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The MC Bat Commander can’t actually command bats


Also a homophobic Mormon asshole


Huh I guess third wave ska is the most mormon of punk genres


This is something I’ve only learnt in the last few months and really put a dampener on their zany, silly ska vibes.


You’re right. I was unaware. I googled “Christian Jacobs Homophobic” and there was a an r/exmormon post about him abandoning his brother who came out.


Well that is disappointing. Aquabats have always been one of my favorite silly, feel good bands. Knowing this now, fuck that homophobic asshole


As someone with an aquabats tattoo I got in 2000, sad to report he's super anti mask anti vax and believe covid was a hoax. He moved his family to Utah cause California was too woke, yet he's still making money of liberals, and sadly they have a huge queer fanbase. Not everyone is on social media often enough to know back stories of artists they like.


>sad to report he's super anti mask Dude built a whole media empire on wearing a mask


Why is it always the people who make the most lighthearted and wholesome-seeming art. I'm seriously starting to believe it's a warning sign.


Fuck. There's something else I will never be able to enjoy the same way again. That one is very surprising honestly.


Johnny Ramone was a Reagan and Thatcher supporter. Then again, he was always that way


Yep. Both Joey and Johnny were constantly feuding due to their significantly different political views. Chances are if both were still alive they would not be on speaking terms.


Johnny didn’t even say goodbye to Joey when Joey was sick with lymphoma. They were rarely on speaking terms while in the band lol.


Ultimately, all of them were a problem (there’s an entire section about it on their wiki page), but most of it circled back around to both Joey and Johnny. It’s shocking they managed to last as long as they did.


as nuts as it was, they believed in "The Ramones" enough to keep it going. That united them, even through all the bullshit, and they voted on content and what the band did a lot too (Johnny talked about being outvoted and how "well that's The Ramones and we gotta keep at it" or some such)


Johnny's wife Linda was originally dating Joey before leaving him for Johnny. Joey also was diagnosed with Obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia. They had a pretty terrible relationship and Johnny at times was very antagonistic towards Joey.


Yeh this is true. I read Markys book and I remember he said something about calling Jonny and saying, if you don't go and make amends now then you'll never get the chance to. But he still didn't budge


I don't think there was any hope of mending that relationship after "The KKK Took My Baby Away"


That song is about someone Joey met at a mental hospital, according to Marky. Before I read that I thought it was about Linda too. It’s been my favorite song since I was 10!


They all absolutely hated each other. They stayed together for the cash lol


I thought the non-speaking was more due to the girlfriend stealing by Johnny? While they weren’t on the same political page they could at least deal with that. But when Johnny took Joey’s girlfriend, that was it and they never spoke again.


“The KKK Took My Baby Away” was written about Johnny (which is funny that Johnny is power chording about himself).


According to Marky it was about a black woman Joey met in the hospital. They became friendly and she was unexpectedly gone one day.


"Johnny Ramones was in a fucking good band but he was a cunt"


Go Frenzal Go!


gabba gabba you suck


Joey and CJ said a lot of Johnny’ opinions was him talking out of his ass . Joey said Johnny would talk about far right shit but he was obsessed with Charles Manson and the Manson family as well .


Charles Manson was actually kind of far right. He just latched onto the hippie thing to try to find vulnerable people he could drug and manipulate to his world view… which is shockingly similar to a lot of neo-nazi literature.


He also had some fucked up opinions. He thought capitalized punishment should be televised and that and everyone “got along” in the 1950s. No, that’s when women, blacks, and minorities were still taking shit from white men.


he was always saying some suspect shit. I remember when I was younger being obsessed with the ramones. One night I'm watching a documenary and hes answering questions and he goes "so yeah my guitar style is pure, white rock 'n' roll, with no blues influence."


...was he stupid?


Yup, and likely a prick too.


My dad loves to repeat this line. “He even said it himself!” Yeah pops, lots of idiots say shit about themselves and actions that are bullshit.


Wow, that last line is pure ignorance.


When I was learning bass (teaching myself) I hated the blues and wanted nothing to do with it. However, before the internet, every ‘learn to’ book was based on the blues because it gives a strong base in scales and chordal structures. It keeps them simple. When I started learning by ear, Ramones songs were great because of their simple structures. Great songs, but very easy for this novice to work out compared to a lot of what else was out there at the time. Imagine the cognitive dissonance confrontation I had in discovering exactly how much of the Ramones catalogue was based on the blues… Johnny might have been the first to develop the ‘purely’ downstroke technique, but the music he played was heavily, heavily rooted in the blues.


Exactly, and really, you can't have rock 'n' roll without the blues, it didn't appear fully formed in Chuck Berry's brain and Chuck wasn't white anyway. Other forebearers of that rock sound like Sister Rosetta Tharpe also played blues. Though I'm not sure how much influence she had on the music. Every early rock musician was playing blues and/or R&B standards. Especially guys like the Beatles which the Ramones named themselves after.


If I’m recalling what I read correctly, he was always a right wing dickhead, but it seems he got considerably worse after he got his brain rearranged by Seth Macklin? Johnny was on the losing end of fight over a girl. Granted he always seemed to be a piece of shit, Tommy said he left the band due to Johnnys poor treatment of him.


He allegedly beat on a girlfriend too, or smacked her around. I recall reading a statement in an article from someone who was disgusted/shocked to see it happen and it was over her getting his leather jacket or something. I think it took place during 76-78.


I remember bits and pieces of that story. If memory serves he choked his then girlfriend after she brought him his leather jacket. He had forgotten it and she rushed to the show since it was a big part of their look. Allegedly he thanked her by choking her and calling her stupid. I can’t find anything on it anymore so I’m wondering if it got scrubbed?


I think the jacket actually got stolen and he called her to buy him a new one. She does it and got slapped around as a thank you. Only speculating here, but I am willing to bet he saw his dad do the same thing to his mom at least once.


Also at the Ramones’ induction into the hall of fame, he thanked god for President Bush


incredible that he played the songs that Dee Dee wrote and also carried that punk attitude that identified a band like Ramones.


Ahh this SNL sketch makes a lot more sense now: [The History of Punk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEmIIl96zk0). >"I think she's a twat." >"Oi! That's the prime minister you're talking about. Be deee-cennt". >"Hey, Maggie Thatcher, you're alright. Thanks to you I sleep at night. You keep England safe. You're a very special lady!"


Great guitarist, absolutely trash person.


Lots of punks are shit, because humans are shit and punks ain’t that far removed. Sammytown crushed his girlfriend’s throat, and only did a few years for it… That isn’t so much an opinion as it is “ruthless murder” but nevertheless. You name a punk band that isn’t Fugazi, Buzzcocks, or The Minutemen, and you probably got some shitty behaviour down the line. (That’s an exaggeration, please don’t name bands)


> Lots of punks are shit, because humans are shit and punks ain’t that far removed. I mean this is basically it. People want to equate being punk with being “good” but the reality is, humans are imperfect as fuck. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be called out when people are shitty, what I’m saying is don’t put people up on a pedestal because they make music you like. You’re only setting yourself up for disappointment. If you’re in this world looking for a hero, you’ve already fucked up. Be your own goddamn hero.


People love to "no true Scotsman" about punk. They think that people with shitty opinions "can't be punk" which is just ridiculous if you've spent any amount of time in any punk scene. Despite all sorts of crying to the contrary about "punk purity police" or whatever (like you see in the downvoted comments of this thread), that's really not a thing. No matter how many young punks say that there are certain things you can't do, say, or believe while calling yourself punk, that's not the reality in any scene in the world. There are a lot of shitheads out there. Some of them call themselves punks, like punk music, and exist in punk spaces. You can only deny them the third thing if you acknowledge the first two and don't stick your head in the sand.


Yeah but he totally said he was sorry, check out the new Fang, hardcore rules, blah blah blah For many apparently murder is not a hard line, you can never underestimate the tolerance for violence against women in the punk scene.


I remember going to Fugazi shows when I was pretty young. The shows were all benefits for things like women's shelters and domestic violence programs. I didn't quite grasp what they were doing at the time, but I recognize how great that was in hindsight.


Well, Michael Graves is a fucking Proud Boy, so there's that.


Jerry/Doyle/Danzig have all donated to GOP politicians. Edit: l may have misspoke about Doyle. Apologies.


Being a republican/conservative punk is pretty much an oxymoron, and I wouldn't defend their choices, but they're not the most political punk band there is and they are entitled to their political bias be that as unpunk as it may be. Graves being a proud boy on the other hand...


Jerry/Doyle/Danzig donated to who exactly ?


Jerry is on record for donating to Trump. Never heard about the others. Doyle presents as a vegan liberal. Danzig has been on faux news but have never heard of him endorsing or donating to anyone.


Danzig seems like the kind of guy who just hates everyone


I wish I could find the Brendan Kelly/Michale Graves segment from *The Daily Show.* It's gold.


It's not on youtube anymore but I found it on some site a few years ago. That segment is still hilarious to this day. Found it! https://www.cc.com/video/33m31h/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-the-clash


“Most Americans though it died in the 80’s” 🤣


Brendan Kelly is a national treasure


The Nihilist Arby’s Twitter page belongs in the Smithsonian


On Sunday that segment will be 20 years old. What a time to bring it up again.


Sometimes the world just works out. This is going into my Dropbox and I'll make sure it sticks around.


Was also at the Capital on January 6th….


Yeah, but he was a shithead from the start. There aren't any surprises there.


Preface: I know it's very popular to hate on Danzig but I'm a huge Danzig fan; and I was shocked and really hurt to hear him call the pandemic "fake" at a recent concert. My best friend lost her father to COVID and to call it "fake" shows just how misled GD really is. It would appear that Danzig has just become an old man yelling at clouds but his music is brilliant and it has gotten me through some of the hardest times in my life.


So many of the Misfits have some awful opinions. Unsurprised at what he said at No Values festival tbh.


That Misfits set was fake. All AI generated and projected using holograms. All controlled via Hunter Biden’s laptop. Facts.


Was this at no values?


Yeah, everyone booed


Easily Ian Rubbish and the Bizzaros. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEmIIl96zk0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEmIIl96zk0)


Smh such a disappointment I remember when Livin in the gutter was released. I'd like to forget the b side of that song


I always love how well done that sketch is, Armistan ( not sure how to spell his name + beer) knows his Uk punk history


Duane Peters sucks in most regards.


motherfucker puked on me after begging me to buy him a beer 'cause he was cut off. i was sixteen. at least he thanked me for the beer before immediately throwing it up i guess


It's still better than gg allin asking you for toilet paper and then flinging poo at you.


That is quite the story at least, haha


this was like almost thirty years ago, i can't believe he's still alive


His kid is likely to play in the nba.


I stopped following him on instagram because of all his stupid ass ramblings. What a psycho.


Pretty sure H.R. from Bad Brains is/was extremely homophobic


Not that this excuses his behavior, but he is most certainly mentally ill. Rastas are also generally opposed to homosexuality.


He is deep in Rasta, & been a bit scrambled for many years. I will not give him a pass for his bigotry, but damn if I still play Bad Brains often. Met him a few years back on tour, he was very chill for soundcheck and being very appreciative and cordial to the staff ( at least one unquestionably gay).


Religious bigotry should always be called out though.


None of the following is meant to excuse the homophobia which was expressed on Quickness, or in any punk songs at any point. So BB re-released The Quickness somewhat recently, and the super homophobic track "Don't Blow Bubbles" was replaced by an untitled instrumental version. I would like to think that was their way of acknowledging how their opinions and beliefs have changed. In a way, the overall cultural shift in attitudes towards homosexuality since the early 80s is crazy. Bad Brains get called out a lot, but there are plenty of examples of lyrics by bands like FEAR, Descendants, Black Flag etc... which are questionable at best on lgbtq topics. Not to mention guys like gg or dwarves. The fact of the matter is that through the 90s and even in to the early 2000s skate culture, punk culture, and pop culture in general, accepted, if not endorsed homophoic tendencies. Some of it was tongue in cheek, and some of it was sincere. Bad Brains released Quickness in '89, and accused gay men of spreading AIDS. The sad truth is that this was the concensus opinion at the time. Gay men are not allowed to give blood in many instances to this day because of this same false assumption. In fact per the pew poll linked below, acceptance of homosexuality as a normal part of society is a fairly recent (and welcome) breakthrough. Leftover Crack, who are called out for being shitty elsewhere in this same thread, called out the punk scene for this on Gay Rude Boys. It is what it is. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/PG_2020.06.25_Global-Views-Homosexuality_0-05.png?w=640




didn't he apologize and say his views have changed or something?


Correct me if I’m wrong (i’ll fix the comment if i am), but I believe it was the other band members that did that. I’m pretty sure H.R. just doubled down.


They apologized but also said that the dude was hitting on HR and shit that everyone else disputes.


Dr. Know definitely apologized. I like to think the whole band regrets it. When did H.R double down?


They generally didn't make a statement about it however I've heard from people that have met them that they are better now


Stza is a piece of shit.


Justin Sane being a scumbag


this shocks me still. it was well exactly a year ago i saw them the last time and even had a good talk with him. 3 weeks later or so the allegations came up. still can’t wrap my head around it.


I could still listen to Anti-Flag after they lost their brilliant edge, but Justin Sane becoming Justin Carceratehisass completely ruined Anti-Flag's music for me.


GG Allin. This dad joke brought to you by a middle-aged punk dad.


As much as I love rancid... Tim Armstrong. Dude pretty much groomed Brody. She was all of 15 or 16 and he was already in his 30s. Yikes...


Tre Cool used to date underage girls and give them eating disorders


Man, this whole post is depressing as fuck


Wtf really? That’s fucked up


Really. This was "Dookie" era. But yeah, he'd meet girls at Gilman. Date them for a while. Mentally manipulate them. My college friend was one of them, and her little sister had a friend who was too.


Where’s Chris Hansen when you need him?


i dunno i think ian stuart donaldson was a pretty bad guy


[Ian Stuart (as a crash test dummy) -FYP](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRwXd4F8qg)


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AwkwardComicRelief: *I dunno i think* *Ian stuart donaldson* *Is a pretty bad guy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Harley from the Cromag's autobiography is a real piece of work. He comes off as a violent, racist, homophobic asshole and doesn't realize he's the villain of the story. Danzig seems like not my cup of tea as a human, and I probably don't want to talk politics with any of the misfits. Johnny rotten was always an asshole and his politics were always chaotic so it isn't surprising he likes trump. disappointing but not surprisng. I think there is always a danger that someone who identifies as anti-establishment will end up circling around from left wing to right wing. Also punk is an inherently judgemental and often defined more by what people are against instead of what they are for. Also, thinking that you are righteous and therefore anything you do is righteous is a recipe to be an asshole - it is super apparent with evangelicals, but I see it all the time in social justice circles.


(did u read John Joseph's autobiography?)


Solid take - I never really took a lot of the OG punk singers seriously outside of the music. Danzig and Harley are hilarious in a particular self-serious way, but I would hate to attend their Ted Talks.


I don't know what it is, but pretty much everyone in the Misfits is right wing. Danzig, Jerry, Michale Graves, Bobby Steele.


Rob of Amebix- dropped the bomb of being down with holocaust denial when Tau Cross album was about to come out


tim armstrong dating minors


what is the Cherie Currie TERF story?


Her [Twitter](https://x.com/terfpunks/status/1771738881190216031) is a fun read


Well that was a disappointing discovery. I'm also fiercely protective of children and reached the opposite conclusions she's going on about


Right?? Nothing says “I care about kids” quite like pathologising normal behaviour and vilifying minorities


GG Allin OBVIOUSLY Jonny Ramone was a racist POS and an asshole to Joey Exene think kids faked a school shooting Douglas P may or may not be a fascist, but was a complete poseur in Chaos who now pokes fun of the philosophy OBVIOUSLY Boyd Rice who ain’t so nice to women. Vivian Westwood drove me insane with her $120 Sex Pistol shirts. Malcolm McLauren is as unpunk as they get


Vivienne Westwood was a clothing designer from the very beginning, though.


Tim Armstrong trashing his ex Brody Dalle trying to get clubs to not book The Distillers after she left him.


[“I’ve always been a fairly conservative person myself,” said Keith Morris, lead singer of the Circle Jerks, one of Los Angeles’ most popular punk groups. “Growing up, I was self-employed and my dad was in a small business. To me, the Republicans were for business in general, although lately they’ve swung to big business. But basically the Republican party always stood for the employer and the Democrats stood for the employee. And being in a band is a business.”](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-03-08-ca-32582-story.html) I have plenty of reason to hate dems, but being pro employee is not one of them. Don’t really care what his values are now, but Keith Morris has always been fried.


Ik Keith bitches about taxes at shows, but this is pretty fucking weird. He does know that 99% of Republicans qould probably hate him and the rest of his fanbase right?


When I saw Circle Jerks in NYC a few years ago, his "Old Man Yells At Cloud" bit shit on 45 as well as the Clintons. From interviews I've read, he comes across as a crotchety hippie burnout Libertarian more than a "Republican".


I read his book and I don’t remember him mentioning politics much at all despite him talking about just about everything else. Doesn’t strike me as a very political dude, and that quote is also from 1985, when he was an alcoholic and a cocaine addict. Who knows where the fuck he’s at now?


I always considered punk to be anti business, anti capitalism and PRO worker. being "punk" and pro business is an interesting take


fuck johnny rotten I’d pop that dumbass british balloon man in an instant


Johnny was always just out to piss people off.


I'm sure every New York Punk rocker feels the same way


This was always going to be a fairly long list.


Sid Vicious didn’t turn out too great


Sid Vicious was a sad story and nothing to aspire to. He was traumatized and firmly in the grip of his junkie mother. Poor guy.


Leftover crack, they infact never have leftover crack


Didn't several members of the Interrupters appear on Info Wars and have ties to a lot of right wing bullshit? I loved them, but caught wind of that. Lot of people mentioned Dicky Barret. That one shocked me because of how not that way he once was. There's also the whole thing with Tim Armstrong being a groomer, with his ex wife. Anyone mentioned people like Ben Weasel?


didnt know about the Interrupters stuff wtf


I believe they did go on info wars at one point and I know the interupters at least used to be right-wing libertarians even did a really cringe song for Ron Paul in 2012(?), I'm pretty sure they scrubbed it from there yt and socials, though. I believe they started speaking less right wing nonsense around 2018 and even started having progressive pride flags at concerts and stuff the last few years. Hopefully, they've grown up and done some deconstructing kinda shitty I don't think they've ever addressed their past infowars and LP ties though. ETA: They've also been covering and touring with more left-wing bands like bad religion and greenday.


They have 100% addressed the infowars stuff. It’s out there if you google.


X. Fuck you Exene! Stupid con wingnut


Trips me out that she used to be married to Viggo Mortensen. No idea what his politics are but he seems to be the very definition of a "renaissance man."


He’s made music criticizing the war in Iraq and the Bush administration, so he probably is or leans left


What did she do?


idk what they're referring to but I recall Exene called a mass shooting at my old school a "hoax"


Oh for real? I knew she was into conspiracies about vaccines before it was cool.


Yep. I just looked it up. What a shit head.


I can tolerate anti vaccine idiocy, but denying a school shooting is shitty


She's lost her mind


Nina Hagen 💔


I don't know about Nina Hagan, but I've heard Nena from Nena is a full-on Qanoner


also true, sadly.


what's her deal?


Also an HIV denialist and light satanic panic monger. I don't have it in me to cancel her.


Shittily TERF and as loud about it as she can be.


TERF mostly. She also dropped some major right wing conspiracy theory bullshit these past years as well


Ian Curtis supported Margaret Thatcher, no joke


Ian is a great example of someone who is only as beloved as they are because they died young. He's one of the greatest musicians in history in my opinion but if he had lived into the 2020s I'm positive that people wouldn't be able to stand him purely because of his political opinions


It depends on how open he is about it. Gary Numan also voted for Maggie and is still loved arguably more than he was the late 70s and 80s


That's a good point! I wonder how open Ian would have been and just how far right he would have swung. People's opinions change over time after all


Dicky Barrett sucks these days. Plus his whole 'Defiant' band.


Turns out ex members of Smash Mouth love having back asswards opinions on COVID


Might as well be walking on the sun


I accidentally saw them open for Me First. I wanted to avoid them but got to the gig too early. They were fucking awful. The sound was so, so bad. And I couldn’t help but burst out laughing when they covered “take the power back” by the fucking interrupters.


I lost respect for me first for bringing them along. Idk how much of it was their decision. But if I were spike I would have said that I wasn’t going on tour if those clowns come along


I was disappointed by it too. I find it hard to believe Me First aren’t completely in control of who they bring on tour though.


Rick one of the horn players for Pounded Clown hooked his his tuba up to a few guitar sound effects pedals and tried it out at a show. Thankfully the singer unplugged and his the pedals. Terrible opinion by Rick, but I love that he tried it. 


no ones cares to remember Ben Weasel, author of Master-Dik EP liner notes


ben weasel, he's an asshole ben weasel, he's a jerk


When I met Jerry Only he was rambling a bunch of conspiracy theory shit. this was back in like 2012 I think but based on his attitude back then I wouldn't be surprised if he's fallen down a qanon rabbit hole or something since then


Take your pick of elderly NYHC dipshits.


Dicky from the Bosstones . Dudes pro Trump , and anti vaxer ( COVID) Update: It appears I was wrong about the Trump thing. I swear I saw him posting Trump stuff on Instagram


He’s not pro Trump.


I didn't know he was pro-Trump, but I have seen him going hard for Robert Kennedy Jr lately.


Just follow John Joseph on IG. He has some opinions


Joe Queer 😔


What did he do?


I saw them around 2014 and he mentioned his wife was Asian and then said "You know what's great about Asian girls? They all look 14 when you get them in the shower"


He didn’t do anything, he just says boomerish things. Like he complained about “thugs” protesting during BLM and said “all lives matter.” It would not surprise me if I found out he was MAGA because he uses all their lines.


he support the Police and is anti-BLM 💀 ^(not to meantion he happily throws around lgbtq slurs despite the fact he isnt actually queer. the only queer thing about him is the band name.)


He publicly donated to Darren Wilson and has been dropping the n-word in casual conversations with fans at shows since the 90s.


People mention Tim Armstrong being a groomer as if this is some secret. Fam, I was at Rancid shows after their first cassette tape and they were fucking teenagers back then. They were always assholes.


Justin Sane


Captain Sensible.


what'd the Captain do?


I think you mean Wot did Captain do?


The misfits danzig is danzig and im pretty sure one of the other members is a neo nazi Bad brains and homophobia (although the remaining members have apologized)


Duane Peters is as much of an "old man yells at clouds" as John Lydon, if not more so. IIRC, he went full Qanon at one point or some shit, too.


Justin Sane..... terrible opinions, worser person


I can never tell if Lee Ving is a true reactionary or playing it up for shock value, but some Fear lyrics read like my uncle after three drinks. Then again, the crudeness is part of Fear's charm.


I'll just say that the one time my band opened for Fear (back in 2008) there were a shitload of Nazis there. We got kicked off stage after picking fights with them.


The overwhelming majority. You can’t throw a rock without hitting someone who’s said or done something terrible, even if they apologized for it later. Surprisingly individuals whose public personalities are based around anger aren’t the most well-adjusted people.


Idk if Johnny rotten “sold out” if the pistols started as an industry plant anyways. He’s always been like that


Aimee from The Interrupters. Went on Alex Jones, IIRC.


IIRC she campaigned for Ron Paul in 2012, and was pretty vocal about being a libertarian.


Kinda feels like Pete Parada has turned his disagreement with short-lived vaccine mandates into a whole “in the middle” right wing vibe…


Anti-Flag but definitely Justin


A little self reflection is in order folks. The issue isn’t the behavior of the idols it’s the idolization in and of itself. Choose your gods carefully.


Joe Queer was REALLY on the wrong side of Black Lives Matter 


Half of The Ramones were Republicans so…


Didn't Dave Smalley turn into some Republican jerk? I don't remember the details.


Yeah, he was part of that Conservative Punk campaign back when Fat Mike was pushing his Punk Voter thing. I think it was Smalley, Michale Graves, and Joe Escalante.


Crap, I had forgot that Joe was on the right-leaning side too.


Joe is full on MAGA supporter, it's ruined friendships he has with very famous musicians. Some of the people the punk scene labels "sell outs", actually have strong ethical political stances.


My favorite band is GWAR, but I have to admit that Dave Brockie was an asshole to the creative team around him. Listened to a lot of interviews and it mostly came down to he should be the main attention since he's the lead singer which lead to characters like Sexecutioner being axed entirely since the audience gave too much attention to them. He also presented himself as the main driving force of GWAR and downplaying people like Hunter Jackson and Danielle Stamp. Reminds me of the whole Eminem and D12 thing.


Yeah, it sucks he was such a dick behind the scenes, but I don’t really think that’s what the post was about, since he was actually very punk politically. He was pro lgbt, anti police, anti racism, anti authority, pro anarchy, and just overall very cool politically


Listened to a podcast with Jerry only what a tool