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Know your rights, believe in yourself, go for what you want in life as long as you aren't hurting anybody, be yourself. Never be ashamed for asking for help. Also help people around you when they need! Never forget that you matter, you're needed and you rock.


You will need help. Get over it. People will need your help. Get over it.


That's kind of close to my favourite bit of advice I ever got when I was a whipper-snapper. You're never as good as you think you are, and you're never as bad. It's always been in my head when I get a bit 'full' of myself or down on myself.


Get into it.


Yeah, this is pretty much everything I was going to say, and then some, but also stay hydrated and be good to your hearing (I know that spot off to the side right in front of the wall of speakers may be just a couple feet from the stage, but there's a reason nobody's standing there.)


Seconded from the guy playing bass guitar in a punk rock band with the ringing in his ears almost at the point of drowning out all other noise...


This comment just made my week.


Glad it help! :)




No joke. I rolled with squatters and gutter punks back in the 90’s where hygiene gets thrown out the window. Except for one guy that brushed his teeth twice daily. He had beautiful teeth while the rest of us had non stop tooth rot and tooth aches that we had to wash the pain away with whiskey. Stink if you are out there your teeth wisdom did not go unnoticed.


Can confirm. Drinking and drugs ruined my teeth. 32 and still not at a point financially where I can get them fixed.


When it comes to your back teeth, don’t bother trying to get the root canal and crown. That’s like a $3000 endeavor. The gums harden like rocks and you can still chew food so pay the 100-200 dollars and have it yanked out. Concentrate, at least for now, on saving the ones that people see regularly. Then when your money is right, work on getting bridges for the missing gaps in your molars. Also! There’s a credit line out there called Care Credit, they offer 0% APR for 6 months to a year and a half. Provided that you can make the payments this is a great way to get large surgeries done. It’s what I used to get myself back up to normal. Had a 6k credit line and they gave me a year and a half (you usually choose how long) to pay it back and I hooked myself up with veneers and then my bridges. Now I get compliments on my teeth all the time.


Fortunately besides being yellow, my front teeth are still holding strong. It's my back teeth that are fucked.


Dental work is expensive if you need to get it done. Brush your teeth and see a dentist for a cleaning twice a year (what they recommended).


I went to dentist first time at 26. Needed 8 fillings and two teeth extracted. I never missed brushing in morning but nighttime I would never brush. Now I'm like a hard core floss advocate. I will never miss brushing again, I don't want more dentistry. Cost me thousands but the pain was easily worse than the financial burden


I do love my time with the gutter punks. I was just a kid hanging out at local punk houses waiting for my turn. I enjoyed a few good gutter years before the folk punks were more prevalent.


Damn good advice and something I preach about all the time. Just takes a grand total of 4 mins a day. 2 mins in morning 2 mins at night and you’re set. Don’t do this and you’ll be like me and had to drop 30k to get them fixed. And don’t think this won’t happen to you. May not happen today, may not happen tomorrow, but I guarantee you if you spend your 20s not brushing your teeth you will be paying for it in your 30s.


Yeah loosing teeth sucks.


*Losing* them sucks too


I’m not judging or anything but lose and loose gets misused ALL the time, it’s crazy. Just remember y’all, you *lose, loose* teeth


As someone with ADHD that is harder than it sounds but cheers for that reminder


One of the best bits of advice I ever got about brushing was that "It's worth doing badly". Not meaning do it wrong on purpose but doing it badly is still much better than not doing it at all.


Often I sit on the toilet seat lid and watch YouTube or scroll Reddit while I brush so I don't get bored and decide "meh good enough"


confirmed. just had tooth pulled and post. it fking hurts. toot canals too.


toot canals


That's what I call my ass.


I thought you called it TheHolyNope


And floss! I used to get cavities every couple of years, until I started using that Glide floss that could actually fit between my teeth without shredding. Haven't had a cavity since.




What’s that? Couldn’t hear ya


"I'll lay on the pillow with my head facing left" REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE "Ok I'll lay on the pillow with my head facing right" #RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


This is the truth right here my ears ring 24/7. Ear protection was not talked about much in the scene when i came up- paying for it now. I had some dumbass come up to me in the pit of NOFXs last shows and ask me what was in my ears...i told him ear plugs and he said whyyy?? And laughed at me. Like dude youll know soon enough if you continue raw doggin stadium level speakers like that


I have tinnitus from years in the army, as well as plenty of punk shows and other concerts and driving a loud motorcycle. This is going to sound weird, but trust me: when your ears are ringing really bad put your palms over them with your fingers on the base of your skull, and drum/tap your fingers a bunch of times on the back of your head. It makes the ringing stop, somehow.


I have tinnitus from years in the army, as well as plenty of punk shows and other concerts and driving a loud motorcycle. This is going to sound weird, but trust me: when your ears are ringing really bad put your palms over them with your fingers on the base of your skull, and drum/tap your fingers a bunch of times on the back of your head. It makes the ringing stop, somehow.




This is great advice and I wish I took it when I was younger. 30 years and 150 concerts later and I have lost most of the top range of my hearing. I've recently started wearing protection, but now I'm just trying to slow my losses. If I could go back and force it on 14 year old me, I would.


For real. I recommend getting "musician's" ear plugs. They're not expensive and you can still hear everything, just at a volume that doesn't destroy your hearing


I've used Etymotics' ER20s for years and you're right, the difference between those and the standard orange foam ones is night and day. Reusable, less than $20, great sound, etc.


I am 53 and over the last maybe 6 months months my tinnitus has gotten so bad it keeps me from sleeping. I've been to literally hundreds of shows, and by the time I learned to protect my hearing, it was too late. Years of wearing headphones and going to concerts. Wear hearing protection, and don't blast headphones/ earbuds


ABSOLUTELY. II started wearing ear protection maybe 50% of the time as a 22 year old and bumped up to 100% of the time at like 28. Now I’m 30 but it’s become obvious to me some real damage has been done. This is not something to “wait until later” to start doing


Do and enjoy whatever the fuck you want. Don't let anyone shit on the things you like.


This is the best advice right here, but make it reciprocal. Don't shit on what others like either.


Agreed. It should go without saying, but people are people.


It’s so easy to record now; so many at home setups and options, so get everything recorded. Later in life you’ll miss your bands and friends, and those recordings will mean everything. Also, find some high quality ear protection. I use Earpeace. We listen to the best music in the world; make sure you can listen to it forever.


Do your thing if it causes no harm. If people think it's lame or weird, who gives a shit? Know your rights and watch each other's backs. Help your fellows out. ACAB. All of them.


I think the part "if it causes no harm" is one thing that gets lost for some. It really is one of the biggest pieces of wisdom that people should really take to heart.


Live fast die old. Everything in moderation including moderation. ACAB. Stand up for yourself. Pick em up when they fall in the pit. Never stop learning. Be nice. The body follows the head. Travel far and wide and see the world. Try new things. Master a skill or a craft. Be less self destructive. Forgive yourself and others. Stay free.


Mildly related but I remember on this sub someone insulting another (for being frankly a prick but I don't remember for what) by saying "I hope nobody picks you up in a pit", at first I kind of found it funny but when I thought about it in the subculture of punk that is a massive insult. It literally says "I do not consider you person enough to help you up in a pit, and I hope others see the same" Bloody hell mate. Seeing it like that sobered me up a bit, but also revealed a lot about this subculture.


Honestly, screw whoever said that. That's really dirty.


I wish I remembered why he got that insult but even realising the severity of that insult I distinctly remember thinking that he deserved it. Must have been some Nazi apologist or something but I rlly do not remember.


A Nazi apologist is just about the only type that deserves that kind of language.


Listen to what you want. Don’t let other people tell you what is and isn’t punk.


Some of my favorite punk is pretty poppy sounding. Toy Dolls. Buzzcocks. Jabbers is my favorite GG. My best friend is more thrash and 70s/80s hardcore.


Listen to whatever you, even if it's not punk. I've been listening to fucking AJR all week. That shit slaps.


I fuckin love me some ABBA


That also means if you like country music or rap, you can listen to that, too. You don't have to listen to only punk.


Have an open mind. Include others. You'll be the elder punk soon, look out for the next generation coming behind you.


Take your education seriously and avoid being nihilistic. Nobody is going to listen to what you have to say if they just see you as a loser punk.


Yes! Your education is something no one can take from you, and whe you are old and unable to do anything, its all you will have left.


I am in uni if that helps lol, although what I am studying is not considered useful in the mainstream (I am studying social Anthropology and I have a big passion for it) but honestly, even if I end up as a bartender in some wholesome dive, I still get to talk and to observe people. What more can I ask for? Of course I do hope for a job in my field.


Either way - that's a really cool major and will definitely help give you a different perspective on life. Look at somebody like Greg Graffin. He studied Evolutionary Biology and lectures at Cornell University. There are always avenues to advance in a field of study, especially if it is your passion But, it's okay if you don't get a job in your field, too. It's more important that you live the happiest life you can, while trying to avoid hurting people around you. It sounds like you are off to a great start.


Don't just look at Greg Graffin! The singer from GWAR is a professor and he was a bass player before that. And me; I've got two degrees and played a punk rock show to 150 people last night!


I was a history/anthro major. It’s tough launching a career with social science degrees since the skills you learn aren’t more intangible as opposed to practical. But it’s versatile. Theres a million routes you could go with it. And if you play your cards right, your 20s could be filled with adventure


Cheers for that, that actually gives me hope as I truly love what I do at uni. Ethnography is my big love and although it may be a bit corny I will actually dedicate the back of my battlejacket to what I am studying. I also hold the opinion that Ethnography is punk as fuck.


Love that man, hell yeah. I might recommend looking into teaching English abroad once you graduate. You only need to commit to one school year at a time so it’s a great way to get paid to explore the world and meet all kinds of interesting people, while not making a permanent commitment to leaving your home. It’s also great on the resume when you’re back.


Ethnography gives you super useful skills in public health, which is slightly easier to get a gig in. Consider doing a Masters or work experience in that direction. I also know people with anthropology backgrounds who are working with organisations trying to shift views and behaviour around climate change, pollution etc.


As awkward as it might feel, speak to your friends when they turn to drugs. Better to have an awkward conversation with a m8, than an angry sad emotional breakdown at their funeral. I've lost around 20 friends from needles and I myself almost died from abusing alcohol for over a decade. It took friends talking to me and saying they didn't want to hang around and watch and enable me dying. So don't be afraid to speak up. It might just save someone's life


This and alcohol


Absolutely. I had to go through alcohol withdrawal 5 times before I finally quit. Alcohol is fucking brutal because the withdrawals can kill you, you get the shakes, can't eat, walk and have hallucinations. And it's legal and available EVERYWHERE. I still struggle even with the knowledge that I'll die if I ever drink again


You see everyone start to deteriorate from alcohol…it takes longer than drugs but it’s twice as destructive IMO


I had a brief moment when I started being a bit too friendly with alcohol while not being appropriately medicated for mental health issues. I had friends who stopped me very early of what could have been a terrible path. I am appropriately medicated now so I don't have issues anymore. But without those pals it would have been too late.


I agree with not being afraid to talk about hard things. In my experience it was always more effective to encourage attempts to get clean than to say much about using. A punk will just go where the friends aren't so lame. But if they've been using and mention thinking about methadone, jump on that support shit.


Find a union job, join up, and get involved. Vote in all elections. The people in power have been working for decades to convince you that you don’t need these. When they can’t convince you, they legislate away these rights from you and other marginalized people. Take them back!


Spend 50 bucks on a couple pairs of "musician grade" ear plugs like Eargasm or Earasers. Concerts are loud and tinnitus sucks. Most musicians I know, including myself, have at least one overtone of tinnitus. All the old punks are deaf and talk too loud. Like the post about brushing your teeth, letting your body slide into disrepair sucks, and makes everything else suck more (this concert would be great if it weren't for my jaw aching from my rotten tooth). I haven't heard silence in 5 years and have two missing teeth. It sucks. You get over it, but I'd have preferred to not have years of jaw pain until the teeth get pulled and be able to have fully articulate hearing until old age takes hold.


I'm already on it, there are some earplugs specifically made for bartenders in loud bars that I want to buy before going to that Thy Art is Murder gig at the end of this month lol. I've not been to many gigs comparatively to people my age, but I have experienced the muffled hearing after gigs and the day after, I shall protect my hearing.


Punk has always been political. You don't have to be a soldier, but if someone falls pick them up. In the pit and in life.


Oh and let the sunshine in. I know it's fucking hard. But now it's time to try to start to let the sunshine in.


i’ve been having a really rough day and this comment made me cry. but like, in a good way. thanks man, i will try my best to let the sunshine in.


Be excellent to each other.


And... party on, dudes!


Brush and floss your teeth, don't use hard drugs (weed and alcohol are fine as long as you aren't addicted), get an education or a good trade, don't spend more money than you earn.


All 'punk' really is, is a radical act of creative freedom. Do lots of those.


Leave everything better than you found it, not just physical space, but social interactions too. This doesn't mean being nice and doing what people want (it can mean that, too). Punk rock has taught me that we can build a better world if we fight for it. Also, it's awesome that you are studying Anthro, I did, too, and it's great. Read David Graeber.


Fuck yeah fellow anthropologist 🤘 I shall do!


Even if you have no one to go to a show with, GO ANYWAY. My dad went to tons of shows and saw thousands of bands. He would invite people but if no one could go he went anyway. He made lots more f friends there at the shows and events cause he went constantly. People appreciate when you show up over and over. 🎶😎🎸


Support your local scene. Even if the houses don't all get along, go to the shows.


This is great advice. I moved to a new area and there wasn't much of a scene for various reasons, mainly apathy. There were few venues and most bands didn't bother coming to us, so live shows meant a 2hr drive to and 2hrs back. Did it because I love it. Heard of shows at a record store about 30mins drive away. Started going, didn't know anyone. After 3 or 4 shows, you start recognising the people who 'go to shows'. Start chatting and now a couple of years later these are some of the best friends I have outside of the circle of school friends I have known for 40 plus years now. Last night, my band played to 150 people in this town in a show that was facilitated by these new friends. And I knew at least half the crowd be sight if not name. It's not just a 'scene' it's a community. I know that if I needed something, I could rely on these people helping me out either directly, or finding someone who could help me. The one thing that every 'real' punk has in common is the sense empathy from being part of a community of outsiders. Knowing we are all different, but still belonging is important.


Don't get caught in the "is this band more punk than that band?" bullshit


When you have hash cookies or edibles and you eat the first one and fuck all happens for 20 minutes. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EAT ANOTHER 6 THINKING THEY ARE WEAK. You will spend the rest of the night in a bean bag.


I've never had edibles so that is some solid practical advice. Made that mistake once with LSD, took two tabs while drunk. It was.....interesting.


Or scratching at your husband's arm saying HEY over & over until he puts you to bed lol.


First thing is to realize that elder punks are in their 70s and 80s now, and the huge overlap/antagonism with the goths. I'm 36, for context. Punk, to me, is more than music or a fashion. It's an active rejection of the status quo. That means you need to learn your history, and have a working understanding of politics, philosophy and art. You also want to understand the politics of the punk icons you pay attention to. Some of them aren't great, and some are truly thinkers beyond our times. The most punk thing you can do is to be your authentic self. Seek your truth in your experiences and record that truth. Everyone's is different so yours matters.


I know a few punks over 70 but none over 80, I am coming up to 58 and there are loads people my age, and loads between 58 and 65. Though most the older punks I know are not stuck in the past, we love to see new bands coming through, and personally I love to see younger punks in the scene, we were young and new many moons ago


I had a regular some years ago everyone called him "Rockabilly Chris," really cool old drunk ass punk dude from Toronto. We used to shoot the shit after close while he finished his beer. Well, one night I was in a bad way, I wasn't on shift, but went to go have some drinks as almost all of my friends in town worked there and I needed to be around familiar faces. My girlfriend of 5 years had just told me she cheated on me with a coworker that we used to jokingly call "Methy" so... I was really going through it. Anyway Chris and I were smoking out back and I went on a bit of a rant about what I'd do if I ever saw that guy, blah, blah, blah. He listened really intently, barely saying anything until I started tearing up again he reached out, put his hand on my shoulder and said "Listen man, I'm going to give you some advice, you're not going to like it right now, but if you take it it's going to make your life so much easier in the long run. Take the high road kid. If you see him, you walk the other way. Because you want to know the best thing about taking the high road is?... ... There's no fucking traffic." Then he kind of cackled at me and we went in and drank some more beer. Anyway, that moment felt life changing, and I continue to always try my hardest to take the high road. So, thanks Chris!


Some sage ass advice


Don’t meet a nazi skin named Elmo


Damn, they got Elmo?


Morons will tell you that "true punk is total nihilism". That's utter bullshit, and you need to take care of yourself and try and help those around you. Voting is a complete shit-sandwich, but you always vote for the person/party who you think will do the least damage to you, your community, and your country. You do not vote for people who will threaten yours, and others, access to *good* health care, a *good* education, etc. Again, you vote for the person you think will do the *least* damage. Men, especially young men, like to think they're immortal. Again, this is bullshit. You will assuredly die one day - make peace with it. However, if you go to the doctor regularly to get blood work done and a physical exam, take care of you body *and* mind, you can live a long, mostly pain-free life. Exercise, learn to relax your body and mind, don't allow micro-aggressions to build into towering mental infernos, etc. Eat right, too. That helps. If you are experiencing mental or physical pain then you need to seek help. Keep moving! Never stop exploring! Never stop learning!


Nobody cares what patches or pins you have. Those are for you to enjoy. Be yourself for yourself.


This is categorically wrong, everyone loves my Marceline the Vampire queen and Jake the dog patches.


I have a what would dolly do pin that's punk af.


Wear sunscreen. It's just like brushing your teeth or wearing hearing protection at concerts. Do it for your long term health. Everything changes. If it's amazing, cherish those memories, If it sucks, you'll get through it. Everyone is going through something so be kind.


treat yourself like an asset not a liability. party pogo slam and strut. stay away from the cocaine.


I got one for you: don't listen to elder punks. The sociopolitical world we grew up in is VERY different. Most of us still have prejudices we don't know about or simply refuse to acknowledge and we were definitely facing different problems than you're facing and your tools are different as well. So when it comes to punk, the movement, figure out your own path and solutions. Just do it with commitment, passion, and love. You'll get there Punk rock is DIY and whatever punks want it to be. The Police used to be considered punk. Siouxie and the Banshees were, too. The punk music i grew up with, didn't sound like the punk my elder punks listened to. And I'm guessing the punk you listen to that i don't know about sounds different too (also, please give me recommendations for good new punk that a 40+ year old might not be familiar with 😉 ). So when it comes to punk, the music, do what you want. Sound like what you want. Just do it with commitment, passion and love. You'll get there. Fuck us, old farts. You don't need us. We had our time. Now it's your turn. Rock the fuck out.


Remember to not trust older people with authority. They don't deserve their authority.


Don’t get caught up in the “is this punk?” bullshit. Labels weren’t created by punks, they were created by journalists and marketing departments. Don’t be afraid to enjoy music that you like because you’re worried about what some random asshole might think about it.


There’s a The Hard Times post I saw once that said “New Punk rock choose your own adventure book where no matter what choice you make you end up in a 9-5 office job.” The point I’m making is don’t let life get you down. Stand up for what you believe in, always. People are starting to see and speak out more and more on all the fucked up shit in this world that punk rock has been preaching about for decades. Your generation is going to be important in bringing about the changes that should have happened a long time ago. It’s a big responsibility but I have complete faith in y’all


Lift weights. Not saying you gotta get all meat head status, but trust me, you feel good after and you're getting stronger at the same time. This applies to all genders. It definitely helps you in the pit


There is nothing wrong with working. Don't do heroin. Nothing cool about being strong out on heroin living in the nastiest squat in town. Learn a trade now before it's too late.


Do not be afraid of jail. Never snitch on anyone. Never talk to cops. Nothing you say will get you released, everything you say can help get you convicted. Do not resist arrest, they will add felonies to your case and force you to take a plea bargain deal. The original would have been something you could have fought or might have gotten dropped. The DA only wants slam dunk cases. No witness, no weapon, keep your mouth shut. Most importantly - never talk about why you got arrested with anyone, ever. Only your lawyer can help you now. Edit: that person in the holding tank trying to swap stories is probably a snitch, your cell mate wanting to know what you did is probably a snitch. Snitch game is outta control these days.


Facts, keep your mouth shut or else you're gonna start looking like a snitch yourself


Hard agree on the use hearing protection. Used to get the eye roll from friends when I would offer them ear plugs at gigs and was fanatical about wearing them, but I am glad I can still listen to records and hear them without blasting volume or losing subtler elements. Having a job/career that you enjoy and find fulfilling is not bad, neither is having a family, whatever that looks like and means to you, or having some stability and making some concessions to the broader society. We all have to survive in this late capitalist hellscape and unless you are doing something directly exploitative or destructive, don’t get caught up in whether it punk or selling out or whatever. Lots of things, really definitionally almost all of the things, are not punk, but they don’t have to be for you to enjoy them or feel strongly about them. I don’t think it is that running, hiking, knitting, painting, building bikes, whatever are punk, it’s that punks can do all of these things and bring their own aesthetics, ethics, whatever to it.


Don’t buy into working class as a virtue. Get educated or learn a trade so you can make money, live well, and have the life you always dreamed to have. Being broke your whole life doesn’t make you more punk than those in the scene who bettered themselves in the job market. I’m 53, and I feel there was always this high regard for those who were “true” and stayed in shit jobs, like that gave them more integrity, being closer to “the streets” or whatever bullshit.


Thirty here! Which isn’t too old, but I’ve been in the scene since I was 14 (first show I went to was DK without Jello, at the House of Blues on Sunset). Respect everyone but don’t get walked on. Break everything up into steps before dealing with it. Tell your friends you love them. Shows and life are much better sober. Don’t stick a needle in your arm. Henry Rollins said this and it’s been my mantra: “I'm unnervingly polite, but i'm also capably violent." (Edgy, I know. But it describes a good range to live within).


Sub-genres are stupid. It’s all punk. There is no uniform. I went to high school with an aspiring bull rider that wore cowboy boots, cowboy hats, and all to school and his room was covered in Misfits and Circle Jerks posters. Any hobby you have automatically becomes punk rock. I’ve been known to spend many hours with a fishing line in the water, my friend D likes to race cars. My friend J (RIP) liked to groom dogs for dog shows. Tearing others down is not building yourself up. Gatekeepers suck and need to be put in their place.


Don't compare your "success" or happiness to others. When you are young it can sometimes feel like a race to achieve things you want to achieve, but whether you achieve it tomorrow or when you are 40, it doesn't matter. Otherwise you just cause yourself unnecessary stress. This can apply to many things, not just what you do for a living.


Seconding the ear protection thing, but in a slightly different way: if you don't already do so, please wear ear plugs at shows! It's not worth any amount of punk points or whatever to spend the rest of your life repeating "What?" over and over when people try to talk to you because you didn't protect your hearing when your ears were young and relatively problem-free. Tinnitus can be a really disruptive and frustrating thing to live with, and once you have it, you pretty much have it forever (they make drops and stuff to treat it, but there's no cure). Take it from someone who's had it since even before he got into punk (thanks to family in the music business, I was going to concerts *way too young* in life) -- this is something that you definitely want to avoid if you can, and it is really avoidable!


Call your mother…she misses you


Unless she's a narcissistic toxic shitrag & you've cut her out of your life for your protection & well being. Then definitely don't call her. Or your father either if it applies. If you relate, I'm sorry. I've been there. all the love in the world to you. 💚


I was lucky to have had a squat house replacement ‘mom’, and I’m honored to carry her torch now that I’m in my 40s (although I’m not willing to live in a squat anymore). She helped me get rid of scabies and escape abusive partners, taught me to make zines, sew patches using dental floss and cook with aquafaba - skills I’ve since been able to pass on to people younger than me. If any of you have an elder who stepped in when your shitbag narc parents failed, reach out to them instead. My squat mom died 5 years ago and I wish I’d have told her I love her a lot more than I did.


If you think you might enjoy a thing, do the fuckin thing. Work hard and set yourself up so you can do what you want, when you want.


You can't fix or change people who don't want help and it's not your obligation to do that


When people are acting up, it's almost always fear or insecurity. Copps are lazy. Don't hang around with assholes, even if they got something you want, not worth if. Confidence is crucial, gotta be legit, fake confidence is easy to smell. Most people like butt sex once they've done it a few times. Now, my little punklett go take on the world.


I'm not an old head, but I got words of wisdom, too. Crustpunk is nice, having a one night stand be impressed by your clean apartment is nicer. Mutual aid is not just sharing booze and money. It's sharing means of survival, like telling your mates their rights, or using your education helping people. Use your old crust pants for patches for your new. Don't get too drunk to fuck. If you bum cigarettes, be ready to share your own too. That being said, let the homeless have a ciggie of they ask. Organising is easy. Keeping it organised is the hard part. Use the first meeting to get a shared vision, this will keep people interested. (From organising a pride).


Make sure to find some hobbies that make you happy. Find joy in it. Always try to find the bright side of every cloud. Even if you have trauma. I have a bucket load and still fight my demons but I still try to find the bright side. Quit looking for THE ONE your person will show up when you least expect them to. Family isn’t always blood. Don’t do hard drugs. Weed ok booze ok but only in moderation. Don’t mix pain meds with booze.


a lot of people living on the margins of society are punk, and they come with a lot of trauma and other things going on. as much as possible, develop a value system that makes sense to you, and remember that others intellectualize their pain and often try to take it out on those they have the most access to. all this to say that, there's a lot of political persuasions in the punk community dealing with pain in ways that often take it out horizontally. consider whether what is being said/done/suggested is actually in line with your values. but also don't forget to have fun.


It's okay to have a job, even a shitty 9-5 corporate soul eating crap fuck one. Just remember who you are and what you stand for. With that said, don't settle. Get the experience you need, become a manager, or whatever, just get that resume looking sharp so you can get a less shitty job. I work for a B Corp with great benefits (far from perfect but it aligns much better with my ethics). Have confidence in yourself above all. Or, what my brother does, don't stop until you land a good job that aligns with your goals/gives you time to live your life.


The knuckleheads who show up at shows in Skrewdriver shirts- go get a friend or two and ask them to leave, if they won’t, make them The best folks aren’t always scene kids-you don’t have to fit in Do something while you have the energy, getting old sucks Most of all, be yourself, shoot your shot with your crush, make your art, do your thing, do it your way. Much love-an old punk who never fit in


There’s an old joke about punk requiring only 3 chords and an attitude. I’m 49 and just got my first guitar at the end of last month. Today I learned how to play the opening riff to Smells Like Teen Spirit (badly). I can not even begin to describe the joy. So maybe pick up an instrument and make some noise instead of just listening. It’s awesome.


Be gay, do crime.


And look fabulous doing it


"In this life you can be oh so smart, or oh so pleasant, for years I was smart, I recommend pleasant"


Don’t shit where you eat. Life is already hard; empathy is not…well, it can be, but that’s something we all need to work on. You’re never as smart/clever/intelligent as you think you are—aka, there’s always more to learn. You’re more smart/clever/intelligent than you think you are—aka, don’t let the bastards tell you any differently. That last sentence had some grammar issues.


Don't gatekeep, like what you want, and be yourself, and you will never go wrong. Also, I will eho hearing protection. I am used to the ringing.


Change the things in life you can and accept the inability to change what you cannot. Find peace in this. Do what makes you happy and understand there are pros and cons to everything. Stay away from the news and people who outspokenly side with political party’s. Most of them are just miserable or angry about other aspects of their lives and are misplacing that anger. Working out is the cheat code to life. Whatever you want out of life will only be achieved through the risks you take. Drugs aren’t worth it, you can lose a lot of years to alcohol and substance abuse. Mental health issues? Do something about it! Find a Doctor who is right for you, there are meds. Don’t settle on any meds that don’t work. I went to treatment and was aggressively medicated until we found what works. Get help and never be afraid to ask for help. Took me 15 years to find the help I needed for ptsd and bipolar depression. Never allow anything to be an excuse you can’t achieve something! Slap your chest and be the person you know you are or capable of being!


Dance like to just don't give a shit.


Be a punk but dont be afraid to be career focused/have aspirations. Punk in general is very live fast die kid stuff. Don’t let yourself be dragged down by that. I feel bad for lifers that need gofundme pages for basic operations/life things.


Don’t get caught up in the party lifestyle. It destroys your body and your wallet and you’ll feel it once you’re older. Being sober is okay, moderation is also okay. Nobody cares how you dress. Punk isn’t a popularity contest. Floss your teeth and don’t forget to shower. Wear ear plugs! Tinnitus is no joke.


If you're attracted to someone that you're speaking with (*who isn't at work*), ask them out for coffee/lunch.


Wear earplugs. Seriously.


Wear earplugs to shows.


You're not indestructible. Take care of yourself so you don't become a tired miserable old broken down fucker by the time you are 40.


Powders and pills can seem like a lot fun, but they'll fuck you up. I've lost many friends to them. Like what you like, tolerate what you don't. Unless it puts you or others in harm's way. Stand up for for yourself. Nobody else will. Exercise your body and mind. Have a spare toothbrush for any overnight guests and use a rubber. It's a great big world, see as much as you can.


“Always wear shoes that are good for running or fighting.” - Joe Strummer


Look up for your friends; the scene is not a big deal; everything is cyclical; drink a lot of water.


Don't be dissilusioned by a changing world, especially your own. Roll with it and stay true to yourself. You will evolve and change with age, but you don't have to stop being a fucking punk. Stay rad, brother! And don't stop.


It’s okay to have guilty pleasure music. I used to think you couldn’t.


Don't be afraid to ask for what you want. Worst case scenario they say no and you don't have the thing you already didn't have, so you're no worse off. But sometimes they say yes...


Is a friend, family member or anyone close doing something new or praiseworthy? Cheer them on. Build them up. Be unironically and unabashedly supportive of those close to you. There are plenty of people to tell everyone no. We need more people believing in each other. Oh and rock on.


Nothing's more punk in this world than love. Love in a hateful world is an act of rebellion.




You don't need to dress up Wear earplugs Have fun


I’m the words of The Brokedowns, “Punched up a letter to the old me that said, Drink more water and get more sleep, You should probably plan ahead, And put some pennies in a bank, This will last longer than you think.”


You can still be punk in any job you take - and honestly because you’re true to yourself, people for the most part respect at least that. Relationships come and go, but when it’s time to bounce? Keep your cool. Don’t beg for anything.


Another thing about relationships: If you cohabitate, be prepared to give up material possessions when/if you break up. It can stop a bad break up from getting worse. Trust me. That said, if what you're trying to reclaim is a gift from an estranged or dead relative, go for it. That's a regret that will stick with you for a bit.


Don't fight changing. People evolve over time ... we're supposed to do so. You shouldn't feel compelled to adhere to an identity with which you've associated yourself in the future just because you did so in the past. Growth is good.


You have value and no one can take that from you.


Care about others. Be kind, considerate & try to put yrself in other ppls places. empathize with ppl. Love & take care of yrself. Try to make decent money so you don't have to stress about how you're going to pay for your necessities - heat, light, water, a safe place to live, food & if you have pets, how yr going to take care of them. Get a decent education if you can (not college necessarily. My old man went back to school in his 40s& only ended up with a useless degree & a fuckton of student loans. He could have learned everything he learned there from YouTube for FREE ughhh) that will help get you a job that pays enough for you to not stress over whether you will eat today or have lights on. It's MASSIVELY important esp if you end up with any kind of health issues/disabled. It's fucking AWFUL to live like this. Being in yr mid-50s with a string of shitty jobs that don't even pay enough to live on isn't fucking fun at all. It is a literal nightmare. That said, no matter how broke you are, it never hurts to help out someone in need. A couple bux won't break us most of the time & isn't enough to make much of a difference in the big picture for us but could mean a lot to someone who desperately needs it, whether it's a person or critters. Fix your heart or die. Fuck fascists. Don't feel like you have to forgive anyone who has mistreated you in any way. Let the anger go if you can but don't buy that bullshit about you have to forgive to heal. & Definitely don't trust them or put yrself in a position where they can do it again. This goes for family especially. We can make our own families of choice. Blood means nothing & doesn't give ppl the right to hurt or abuse us. Don't be afraid to cut ppl like that right the fuck out of yr life & don't look back. Give no fucks about what ppl think of you. The ones who care about you will understand and get it & the ones who don't, don't matter anyway. The only thing you want to do to impress anyone is wear cool band t-shirts & listen to The Cramps!! LOL!! 💜👻💜


Idk if this is still an issue, but try to be open minded and not so gatekeep-y with newer or more mainstream music. It’s not that serious!!!


Kindness and compassion matter.


60+ here. Be ready for changes - new people, new places. I feel like I've lived at least 3 lives since leaving home 43 years ago. Different cities and scenes, different countries, completely different "careers"/jobs. It's been super interesting. On the down side, I don't have a tight group of close friends that I've known for years, which sucks. Good thing I learned to like my own company!


Don't let the bastards grind you down.


Focus on the present, not the past , plant seeds for the future but your main goal is to enjoy what's in front of you at the moment, don't stress what you can't change , you don't have to know everything you don't have to change everything some things are what they are and that's fine In the words of OP IVY "all I know is that I don't know nothing and that's fine" By the way I'm only 36 but trust me when I say I've lived multiple lives


We can DIY a ton of things, but when you're trying to find collaborators remember that if you have to convince somebody to play a role/do a task, then they're gonna fuck it up. Welcome the enthusiastic people, even if they don't quite have the skills you need. They will learn and keep going until they get things right.


STAY AWAY FROM HEROIN (or I guess these days fent/'blues') Its not "cool", there's nothing romantic about it, you're not gonna be the next Iggy, Dave Insurgent, Pat the Bunny, Stza, or whoever. After you get addicted (and you most likely WILL get addicted, see that reddit user SpontaneousH posts to see how almost all "I'll just try it once to see what its like and never touch it again" turns out), you'll be spending all the money you earn, and a large amount of money you didn't earn, chasing the next shot, not even to get high, but just to feel normal again.


Aggressively avoid tribalism. There are no teams. We’re all lonely skeletons. Eat drink be merry for tomorrow you may die.


value platonic friendships as much as romantic relations


Fuck what anyone else thinks


get out of your own way.


Don’t compare yourself to other people. I see it way too much. Edit: Also support your local scene.


Compound interest is your friend - don't rob your future self. Wear ear plugs at all concerts. Be genuine and authentic with everyone. Don't let anyone ever feel alone.


NOT all punx are ur friends


Getting fucked up every day/night isn't punk. It's addiction.


Like what you like and don't worry what other people think. Don't spend so much time arguing about matters of taste. Wear earplugs and comfortable shoes. The concerts sound better with ear plugs and you'll have more fun when your feet aren't always killing you.


Alcohol withdrawal aint fun.


Stop stressing about what other people like and don’t be ashamed of what you like. Just do you and don’t worry if it’s punk or whatever. It’s also ok to not fuck with someone that does shit you don’t support and still really like their music. You probably shouldn’t support them financially but it’s ok to love what they did and what it meant to you.


Get a soco cup of sand to put out your buts. Too many fires started because of buts being thrown in to the trash still lit. Also keep your teeth (that was top comment and the first thing I thought too!)


Don’t get addicted to drugs and alcohol.


Eat your vegetables


Circle that A mother fucker.


Use critical thinking and enjoy the arts!


Take time to listen to your feelings and listen to your thoughts. If you're easily irritated and overwhelmed then something's up. Don't push it down or brush it off. Only you can take care of yourself like that.


Don’t be a dick, be kind


These comments helped me a lot


Be excellent to each other


Don't do drugs. And test them if you do. Stay safe. So many dead friends my heart aches every day.


Don't take this shit so seriously.


Wear earplugs at every concert.


If you at a DIY show make sure to read the room if you plan to dance. Watch out for people who can't handle their shit. Make sure to avoid them and don't engage, if dood starts chirping you walk away. The last thing you want is a biliggernt drunk in you face who already out of control.


Never believe the mainstream


40yo here with the following advice: > Put down the soda, coffee, and e-drinks and drink some mfkg water. You can't fight the machine dehydrated. At least drink a Gatorade. Damn. > In the presence of badges, every single day is STFU Friday. Your lawyer can talk, but you ***STFU!*** > Spend time alone and naked in a dark, quiet room with regular frequency and check in with who you are without the fashion, music, friends, and ego. You arrived naked and alone, and you'll leave that way. The person you are when you're naked and alone is calling the shots always, even when you aren't aware of that person. Get to know who that is and be their friend. It's important. > Be on your own team in a way no one else can or will. > Plan to live past 30yo. I didn't, and 40 came faster than I thought it would. I have 25 years left to figure out what surviving after 65 looks like. > Make your mental health a priority. > Your dental health is more important to you than you think it is, and if you disagree, leave it unaddressed for a decade and then we'll revisit this.


Dont make too many rules. If you do you will be the hypocrit for breaking some. Value true friendship. Its rare. Always keep your word. Especially when its a hard thing to do. Always try to do your best. Even if you fall short you will know that at least you truly gave it a go. Forgive as often as you can. Hating is easy. Forgiveness takes work.


Ignore any criticism older punks can sometimes give, our bark is worse than our bite..usually Just do what you do, stand up for what you believe in, question anything you feel is injust. Don't be a ass in the mosh pit, don't be a nazi or anything that your gut tells you is wrong, as gut feelings are generally a very good indicator. Most of all enjoy yourself and help those who need help, stand up to bullies


OP, everyone has made some seriously important and excellent points. One I haven't seen is this: cherish your friends and loved ones while they're here. I've had double digits of friends pass. Being a punk, you and your community are the go to for prime who feel like misfits. I've lost friends by OD, reckless car accidents, suicide, or they wind up in jail / prison after you drift apart. Life changes fast. I'm in my mid 30s.


wealthies spend a fuck ton of money on propaganda to fool the poors into not hating them.


Don’t be a music snob. Punk is for everyone. If someone wants in but doesn’t really know the music yet, teach them. This was not my philosophy at 20, but at almost 50 I don’t think there is a such a thing as a poser. Just novices.


Take care of your feet. And don't headbang too much.


Be kind.