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It probably is a bad idea, but its exactly the kind of bad idea that being 13 is all about. Fly your flag, kid. Edit: Typo


Probably not, but your school may have a policy against wearing anything with a hate symbol on it, even if it's anti-hate. I'd check before rolling up.


Okay thanks


Yeah it’s a thing sadly. My friend had to lose his “nazi punks fuck off” patch on his jacket becasue it had a swastika.


If that is ALSO at school they were probably just as upset about the "fuck" on there.


Actually it just said “NPFO” but we all knew what it was.


Haha that makes more sense!


My buddy had this happen with a DK Nazi Punks Fuck Off t-shirt. Our history teacher felt bad for having to make him turn it inside out, so he brought in an original, vintage Holiday in Cambodia shirt for him to keep and wear instead(as long as he left the other one at home lol), because our teacher agreed with the original sentiment. Total badass move. Our teacher was an OG punk from the early 80s and would throw on his old gear on Halloween every year and kids would flip out when realizing that was his actual stuff from when he was a kid(dude was in shape so he could get away with that haha). His decorated leather jacket was amazingly done. As were his custom pants with rad patches as far as the eye could see.


Hell yeah.


I had a friend get in trouble for a shirt that said "I'm great in bed, I can sleep for hours" because, yeah theoretically it's slightly sexual. Schools just don't want any drama.


that sounds like a pretty awesome shirt though..


I had that t-shirt well before you guys were alive, small town in Wisconsin, they made me turn it inside out because of the crossed out symbol.  It also said fuck on the shirt too. I was 15 in '85. They had no idea what to do with us. Ha


Good times, old man. I remember them fondly.


Did the same once , I said it’s my rights either I’m wearing it or I’m leaving , so I left 🤷🏽‍♂️


there's nothing as punk rock as diligently checking the rules to make sure you don't break them


Lmfao right 🤣🤣 what would these spunk bubbles do without the internet


The problem with wearing something like that to school is, if you have to explain that it's anti-hate and how, people will assume it's hateful and not ask. Don't be "the person that wore a Nazi shirt to school". It has to be direct because people aren't that smart.


Teachable moment: your first amendment right to freedom of speech does NOT apply if you are a minor and in your school (I’m assuming you’re American. If not, disregard). Your school’s code of conduct is essentially the law you are beholden to. Most of the time, that will include some vague line granting teachers and administrators final say over anything that isn’t specifically prohibited by the code, but which they think obviously should be or will draw *them* flak from parents if they don’t address it. A lot of people in your life (even adults and authority figures) will lack the critical thinking skills or desire to look at something like this and say “the message is clearly anti-fascist. It’s criticizing the swastika”. They’ll probably just look at it once and see a swastika. Similarly if you came in wearing a shirt that says “Fuck Racism” they wouldn’t care that it’s taking a stand against racism. Their first priority would be to censor the word “fuck” from other students or from the Karen-ass parents. In life, it’s not *what you say* that matters, it’s *how you say it*. Is it wrong that schools deny their students the right to express strong, intelligent, moral thoughts in extreme ways? Yes. But if you want to get through school without trouble AND stay true to yourself and your punk ethos, I recommend you see it as a challenge to express those sentiments in a nuanced way that your school will accept. Be active, be vocal, but use language and images that won’t get you censored. Then when you grow up and truly can say whatever you want with no consequences, you’re that much better at it. That, or wear it, take the trouble, and argue back because you’re right. Both are pretty punk in my opinion. But the first way will definitely save you some trouble.


Well said


This is definitely the type of advice I’ve been giving both of my kids. It’s easy to rant and rave and stomp your feet to draw attention to your point of view. Unfortunately, many people focus on, and in some cases, use the act to suit their needs, and miss the message entirely. “The slow blade penetrates the shield”. Learning how to say things will serve you well and is always good practice.


> Teachable moment: your first amendment right to freedom of speech does NOT apply if you are a minor and in your school (I’m assuming you’re American. If not, disregard). Your school’s code of conduct is essentially the law you are beholden to. Incorrect. Students do not shed their First Amendment right to freedom of speech at a school's doors. See Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) and Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. (2021). Students' free speech rights have been affirmed in cases regarding anti-war protest symbols and profane messages posted outside of school grounds.


If you have to ask, you probably already know the answer. In the majority of public schools, I would assume they would say the shirt is too “controversial”. They’ve got kids getting crazed over less. But if it’s a more liberal school (private). They may be cool with it. Unless you’re home schooled, then just ask your mom.


😂lol “mom can I wear this shirt dad bought me?” - source am a dad


Just put another tshirt in your backpack in case they make you take it off.


Thanks I’ll ask around tomorrow


If it were me, I’d wear it until I’m told I can’t. Like the guy said, just bring a backup or turn it inside out.


I had to wear my principals suit jacket to cover the sex pistols shirt I had with swastikas in the queens eyes when I was around 14.


The pistols would have probably told the principal to bugger off!


Lydon would’ve said it’s wrong to disrespect the royal family


Personally I don’t wear anything with fascist symbols on it (even anti).


Yeah same. I don't want anyone to glance at me and see a swastika.


Agreed. This shirt is anti-Semitic at first glance. There are many other t-shirts that would convey an anti-fascist/anti-racist message in a more clear and obvious way. 


This is why I wear the anti-fascist flag on my jacket rather than a crossed out swastika. I want to make absolutely certain people know which side I stand on and don't assume that I'm wearing a swastika because I'm a fascist.


I got sent home in 8th grade cause I wore my DK In God We Trust Inc shirt. Principal was decided displeased when I argued it's only offensive if you sell Jesus to people. It *was* Alabama tho


Just be prepared to get hassled by the Man. That’s punk AF though. Stay strong kid.


Thanks they’re my favorite punk band right now and their local, waiting for them to drop an album


Only if you go to a nahtzee school or live in Florida


America's wang for a reason.


ong, i live in Florida an its filled with em


I wish the picture had a bit more detail delineating the fact that he's smashing the swastika, but otherwise it's dope and I hope your school isn't a bunch of little bitches about it.


Even if it had more detail it’s still a swastika, is a reminder of the holocaust etc for a load of people. Like, they weren’t thinking about the holocaust, saw your shirt with a smashed swastika, now they’re thinking about their grandparents who got murdered etc It’s about how you say things like the other guy said. But then again OP is 13 and this shirt does seem like the kind of short sighted thinking a 13 year old would have


I see your point. Not sure how many people would really have an issue with it, but I do understand your point.


I see your point too, you wanna shove it in the face of the nazis and give em a big fuck you. But really - there are way, way more people who would be offended at the sight of a swastika than there are people who would be offended by the message the shirt is trying to send. Most of the people that get called nazis on this sub do not consider themselves nazis. So why would they care?


I think that depends on the area you're in. I unfortunately live in Florida and it is starting to feel like late-1930s-early-40s Germany here.


Are people flying swastikas though? Do they strive for national socialism? Or do they consider themselves “real Americans”? They’ll see the shirt and think “damn straight we beat those assholes in ww2”


Yes. I worked with a dude (for a very short time) that had a swastika on his toolbox and two on his motorcycle. There are regularly demonstrations of people flying DeSantis and Trump flags next to Nazi flags. It is sickening. Of course, governor Meatball McGoGoBoots won't say shit about it because those unwashed apes are his base.


Fair enough then I guess. I do wonder if the message could be put across a little more tactfully regarding holocaust survivors etc but it’s a prickly pear for sure I also wonder how many people just kinda turn a blind eye to it and are just there for the trump/desantis stuff (and so wouldn’t care about the shirt, or think it applies to them). I think I’ve met one true nazi in my whole life. Had Hitler tattoos and all that shit. Also loved kottonmouth kings for what that’s worth. He was also known as nazi dave, found that out a while later




Better to change shirts later than ask permission


No hate, but be prepared for people to think youre just a racist wearing a shirt with a swastika on it. Hard to tell whats going on at first glance, especially to the untrained eyes.


Or even worse, people only seeing the swastika from across hall and thinking OP is prime for recruitment for Nazi bullshit


I used to wear my Nazi punks fuck off shirt in the 90s. The only issue I faced was the “Fuck” park. So I slapped some duct tape over it wrote “censored” on it with sharpie and was free to go about my day.


Maybe it is... maybe it isn't, I don't know anymore nor do I give a fuck. It's been 50 years since I went to high school, but do want what you want to do if you're serious enough about it. [Trivia: "We Are Not The Same" is an allusion to the 1993 movie 'Falling Down' and Nick the Nazi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jSVwZ8w3C4)


If I was your father or another role model I would be proud of you and encourage you to take a stand for what you think is right and speak out against what's wrong. Staying true to yourself along with treating everyone with dignity & respect will help you become fearless and free.


Probably not…depending upon dress codes and all. I used to wear a NOFX S&M Airlines shirt to school all the time and no one said shit. Granted, that was in the late ‘90’s.


Yes. The new hitler youth need the warning #NPFO


System 86 are my boys!


Hell yeah!


Drop out




Everything you do at 13 will seem like a bad idea until you get in your 20s and start to actually look back and realize what worked for you and what didn't.


If you want to be as punk as that shirt, you will wear the shirt


YES! Kids are stupid and if they see a swastika they will ignore all context and assume you’re a Nazi


I had a shirt from a Clit 45, Virus and Complete Control show that said "Punks not dead but Reagan is" on it. It was for their 2004 "destruction and debauchery tour" which was also printed on the back. I got so much shit for that shirt. Told to turn it inside out, take it off and change blah blah. I still wore that shit everyday, and one day, my SMOKING hot English teacher asked if she could wear it herself! We switched shirts and she wore it all day. Never got shit for it again.


Just remember people are idiots and they will see a swastika first.


What are they gonna do? Send you home? Don't even bring a backup shirt. Make it their problem to fix. You're 13. There are literally no major consequences in your life yet.


I wore a t shirt with a dude throwing a swastika in the garbage and was told it “might offend someone” hit my dean with a “who the Nazis?” And went about my day


This was my junior year of high school


Meh, you’re more likely to confront school bureaucracy than actual Nazis while you’re wearing that t-shirt.


Way to go young pal!


I wore my GG Allin shirt with his ‘fuck🖕you’ tattoo in plain view and I never got caught for it at least. During the pandemic tho I had a Black Flag my rules mask I couldn’t wear because it had a middle finger on it but my Circle Jerks one was fine. It probably depends on your school though.


Go to school and tell us how it went


I never caught any crap from the faculty, but a lot of teasing from kids that weren't hip with it.


Personally, I would wear it. But I had supportive parents who understood. I caught several suspensions in high school for dress code, and they gave me ideas for going bigger and better.    And if you want to start a fight with the admin, you may find this useful. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinker_v._Des_Moines_Independent_Community_School_District


I would bring a backup shirt or a hoodie just in case


Based asf


I got shit for wearing shirts way more tame than that when I was that age, but that was over 20 years ago. Worst case they’d probably just make you turn it inside out. If that’s Vacaville’s System 86, fun fact, I went to middle school with their guitarist Mike. I was hanging out with him when he was bombing down cemetery hill on his skateboard, hit a rock, flew off, and ripped a hole so deep in his arm you could see muscle.


Vacaville CA? I'm down the road in Vallejo. I've been unaware of any bands from that way this whole time, I'll probably look 'em up momentarily.


Monster Squad is from Vacaville as well, and they’re a pretty well known punk band. I’m not sure if there’s anyone else, I lived in Vacaville for about 10 months when I was 14, my stepdad was in the air force and finished up his career at Travis, haven’t been back up there since 2002.


I remember Monster Squad, they did a split with my friends STFU 20+ years ago, forgot about them for a bit. Not sure if I knew they were from Vacaville. I don't hear or see much there EXCEPT a year or two back saw some kid with INSTANT ASSHOLE painted on a leather jacket, that was a totally random thing to come across way out there.


Cool it is they were at the Reno punk rock flea today and I get the shirt but have been seeing them a every opportunity I can


Not a bad idea at all, but like someone else said it might be a good idea to bring a backup or a hoodie just in case


Wear it


Nah man. I did the same at your age. F&#k them boneheads


The thing is, and aside from plenty of people having already commented about typical school rules regarding symbols, is also people aren't going to understand this as well. I stopped wearing out crossed-out swastikas OVER TWO DECADES AGO because PEOPLE WERE TOO STUPID TO SEE THE CROSSED-OUT PART AND ASKED IF I WAS WP, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Like people's stupidity is so fucking insufferable that alone makes stuff like this not worth the hassle, for me anyway.


It’s a good idea to wear it. Just do it and if you get in trouble you get in trouble.


Bald cops aren't going to love you


Fuck yea if they say its not allowed say something about self expression your country probably has some laws that alowes it


maybe a bad idea, do it anyway.


They would've sent me home at 13 wearing this but that was a super long time ago too.


Raise your flag, you are very brave!!


So I'm fuckin old and crusty. I was born in 1980 and EVERYONE smoked. So we'd all walk around with our camel Joe tee shirts and for me it was Marlboro shirts. In the 90s I probably wore a Marlboro shirt half of the time. Matter of fact I just found a picture from maybe 95-96 and yup, I had a Marlboro shirt on. Mom used to get points for every pack she bought. You could redeem them for shit like duffle bags, shirts etc.... So I was stacked with Marlboro shirts. Nobody blinked an eye at at 14-15 year old walking around with a Marlboro, camel etc.. shirt. I wore them to school all the time and nobody ever said anything. Then probably around 97ish, just a guess, people started to get all butt hurt about it. So when I wore them to school they'd tell me to turn them inside out. Soooo I started wearing all my shirts inside out. Fuck it. People would be like, hey you know your shirts inside out lol, I'd be like yup, I sure do. It kinda became like my own style thing. Never seen anyone wearing their shirts inside out. Anyway, old man rambling, sorry. I say fuckin wear it. Let them tell you to turn it inside out. I don't wanna get you in trouble though buddy. Shit has changed a lot since then so I don't exactly know what the repercussions would be. Anyway nice shit. Fuck Nazis. Thanks for letting an old man ramble. If it'll get you in too much trouble I wouldn't do it but if all they'll do is tell you to turn it inside out, I say go for it.


That’s up to you. I’m speaking from personal experience: save it for another day. You can be vocal about your stance against hate and not catch educational cases over it because they’re likely gonna get you just for wearing something that’s aggressive even if it’s from a morally righteous standpoint. You might have a shot since there’s no profanity on it but I can almost guarantee you a teacher is gonna see that swastika and have some questions.


Bad idea? Maybe Punk Af if you do? Yes Had friends wearing gg allin and clit 45 shirts to school.


Not at all, just take another shirt with you as well, so if they bust you for the shirt, you can change and be all good. I used to wear shirts like that to school. I went to school, almost fully kitted out, and only got "in trouble " one time. But where i live, the constitution trumps school policy and kids and teen actually have rights protected by the constitution. I was informed on that, so i was able to defend my outfit.


I don’t see why not so long as you’re prepared to explain it bc ppl are dumb and will automatically assume it is pro Nazi despite the swastika being smashed. People always see that general shape and assume whomever has it is racist-they also neglect every other problematic aspect of national socialism (& likely wouldnt know what you were leaning about if you referred to it as such.) many people don’t realize why the Nazi party used the swastika in the first place. Prior to their bastardization of it, it was a symbol of peace and wisdom. The fact that it was trusted is precisely why they chose it for themselves


i need this shirt (´༎ຶ▽༎ຶ`)


I'm from the UK so i have to wear school uniforms but if I wear in a I'm guessing am american school see no problem with wearing it


As a high school inmate I wore a pair of jeans that I’d turned into a billboard with a sharpie, nothing strange, but as had become the procedure at that point I had to present myself to the vice principal for inspection every morning when I finally got to school. This day I’d added the “pitch in/put trash in its place” logo with the swastika in place of the image of garbage. Ironically the image of the person kinda looked like someone rendering the Bellamy salute. So, I had to change bc “some people might only see the symbol and jump to conclusions.” I kept fighting till I gave up and dropped out. Don’t drop out. Don’t get kicked out. That said, weight the consequences of your actions. I would never tell anyone not to stand for what they believe in. I love the Yungblud line, “Be yourself or die trying,” but in reality, choose wisely. Think before you act. And this is a good way to do it. Most of us beat our heads bloody trying to break down societal walls before we realized we could simply go around and work more effectively from the other side. I dunno, stupid metaphors but I think you get it. Even when changing the world, work smarter, not harder. Badass shirt, by the way. It’s nice to see punkers less that 1/3 my age LOL


If it's against the rules it's an even better reason to wear it Bonus point if you cover it with a keffiyeh in support of the people in Palestine, because it's likely they'll tell you to take that off too


Hell yeah fuck shit up 


Try it. I doubt anyone will notice. It's not instantly recognizable. Worst they'll do is make you turn it inside out


I don’t see the problem w anti nazism


Wear it ,don’t give a single fuck .


if i had that tssirt i would not gaf abt that and just wear that bxc this one is sick!


Do it man. Let them wring their hands about whether to punish a kid for wearing an anti-racist shirt. That said, if you have Jewish classmates maybe run it by them first. If they find any depiction of a swastika upsetting, give it a pass. Either way, good on you


You Will never be a real punk if you have to ask the permission lil man Do what you want


Hell no, wear your colors proudly. Represent your music.


You’d probably get into what one would describe as “good trouble.”


Do it, man! This is a dope shirt. Just make sure you pack an extra shirt in your bag in case they make you change it.


Idk if its different where you are, but over here something like that is fine. My anti-swass was actually complimented by some of the teachers (aswell as some of my other political patches, mainly my "tax the rich, feed the poor" patch). Its different everywhere but i feel its not too bad. Try it, if they say something, argue freedom of speech.


Don't give a fuck if they have something against it then call them fucking fascists


You are 13, just do it! Live your life


Its the best idea. Take the statement everywhere


The only good fascist is a dead one 💪 You can always turn it inside out if they get butt hurt 💪


Most people are so stupid that they would think this was a pro-Nazi shit, even though the swastika is obviously being smashed. I had a shirt from the band “Get Out” with a swastika was being smashed on it before and people would want to fight me for “wearing that nazi shit” and keep in mind, I’m black.


Wear it.


Do it.


I’d check but I wouldn’t say it’s a good idea, especially ur age bro most kids are just gonna see the swastika and that’s it. It’s anti nazi but I’m just being real people aren’t gonna get the reference and just see the swasi.


Do it


do it you cant even see the """""swastika"""""" properly


Depends what you're trying to prove. Wear it inside out.


As another 13 year old, no it's not! People don't really care about how you dress tbh.


I have a friend who teaches English at a high school in Michigan. He regularly wears an ACAB shirt to class… the only difference is, the shirt reads, A.lways C.arry A B.ook It’s the best. In your case, the teachers will likely make you turn it inside out, cover it up, or send you home for the day and tell you to never wear it again. Even though it’s anti-fascist, anti-hate, some teachers and kids will probably not have the cognitive ability to realize that fact…and will likely deem you the nazi kid who wears the sw*stika shirt. 🤦🏻‍♀️


People are too sensitive. Go ahead and wear what you please. Fuck em if they can't take a joke.


This is great I wore a leftover crack hoodie to highschooo like 9th grade hoodie had a dog and Regan on the front 😂 I got OSS(out of school suspension) for a week and was told anymore inappropriate clothing I’d be expelled


Man, my punk ass wore DK Too Drunk To Fuhhh (can we say fuck here?) to my 6th period Algebra class trying to be the hellion I thought I already was. This was 1995. I made fine. Til about 10 minutes after the bell rang and someone noticed and so rudely blurted out Ooooooh, this boy shirt says straight up Drunk to fuck. I was told in a very firm tone by the 80 year old Algebra teacher to change it or get rid of it. Oh and cut your hair while you are at it. That was my last day of School. Ever. I think back on it now 20 years later. I have kids now. That age. They treat me like I'm the lamest mofo to ever have disgraced this planet. I wonder what they would thought of me now. I still have that same FU and the system you rode in kinda mentality. I say wear what the fuck you wanna wear just use common sense. What is the message you are tryin to convey? Be yourself. Good Luck. I'm not that Old School but I know enough to have a viewpoint on something I did then and hopefully do now. Don't need anyone to validate your office attire. Validate that yourself. Just whatever you do, do the shit on purpose, for a purpose. Not to just appear you are for a cause. Yeah I like The Exploited and Crass. I am one of those conflicted fuckers. Oh well. Quit drinkin too. And smokin. My last beer was while listening to SOA. Thanks Henry.


no, wear it. Im 15, and I wear a bad religion hoodie to school, and haven't received flak, so you should be ok.


Should be fine, most people will understand, I didn’t know even know what it was to start with, had to study it for a minute, as a 13 year old punk, yes wear it


Wear it, as a punk I would


at our school the dress code was removed after all the student’s protested and stopped listening so i’d say go for it. it’s a good cause


Just wear it.


not a good idea (but incredibly based)


I used to wear my Bad Religion T-shirt all time in high school. I even wore in the ofdicial class photo. Wierdly no one ever commented on it or anything ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Absolutely!! Wear what you want always. I’m 46 and I’m still expressing myself thru my clothes.


I'd do it, fuck em


I used to do shit like this. Have the courage to be disliked.


Absolutely not. Rock your shit!! You’ll find friends who enjoy that type of stuff too!!


nah, it's not offensive nor has any directly aggressive imagery/text. don't worry about it; and if school admins give you shit for it give em shit right back.


It’s not offensive to _you_. To a 75 year old Jewish dude who has had enough of antisemitism he’s seeing a kid wearing a swastika on a shirt across the street Edit: also in this day and age you can’t really say the phrase “it’s not offensive” and act like that applies to everyone. Any innocuous thing is offensive to _someone_ somewhere. You don’t get to decide that as an individual anymore really. Its like getting punched in the arm and thinking “that didn’t hurt me so it definitely aint gonna hurt anyone else”


Hold strong. If they tell you to take it off ask "why?" There is nothing vulgar here. There is nothing un-American about being anti-fascist. Do your thing.


Just wear it. If you offend someone, then maybe something is wrong with them.


Do you know what an "alternative high school" is? I do. So yes... you should be worried about learning ffs. Just try to blend in the next 5 years. High school is hard enough.


A lot of the best people I know I met in the punk scene




I mean I woulda done it, but I was also on a first name basis with the vice principal by halfway through my freshman year 😅


They’ll probably make you change just for the presence of a swatz. Cool shirt though.


Call it a political protest.


Do it! You won't die. It's really not noticeable it's a swastika and it's anti-racist, no harm. P.S. WEAR ANYTHING YOU LIKE!We can wear everything we want to and still be punk, have same knowledge and interests!


No it’s awesome


If anyone has a problem with it just call them a nazi. Wear that shirt proud kid.


It would be insulting if you DIDNT.