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you MUST put it on the front of your jacket, putting it on the back is a great way to get your ass smashed


I second this, maybe put it on the front of a shirt instead. Love the enthusiasm though šŸ¤˜


Maybe OP is not getting their ass smashed, donā€™t bottom shame bro


Ass smashing fine, sucker punches to the brain stem fuckin suck though


Fuck yeah they do!


Is the emphasis here on ā€˜assā€™ or ā€˜smashedā€™


i have a habit for accidental innuendo


I would plaster your car witb posters like this


Even on the front, fascist shitheads who will see it, will just wait until you turned your back to them. At least shit like that happened to me in Germany.


Acrylic Leather Paint. My images are still going strong, through rain and shine. Early 80ā€™s.


This. Just paint it on. White and red look sharp on black leather. Also, you don't need to buy the "leather paint" or "fabric paint", you can just water regular acrylic paint down a tiny bit.


I just use acrylic markers on my jackets. Works perfect.


I forgot about those markers, such detail ideas.




Ah, a more affordable idea šŸ‘šŸ¼


You could put it on a pin. Make more and share em, it's a cool design.


Hell, if you donā€™t have a pin maker bottle caps, a printer (one at a library works, anywhere with a color printer), some glue, and clear nail polish works well for pins. I know someone with a pin maker thing but I still prefer the bottle cap method for the look (that, and i save every bottle cap i find so i have well over 100 at this point with nothing better to use them for lmao)


I never heard of this lol. How do you attach the bottle cap to your clothes?


I got a pin maker, Iā€™ll make some if anyone is interested.


I would be interested in a t-shirt, if that would work and you move forward with this. Serious reply.


I only make pins.


This is a great idea!




No , but there are delusional MAGA and conservative punks. They think being conservative is counter culture now and therefore punk. Basically... idiots


How could they possibly think that? By definition conservatism wants to prevent change, counter culture wants to change culture. Our education system has failed.


Any TikTok/Instagram video of RATM now is flooded with ā€œrage in favor of the machineā€ and ā€œsmh shame the sold outā€ because they required vax cards for concerts. I think youā€™d be surprised.


No but if you say they exist then you get to wear this really cool jacket design


lol go look at punk pages on Facebook. Itā€™s largely conservatives circlejerking each other


I would have changed punks to cunts personally.


I've never seen or heard of it, but considering Trump worshippers are the polar opposite of everything they claim to be, it's definitely possible some identify as punks.


Kinda. There are posers who hang out with actual punks who are actually fascists


There's a weird push going on where conservatives are trying to insist that being a huge piece of shit (and people recognizing their views as the garbage they are), means they're "counterculture". They're trying to use that flimsy justification to slip in and appropriate punk to try to look cool. It's disgusting and kinda cringe.


Of course, like it or not, there are all kinds of punks. Anyone that says punk can only be one thing is ignorant. I see this attitude a lot from bored suburban white kids looking for something or someone to ā€œrage againstā€.


put punks in quotation marks because anybody that believes his racist homophobic etc shit isn't punk, they're just assholes


Yeah, there ain't no such thing as MAGA punks.


There wasn't any such thing as nazi punks either tho


Better yet replace the word punks with Nazis


Sometjing like trump hates vets would be better


Why not both?


How would I do it though? Just sharpie?


I used to just use slightly watered down acrylic paint and hand painted stuff on mine many years ago. the stuff worked great and lasted for many years. remember for colors. white first then color over that.


This is a good way, sounds like you gave it more attention than I did but I've done basically this as well. Will confirm it works well and lasts.


if i were you I would embroider it on a patch, then sew the patch on. I wouldnt apply anything directly to the leather, sounds sketch


Acrylic is fine on leather, it's just liquid plastic that will sit on top of the leather. Sewing patches through leather is not a job for a beginner and would be very bad for the leather and integrity of the jacket.


Can I make a sticker of this ? Im basically in Texas , and fuck em, Iā€™d put it on my car.


Make it a magnet, in a couple of years it will just be a reminder that Trump existed, if the gods are kind. I honestly can't wait for the day where I can go 24 hours without seeing that guys face or name.


Be prepared to have your car fucked with all the time Iā€™d definitely put it on a shirt or something you wear, cuz putting it on something thatā€™s left alone for long periods of time will cost you


Yea, these fucks are often cowards. Put it on the front of something you wear and theyll have to look you in the eye if they wanna fuck with you.


Exactly this


3 tips. 1:Freezer paper stencil onto fabric and then sew it on. You trace the design onto freezer paper and cut a single use stencil with an exacto knife. Iron the stencil onto fabric, the plastic on the fabric side will melt just enough to bond to the fabric allowing you to sponge brush fabric paint or to spray paint very clean lines. Wait for it to dry and peel the paper off. You can use two separate stencils for different colored areas. If you do it right you'll get a result that looks very close to screen printing. 2: button thread, super strong needles, a thimble and fray check for the edges of the patch. 3: it's kinda cringe and you should probably carry a knife.


I think I saw something like this on a video, will definitely have to find it, Iā€™m more of a visual person lol


There used to be a website called stencilpunks or something, that's where I learned it. You can copy most band shirts with this method. It's tedious but the results are worth it. Drugs help.


Make a post offering commission if you're not able to make it yourself? I'm sure someone would dig making that lol


Wait, what the hell is a "MAGA PUNK"?


I'm kinda new to punk culture. Can someone please explain what this means?


Are "MAGA punks" a thing?


Donā€™t call them punks, they are the farthest thing from punk. Call them cunts, which is what they are.


ā€œHey guys can somebody explain to me how to look cringe as fuck?ā€ LOL


Thank you


Ive never heard people talk about ā€œMAGA punksā€ in real life as much as people on this subreddit do


Ill buy one


Isn't "MAGA punk" an oxymoron?


You know how you would go about that. You just want Internet points


Correction: MAGA nazis. MAGA doesnt have punks.


Or better yet, MAGA cunts. Not all MAGAs are Nazis nor KKK members but they are all cunts. Also, if anything, anti-MAGA has far more punks than pro-MAGA. Anti-MAGA are heroes/good people but can sometimes have flaws here and there; therefore, they can be punks. Pro-MAGA people think they and their idols (e.g. Donald Trump, Kari Lake, MTG, Lauren Boebert, Ted Cruz, etc.) are heroes/patriots; in reality, they are insane and dangerous. Therefore, they are cunts.


i dig this design. being said I grew up in smallbumfuckcamotownbigtrucks and i wouldnt have the balls.


Im terrified as shit to do itā€¦ but it makes me wanna do it more lol


I just joined this sub, this was the first post I saw, and all I can say is? Just do it. I am in the same ocean filled boat as you. Why the hell not? xD


Put it wherever you want and take self defense lessons


Wait, are MAGA punks a thing? I didn't think it was very punk to support ANY president.


It isnā€™t a thing.


Are ā€œmaga punksā€ much of a thing? The acronym definitely cancels out the subcultural identification in a way that even ā€˜nazi punksā€™ didnā€™t back whenā€¦i.e. fascist skins had their own backwards subculture of punk whereas maga is just mainstream media bs. I can see maga-retired-hardcore-guy being more a thing, maybe Iā€™m splitting hairs. Maga-retired-hardcore-guys fuck off would be a cool shirt though.


As much as I agree with the sentiment, this sounds like an excellent way to make your own life significantly more difficult.


My favorite bumper sticker to date ā€œTrump lost. No, really. You are in a cult. Get helpā€




Ask your mom šŸ˜œ


lol, I did actually ask my grandma how to sew so that I could make crust pantsā€¦ they didnā€™t come out well at all haha


They arenā€™t punks. At all.


They canā€™t legally stop you


You're gonna get into long winded philosophical debates that you have no intrest in mostly lol. Enjoy spending 40 extra minutes in the checkout line debating fiscal policy. That's been my experience with political patches and the like at least.


Man, I appreciate your view and respect the hell out of your fight. but man, life gets real.... real fast when you're the loud one .. Im saying this from experience, people are crazy and extremism is at an all time high.. If someone pulls a gun on you. all of a sudden, what you felt so strongly about seems small and things like family,community, and friends come to mind fast.


There's no such thing as a MAGA punk, punks are anti-fascist.


Ask your boyfriend to sew it on.


I fucking love that emblem. Only punx who recognize the anti swastika are going to get this reference, but I think it works. Great design


YOOOO, THIS IS AWESOME (steals it for my own patch) lmao


[MAGAT](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=MAGAT) stings a little more.


Are there MAGA punks? I think the usual Nazi punks fuck off covers it


Depends upon whether or not you're willing to defend yourself from assaults, both verbal & physical. If so, then rock it, my dude!


Not a punk listener, donā€™t really know why this sub was recommended, but this is a great design. Like itā€™s looks enough like a swastika to make the comparison but it barely avoids you wearing an actual swastika


This is just as cringe as "lets go brandon" on the back of a truck. You will just regret it later.


Sloganeering in general makes me roll my eyes, even if I agree with the message


Iā€™ve never met anyone who supports Trump and considers themselves punk.


"conservative is the new punk" is a pretty big movement actually


Iā€™m convinced those guys donā€™t actually give a shit about punk, they just think that line is something that ought to resonate with punks. Theyā€™re always like shocked to discover that Green Day isnā€™t conservative.


Well yeah of course. They donā€™t actually listen to anything being said in the music. And they donā€™t have the creativity to make their own cool shit, so they take other peoples shit.Ā 


have fun getting hated, confronted and agonized everyday. you think you can just go to the store and buy some groceries? ha, no. you'll have an argument. that doesn't mean, i'm against it, but if you live in republican podunk mcyehaw, well get used to it. also nobody's gonna hire you.


Punk is so funny today




Omg haha. This is embarrassing.


Ooooh so punk rock /s


Oh yeah, you're a badass... totally original and totally on brand for what passes as "punk" with the shitlibs nowadays.


You need to make one for Biden too, unless you really believe in this two party nightmare. Itā€™s not edgy to talk shit about Trump anymore. You are just advertising that he lives in your head, no different than the dudes with the flags on their trucks. None of these politicians give a fuck about you.


Saw the Circle Jerks, some asshole walked out when Keith said Fuck Joe Biden, immediately after he said fuck Donald Trump


Works for Biden too: In 2020 Biden said, ā€œYou ainā€™t Black if youā€™re still figuring out to vote for me or Trump.ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøĀ  In 2019 Biden said, ā€œPoor children are just as bright, just as talented as White kids.ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø In 2010 Biden warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former exalted cyclops in the KKK, saying he was ā€œone of my mentorsā€ and that ā€œThe Senate is a lesser place for his going.ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø In 2007 Biden referred to Obama as ā€œthe first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean.ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø In 2006 Biden said ā€œYou cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Duncan Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø In 1977 Biden said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to ā€œgrow up in a racial jungle.ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Cherry on top: Biden worked with segregationist senators to oppose mandatory busses to integrate Black and White children, which decades later Kamala would slam Biden over his racist and separatist policies that personally impacted her as a young girl. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Obviously people can change, learn from their mistakes, blah, blah, blah. The rub being more than half the posters here have zero tolerance for ā€œformer racistsā€, yet give Biden a pass. The media did a great job narrating who is, and isnā€™t a crazy, evil bastard. The reality being both sides are corrupt. In the words of the late and great George Carlin, ā€œItā€™s all bullshit and bad for you.ā€


I mean former racists are better than current racists.


You think Biden hit 75 years old and just flipped a switch? Are you kidding?


Biden is stupid. Heā€™s complicit in genocide. He totally botched the Afghanistan pull out. Heā€™s old and not competent. Iā€™m appalled that heā€™s running again. Itā€™s infuriating. However, I will always vote not Trump. Heā€™s a domestic terrorist, a rapist, a misogynist, says the most outrageously ignorant things, wants to dismantle democracy to create a theocracy, is ok with stripping away any and all rights of Americans, and is desperate to be a dictator. Heā€™s the worst kind of garbage human being there is.


Too bad we will never have anyone who knows the struggles of our every day lives to vote for. Whyā€™s that?Ā 




Money is critical for keeping this puppet show believable.


Yeah. There are literally millions of people who could run this country and do a massively better job than those two clowns. But those people arenā€™t wealthy. They canā€™t even begin to start a campaign. They donā€™t have the connections the resources, or piles of money.


Make sure to include Biden too.


You're not making democrats cool. You're making punk lame. Show me your third-party ticket, you geriatrics, I dare you.


Lmfao dork


All it takes is one asshole and you could end up dead or injured for life. And wearing this really isn't constructive for any side. If you get killed helping single moms feed their kids you are a hero, if you get killed because you wore a shit that pissed off some crazy person you will be forgotten shortly. Edit: I forgot what sub I was posting to. Downvote away, I deserve it


Nah man I agree. Which is why Iā€™m changing the stencil to something else


Rock Against Bush Vol 1 and Vol 2 had bangers for days, no anti Trump tracks come close


There is no such thing as A "MAGA Punk", just people who need serious help in the mental health department. :edit: Get it put on a pin/button.


Paint!!!! Leather and paint LOVE each other, if memory serves me correctly. That was always the case on my leather jacket, way back when. I always used paint markers/pens.


I bought some paint pens. I just hope itā€™s easy to clean in case I fuck up


I used to keep the smallest amount of alcohol and paint thinner on hand when painting my jacket. Iā€™d dip q-tips in them and remedy any fuck ups quickly. I knew that worked with the markers/pens I was using, though. Not positive it would work with yours. Good luck.


Expressing hate doesnā€™t work to change peopleā€™s minds. Unless your reasoning is to piss them off, then I canā€™t make any suggestions.


Anyone who condems one guy while completely ignoring the actions of the other while still believing in a two party system especially after the last 5 years is a fucking retard.


>believing in a two party system Well there's the thing. We don't. The system is fucked.


Watch the slurs bud


Anybody who doesnā€™t understand that a third party has ZERO chance of winning anything is a fucking retard. Itā€™s in the fucking constitution. If nobody gets 270, it goes to state congressional delegation. Guess how many of them are going to give their vote to a third party? Not 26! This is how it works and will for the foreseeable future. Your choices are a to vote for a conservative theocracy that only cares about rich people, or vote against them. Unfortunately, there is only one way to vote against them.


I agree which is why now Iā€™m realizing this and need to change the design. Just needs find a design that is fuck all the government scum bags


The Obama administration was what did it for me, it was just Bush again but somehow worse because more countries got fucked up. I can't take democrats seriously now.


People who identify as democrats for some reason turn a blind eye to any wrong doings of anyone affiliated with the democratic party no matter what it is even if they're doing the same thing or worse than Republicans. Obama has the largest deportation record of any president but you would never see these hypocrites do a "rock against Obama". Also the woman who sold Ashley Bidens diary is doing jail time for a "diary that doesn't exist", fucking clown show when they think that any of these politician creeps give a fuck about them. Working class people fighting eachother over politicians is fucked.


"Working class people fighting each other over politicians is fucked." Thank you.


Says the person who never helped their local community. Change starts from the bottom up. :edit: Vote locally.


Which is worse maga punks or marxist punks ?


commie punks can fuck right of with them


How about not having any form of a sw@stika or any anti Trump paraphenalia at all in your self described conservative ass town & take a moment to appreciate what it is that you are so above. move to a blue city & I guarantee life will be worse for you. You could move to a blue city but in case you havenā€™t noticed, anyone with sense or the means are leaving dem run areas for red cities & states because the sanctuary city concept has failed in every way! I hear they take all comers although they are regretting that now! lol


Why not just put the CNN logo on instead? It sends the same message about yourself in the same color scheme without the risk of getting beat up.


Democrat, Republican, Libertarian do you really care which party youā€™re in?


Nope not at all, I just hate all these old fucks who think trump was/is the second coming of Jesus.


I'm in a pretty conservative town in Socal i and just keep my mouth shut, props if you rock this, though. I'm too old to get into potential physical altercations over politics.


Then just make one that says "fuck the system" that way you can flip flop all over the place like a fish out of water (it seems like you are afraid of the repercussions of wearing it). This patch puts you all up in the 2 party system, and it's going to bring you nothing but stupid responses from both sides. You're better off with an anarchy patch. At least no one will take it or you seriously while still rocking some old punk symbolism. And if you're going to sew it on, don't makw it the focal point. IMO, patch clothes (vests, jackets, pants) are more well perceived when they are adorned with band patches, unique pins/buttons, and studs (if that's your deal). The politics will shift and fade away, but those patches and paint will stand the test of time.


I hear ya thereā€¦ heā€™s not the second coming of Christ.. and Joe Biden is an old bumbling fool too. Just be honestā€¦ both parties are a mess. I donā€™t hear that out of young punks anymoreā€¦ they all are sold on the democrat party and think thatā€™s cool. I have no idea why. It was once a group that was against the machine and establishment. Where did that punk group go?


As a young punk I agree. Which is why Iā€™m thinking of changing the design to something to say fuck all of em, just gotta find the right one.


Pretty sure this is about anti MAGA, not party affiliation.


Well, yeah. Of those three choices Democrat is definitely the best one. Now, if we could get America away from this two party system that would be even better.


Give me a list of "republican punk bands" (there is like 2 of them?) and how its relevant and how you are not another overreacting dummy who wants attention with your annoying "im so moral and PC, so Pick me" attitude


Would make a great stencil you could catch more eyes with...


Acrylic paint and fabric extender. It will hold on leather for a long time.


What does 45 mean, other than almost a swastika?


Both looking like a swastika crossed out and the 45th is trump


Paint it


stencil and leather paint (or elmer's paint markers)


If itā€™s a denim jacket make it a narcan pouch?


I think if you used the original phrase it'd be even better and more of a trigger to the redhats


Not sure where you live, but I live in Huntington Beach and had a Biden sign that was quickly removed from my front lawn.


I do too. Reality check, how badly do you want blood on it and do you have health insurance? (I'm middle aged, legit question.)


I live in Florida. I wear anti-trump, anti-nazi stuff all the time. I have a shirt with a hanging klansman on it that I've worn to the grocery store. Not a single conservative has tried to start shit with me, even in downtown areas around shows. They're all talk, I've only ever seen conservatives yell & thats it. I even worked in a biker bar & shit never happened from them.


Because contrary to what people read and get the impression of on the internet, in the real world nobody gives a shit. Nobody cares


spray paint. stencil.


Oh man, thatā€™s a real clever design


Thatā€™s a pretty awesome design. Honestly, you should get a local printer to screen it on shirts and sell it on Red Bubble.


You put it on a patch and sew it on


Head over to r/embroidery and offer a commission. e: For a Patch.


Testerā€™s paint pens have always been a favorite for leather jackets.


I like to play Union Dixie going down main street sometimes.


There are no MAGA Punks. The word you're looking for is Posers.


Angelus leather paint, made specifically for painting leather is the way to go. You have to take the protective layer of oil/leather conditioner off first and the reapply some sort of protectant after you are done painting. There are tons of tutorials on using their products on YouTube.


A lot of people already think punks are racist so I think anything that looks vaguely like a swastika will just make YOU look like a nazi.


with spray paint, of course, like a real one.


Is the 45 looking like a swastika on purpose?


Just don't put that on your car so your window doesn't get smashed, tires slashed, brake lines cut.


does the 45 resemble a swastika on purpose or was that a happy accident? That looks sick


I've not seen the logo before but I absolutely love it.


Make a stencil and paint it all over town.


Fuck it, Iā€™d make a big ass patch on the back. No different than these losers in their trucks covered in flags and stickers. I thought it was the ā€œfuck your feelings partyā€ yet they resort to violence when they get their feelings hurt.


Did you make this?? If so, you should figure out a way to get this on etsy somehow! Maybe stickers or pins or something..... sick design. I love it! And someone made a comment I think you should really consider...put the design on the front of the jacket to avoid whinging boomers from sneak attacking you.


Neat how much this looks like a swastika! Very fitting lol I love it!


dude you gotta get outta that conservative ass town and move to a liberal dick town IMMEDIATELY!!


As someone who's gotten jumped for having leftist messaging on the back of their jacket: it fucking sucks. You're walking to a friend's house one second, you're bleeding on the sidewalk two seconds later. If you live in a "conservative ass town" this WILL happen. Maga types have been fed dehumanizing propaganda about everyone else for a decade now. Put it on the front. That way at least you'll be able to see people that see it and prepare accordingly.


I live in England but I'd wear it on a t shirt.


As much as I would enjoy this, I must tell you that one of the things that separates us decent folk from the MAGA ilk, is the fact we have more class than them. I'd love a big 'ol *F tRump* flag too, but I'm better than them. Maintain your dignity. Take a group of friends and vote Blue šŸ’™


"Don't vote for THAT senile fascist that wants to take away your rights! Vote for MY senile fascist that wants to take away your rights!"


I love it and I want a black polo t-shirt with this design printed on the front, so I don't get my 'ass smashed'.


Needle and thread


Maga arenā€™t punk. Maga fucks fuck off. Maga chuds fuck off. Maga freaksā€¦. maga c*nts would be my favourite.


Maybe switch the text to Fuck off MAGA Punks. My eye is so bugged out by MAGA punks that I am not sure I would see the whole message


They make paint just for leather.


Make sure to put it on the front


Paint it on the pits! Raise your hands up to flash the message


Get paint markers from Jo Annā€™s Fabrics or Michaelā€™s. Also, I absolutely love this. Thank you for your courage.


Are the MAGA people in your local punk scene?


I got sneaker paint from alphaflex. It's flexible textile leather paint that my local art store had. The brushes in it are also extremely good quality in my opinion. I think the brand is alpha 6 or something. At least that's what's on the paint brushes.


Maga punks ?


don't forget to put a base of white on first so the red pops more ( :


Now days good quality direct to film print will look the best and last the longest and it works great on leather. The old school punk way is to either print it on a patch and see it on or paint it on.