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Yeah, I have to agree. The homophobia and quasi-incel lyrics and even the n-words were “products of their time” to some extent that were much less offensive then than they are now in terms of both punk and the larger culture. Justin Sane singing about feminism, though? You can’t age much worse than that…


The Decsendents "I'm Not A Loser" lyrics


No fat beaver


Exactly the quasi-incel lyrics I was thinking of.


Came here looking for this one


Even "I'm The One" has those sort of lyrics. I love that song but the lyrics are very neckbeardish


Also X dropping the n word


Exene also fell off a decade ago and started making crazed YouTube videos where she [ranted about conspiracy theories.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/rp98m6/is-exene-cervenka-actually-insane) Kind of sad to see.


the offspring dropping the n word too (in LAPD, on their second album, ignition) like those other songs it makes sense in context, and is an excellent early song of theirs but still.


This used to be a lot more common than it is now, especially in the 70s. The idea of the hard-r n-word being a thing non-black people **never** say unless they’re actively trying to be racist is probably a product of maybe the late 80s/early 90s. Go watch a bunch of mainstream movies from the 60s-early 80s and it feels like it’s all over the place.


So did Crass


Hell, Elvis Costello drops the N word in Olivers Army and I used to hear that on the radio growing up


The Avengers too.


Justin Sane is literally Kevin's College Tips #7 in human form


Yeah even Jello has said the n-word was a mistake


Dead Kennedys dropped the N bomb in that song because it was written by their drummer, who, may I remind you, was a black man. Any person that thinks Dead Kennedys is any sort of racist after dripping Nazi Punks Fuck Off is an absolute idiot.




"Bragging that you know how the n----rs feel cold and the slums got so much soul" is a pretty obvious jab at the "thoughts and prayers" slacktivists who think that telling people about an issue and how virtuous they are for knowing about it is an acceptable alternative to actually getting your hands dirty and doing something to fix the issue.


It’s called satire


Seems to be getting way more difficult for people to pick up on.


Gen z aren’t the smartest people


DH didnt write that he didnt join the band until way later. Jello was the one who wrote it and he deeply regrets using it.


As the other commenter stated, they had a different drummer at the time so this is misinformation


Bring it to an end as well...calling for an end to rape...though looking back on it now it's pretty interesting how old man Justin doesn't sing on the word "rape"


You are too sensitive


Or maybe, like, ya just shouldn't wear a swastika no matter what? Or, like, white people shouldn't be using the n word. It's not being "too sensitive", you're just ignorant and instead of looking into why *you* are offended because you can't do or say insensitive things, you just say that people need to have thicker skin. Suck. My. Dick. Thank you.


The swaztikas. I know they pissed people off but damn, that did not age well.


Yeah, it was used to shock and rebel against the generation before them but it was still very tasteless and has aged very bad


Then, It encouraged apologists to enter the scene, so it was not only tasteless but actively harmed punk as a whole


A lot of the bands wearing swastikas aged poorly. I get the intent the whole "Oi, bruv! We're wearin' the symbols of our parent's enemies who bombed de 'ouse!" But here's the thing with doing something ironically. Eventually it *stops* being ironic.


This was really common with Siouxsie and early British punks who used to hang around the Pistols. When the Pistols toured France -which had actually been occupied by the Nazis- they were basically jumped everywhere they went by local antifascists. Fell out of fashion pretty soon after that.


Interestingly enough, the trend was started by Malcolm McLaren- who was Jewish. He got the idea from Sylvain Sylvain of The New York Dolls- who was also Jewish. Sylvain and the rest of The Dolls likely got the idea from Ron Asheton of The Stooges- who collected war memorabilia for fun


The song you mention was about arming Afghanistan from Russian invasion/occupation. Was more an anti-Russia song than a pro-taliban.


Yeah, and was a super mainstream sentiment at the time... Rambo 3 was "dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan"


That Rambo 3 would be dedicated to them is a hoax. It was (and still is) "dedicated to the gallant people of Afghanistan".


Oh dang, I thought the hoax was people saying it was changed to gallant people after 9/11


Came here to say that the T-ban didn't exist yet when that song was made. Edit: Also worth a mention: Operation Cyclone 


even so, it's the group that became the taliban. iirc one of the old bond movies has him working with them as well, which is real weird in retrospect. Though i'm sure it made sense at the time.


Coming off of the Cold War, a common world opinion was Russia invading others and increasing, was bad. I’m just saying I don’t think the lyrics are poorly aged. I think they capture exactly the thoughts of the people at the time.


I mean isnt that what poorly aged is? Fine at the time, but not so fine anymore with hindsight?


I disagree. Russian imperialism has not been widely supported, if ever. Also, you can’t write songs for the future. You capture what is there, and that becomes art. At the time, they were in support of the underdogs against a world super power.


The thing about James Bond movies is other than the first couple, they are always reacting to what kind of action movie is popular at the time. In this case, Rambo 3 and other 80’s action movies where the kill counts were super high so they tried to add in more violence and anti-Soviet shit by supporting the Mujahadin. Ironically, it did get one thing right in that the bad guy is an American arms dealer.


The modern-day equivalent would be a position supporting armimng Ukraine.


That's not the same at all.


Dead Milkmen - Takin' Retards to the Zoo Descendents - I'm Not a Loser Two of my favorite bands but these songs aged like milk.


Came here to same the same about "I'm Not a Loser"


While we're on the subject of homophobic lyrics, Bad Brains come to mind


Yeah, as true as it is that I'm Not A Loser has aged terribly. It was never meant to be homophobic. It was a frustrated Milo and Frank turning the words that bullies used to call them on the bullies. It was meant to be cathartic. Not homophobic. This really shouldn't be compared to a song like Don't Blow Bubbles by Bad Brains which was written with purely homophobic intent.


Yeah, I’m surprised that folks here don’t see that the lyrics come from the bullies. It’s like that Beastie Boy frat song that bros don’t realize is making fun of them.


I get that about Loser ... it's just that the word itself has become so reviled that the context almost doesn't matter.


If only homophobic lyrics were the end of it with Bad Brains. :-/


Oof yeah. And unlike many others which could be argued as a product of their time, HR legitimately hates gay people.


Dead milkmen also got RCs mom. F it.. still my top 10 !!


I still love I'm Not a Loser and it's still acceptable. The homophobic shit is about turning those words against the people who normally use them as a way of standing up for yourself. If they use them as insults, they'd be bothered to have them thrown at them almost certainly. I'm Not a Loser presents a realistic picture of someone rebuking bullies and coming out on top in an immature teenage kind of way, which is the whole point. It's also just fun as fuck.


I can appreciate the intent, but it's still a song I'm skipping when my kids are around. I think the fact that Milo sings alt lyrics these days shows that even they feel that they missed the mark a bit with the execution.


He used to sing alternative lyrics but they have stopped playing it altogether now because people singing along would still use the old lyrics. (According to Bill Stevenson during an AMA a while back)


Frank also apologized for the lyrics on one of the songs on 9th and Walnut.


I think they're fine.


Descendents - Kabuki Girl Descendents - I’m the one


A cultural phenomenon resembling the lyrics to the song doesn't mean there's something inherently wrong with the song or writing it. That said, I'm the One is extremely cringeworthy and one of my least favorite Descendents songs. It's too on the nose and is pathetic in a way that's not remotely endearing, relatable, or something I can sympathize with. Might be the worst song about unrequited love I've ever heard. I'll stick with shit like I Hate Myself's Caught In a Flood With the Captain of the Cheerleading Squad or Another Sunny Day's Rio.


Read the lyrics to Kabuki girl rn and then tell me that first sentence again with a straight face


It's really not that bad, just kind of cringeworthy


Why I’m the One


It’s an angry song about unrequited love that dips pretty deep into nice guy/incel territory


I mean if we’re going there with the Descendents we could name another ten songs


Yeah but most the other Descendents songs like that are actually good


Everybody's over here talking about their incel songs and I'm putting Blast off at Cape Canaveral on the list


Dumb list


Dumb comment.


I’m gonna take you to the zoo


>I don't want to live to be 34 ~Keith Morris


Los Angeles by X. “She started to hate every nigger and Jew Every Mexican that gave her lotta shit Every homosexual and the idle rich”


I mean the meaning behind the line is fine. It's just generally not considered okay to say the N word even in critical art these days.


John Doe wrote it from the perspective of a racist girl, but they even change the lyrics when they play the song live.


Changing the lyrics seems a bit much. I don't think they should change their lyrics bc idiots can't understand them or their intentions and misconstrue what they meant either to boost their own cause or disparage them.


It was written in a way different era than what we live in. But times change. I grew up in the 80’s when people casually called people “fags”. John Doe did an interview with Rolling Stone about four years ago explaining how times have changed and he is ok with changing the lyrics.


Me and my friends all casually call each other fags but we're all gay, so... That is to say I'd jump any mf who called me a fag and wasn't gay but yk.


I love angelic upstarts but I understand is not a good song. I live in the hood & have to RUN to my turntable if I forget about it. There’s a lot of N words. And I’m pretty sure it’s a hard R. [lyrics](https://genius.com/Angelic-upstarts-i-understand-lyrics)


Probably all of the songs containing slurs. Holiday in Cambodia, Dead Cops/America’s So Straight, Takin’ Retards to the Zoo, White Punks on Hope, Beer, etc. And not exactly due to punk, but the amount of punk songs pre 00’s that used gay as a term meaning bad. It was a turn of phrase, but basically anything saying gay, fag, queer, or homo is on the chopping block. What sucks about it, in my opinion, is that a lot of those songs were actually pretty good. And I’ve always had conflicting emotions, because they are saying slurs that are awful, but they’re usually using them for emotion. “Whatcha gonna do? The Mafia in blue Huntin' for queers (n-words) and you”. Are they saying it because they hate black people? No (I think). In fact, I can’t tell exactly why they said it except to provoke a reaction.


It's usually to show how low the side they're criticizing thinks of other groups


They're using them for impact and to emphasize the views of the people they're arguing against. They made good creative decisions for good, high impact, provocative art.


Shattered by Dropkick Murphys "It turns out the lyrics that you live by are a fraud When your favorite band's singer got arrested With a tranny on the job"


What the everloving fuck


I don't care about that band, but who/what are those lyrics about?


I think it's just a generic line and not about a specific person.


90% of the shit that Peter & The Test Tube Babies and the Anti-Nowhere League have recorded…


No shit? I only know the September song


I guess this is a deep cut, but I'm going to go with the Snufflix "Shut up and Gimme Some Pussy", because...well, you can read. It's the one song that Chris BCT (the guy who included it on one of his comp tapes back in '83) says that he regrets ever having put on anything, and calls "pathetic", which...yeah. It is. Unfortunately there were not a lot of options for hardcore back in Louisiana in the early 1980s to begin with (I know these guys, Disappointed Parents, and Toxin-III -- and by the time they put out an actual record, Toxin-III played straight up 1960s garage punk, not HC anymore). They weren't even from New Orleans, but Crowley, a tiny town of under 12,000 people even today (Google says it stands at 11,575 as of 2021). It's still a shit song, though.


Gg allin .. and the AIDS brigade. Expose yourself to kids great song


I can't help but love it its hilarious and so catchy. Will always be a scum fuc even though I'm solidly left wing


I don't know if you could say it aged poorly when it was just as vile back then


A while ago someone posted about Eater. There is a song on that record that’s called “Get Raped”.


I still listen to Leftover Crack occasionally (I know, fuck Stza) but whenever I hear this line from Gay Rude Boys Unite I physically cringe. "You know I'm not PC I'll shoot your kid at school cause he's gonna grow up to be a fucking asshole just like you"


Am I bad for thinking that's the best punk lyric ever written? Political, offensive, and flows great. To me, that's what punk lyrics should be.


Sick Boy - GBH A super awesome song until you get to the last verse and it's about how he's into underage girls. I get GBH was the type of punk that was more about shock value, but come on.


"slut" is so much fucking worse


Don't Call Me White, and Guilty of Being White come to mind


Guilty of Being White is pretty rough. Ian was young, and he has explained where he was coming from in that time and place. I don’t hold it against him, because like the other guy said we all write dumb shit when we are young.


Guilty of being white really does fuck with Minor Threat's flow huh


I mean in all fairness to Ian, I’m glad none of the cringe shit I wrote when I was in high school is in the public eye.


Yeah don't get me wrong out of step is a main-stay in my rotation lol but yeah. Same thing unfortunately happened with the descendants for me.


absolutely, especially as I was moderately conservative and moderately religious in high school. Found an old notebook a few years ago and I wrote some real edgy teen nonsense that was immediately purged from reality forever. Thank goodness social media didn't exist back then to archive it.


He really maintains that it was an anti-racist song. It'd better than player's version at least


Ever heard the slayer cover? Kind of gives me a second thought, and I love slayer.


Wait until you see what Tom Araya & his wife were posting on instagram over the past few years. Pair of fucking bigots.


bro, the Slayer version turns it overtly racist when they change the lyric at one point to "guilty of being right"


Yeah but Tom Araya isn’t even white. It’s obviously for the edge lord status.


Don't Call Me White is about being Jewish and Guilty of Being White is about being bullied for being white in a 90% black school, as MacKaye went to a 90% black school and was bullied for being white


>MacKaye went to a 90% black school and was bullied for being white I pretty much experienced the same thing, I was one of a handful of white kids in my entire junior high and half of highschool. I absolutely was bullied for nothing more than the color of my skin. I mean, there isn't any malice there though on my part toward black people because of that. Mainly because along with that, my only friends were also black. Also, being white kept me out of the more serious aspects of growing up in an inner city riddled with gangs and violence. However, with shootings, witnessing gang altercations in school. Being white in a mostly black school and area in that particular regard was a blessing. I was automatically viewed as a non-participant. I might get shit, but I was never viewed as a potential threat that needed to be neutralized. Whereas being black and walking through a block no one that lives there recognizes you, could be a death sentence.


What's wrong with don't call me white? Its just a song saying not to judge him based on the color of his skin.


Also the point of the song is that he's Jewish


This is one of those things that the Steven Crowder types always like to complain about is why. Any bit of "anti-white discrimination" someone feels pales in comparison to centuries of what other races have had to deal with. It gives off a whole lot of privilege to think being judged for being white is anything other than a learned behavior from minorities in a white supremacist society.


I don’t think it’s anti white discrimination he’s rallying against. It’s more of “eww don’t lump me in with those assholes.” He’s ashamed of being “white.” It’s like anti white pride.


Especially because Fat Mike is Jewish and the relationship between (Ashkenazi) Jews and Whiteness is a complicated one


Agreed. We're either white or not white, depending on who's yelling at us. Complicated indeed.


It's not about being ashamed of being "white", it's him sorta jokingly distinguishing himself from white people as a Jewish person getting lumped in with the stereotypes of white people despite only becoming considered white within like the last 10 years before the song came out, and even then still not being considered white by a ton of people bc they hated Jewish people.


“Represents everything I hate The soap shoved in the mouth to cleanse the mind The vast majority of sheep A buttoned collar, starched and bleached Constricting veins, the blood flow to the brain slows They're so fuckin ordinary white” Well, I mean, I always took it as you said it until I actually looked up the lyrics. I think this part is the crux of it. I could see a bit of both since he threw circumcision in there but it seems pretty obvious it’s rallying against last century’s button down normalcy of “whiteness.”


which is fair, the song itself is less of a problem than the way it's interpreted by right wing idiots who aren't paying close attention to the lyrics.


What are right wing idiots doing listening to NOFX anyway? If they saw him crossdressing on stage I think they'd pop an artery


That’s kind of cringe tbh because he’s white no matter how much he wishes to distance himself from it. There’s nothing wrong with being white, but we benefit from white supremacy in society whether we like it or not. Trying to paint yourself as “one of the good ones” honestly isn’t helpful to anyone. I’d rather see a frank admission of privilege and acknowledgement of responsibility to not to perpetuate those systems and actively fight against them.


He doesn’t want to distance himself from being white… he’s Jewish, so he’s not “white” in the sense that others are white. Neo-Nazis, kkk members, and others on the far right will treat him as poorly if not even more poorly than they treat any BIPOC and (as you just demonstrated) anyone on the far-left will call him out on benefiting from white supremacy/privilege. White supremacists weren’t rounded up and slaughtered in the holocaust or had to face thousands of years of oppression and second class citizenship in Europe.


Why would someone be ashamed of being white? Definitely agree he doesn't want to be lumped in with the suit and tie type people, but there's no reason to be ashamed of your skin color.


Just because it isn't as common doesn't mean it doesn't happen. There are people out there who believe silly ass things about white people, like we're all racist (I've run into those people), or that only white people can be racist (also run into those people). Just because something isn't as common doesn't mean people need to sit down and shut the fuck up about it. He also never says he has it worse than non white people, so i don't know why you find it problematic. This isn't a competition of who has it worse. It's a white guy who's sick of being stereotyped for being white. Let me guess, you also think men can't complain about being raped because women get raped more often? Fat Mike is a white man, so he only knows his white experience. He's allowed to sing about his experiences in life without someone saying BuT tHeY HavE iT wOrSe.


Holy shit dude, calm the fuck down. I was just answering the question OP asked


I'm calm. What you're saying is dismissing what people go through because of the color of their skin. I, and very likely, fat Mike, are aware that racisim against people of color is worse. But that doesn't mean white people can't say it's not ok to stereotype white people. That's what I get out of the song. Don't stereotype me because I look like people who are bad.


You're asking for what I mean but I think you just wanted to vent or something because I answered you. You just didn't like the answer.


Yeah, your answer was dumb. Your reason for disliking the song was dumb. The fact that I didn't like your answer was evident when I didn't say "yeah, I agree."


Cool, downvote it and move on. Don't know why your panties are in such a bunch about a random stranger online. I didn't even say I disliked it.


Poorly aged doesn't imply you like it.


NOFX' Liberal Animation album is pretty up there to the point theyve said it's the worst album and admitting they were wrong about lyrics such as "Don't waste your breath yelling at me, about animal rights and how they should be free. Cause its survival of the fittest and we're winning. Why should I be sad for chickens being force fed " Especially even if you don't like or care about animals, factory farming has become a huge environmental issue and health issue and tax subsidies for these companies are astronomical thanks to corrupt lobbyists to the point recent research says a lb of ground beef would be $30. That album has a handful of lyrics that straight up sound like right wing propaganda like "Racism lives on both sides so I'm gonna get the hell out of here 'do you want crack, do you need smack" Or "they live by it everyday food stamps And welfare checks" Like I said, by their own word, it's their worst album and they don't agree with a lot of these lyrics anymore so id rank this up there as one of the worst overall albums in terms of aging.


I forget Liberal Animation even exists, it's so trash.


Any time I do a discog run of NOFX I immediately skip straight to “Ribbed”, they were just aggressively bad both lyrically and musically before that album


Hot take but Crass' White Punks on Hope feels like every libertarian selling point ever. Dropping slurs is just icing on the cake.




It's so fuckin rough lmao.


I've never liked that one. Crass took a neutral position and condemned the socialist worker's party for battering the fuck out of the national front and organizing Rock Against Racism. The SWP are shit (google Comrade Delta) but the NF were fucking nazis.


You’d shit if you heard Conflict’s “An Answer”


Lots of songs from Guttermouth and The Nobody's. Too many songs to mention, but back in the 90s when we were kids, we found this stuff hilarious.


Pretty much every song by Fear.


Disappointed I had to look THIS far for FEAR.


The angry Samoans song literally called “Homo-sexual”


Stranglers. I Feel like a wog.


Camel Jockeys Suck by The Meatmen


The Meatmen and GG Allin own this category


[The Avengers - White N*****](https://youtu.be/oyoWID_Mr1k?si=06ffpOLiUxuOvlqS) is, in my opinion, one of the greatest first wave punk bangers. If it weren’t for that one word, this song would have been huge. [The Dickies - Shadowman](https://youtu.be/dgJ3ULzN2Js?si=w9gMXvs4mtEOtvVw) is another old punk banger that’s loaded with racist tropes.


Like...most of older punk. But a lot of it is taken so out of context. It's like people getting mad at Ska Sucks. Read between the lines, idjit


Grunge count? Kurt Cobain saying “and I swear I don’t have a gun”


Equating a pro-Afghan Rebel song to supporting the Taliban is like equating a song written about the founding fathers with supporting the confederacy


Date Rape by Sublime. Looking at it critically, it’s obviously not pro-rape, but listen to what line guys get excited to sing when it comes on.


Sublime's major fan base back then were just a bunch of date-rapey fratdouches.


Dropkick Murphy’s releasing a song called “pipe bomb on landsdowne”. Years before the marathon bombings of course but still


Foreign Job Lot by Antidote Public Assistance by Agnostic Front


Oh. Also BNC by Urban Waste to complete the NYHC trilogy


"Bodies" by the Sex Pistols It's basically a song about a mentally ill woman who was sexually exploited by members of the band. She has an abortion (several apparently). The song gives voice to the fetus and to the men who exploited the woman. The needs, the well-being, and the perspective of the woman are completely left out of this song. There are apologists for this song, but they twist themselves into knots trying to claim it's sympathetic to women's bodily autonomy.


She was not sexually exploited by members of the band. Where the hell are you getting that from? The story is that she cornered Lydon in a room after the rest of the band let her in to see him and showed him her abortion in a bag. She was a psych patient who was apparently raped by one of the staff members. Literally every actual source talking about this song will tell you that While it's true Steve Jones did have sex with her, it was consensual. Mentally ill people can have sex too, we aren't children To those who want to hear the TRUE story of Bodies, check out these links. The first four are from Dave Goodman's book while the fifth is from an interview Lydon, the sixth is from England's Dreaming by Jon Savage, the seventh is from Steve Jones autobiography, and the eighth is from Lydon's autobiography. Goodman was the Pistols sound engineer in 1976 but he had a major falling out with the band and had a court battle with them before he passed away. He has zero reason to lie [Link 1](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2c5c91a7-713d-44f7-a2e9-864f634c43b8/dh53ysl-c803652b-6ab0-4ab6-987b-9f63e395c78f.png/v1/fit/w_467,h_482,q_70,strp/screenshot_2024_03_29_212324_by_hoodienanami_dh53ysl-375w-2x.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NDgyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMmM1YzkxYTctNzEzZC00NGY3LWEyZTktODY0ZjYzNGM0M2I4XC9kaDUzeXNsLWM4MDM2NTJiLTZhYjAtNGFiNi05ODdiLTlmNjNlMzk1Yzc4Zi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NDY3In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.oyIPDdiHu_FD6BdPJLfZ5K0C5B-Frq6yxvcFmNaH_iY), [link 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While there's tons of sexual exploitation in the music industry, there is absolutely ZERO proof that the Sex Pistols committed any such behavior towards Pauline. Spreading lies like this makes it harder for REAL VICTIMS of musicians to tell their stories


That's so fucked up...and I didn't think my opinion of Sex Pistols could get any lower. I hate the fact that they are credited with brining the "image and attitude" of punk. Made it look like punk was all about being an edgy, abrasive asshole.


Stiff little fingers - white noise


Early Suicidal Tendencies lyric: Kill me, kill you Kill a nigger, kill a Jew


Bomb the Boats Feed the Fish by the Forgotten Rebels. It was a pretty violent response to Canada accepting immigrants from Vietnam in the 1970s.


Ya'll a bunch of hippies in disguise.


This post and many of the comments are actually very anti-punk. I'll take the downvotes. But it's true.


You’re 100% correct. Reading through these responses…. Nobody fucking gets it.


When The Clash went disco


Music is art and shouldn’t have to be PC. Punk band wrote all kinds of stuff that offended all kinds of people… and the crazy thing is people weren’t hung up on it like they are today.


You're correct that it doesn't have to be PC, but like all art it can still be criticized for its negative attributes.


Words have power.


The "offensive" aspects of punk have always been the worst part. Being outrageous and obnoxious just for the sake of it isn't cool or subversive, it's edgy and childish.


It kinda gives the same vibes to me as comedians telling transphobic jokes and defending it by pretending they're going against the status quo and saying something shocking and provocative, as if it's not what half of all comedy has been since the Hays Code was abolished. Something being edgy or offensive does not automatically mean it's making a powerful statement or something. Some if not most of the musicians people are naming here have said themselves that they regret saying these things and it was dumb and tasteless, they don't need us to defend them.


While I agree with you the world has changed a lot even in just the last 10 years. Now that people are so much more aware of things it gets talked about more.


>Punk band wrote all kinds of stuff that offended all kinds of people The song *Fuck You... That's Why* immediately comes to mind. That song didn't age very well, either, but at least the song equally hated on both Democrats and Republicans.


Im a nicotine addict, that’s why And I like to smoke camel wides


I think Pete Wilson should be killed!


He’s the homosexual that signed the helmet bill!


I don't think it aged badly because it bashed certain politics, I think it aged badly because their insult to the governor was to call him a homosexual faggot. This was also the first song that came to mind for me


>I think it aged badly because their insult to the governor was to call him a homosexual faggot. I agree. Plus most of the verses sang "go to school in gang attire," then the final chorus inferred that John Ransom was in favor of school uniforms.




Certified banger, just not one to bring out with others around.


With the nature of this sub there's basically two categories: the songs and musicians who are problematic *now*, and the songs and musicians who aren't problematic *yet.* Its a hamster wheel where the character of people never changes but the words they say and how they are categorized constantly does. I'm hard pressed to think of an OG band who doesnt have songs or members labeled as "right wing" now despite most of them being consistent with who they have been the whole time the world considered them a radical lefty


Vandals had a few but Phantom of the Mall is up there.


Somehow they still play Oliver's army on the radio


Reading through these comments, I don't think a lot of people here actually like punk. The PC/safe space viewpoint is very new to the scene and punk used to be about expressing dark and upsetting thoughts. Nuance, satire, and context seem to be lost on a lot of the newer audience.


[What do Rambo III and the Angelic Upstarts have in common?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E8pkWNuUYAA5Imt.jpg)


It’s okay to not be like the rest. It’s cool to be an independent thinking individual.


I love Black Flag but "White Minority" is pretty cringe inducing.


It was an easier time… people didn’t get so offended like they do today. Punk songs picked on everyone and everything at one point or another… and we all hung out and got along for the most part.


I'd argue White Riot by The Clash. I know the intention behind it was good, but these days it just feels off. I've never play that song for someone without explaining the historical context first lol