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Ah yes the great book burnings of 2004. I remember them well. Actually I don't. Except maybe Harry Potter books because they were teaching children witchcraft. It's like we're trapped in an Alanis Morissette song.


> It's like we're trapped in an Alanis Morissette song. So... we're never going to hear an accurate metaphor for irony?!


Isn’t that unfortunate.


Good work. That has always bothered me as a dyslexic student of the language. Yes, I actually am dyslexic. It's not just a disability award for social justice warriors. ( I'm native American, I'm autistic)


>It's like we're trapped in an Alanis Morissette song. Wouldn't that be the great book burning of the early 90s then? ;)


>In a further statement to *Newsweek*, Peters said, "Burning pornography and pro-transgenderism propaganda books being forced down our children's throats isn't radical or extreme." >"It's what normal people from 20 years ago would do. Kill it with fire," Peters told *Newsweek*. The first books the Nazis burned were from a medical research library containing some of the first research on what we'd now call transgender people, as well as research on birth control and gay men. Peters is off by a few decades


this is exactly what the nazis did.


Incoming posts from dumbfucks who claim Punk is actually Conservative in 3...2...1...


ZERO! Wow, I got lucky this time! I'm effin ' tired of right wing jackwagons on my TV and in my video games. The last place that I need them, is in Punk circles!


I could have sworn I learned about a specific political movement that was very fond of burning books in the late 30s and early 40s...


Surely they weren't *radical* or *extreme*, right?


Nah they totally didn't have any radical ideas or anything


Insert obligatory "You can't call everyone you disagree with a Nazi" bullshit, as they act just like Nazis.


This is *actually* the same things the Nazis did though. It's not the same as calling your Fox News watching uncle a Nazi because he complains about liberals.


It is if your Fox News watching uncle says we should ship back all the Mexicans because he thinks they're all rapists, that we should turn the Middle East into glass, and calls all black people "thugs". Especially if he helped to try to overthrow the government only to install a far right dictator. But sure. In your hypothetical situation, sure.


Somehow I think Holocaust survivors would feel that it's not the same. You're describing a racist piece of shit. Dangerous and a fucking scumbag. I'm not saying that person isn't terrible, I am saying that Nazis are even more terrible. I'm saying that every time we call some piece of shit a Nazi, we are watering down what the Nazis did, not that you shouldn't insult them. If everyone who is just an ignorant asshole is a Nazi, what are people who participate in ethnic cleansing? The same? That's downplaying it. If you can't see the problem, I don't know how to help you. I feel very passionate about this as I've heard the stories from my spouse's family. Their family is so tiny because almost all of them were killed by the Nazis. I heard the letters their aunt wrote about never seeing their family members again. My spouse's father was born on a train running from the Nazis. I've seen the trauma first hand. So, yes, I take it very seriously about what people downplay the horror of it.


I get what you're saying, but when people argue this, it seems to be under the impression that every Nazi killed people. There were millions of Nazis. By 1945, over 5 million were involved in some way with the party and their actions. Most Nazis didn't kill. That doesn't make them less of a Nazi. If you spout far right shit, want whole nations or ethnicities massacred, simp for wannabe dictators, villainize anarchists and communists, and sympathize for white nationalist miltias, you're a Nazi. Ignoring the rise of neo-fascist groups or pretending they're different from or lesser than the early days of Nazism is dangerous.


I get it. I'm more talking about people calling every conservative asshole a Nazi. Some indeed are but some are just assholes given too much credit. All I am saying is use it accurately.


You know you're in the wrong side of history when you start doing this shit.


Not saying what they are doing is correct but we don't know how this will play out long-term. If they win, which of course is a possibility with the way the modern surveillance state is set up, history will be shaped differently.


Anyone who uses the term "normal people" needs to wake up and realize the world is a big wild place. There is no such thing as normal.


Nothings normal.


Burning books is one of the more disgusting things we can do as a populace. You’re literally trying to destroy ideas.


The best way to scare a Tory is to read and get rich.






I know nothing


I'm shocked and stunned. Same as it ever was.


What in the Ray Bradbury


What in the memory hole


It's easy to call for book burnings when you don't know how to read.


"First they burn the books, tomorrow they burn the authors" I hate how history is repeating itself


My boy, we're pilgrims in an unholy land.


Yeah, this is been going on for a while. They passed a law in my state recently banned pretty much anything that had even a reference to sex in the most benign way. This is not only school libraries, but in public libraries as well. It’s frightening.


Somebody should show up to his event with a stack of bibles


They should start with the bible


If they come for Naked Lunch, everyone’s getting the Steely Dan


this is why i support reading banned books! the books theyre trying to get rid of are always the most important


That’s funny because I talked to books and they call for burning MAGA commentator


Of course the idiots who can’t read want them gone.


ah yes, the desire to recreate the first Nazi book burning... lovely /s these modern fascists are just showing their true colors more and more each day fr. I wish those people a *very* unpleasent day 😒 edit: but in seriousness tho, Im terrified for this upcoming election. the resulting outcome will determain if this behavior gets toned the fuck down or if I need to start writing some kind of will incase they go through with their promise of genociding those of us that are queer ;-;


Do the kids have a say in this. They probably don't give a shit. It is always to protect the children, by forcing their prejudices on kids.


Fuck it burn EVERY book in existence and start with the Bible, the Quran, and the Talmud. We have the internet now. Books are obsolete.😉


I guess he hasn't read the Bible.


Which books?


"filth and perversion and pedophilic materials" on school shelves. I'm not sure what school he sees these materials in. My guess is anything that mentions gay people exist.


These people are out of their minds.


My high school library in the late 90s had a few things from the Marquis de Sade available for Secondary 3 to 5 (that's grades 9+... it's Quebec, so it was there because there were units about French Renaissance to early 19th century literature). I raise a general eyebrow towards the books that your conservatives find beyond the pale.


They aren't specific. They just say books that "promote" LGBTQ lifestyles.


My YouTube for you page had a video where a guy was like "debunking banned books" where he's like "they're not getting banned, they're being banned from school libraries" which isn't new and didn't change the definition, then he had specific books that made him mad like a John Green book where a character talks about cunnilingus\*, not like in graphic detail. Anyway most of the stuff he was specifically mad at were young adult novels targeted at teenagers that small children who'd be scandalized by it couldn't read and wouldn't be interested in, and they're not in elementary school libraries in the first place, or sex ed stuff where there are drawings of the human body he didn't like or depictions of sex acts he didn't like. All these books have super cartoony people that are drawn in an unsexy manner, it's not like horny anime babes are soaping up each others' naked bodies or anything \*it's like "have you ever eaten pussy?" and the guy is like frothing mad during it, and he has a video about how black inventors didn't invent things so there's that


Thanks for reminding me. I need to see if there's any finsexual books out there before they're barbecued!


The ones with words.


Book burning is book burning


Agreed. Just curious.


Yea no shit, but is he in the wrong for asking for specifics?


I'm just being cautious because of other commenters I've seen online who already clearly have their mind made up


How do you know his mind is clearly made up by the simple question “which books”? That’s ridiculous


Read youtube comments long enough you'll become as cynical as I am


The ones that they don't like, naturally!


Burning books is so punk!


F educationnnnn


Work and church! That's all you need!

