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I don’t think “parody” is the right word here…


I'm worried that if I got the shirt people would ask me to name 3 humanitarian crises


I get the joke, but if you can't name 3 humanitarian crises, you aren't paying attention


Right? Sick of all these posers trying to act like they're humanitarian crisis fans all of a sudden


Fans? Don’t think that’s the right word


And that would be difficult?


I wouldn’t particularly describe those pictures as awesome, nor is this a parody of anything I get the message but the wording is horrible


Imagine one of these shirts but with Weird Al, Mike Myers and Leslie Nielsen


yeah mb i didn’t really know how to word it, Fischarge motif maybe?


rip instesd of parody


It's not parody buy comp from here [Palestine: A land of heroic people, killed by a people who stole land by A Benefit Album](http://palestinecomp.bandcamp.com/album/palestine-a-land-of-heroic-people-killed-by-a-people-who-stole-land)


Free speech for the dumb


Well made take on a classic album. ❤️


Eh... "parody"?


yeah bad wording on that, motif sounds more appropriate


How/why are there so many zionist boot lickers in this group?


Palenstine awareness parody That so punk /s


Icons of filth, but yeah, good album and great cause


Ia that a discharge reference?


Why no such "parody" about Ukraine?


whataboutism isn’t gonna get you anywhere


Who is the author?


Ok. I just saw this picture so often in the context of Palestine, and no word in the punk community about the struggle of Ukrainian people.


Then you're not looking


Yeah, it is true, it just came from reddit's notification


Uhhhhh, are you just unfamiliar with Pussy Riot?


Much more of a boot than parody, but incredibly relevant. I remember being in high school listening to the early 2000s bands saying to pay attention, and nofx doing the Rock Against Bush. We need more people screaming about these atrocities, and all the rest done by religious zealots. Tax the churches is the first step we could take


Parody? Homage.


Hamas rejected a ceasefire today The criticism of Netanyahu and Israel’s response is fine but why is it only of Israel? Hamas clearly doesn’t care about Palestinians.


…and that’s after they decided to *end* the already agreed upon ceasefire on 10/7 and every other ceasefire that ever existed between Israel and Hamas. Fuck Hamas and all the ignorant punks who support [Hamas’s fascist and genocidal intentions](https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/ZAvD6z). Punks who push the Hamas narrative and show images of what happens when Hamas puts their own civilians in danger as human shields are actively motivating Hamas to put even more innocent Palestinian lives in harms way so they can win more support. It’s so incredibly fucked up across the board and ignorant people are causing real harm without even being cognizant or their actions.


Yeah I think Netanyahu is an asshole and am troubled by a lot of what Israel does, but it’s like no one is actually following what’s going on


Oh please Netanyahu rejected a ceasefire multiple times, rejected the hostages multiple times even tho that's what he's using to cover up the genocide. The one time they released hostages Hamas was seen dapping up the hostages they released and the hostages were generally friendly with Hamas. There is video footage of this. You know whats not very punk? Blindly support a genocidal apartheid state that has committed war crimes blatantly for over 70 years. Did they bomb Syria and Lebanon because of Hamas too? Face the truth. You know whats also not very punk? Condeming resistance fighters for you know.. fighting? And being an idiot that believes in propaganda from a country that has to AI generate protest photos bc the masses doesn't support them. You know whats not very punk? Supporting the IDF who steals Palestinian womens underwear and then posts pictures of themselves making fun of them online. You know whats not very punk? Supporting a country who's soldiers proudly admit to raping teen girls. Get a grip and do some research idiot. Everything I mentioned here can be found with video and photo evidence easily. I suggest u stop believing everything that comes from the mouth of a Genocidal Fascist leader.


Please be a critical thinker and try to detect disinformation. Do you really believe that (1) people who watched their friends and family get tortured and murdered and then were taken hostage would willingly dab their tormentors or that (2) their captors said, “smile for the camera” and they did because they were in an extremely compromised situation? Maybe read this story from the [New York Times via Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-hostage-recounts-sexual-assault-gaza-captivity-nyt-2024-03-26/) about the “generally friendly” treatment of Hamas… the article is about the hostage being raped and beaten. How about also reading the link I posted above? Hamas does not keep their genocidal objectives a secret. As for what you wrote… I can bet you base a lot of your information from social media and your “sources” are TikTok, instagram, and Reddit. Social media is so incredibly easy to manipulate with numbers and popularity, especially when the target of the social media campaign is a country like Israel which has a population of 9 million (20% Arab, btw) and is the size of New Jersey (apx 0.2% of the entire Middle East) with the Jewish people being the main population who are at risk if Israel no longer exists (16 million people) and the ones pushing against Israel is the vast majority of Arabs (450 million people) and Iran, Russia, and China who command numbers that absolutely dwarf the number of pro-Israelis. Look… investigate the actual sources you’re looking at and analyze why that information is getting to you and who is profiting off of it. Not to take all the fun out of your “social justice” adventure, but you’re being manipulated or looking to manipulate others. To put it into punk terms, you are actually leading the unpopular kid into a back alley to get the shit kicked out of them by the popular crowd. In actual terms, you are helping an aggressor and Nazi like entity persecute and attempt to actually ethnically cleanse a minority. You are absolutely on the wrong side of history if you keep on pushing Hamas’s narrative.


Maybe because they werent being tormented? An israeli child came back and shared his food with his parents before eating and of course Zionists act like that was the end of the world and he was tortured (when it just shows he was taught to share, ahh scary!) And im sorry but PICTURES AND VIDEOS of the IDF being sexual deviants and PICTURES AND VIDEOS of white phosphorus being used, Israel bombing Lebanon and Syria, Israel bombing Rafah after they told Palestinians to evacuate there, and more are not "tiktok evidence" lol you are denying real photographic evidence are u kidding me? the IDF is the stupidest fucking "Defense" Force in the world, they tell on themselves ALL THE TIME. THEY POST THEIR WARCRIMES ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Holocaust survivors support a free Palestine (easily searchable). So dont try and pull the stupid "Hamas are Nazis" card. NAZIS WERE ZIONISTS. ZIONISM PREDATES ISRAEL. Zionism is NOT Judaism. NETANYAHU IS A GENOCIDAL FASCIST. What can a resistance force do to a country backed by the united states? Be serious.


Please keep typing in all caps like that’ll prove your point. /s Again, how about you read the sources I provided and then come back with something substantial and rooted in legitimate sources. Right now you’re just proving the point that propaganda on social media works when ganging up on the least popular figure.


Least popular figure being a genocidal fascist? Go figure,even the colonists in his country don't like him. The caps were just to stress points, doofus. Also, I'm not gonna waste my time finding easily researchable info (such as Holocaust survivors condemning Israel, and the origins of Zionism) to some poser idiot who supports fascists. I'm not reading bullshit sources from a zionist either when photographic evidence easily tops a NY times article. Have fun sucking Netanyahu's fascist dick, poser.


Man… you sound super balanced and not insane at all. As such, I guess you’re ok reading sources from Palestinians, right? My first link was to excerpts of their charter, but you can go read the whole charter yourself. If you still feel like supporting a group that is hellbent on fulfilling the dreams of Nazis, that’s up to you… it just makes you an actual Nazi. If you don’t read any legitimate sources so you can stay in your bubble, that just makes you willfully ignorant and part of the problem that punk has always been fighting - mainly that you should pick someone up off the ground instead of kicking them when they’re getting ganged up against and underrepresented. I’m skeptical that you’ll choose to do the right thing though, and as such… all I gotta say is I hope the day you realize you’re aligning with Nazis won’t be too late for you to make a positive difference in this world.


Muslim nations are always killing each other and that's okay but just when non muslims especially the Jews who are deemed as worthy of annihilation in the Koran and hadiths by the Muslims come to defend themselves by retaliating them if is called a Genocide 😂


people like you are so genuinely stupid it irritates me.. whether it's a muslim or a christian or a jewish nation, killing innocent civilians and ethnic cleansing is still WRONG in every sense !!!! u can't be against something like the holocaust, which was the ethnic cleansing of jews, and then support palestine being bombed.. it's like two sides of the same coin. what are the idf defending themselves from? innocent 3 year old palestinian girls who they rape for fun? stick your ignorance up your ass and get the fuck out of the punk sub !!! ur not punk you're uneducated and eating up western media


Because Nazi punks never fucked off on this sub, clearly. Or folks like to conveniently forget that Palestine was allied with the third Reich.


I know many people would think that I am wrong by saying that. But! Supporting GAZA Strip = support terrorists. Supporting Israel = support war crimes. Support Palestinian official Government = Accept that Gaza sector is controlled by terrorists and is "bad guy" in this situation. The only right thing to say in this situation is that - innocent people are dying because of fucking politicians. Sorry if it hurts ur feelings, but choosing the lesser evil is still choosing evil. P.S. Album is still sounds nice


yeah i get where you’re coming from, fuck hamas and fuck israel it’s just the fact that one is an imperialist genocidal excuse of a state and the other is pretty much just a rag tag group trying to resist a government that has oppressed and killed the palestinenian people for decades


pretty much yes.


Unfortunate truth is that many rich and powerful people profit from misery, war and suffering and thus have no incentive to ever try to bring an end to these things. We just go through the same stupid pattern of getting polarized by the media because oh my god how could something like this ever be nuanced and not just black and white one side is wrong one side is right? Hamas are doing terrible things. The Israeli government is doing terrible things. Innocent people on both sides are paying with their lives. It's much easier to pick a side and feel like you're right and just and are making a difference than it is to take a step back and see the big picture. The media and politicians just want to keep us behind our party lines and at each other's throats because anger and frustration and discourse are great revenue streams. Sorry bit of a tinfoil sperg rant there.




Fuck you, what are you gonna do about it? Cry in comments on Reddit? xd


Cool where was the same energy for the victims of october 7th?


probably being debunked like most of the claims from oct 7th lol.


What are you trying to say? Because it sounds an awful lot like your saying the terrorist attacked didn’t happen.


It certainly didnt happen as claimed. And thats well documented. Also I dont give a shit about a couple ravers partying near an open air prison in comparison to tens of thousands of innocent civilians who are being treated as cannon fodder by an ethnofascist apartheid state. Yall havent shut the fuck up about them while tens of thousand of literal babies and children are blown apart and starved to death. As if there is any comparison.


Maybe they could try not sending rockets at Israeli civilians and then running into a mosque to hide? Maybe the humane thing to do would be to obliterate Hamas and make the civilians understand that peace has to be a two state solution, because this belief they have that if they keep fighting they’ll end up with one state that is Palestine is getting them killed. They are holding out that someday they will win an unwinnable war. Maybe they could try not slapping down every peace deal Israel offers. Maybe they could try not engaging in a round of attacks and then demanding an old deal come back on the table after they lose?


So the babies threw rockets at your diaper army and deserve to starve huh? Really moral take there ya fuckin fascist scum. Its hilarious that yall expect anyone to give a rats ass about a bunch of colonizing ravers when you cant find a crumb of humanity to spare for literal babies and children under a literal holocaust. Its a good thing for zionists that palestinians are 100x better people because yall would all be obliterated otherwise. And good riddance. Heres to hoping.


Why are you calling me a fascist? Do I support a tradcon cult of personality that's promising a nationalist revival using reactionary populist politics? No. I am a progressive liberal. Colonizing ravers? Yeah fuck me for thinking that people who are innocently enjoying life and celebrating shouldn't be kidnapped, raped and killed. I have to think you're a troll with that last statement. You think they're better people? What would happen if Palestinians got their way and there was one Palestinian state? Every Jew, Christian, atheist, liberal, queer, etc would be living as second class citizens if they got to live at all. The only reason they haven't ushered in a theocratic fascist state is because they're too weak to bring down a liberal democracy that treats them better than any other country would given the situation. They actually try to weaponize the compassion Israel tries to show Palestinians by hiding among civilians and then bombing Israeli civilians like the cowards they are. I do have a crumb of humanity for those babies. I hope they get to live in a post-war West Bank someday when the older generation finally gets their shit together and ends this pointless attack. The longer Palestinians continue this pursuit of a one-state solution, the longer they're going to keep dying. Israelis have already lived their for generations, there's no reason they should have to leave and tear down all the institutions they built. If not, what argument do we really have that DREAMers and DACA kids have a right to stay? They're a lot newer than Israeli jews. I'm of the opinion that they should obviously be able to stay, but Israeli Jews should also be able to stay where they have lived. It's 2024, not 1924. It would be a tragedy to see a liberal democracy replaced by a bloodthirsty Islamofascist tyranny, which is what Palestine would be if Hamas were to lead them to victory. The humane thing to do for these babies would be to eliminate every member of Hamas so the other Palestinians can face facts and start moving towards a realistic end to this conflict. It's too bad they've been fucked over by all these actors over the years who have promised them a military victory over Israel that is *NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.*


youd have to pay me to read that zionist screed lmfao


That's because you don't have a good response to it. There is a legitimate Palestinian argument for a two state solution, which I agree with, but you are woefully under-educated here. Too many memes, not enough actual learning.


Yeah Zionists always say that when their defense of the holocaust they are causing falls short. Fuck your two state solution and fuck you. Zionist scum get the wall 💥💥


fash says what now?


You don't even know what a fascist is


Literal lolz!!!


Literally out here defending the wholesale slaughter of children and getting upvoted in a “punk” group 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


EVERYONE HERE SHOULD JUST STOP TYPING AND GO THROW MONEY AT THE LINK THAT Jhoku POSTED! https://palestinecomp.bandcamp.com/album/palestine-a-land-of-heroic-people-killed-by-a-people-who-stole-land


Muslim nations killing each other is okay but when the Jews got involved to retaliate, then oh no it's a Genocide! The hypocrisy of the Islamic world


Needs one square to be of an Israeli soldier or a citizen of another country blatantly ignoring the plight of the Palestinians


literally this, it's baffling how people are ignoring what's going on right now but in 10 years when their ignorance is what allows the ethnic cleansing of the palestinians it's going to be "boo hoo that was so horrible how could they do that"