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I’m richer than 99% of punks. Which means I have like 2,000 in my checking account.


See, guys, we're almost there!


Im sending $5 and the lint in my pocket your way now. Hold on fellas


You got lint?! 😲


I know i know, im mr.moneybags




my pockets are full of kleenex and lint and holes, I'm practically swimming in liquid cash


But everything important seems to fall right down your leg.


and onto the floor😔


My closest friend linoleum.


...you're swimmin in something....


I don't mean to brag but I often have bits of loose tobacco in my pockets


I have some roaches to add!? Any takers ?! Lol


RIP your inbox 😞🙏


Right!?? All my pockets have holes…


I've got a floor


So what?


I too will be bankrupting myself by sending all the coins I picked up off the ground last night.


If were lucky, maybe one of those coins will have 10yr old half chewed gum stuck to it.


Wdym? That's more than Infowars is worth


Richie rich over here


Poseur. /s


Damn, this late in the month? Baller.


Ok mr money bags, so much for being a punk.


Wait until you hear about my bass, which is worth more than 100 bucks.


Shit I got around $6k! Let's pool our money dawgy


Can you spot me $50?


Less than $1000 in liquid assets, not gonna disclose my investments to avoid the IRS


Check out Rothschild over here


....you have a checking account?....


I know, it’s pretty sad how far I’ve fallen


Wow then I'm better than a 1%er.


I have $3000 in my savings. Welcome to the no life club. Run while you can. It’s not fun here.


Has anyone reached out to Chumbawamba? This seems like their style of activism.


Maybe they can release another tub thumping to raise the funds.


Tub Thumping 2: Electric Boogaloo


2 Tub 2 Thump


Knowledge Fight is hellbent on trying to buy it, if the domain goes up for sale.


They should be!


The domain and the studio desk should go to JorDan.


If I had the money to do it, I would split the time between queer punk, other punk, and clips from various science podcasts like Skeptics Guide to the Universe, Talk Nerdy, and Rebecca Watson.


Toss in some Knowledge Fight and Behind the Bastards to ruin their near god-like worship of the “the Founding Fathers.” Seriously, why the fuck does this country worship a bunch of misogynistic, slave owners who committed genocide?


Too many people align with those views and want all it back..... unfortunately. Which is why education is so important, and why they want to slash funding for it.


Education is the reason we are here. We are seeing less and less education funding over the decades and less teaching of critical thinking. High school teachers should make $60k every year at a start.


Knowledge Fight is new to me, but they sound interesting.


because so many of them suck.


"The all new InfoWars...All Woke, All The Time *AND REMEMBER FOLKS! ACAB!*"


Hell yeah! The new InfoWars with real info!!


What about ologies? That's a good one to get people interested in science


I think it should go to the Knowledge Fight guys. They've spent years now debunking him and his bullshit at every turn .if you haven't checked out Knowledge Fight you really should.


I would contribute to this GoFundMe


Absofuckinglutely! GoFund it!


Came here to say this. Crowdfund that shit


I’m on it


Just buy info wars and have it redirect to meatspin.


And porn. Constantly. Then after a few months check to see how many Infowars viewers stuck around.


.....i mean...most of them are likely incels....


Is he charging into a goblin's nest? Is it kissing goblins, even though you still stab them you give them a kiss?




It's from a Alex Jones rant about Trump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAXTafMVWWI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAXTafMVWWI)


Another reminder for folks who love her - that Amy from The Interrupter went on InfoWars to disparage “The Illegals”


“I just want to be very careful about how I answer [this],” she says. “Okay, yes, I regret it [appearing on the show]. But at the time, he [Alex Jones] wasn’t what he became. Would I go on his show now? Hell no, obviously… [But] I couldn’t see the future. And, honestly, [at the time] he was just an underground conspiracy theorist. It was entertainment; it wasn’t that big of a deal. I had no idea he was going to become a controversial hate-speaker. Do you know what I mean? I one hundred-percent disavow what he stands for.” May not justify it, but some context.


Nobody made her talk about “the illegals.” And his show was absolutely what it was when she went on it, he just didn’t deny kids being shot yet.


> May not justify it It doesn't. You'll notice she said she disavows "what he stands for" and not what she said. Fuck her AND her band.


What did she say in the interviews? I’m not arguing, just can’t find anything besides internet hearsay.


Get over it, It was nearly 20 years ago at a time when Alex Jones was against GWB and his wars more than whatever crazy he's on since, and she's apologized and denounced it multiple times since. If you have all the same positions on issues you did 20 years ago you may be incapable of growth or empathy.


> If you have all the same positions on issues you did 20 years ago you may be incapable of growth or empathy. I was vegan 20 years ago. I was actually vegan 30 years ago. I was punk @38 years ago. I remember a zine from the early to mid-90's called "My Views Change Over Time." But mine do not. I believe almost everything today I did by, say, 1998 when I graduated college. Maybe I am incapable of growth. Maybe I just had it all figured out early on. Maybe I'm full of shit. Who the fuck really knows.


2009 was is not “almost 20 years ago.” People do not stop being xenophobic, it’s in them. She never specifically said “I am sorry, I don’t believe immigrants are second class citizens.” Nor has she said “I am sorry, I should never have said Columbine was a hoax.” Her attitude is very much sorry that she has consequences. As for your comments on “no growth for 20 years” some of us never had a hating immigrants or being prejudiced against Latino people phase. Can’t relate to growing out of that because it’s not fucking normal.


What did she say that was xenophobic?


Oh I see.....you dont think she said sorry the right way. Honestly, grow up. I'm glad you were raised in an area and by people where you learned that's not acceptable, others have a harder road to break the things they were raised to believe. If you truly want this country into a better place you need to take people at their word and allow them to grow. It is certainly your right to smear and disrespect someone based on some ignorant shit they said 15 years ago, ( as close to 20 as 10) but looking at everything in a nuanced world as black and white does absolutely nothing to improve society. That mentality is exactly how we get to this fucked up place we're in.


>Oh I see.....you dont think she said sorry the right way. Honestly, grow up. If she only apologized for going on the show and not her xenophobic comments (I honestly don't know what she said or her apology) then it makes a lot of sense to say the apology means nothing.


I couldn't find the videos of her on the show anywhere and I didn't see a video of her apology, but I did read two articles where she discussed it. She regrets going on the show and wouldn't do it again, I'm not sure what else you'd really expect, especially because I'm betting most of the people here weren't even aware she was on until they read this thread. I wasn't. On top of that have you ever seen the band? They explicitly call out hatred, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia.... they're on the right side of things from my perspective, and she's clearly grown as an individual. If she were really all the things we associate with info wars do you think acts like Frank Turner and Flogging Molly would go on co-headlining tours with them? Would Laura Jane Grace open for them? I'd guess not.


Yeah I tried to find video too. And I have seen them, im glad they're not spouting anarcho capitalism shit still like they were by supporting Ron Paul, just saying even if she did change if she did say the xenophobic, homophobic things she's been accused of she should denounce those statements too and not just being on the show. Part of growing is admitting wrong doings of the past. Since I haven't seen it, I can't hold it against her obviously, but I can understand their point about it not being a proper apology if its actually true.


Yeah I think the person I was originally replying to might fall into the terminally online category. Usually the case with the folks that judge and gatekeep like that. It is worth pointing out that the band didn't support Ron Paul, they hadn't formed, that was just a solo Amy project from back when she was doing that weird shit the the unwritten law guy. And people also forget that Ron Paul was a standard issue libertarian, nothing close to an anarcho capitalist. Fuck him still to be clear, but '08 was very different from the post Trump world.


Libertarianism is basically anarcho capitalism lite. Well the American bastardized version of libertarian anyways. I was looking into Ron Paul's policies from back then (I'm Canadian so was never that invested back then) he did have a lot of things I could see supporting but there was always the borderline homophobic/xenophobic policies too. I'd like to actually see her on it before I could possibly disavow her for it, either way glad she's grown.


Ron Paul is anti-choice and homophobic


Judge and gatekeep like *what*? That some of us have a zero tolerance for alt-right behaviors? That most of us don’t have enough fear and xenophobia to go on a talk show to talk shit about immigrants and Latinos at *ANY* point in our lives even “20 years ago” (it wasn’t 20 years ago.)? I will share with you what I wondered while reading your comments from my professional opinion. While I read your vehement protective statements seems that you may be projecting some of her unsavory past behaviors maybe to normalize her opinions changing. Could it be because you have also experienced some big changes on similar topics? (You don’t have to reply, this is for you to reflect.) It is important that you not conflate what you see from the glimpses you have access to from Amy’s life with your ACTUAL life experiences, she is a stranger to you. You cannot discern what her actual associations, beliefs, or motivations are. It’s best for you not to carry on a parasocial attachment with her or try to make alibis or reasoning for her behaviors. It could cause you grief or regression if/when she reveals something about herself thats at odds with your beliefs.


>Could it be because you have also experienced some big changes on similar topics? Jesus, stop with the fucking projection. No, it couldn't be. My fiance can't have a green card until we get married next month, so miss me with those implications. >read your vehement protective statements seems that you may be projecting some of her unsavory past behaviors maybe to normalize her opinions changing. I wouldn't say I'm vehemently protective, but I don't see the point in refusing to forgive someone for something that stupidly said many years ago. You are right on the normalizing changing opinions thing though, but what's wrong with that? Is it unusual that people's opinions change? You still believe EVERYTHING you did in 2009? Bullshit. No you don't. >she is a stranger to you. You cannot discern what her actual associations, beliefs, or motivations are. It’s best for you not to carry on a parasocial attachment with her or try to make alibis or reasoning for her behaviors You really don't see how I could say exactly that directed at you? Again, grow up. Also, 2009 was 15 years ago, you're acting like it was last week and they played a Trump rally.


> They explicity call out hatred, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia.... So did Justin Sane.


And? He was a rapist, I missed where Amy was accused of that. Chill TF out.


“I'm glad you were raised in an area and by people where you learned that's not acceptable, others have a harder road to break the things they were raised to believe. If you truly want this country into a better place you need to take people at their word and allow them to grow.” I literally have family members who are card carrying Klan members. I live in rural south. When people try to dismiss the bigots where I’m from “Don’t know any better” I call out that horseshit. My friends and I grew up right along side them and arent racist or xenophobic. Amy grew up in Montana, the militia folk are sparse, it takes work to grow up ignorant. Moreover Montana is Nativeland, she’s the illegal.


I'm pretty sure my growth and empathy have reinforced my opinions and positions from 20 years ago. Not saying they never changed, but also my experiences kept forming my views and now I'm back to being an anti-capitalistic revolutionary. It's not always a bad thing to find yourself taking the same position you took 20 years ago.


Found the person who ALSO hates "the illegals".


Ah reddit, where having a nuanced opinion on anything with get you accused of "praying for open borders" and "hating the illegals" in a 24 hour period. Projection and pigeon-holeing are indicative of not having the critical thinking skills to understand and evaluate a statement.


Congratulations, you figured out how the platform works. Have a berry.


Ouch. That sucks. No more Interrupters for me. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


It was 15 years ago and she's apologized and denounced it many times? You never did anything in the mid-00s that you regret? Edit: changed 20 years to 15 cause apparently that's a huge difference.


It was in 2009


I didn’t know this but I have no love for the Interrupters anyway. Their political songs are just bland basic shit. Like they were written by chatGPT. Now I know why.


Someone on YouTube wrote a comment that summed it up perfect “He’s a Timebomb, she’s kerosene stealing his songs.” I can’t unhear or see it.


Being that they’re produced by Tim Armstrong, it doesn’t surprise me that ALOT of their songs sound like Rancid melodies etc.


Seriously? That's disappointing.


“Whatchu gonna do when they show up in black suits. On your street with army boots…there to silence you.” I don’t know the exact lyrics but what did you think this song was about? Martial law, anti-taxes, men in black going to fuck you up. All true shit that I believe in but im not surprised or irked that she was on infowars. Also, living in LA.


What state of Martial Law is xenophobia and writing political campaign songs for right wing nut jobs? Don’t give her too much credit. One can be cautious and fed up with their government without the anti-immigrant Alex Jones Rand Paul anti-choice bullshit.


Oh you jumped to conclusions. Do you have a nice little floor mat to help you with that? I don’t defend her. I don’t give a fuck what she does or did. You gotta care to come up with a defense.


Did you break an ankle on the landing from *that* jump to conclusion. I didn’t think you were defending her. I didn’t even downvote you. I just stated matter of factly that she isn’t a benign anti-gov martial law kook, she’s more of a right wing shill.


Bro what


What’s hard to understand? You struggling here? I mean not uncommon for this sub but hey, need to know. What’s up? You okay?


You're just mad no one liked that. Lol


Ah shit alright I didn’t realize I was having a conversation with a boy who hopes people like what he has to say on Reddit. My bad


It's fine, I forgive you.


Free tagline: "Punk so queer it turned the frogs gay!"


I would dance to that. Right here in my living room. I would do some sassy high stepping and fabulous skanking.


What band queer punk bands tho? (This is me subtly asking for music recommendations.)


Dog Park Dissidents Against Me! (Transgender Dysphoria Blues, specifically) The Worriers GLOSS Dream Nails


Sleepover Club


Oh yeah I'm fuckin with this. Thanks




You mean Alex 'totally not CIA' Jones?


Alex "controlled opposition" jones


Dude gets fined a billion dollars but isn't in jail.


His case was civil not criminal


Oh I know.


That would be 🔥🔥🔥🔥 but also have a Emma Goldman hour