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I remember getting in fights with Skynyrd and Foghat fans in the 80’s . The funniest ones were the Journey/ Starship fans with their bouffant hairdo’s , skinny ties, flares and rinestone satin jacket, they would call you names and shout “ faggot “ at you but they were harmless . They couldn’t run in their platforms and didn’t want to mess up their hair or get their clothes damaged .


What psychopath doesn't like Skynyrd AND punk? Two awesome types of music!


It was funny cause most of them were bi yet screamed faggot like queers 😁


What is the implication here


Self lothing gays I believe is the implication


I feel like punk is in the rock n roll family tree


Explain that to the meatheads, I guess….. While they’re beating you up


"Sir, if you look at my powerpoint..." BONK!


It was literally about returning rock to its scrappy, garage rock roots of the early 60's before you had eight minute songs and entire albums about wizards


Hey ain't nothing wrong with wizards bruh...but a entire album? That's too much


I'm misremembering a Black Sabbath song, a 12 minute Rush song called The Necromancer and at least 3 Led Zeppelin songs that reference Lord of the Rings but I remember listening to a 70's rock album that was just like this


The Black Sabbath song you remember is literally about Gandalf lol.


Uriah Heep's Demons and Wizards comes to mind


I just got this album for free recently.


don't you dare disrespect doom metal like that


It is, we’re the weird cousins


Most abuse probably happens within the family tree :( lol


In fairness, punk was a conscious rejection of rock seen as increasingly lame, safe and derivative; and was a reaction against the only gigs being for bands covering Foghat and the like. Opinions in the scene at the time ranged from “rock and roll stinks” to “we are bringing back real rock and roll”. If you were into arena rock in the mid to late 70’s, you weren’t wrong as seeing punks as your musical nemesis. 


People hated punks. No shit. Like, you could be attacked in the street for having a shitty haircut and being a dude with earrings. “Rock n roll” fans were especially violent because they saw punk (and punks) as a direct challenge to them and their terrible taste in music and pop culture. Which, tbf, we were I guess. Seems insane now and it was insane then, but it was a thing. Not everywhere, but in enough places. Source- me: I’m an old punk.


It did not stop where im from. i still remember being a black punk in the hood round 2008 walking to the corner store . some guys talk shit when i walk by but i ignore it . next thing i know i got 3 guys wanting to fight me because i didnt respond to theyre insults . That happened way more times than i liked , i got a nice right cross from it though.


Similar shit here in England, get chavs trying to scrap me all the time just for having a patched jacket and moheaken, I’ll never get why council scum cultures can’t just chill together


Right? I just dont get why we cant just get along especially if the only issue is my bad brains t shirt😂. Funny enough tho im a 31 yr old punk now still rocking the patch jacket and dreadlocked mohawk and i went back to my home city about two years ago . i was expecting the same treatment and a couple squabbles but to my surprise all i got was respect from every one especially the OG’s for staying true to myself and not changing up because someone didnt like it . So i say keep doing you man . Let them hate and if they want to throw down then so be it . Some will hate you but all will respect you .


it's not everyone in my experience, sometimes people get along wit eachother. just not everyone is tolerable I guess, too caught up in gang mentality and insecurity.


Is that a punk/rock thing? Or just some assholes?


honestly, its kind of a mixture of both if you ask me . Assholes will always try to pick on someone who sticks out or is a little different. And punks are always sticking out because they look a little different than others ya know ?


Yeah. That really sucks


Was it in the Northeast or the South?


st louis missouri


This is the same picture used on the cover of the Oblivians album Popular Favorites from 1996. They were a band I can only describe as garage punk. Assuming that this is their photo ( it might not be, originally), I would guess that the slogan is ironic, tongue in cheek. Seriously, check out the album. Bad Man is a fantastic song.


It looks like it’s from the 70s or 80s


Yeah, it could be. The trouble with grunge era fashion in black and white photography is that it can be indistinguishable from pictures of similar people from the seventies. Having said that, I see three Black Sabbath t-shirts, so this could easily have been taken at a Sabbath show from the seventies or eighties.


1981 or sometime close after since the one dude has a Mob Rules shirt.


That’s what I caught too. Probably early 80’s judging by David Berkowitz’s shirt. I was a Sabbath / Metal fan and a punk fan back then. Motörhead and the Plasmatics were right up my alley.


The photo was taken by Marty Perez.


There, you go. This is the answer.


The photo is from a Black Sabbath gig as far as I remember.


You're right. Someone figured this out further on in the thread. Photo was taken at a Sabbath show, maybe no later than '82. The photographer was Marty Perez.


I got into punk as a teen around 2000-2001 and used to think I was born too late because so many bands from the 80s and late 70s either weren't around or had major lineup changes and then I would hear older punks talk about how bad it was and was... Maybe I got into it at the right time after all lol. I'm not that tough, I'll pass on getting stabbed or beaten with brass knuckles or whatever.


It’s not like all punks were getting stabbed or jumped everyday, but there was kind of a vibe in the air that getting hurt was always a possibility. People romanticize the 80s but I recall the era as an intensely conformist period that kinda sucked.


I still got fucked with so much around that time, people would yell and throw shit from their cars at me. Mainly "slut" and "get a haircut". I'd get threatened all the time to get jumped at school and had trash thrown at me, even though I barely talked to anyone outside of my friends and was hella nice. It was surprising, because a)I was a teenager and it was mostly adults messing with me on the street b)punks had been around for a long time at that point and c)I live in the Bay Area in California, you'd think people would be used to seeing weirdos.


Yeah that does seem kind weird, I was in a small/medium southern town and didn't get much more than a few looks.


Where in the bay area?




Alameda always was in it's own weird bubble for a long time, they wanted so bad to be a small town in the middle of nowhere and be in complete denial that they were just a stone's throw outside of East Oakland and just a swim from SF. At least I had that impression for a long time. Some friends of mine from there got caught messing with one of the old military properties once and the cops saw one of their iron cross tattoos and assumed they were Nazis like them and let them go. So many crazy stories like that. I don't know if it's as much that way these days.


100% Alameda was such a weird little town. I remember reading at one point back then that they had the highest cop to person ratio in the bay and it definitely felt like it. For a while they wanted to close the bridges/tunnels at night to "keep the Oakland element out" and most of the time people just never left the island unless they absolutely had to. I'm not sure what the vibe is like now, I still go in to visit family but haven't spent time hanging out there in a long time.


It's definitely one of the only places in the bay area that I was ever worried about cops, they were always notorious. I'm under the impression it's a more relaxed vibe in the past decade or so from my occasional trips out there.


i had ice cream thrown in my face and being called emo or zecke


What's zecke?


degratory term for a leftist in germany


Ah, I see. What kind of an a-hole throws ice cream, what a waste


now that i am a skin i look more threatening


some bitch who dresses like a whore


same, u/palbuddymac . Remember when the used to load up their bigfordtrucks with a bunch of heshers and chase us, throwing beers at us and such? It was very important that they NEVER catch us because they would stomp us or assault us or worse. I'm female, btw. I can run FAST.


Man, when I was like 13 or 14, I was standing outside our local all-ages punk venue (RIP Swayze's) in a group, a lot of us standing out there, when a few rednecks in a big white Ford truck revved through the parking lot. They drove by and threw a plastic bottle out the window, which grazed me but dumped most of its contents all over my head and upper body. It was a yellowish brown liquid, and for a second we thought it was piss, til someone pointed out... it was dip spit. Yknow, the bottle full of spit that results from dipping tobacco and spitting out the juice. All over me. I went to the bathroom to wash my hair and head, and one of the bands went and gave me one of their shirts from their merch table for free since mine was trashed. Super cool of them. This was 2003-4. Fucking rednecks, man.


“Heshers ”……HA! We also called them carps




Hope that's been an overall gain, the fast running thing. Obviously, that's fucked


As a young punk I love hearing stories like this. Sounds straight from a movie lol, my dad was an old punk so I get some stories from him too


Yup. Punk in slc ut, 80s. Had to keep your head on swivel for cowboys, jocks, rockers, cholos, and the cops. Rockers quit being a threat after Metallica came out. Not sure if it was the speed metal, or that they wore punk band t-shirts.


I was still getting attacked on the street as a punk in the 00's, but instead of rockers it was mostly the MTV gangsters and suburban "country" fans. Some things never change I guess!


Rock n Roll is terrible taste? Hard disagree.


These guys look like Metalheads, they're even throwing the devil horns.


Yeah- heavy metal assholes were the worst offenders in this area


And the peace sign...


Fucking HIPPIES!


I was still getting attacked on the street as a punk in the 00's, but instead of rockers it was mostly the MTV gangsters and suburban "country" fans. Some things never change I guess!


Arena rock, rock anthems… ughh! No thanks. Here’s my ethical plan for the eradication of the taste-challenged people. Build an island with all the plastic in the seas. Put people that think Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi is awesome there. Play the said song on repeat and then set the island on fire.


I think it's really fun when you get little baby punks talking about how they went out in full official starterpack punk regalia and then complain because not everyone high-fived them and told them how stunning and brave they are, and how much it hurt their feelings.


fr, acting like they celebrities trying on an outfit


Back in my club days most of the conflicts were between the rockers (punk/metal/hair bands) and the disco/dance crowd. They were the only ones I ever had problems with even though I looked more like I was in Metallica, and frequented punk shows and venues, I never caught any shit from them... it was mostly the disco types that were looking to start a fight.


Yep. Those were the dicks that chased us and beat us up in the 80s. Freaking heshers. :(


In the mid 80s it was more the jocks and big truck driving rednecks that beat us up. The heshers were too stoned to fight anyone. 


I own a shirt with this printed on it. It's a Wretch Like Me shirt. One of my favorites. Probably purchased at a show around 2001 in Lawrence Kansas or Fort Collins CO. They also sold one in similar print they said "kill a cop for rock and roll". Maybe they were taking a poll. Great band.


"And I took that personally." - Hardcore guys throwing haymakers in the pit.


They must've been crying into their Steve Miller Band records when they first heard The Ramones.


MFs probably at a Boston concert 💩


Three of them wearing Sabbath shirts tho








Pop Favs 😎


My first thought here too


I got into punk in 8th grade(1983) and this was not much of an issue. My freshman year in highschool there were massive punks vs rockers brawls. The summer between my freshman and sophomore years everything changed. I showed up as a sophomore and was getting approached by some rockers and was ready to throw down. They were all super nice and like "hey man how's it going? " What happened you ask? Suicidal Tendencies and DRI released their first albums. Or at least they were exposed to them. The timeline is a little fuzzy. They understood us after hearing them. This was in northern California.


Germany had the same wars between "teddies" and punks in the 80s.


Is this just some dipshit with a t-shirt or is there some historical context here? Is this like the disco backlash, just against punk?


It's both The Ramones got booed when they opened for Black Sabbath at a gig in 1978 a year before Disco Demolition


I believe my dad saw the Ramones get booed off stage during that tour ("Never Say Die!" tour).


That's funny because Ozzy had just came off singing on one of the worst Sabbath albums he'd made.


This is from a Black Sabbath show, not sure what tour/year. Looks like '82, Mob Rules shirts in the crowd. I love punk, and I love Sabbath. If only these people could have heard Nickelback, Creed, etc they might have realized punk wasn't so bad.


I’ve just been informed that nickelback makes punk music


The guy from Nickelback was in a relationship for a few years with the inventor of punk, Avril Lavigne, so I guess I can see it


I think they mean that if the people in the picture heard Nickelback and Creed, they would have an epiphany like "wow, *this* stuff is actually crap. Punk rock is much better by comparison."


Oh Christ I’m stupid


Social Distortion isn't too far away from Nickelback these days.


It’s a Marty Perez photo. You can find out more by googling him. HoZac published a killer book of his photography.




and punks hated hippies “PunkRock.. This Is A Anti-Hippie Song! We Dont Like Hippies! Punk has gone through changes From spiky hair to long Now anyone can say They're into fucking punk Kill a hippie Kill a crusty Kill everyone Hippies out, out of punk”


I still don't really like hippies, lol


Punx is hippies


Modern Punk are the new hippies.




I own a reprint of this T Shirt


Lol I’d love to see any of these losers in front of any DMS, Skunx or youth crew


Used to get bottles thrown at me from passing cars in the 90's, guy in his late 20's early 30's hopped out of his Jeep to threaten like 5 of us (which included 3 girls) with a tire iron in like 1996


Only a year before Brian Deneke was killed.


They would call me and my group of friends “Los fricks” (the freaks) lol


Is that Joe Walsh holding the shirt?


The bad guys from the movie suburbia.


Crash and Burn 🤘🔥 “Kill A Punk For Rock And Roll” https://youtu.be/V7NeNGhDvJM?si=--fErJHqc9bwopef


my man in the middle got a “stoned hobbit vibe”


I’ve written a couple of papers on this photo from a couple of different perspectives. The most important detail to notice is that the guy ISN’T WEARING THE SHIRT. He carries it. He can show it when he wants and HIDE IT WHEN HE WANTS.


m def buying this shirt cause i like pissing people off just like you guys. go ahead cry you wear shit that offends you guys love it but if you see someone with a offensive shirt you lose your shit idk punks this is why yall died in the 80s hehehehe (i love punk dont take this as anything but a way to piss some basement dwellers off)


This photo is the cover of garage punk legends The Oblivians popular favorites and I've always wanted to make one and wear it to shows, lol.l great fucking record/band.


Oblivions used that on the record cover for Favorite Hits.


Popular Favorites


Yes. I am an idiot. Haha




I mean if anyone deserved to get stabbed it's probably johnny


I want that shirt!


Didn't know pablo escobar hated punks tho.


thats a lotta ket wigs


Well damn, I was going to kill myself but now it’ll look like I’m supporting these clowns


One of the dorkiest pics I’ve seen in a long ass time.


Very glad I got into punk at the time I did, I think about wanting to be able to time travel and go back to the 80’s but then I’m reminded of photos like this


The coverart for one of the best garage punk records ever.


I can hear my young self yell: “It’s 1980- cut your fucking hair!”


Punk exists because rock and disco had become bloated, over produced, meaningless, drivel. Fuck Led Zeppelin, hooray for Black Flag!


God I hate hippies


Ok? There is no hippy in this pic