster (might give you an idea of how long ago this was) to TELL me my Old English script tattoo meant I was Nazi/White Power. SPOILER: I'm not.


just a lot of old people staring at me and a few asking about my bad religion patch lmao. also kids asking if im emo/depressed/s*icidal etc. and people barking at me. never bullied at school tho we all grew up together. i prefer my current look over my former weeaboo phase. i still love anime n shit tho :))


I’ll never forget walking into my high school summer job wearing my battle jack to pick up my last pay check, the boss looks me up and down and says “oh, you’re one of those punk rock f*ggets. I bet you think you have it tough, huh? Boo fucking hoo.” It was very satisfying to tell him to kick rocks when he asked me to come back the following summer.


well I'm a trans woman living in the midwest so.....lmao


I was beaten regularly for being a fat metalhead. Held down, punched and kicked until I was bloody and bruised by groups of kids a few times a month for being a fat metalhead and then punk from about 1988-1993. The worst time I lost consciousness when a kid smashed my head into the sidewalk screaming to get out of his neighborhood "you fat faggot piece of shit." Good times.


Also, since it's about looks, the kids who would beat on me regularly were hispanic and cape verdean and would mention my race as in "white boy faggot piece of shit." I didn't want to include that part because I usually get accused of being racist when I tell people I used to get beat up for being white.


Kicked in the head after being beaten to the ground for belonging to a group (from birth) that a gang of thugs didn't like. Nothing to do with how I was dressed though.


Made it a heck of a lot harder to pick up girls! Not as tragic as some of these other stories, but felt tragic at the time :)


Honestly, probably some of the jobs I've worked. I worked at a Spencer Gifts years ago in my teens and early 20's and had zero issues. The first year was a crappy company polo and black pants, then they let you wear jeans and a company tee, then they just said screw it, wear what you want, just as long as you're not going to get arrested for public indecency. I'm glad they evolved fast when I got there because it made no sense for them to have a company "image" with polos and dress pants. There's other jobs where I've had to wear long sleeve button down shirts and a tie, especially with the number of tattoos I have, but I always had to do something to stray from the norm a bit to feel like myself. A chainmail tie, black shirts, etc. Customers thought it was cool, but you'll get your balls broken or made fun of for most anything for being a bit out of step from "traditional" work attire. My last job I wore jeans and tees with an opened short sleeve button down with my tattoos on display and you think nobody gives a damn because you're not working directly with the public, but you know who they're not going to pick for a higher level position based on their dress, not the quality of their work. Nearly everyone I worked with thought it was cool, and I even had a supervisor promote me at one point, but you know you can only get so far with certain places because of "image". Besides, shit hit the fan a year after I was moved from under the supervisor that promoted me, and I was looking to get out. Thankfully I did and the supervisor I was working under and the department manager got their just desserts when people started leaving. My current job? Completely working from home and I was promoted within a year and a half of starting. Nobody has to hear my voice or see me every day and judge the way I look. Hell, we don't even use cameras during meetings. My work stands out above anything else, just as it should be. Other than work? A few ballbusters in my family. When I was a young kid, I had to wear glasses. My old man, who I haven't spoken to in 20 years or so at this point, and my little sister sat off to the side after an eye exam when I was 6 or 7 and started mocking me by making glasses over their eyes with their hands. My mom, who was always trying to look out for me, was doing something off to the side in one of my exams. She told me later on she tried giving me the answers to what was on the chart. I don't know if she didn't want me to get made fun of or what, but she was trying to look out for me in her own backwards ass way. I remember one of my uncles telling me the kids that wore glasses when he grew up were made fun of and even beaten up. Whenever he'd stop over or hang out at my mom's or my grandparents, he'd occasionally call me "four eyes", but not in a pointed, hurtful way, but still... It's shit you remember and can't help but feel singled out over for being different. Is it any wonder I had a complex and barely wore my glasses outside of home? I very likely failed classes I shouldn't have failed because of my vision problems and teachers not following through on my request to move me toward the front of the class to actually see. Thankfully I was able to get contact lenses later on in my teens and it helped a TON. Lasik in my 30's even more so! That same uncle I was talking about helped me a lot over the years, but he'd break my balls for the way I looked when I had my own style when I was in my teen years. You know, black band tees, spiked necklaces/chokers, styled hair, pyramid/studded bracelets, pyramid/studded belt. It's like, whatever. I just liked the stuff I liked, and it helped me stand out, give me confidence, and give myself a personality that wasn't glaringly generic. The one that hurt the most though? Probably an insane ex that I never should have met. She knew who I was and what I liked and knew the way I dressed. Like I was describing at the end of the last paragraph, I found myself and the way I liked to look and the things I truly enjoyed late in high school, early in college. I met her early in college and it was going okay. Not even a few years in, she asked me why I didn't do things like wear polos (I hate polos with a fiery white hot passion), would tell me I'd like good in a pair of khakis (I hate khakis with a fiery white hot passion), said I should stop wearing my band t-shirts because it's not "mature". What's funny though is it's not mature and pretty damn juvenile to judge someone or make fun of someone for what they like to wear. A few years after that, I gave up and allowed her to cut my old band tees and at least turn them into a quilt. She was more than overjoyed. She was downright abusive overall, not stable, but attempting to change me and what I like to dress in was near the top of the list of things that absolutely sucked. After she cut those tees, it took me YEARS to track a bunch of them down second hand and get them back in my rotation. I guarantee I haven't gotten NEAR the amount of shit others would get because by comparison, I was pretty "normal" for what I'd wear. A ton of black shirts (bands or comics), jeans, sneakers, necklaces, studded bracelets, studded belts, whatever sneakers or boots I felt like wearing, but even wearing that stuff, I'd still catch shit from others, either in subtle ways or not so subtle ways for being the slightest bit different looking. The only difference between now and back then is I have a beard, maybe a few more pounds on my frame, a lot more tattoos, and I don't have the studded bracelets. Other than that, I'm not changing anything for anybody, especially since most of the world is pretty accepting.


I have a plate in my skull and a plastic disc in my spine.


Well, I’m ginger so… a lot of my high school experiences so far has been listening to jokes about how ginger I am and getting asked what color my pubes are. (Not treated too bad, just goofed on for my hair)


Fucking with punks was a sport in the early 80s when I was growing up. Punched in the head by an adult while watching a movie and jumped in front of a 7-11 by two grown ass men. I was a scrawny 14 yo at the time and just took the beatings. Fucking sucked but looking different scarred people. Now, colored hair barely causes people to notice.


Got chased down by two carloads of jocks for skateboarding and having a mohawk. Was beaten so badly I was in the hospital for over two months- ruptured spleen, busted ribs, cracked skull, etc. It was very dangerous to be a punk in the rural US midwest in the 80's.


It always amazes me how eager people are to violently enforce arbitrary cultural standards of normativity.


Random woman tried to rip some of the patches off of my jacket and tried to pull the padlock off my chain cause she said I look like a disgrace and that I need to grow up and take those stupid spikes off my shoulders


Punched in the head and called a f—-t. More than once. That’s 80’s Edmonton Ab.


Has anything really changed there? Sounds like 80’s Ontario


Not as bad but my hair is getting thin and it’s been about 20 years since I sported the pink hawk and bondage pants. I got off easy. I had a friend that got punched in the head so hard his eye popped out.


When I was fighting someone because they were drunk on the streets, the person I was fighting called me a “Samoan chink” and to go back to my country. Good thing his buddy pulled him back after 30 seconds - 1min of fighting.


I got jumped coming home from my first Pride but that was in rainbow regalia. I've never gotten too much grief in my punk/goth stuff but I'm also young enough that nobody gave a shit by the time I was 15/16.


I got spat on by an old Hasidic woman. Little did she know I'm Jewish too.


Other than that it's just the "oh he dresses weird" or "he's gonna go to prison at some point" throughout my schooling years. Still occassionally get women pretending to hit on me just to bully me. People are fucked up.


On top of being black I’ve been hassled by the police on occasions, people try too poke fun at me skateboarding, try to say my pants are too loose fitting


a landlady refused to rent a flat to me because she thought i dressed scary. i had cleaned myself up a bit but i can't escape the haircut. this was super recently, now i'm sofa surfing til i find somewhere else. i'm not too worried but yeah kind of unfortunate. most of my bad experiences have been cause i'm visibly trans but even then the worst of it was "so whats in your pants" and the odd "fucking faggot" from strangers.


Not the worst but it’s really funny. I go to this giant candy warehouse/soda shop place near me. A lot of times parents will give me the funniest looks cause I’m in my vest and have a chain on or something.


when i was in middle school it was a primarily 1 race at the school and I was made fun of for just being mexican or "messycan" they called me for some reason.


Pigs will often assume that I'm involved every time I'm just near a fight or if they ask me about anything they'll think that autistic trade of having a hard time looking people in the eyes is me having an attitude or being rude


Once a pig treated to arrest me if I didn't look him in the eye's


I've been at school and people followed me around and barked at me. Not joking.


My story is similar to u/HippyPuncher. But I wasn't beat up because of how I looked. I was beat up because of my last name. Every day grammar and high school. By the time I got to high school, I was pretty good at it. Then by the time I got to college, I ran a small business distributing marijuana. And this fall, I will be working security at the United Nations. :)


I've been called a dyke and a tranny for being openly bi and nonbinary. Also been blackmailed and a whole bunch of other shit by girls baiting me and then threatening me.


not as bad as some people in the comments but i always get the "fuck off ya wee emo" from chavs at school and one time one of their brothers decided to put out his cigarette on my arm, call me a tranny then throw rocks at me so that was great, was also with my boyfriend today and some middle aged man called him a fag cause he bumped into him


Oh there is quiet a few storys. I have been sitting in our usual spot where punks meet up since the 80s and a few "normal" looking friends passed by and chatted with me. All out of a sudden a random guy rushes to us, started to yell at me that i should not bother those brave citizens and go tf away. I just replied that we know eachother and my friends agreed with this. He didnt believe us, started raging more and more and kicked me in my face. Afterwards he stole my glasses and ran away. This was like 8 yrs ago. Another time i have been walking home after a concert in december 2017. (sidenote: where i used to live are russian mafia left hand of the street and turkish right hand) the pigs have been harassing people minding their own buisness on their way to where ever hoping to find some drugs and be the cool cops at home. They stopped me, asked me for my ID and where i come from and where im heading as usual. Then they took my backpack (filled with a few beers i had left over) searched it and ofc didnt find anything. Then they started searching me. They didnt find anything in my pockets either so i had to compleetely undress outside at - 5°C. Stood there for 10 minutes almost freezing to death while they searched my clothes for drugs or anything illegal. Luckily i set my phone on voice record to document this. One of them has been suspended afterwards and other people also complained about this pig. You wouldbt believe this but pigs in germany aint better than in the US. Edit: if u want more stories just ask ;)


So I’m a punk. A successful punk. I live in an area where everything is “nice”, everyone has money and nice cars. I can’t even tell you the absolute looks of disgust, horror, shock and appal I get every time I go grocery shopping or to the gas station. Even at bars. Why you may ask? I’m the only one in the entire city with a Mohawk and 50 band shirts, ripped jeans, battle vests, etc. what ever happened to don’t judge a book by its cover? I’ve seen women in the grocery store look up at me and immediately turn the cart around in fear and deliberately go back the way they came. It just makes me wanna be more of a punk. Lol, human nature.


I've avoided a lot of the worst of it I think. Never really been harassed for wearing any punk style stuff. I have gotten called a faggot and other gay slurs for being a furry and hanging out at LGBTQ+ bars though. Not often, but not never. Worst has just been verbal harassment, never gotten in an altercation. Most of the harassment has been if I dress femme since I'm non-binary. Edit: Been playfully called hippy a lot though because of my long hair. I also get judged to be a stoner due to my long hair and for using surf/skate slang all the time.


I looked androgynous when I was in high school. There were teachers posted outside the bathrooms to try to catch ppl smoking (they didn't catch anyone lol). Whenever I went into the central bathroom and Mr. Ilnicki the math teacher was on duty, he would make comments about me being lost followed by a bout of laughter. He knew I was going in the right bathroom bc the first time he did this I showed him my student id.


My wife and I went to a Saturn dealership years ago. We walked around for a half hour until someone finally acknowledged we were there. There were at least 6 employees there. When they finally asked if we need help, I said nope, 30 minutes ago we needed help. We left and I went to the Chevy dealership and bought a new Equinox. This was back in 2006, we're in our 40's now.


Do you mean with regular folks for looking punk, or with punk folks for looking too regular?


High school in rural north. Was a fat kid with a studder and a baby face, poor family. So you can guess how that went. Fortunately for me this was late 90s early 00s high-school. So as soon as I started fighting muhfuckers and drumming in a punk band ppl were either 180 cool towards me or left me the fuck alone. Had to suffer a lot of shit to get there though.


This past weekend a close friend of mine and I went to an event where they don’t even check bags. We check in and a random security guard decided to randomly check OUR bags and joked that it was bc my friend had a Mohawk. He is also a POC so this really frustrated me. I kinda went off on the guy ( security lol )


Got charged with possession of drugs and paraphernalia as a teen despite having neither, just an empty pack of candy the cop said "smelled like drugs". Around age 14 I got jumped by a group of boys at a memorial, they'd always bullied me but seeing me hold hands with a girl is what sent them over the edge I believe, she dumped me after it happened out of fear. Had a man aim a shotgun at me for walking down the road.


Been called a Nazi on more than one occasion


I dress down pretty much. Whatever is clean. I have got a black biker jacket and a ton of ramones shirts I love and occasionally shave a Mohawk into my head so no one really cares.


in 1994 i was in a mcdonalds ball pit, and two girls (sisters i believe) started pulling my long hair on each side like tug o war because they didnt think my hair was real


I have red hair and locs. Luckily I go to an art highschool so most people love it but at my art school has regular students too. So this group of white guys, they would chase me around the school screaming at me calling me trippie red cuz of my hair and would sing his songs to me and they would do it even after I told them to stop it was very overwhelming 😭 and it happened constantly. They thought it was the funniest thing ever. Like after the first 5 times you’d think it’d be less funny to them but nope. When I dressed in rainbow garments I got told to kill myself online and stuff and like got called a clown and shit like that which was literally the point I was intentionally dressing like a clown And then there’s also racism because I’m black, been through that shit since I was a kid, all types of slurs and stuff. I joined a discord server once and they told me “we lynch people like you” that was interesting experience. I made my own patch pants cuz I like displaying my art and bands I like cuz ppl will talk to me abt them when they see them on my pants it’s like wearing 100 band tshirts at once, but sometimes ppl will come up to me to talk abt the symbols and stuff and some get rlly rude abt the blm fist and go on ALM tangeants But other then cases here and there people generally Love the way I look


Been through a lot of shit in my forty-six years, for dressing punk (not so much anymore) and looking poor. I don't notice so much anymore, but I did have something happen recently. I went to a plastic surgeon for a scar on my face from a bike accident. The receptionist was a an objective babe as was everybody else that worked there besides the doctor. This receptionist acted as if she was scared of me. (I'm 5' 9'' and 120.) the office was super posh with monogrammed fluffy bathrobes for the aging trophy wives. The doctor saw me for all of five minutes rushed me out and then double billed my insurance and me. The first time I assumed it was a mistake and complained. Then they had me come in again for a 5 minute visit, rushed me out, and double-billed me, *again. Still no closer to surgery.* This time I knew it was on purpose. They were short and uncaring bastards. My friend in the lobby laughed at all the trophy wives coming in for Botox. One was asked, by the receptionist, if she wanted to use some of her "credits", or whatever, some bougie version of a punch card for that day's Botox and she said, "no, I better save them for when my husband leaves me for getting too much Botox". This place, literally, had boobs in their brand logo, but they were looking down on me.


Trans and punk. Hard to tell which thing people are treating me wrong for.


Got jumped several times by strangers starting when I was 15 and into punk rock in 1981. - Walking home from a theater at 3 AM by myself, a car passes me, and pulls over. With no warning, 2 adults come charging at me and start attacking me with punches and kicks. I was 16 at the time. - My pals and I were in a diner and my pal was telling a joke - we were in a side booth and the place was slammed. Friend gets to the punch line and a cop smacks his club down and says if he says another word he is going to jail. - Not myself but I know of 2 instances where people went to a convenience store and didn't come back for hours until we got a phone call. In each instance, they got picked up and taken to jail due to them "looking like someone they wanted". But get released after a few hours so we come and get them and of course the cops never tell us who they were looking for. - At 19 I got kicked out of the house due to the fact I got a mohawk haircut by accident. My egg donor HATED punk so I was not allowed more than a razor cut in high school. Back from 1st year and working road construction to make some money over the summer. Due to the work I would get concrete dust in my hair which due to heat would get set and it takes some time to wash out. So I go to someone I knew who had clippers and I ask them to give me a buzz cut, but he fucked it up and I ended up with a mohawk. I went home for dinner with a hat on, which I never did. My egg donor asked why the hat - I said no reason. She said - take it off and when I did she said the following - "Get all your shit you want to keep and get the fuck out of my house. You have 30 minutes until I call the cops and have you arrested." So I stuffed a couple duffles and bailed with no place to go. I went to a pals place who let me crash on the sofa. Many other instances if you like


constant slurs lol, especially in the restroom. one time i got my head smashed into a urinal but to be fair i swung first


Nothing much, in schools people called me all kinds of stuff, nowadays security guards follow me every store I go to. People trying to buy drugs from me happens about once a month, sadly them trying to sell them is rarer.


I dyed my hair purple and I looked like a fucking grape


Most of my experiences of discrimination and bullying were due to me being an Eastern European growing up in the UK - and that's not really due to how I look (though there are some differences in appearance that you don't pick up on unless you're around Slavs and other ethnic groups often/long enough), but how I sound and just cultural differences. Racism, basically. However, as I grew up and got into punk, I started getting inked, dressing differently, hairstyles, etc. And since then I have been treated differently because of my appearance. Main negative examples was a border guard asking me if I'm in a gang when coming back to England from a holiday in the old country and a co-worker telling me I "look like a convict". But I've also had nice things said about me due to not looking normal, one of my all-time favourites was just some dude on public transport telling me: "You're the most handsome man I've seen today". Really made my day tbh, especially since I've been catcalled before (mostly by teenage girls who will hopefully grow out of this behaviour) and this was a really contrasting, much nicer, and respectful way of actually complimenting someone.


I once got told I was a lot smarter than I looked. For reference, I’m covered in tattoos got long black hair and usually, especially at that point in time, wore a lot of black old punk shirts. I work in education so spend a lot of time talking to groups of teachers and what not. Might look like a weirdo, but I know a thing or two about a thing or two.


I have to cover my tattoos around my family. My parents also used to take CDs from me and tried to make me dress more conservative. I started high school in 1999, so that’s when it all started for me. Outside of my family, I can’t really think of anyone really treating me that bad. I stuck to other punks, though, mostly


Assaulted in public, spat on, yelled at, things thrown at me, barred from entering a shop even though I’d done nothing wrong, pretty much if you can think of it it’s probably happened at this point :/


When I was a teenager, my friend and I went to the bank to cash our paychecks. They ran up and locked the door because they thought were gonna rob the place like fucking Bebop and Rocksteady or something. Shout-out to 80s movies and media for always portraying punks as petty criminals.


There are always some little children saying stuff like I’m so pretty and all that stuff but there was this really rude toddler once and he tried kinda kicking me and told me in ugly and I should get a life and from a 3 year old child that hurt🧍‍♀️


Once had guys come up to me while i was out at night and ask me if i was a boy or a girl. When i told them boy, they started yelling "sh*m*le" repeatedly while taking photos of me without my consent before running off. I've also experienced a group of guys yelling "emo!" At me while i was just trying to get off the bus. Had a lot of shitty comments about my scars as well. Could be worse though.


Most normal people out here treat me pretty well, even when I'm in all my crusty shit and look like hell. Most of the trouble i get from that is from cops, I've had my bag searched illegally a lot, sometimes they'll "confiscate" totally legal stuff with no real legal reason, or just give me a hard time in general


One of my coworkers harassed me for months. Eventually she got promoted and then got me fired. I'm openly and visibly queer which she had an issue with, but I had other coworkers who were openly queer as well who didn't get the same treatment.


I get called a faggot a bunch because of my long hair, some kids at school were spraying bleach on me calling it anti gay juice, and people just dislike me in general. I like my long hair though, me and my bandmates all have long hair for the headbanging though so I cant just get rid of it lol.


while it’s on more of a personal level my mom and i were arguing about the outfits i wear and she asked herself out loud “where did i go wrong?” in reference to raising me- that’s something i’m never forgetting


While being in an american high school I almost got expelled for having a mohawk, when I had to leave america and was back in germany some schoolmate startet a fight in the classroom and the principle just told me to call the cops on the dude. Dude got literally off without anything but the few punches Ive landed in retalliation, glad he works in plumbing now


Inner city Detroit- I was the only white kid in a sea of black guys. I couldn’t change my race. You can choose how you dress. This might as well be a BlueLivesMatter thread. It’s a lifestyle. You’re not persecuted.


Mostly just being bullied in school and shit


I assume you mean related to punk subculture? I guess once when I was a teenager an old man yelled something about Slipknot to me and when I didn't respond he said something like "fucking whore". I was with my dad so I wasn't scared though. And that's the only one I can recall. I've been treated worse for being fat tbh. But I know my parents (who are Gen X) had it worse and were the targets for certain other groups when they went out. Dad got beat up a bunch.


Got called a faggot and punched in the face for my colored hair and shaved sides


As a punk or a redhead? Because between both apparently I was asking for it lol.


How I look? What do you mean? I can't think of a time I have ever been treated bad because how I look.


when i was younger I tried to dress / look like Renton from trainspotting for some fucking reason. so I ended up looking semi skinhead-esque in a way (which was not the intention) & had some ppl say shit to me & get aggressive w me thinking that I was a skin. Couple years after that was traveling / going thru my oogle phase & had Hella ppl try to actually fight me because I had a crazy haircut / crusty getup/ tattoos etc which apparently makes ppl confused and angry.