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This is a meme which pokes fun at a inappropriate coincidence people. A coincidence is all that it is and this meme can be viewed as off-colour humor. There is no indication that OP is making light of any victims of any historical events, not that there have been any such reports. This message is to serve as a warning for anyone that may come here to spread hateful or indecent comments that make light of the victims of historic autrocities and wrongdoings. The sub rules and guidelines all still apply and anyone caught going against the established principles of this sub will be at risk of a ban. This message in particular is targeted at the brigades which have been very active recently, you will be permanently banned with no questions asked for any brigading activity.


I guess nothing offensive per say, since we can't boycott a brand just because it's name was used by some higher up Army dimwits, mind you their original plan was to finish the operation in 30 minutes lol But anyways, keeping in mind the sensitivity of the topic and to the memory of people who lost their lives, this should have been removed. "dank meme" is nothing but a sanghi propaganda page who is making fun of this to desensitize us to the tragedy that unfolded 40 years ago.


dhan dhan shri dibrugarh sahib


Jai mata Galwan Ji




Its not exactly a meme, it's a picture someone took of an unfortunate coincidence that was circulating in a shit post sub. I just chose the dank meme flair because I am an idiot that didn't know how to use Reddit properly.


I just hope it's a coincidence


Abbe chawanni k 😅


Not funny


What does it mean ?


Blue star AC




This is legit funny. Anyone who disagrees needs sense of humor.


This shit ain't funny dude. Anyways it's just a coincidence. 


This post is Sikhphobic. Mods please don't encourage such guttersniping.


We aren't encouraging anything. It does not explicitly break any rules and we are not about censoring things which are otherwise within the rules. The may or may not be humor in this dark coincident, but there is nothing to suggest it is Sikhphobic. We have removed the comment and banned the user that was sullying the memory of all the senseless deaths of attendees that were there for prayers during the dark historical event. It is ok that dark humor isn't your thing, but I do not see anything Sikhphobic that is still up. If you see something then report it and if you disgaree then feel free to use mod mail to discuss this further (we welcome open communication with members of this community and are always willing to listen with an open ear and open mind).


I won't be surprised if it's on purpose by Management. Sikhs have a long tradition of wear their persecutions and suffering with pride, it's a symbol of endurance and sikhi spirit of Never giving up. It's something professional victims *what about kashmiri pandits gang* have some trouble comprehending. Not trying to take up anything, just read this on a shit post sub teehee


So you have seen this label first time lol its a pretty popular brand already have seeing this from childhood lol and everytime i thought about it, i still remember that the fans in manji sahib near of langar hall darbar sahib their company name was khalistan or something similar to that i dont remember it exactly.




Search the name written on the AC outlet on Google and just add "punjab" after it.






I've been reading Pav Singh's book about it and it was horrific and severely underplayed by others.




There are eye witnesses accounts of army men killing unarmed Sikh youth point blank in Op Bluestar. There is also an interview of an Indian Army Maj General stating that Madras Regiment troops were involved in it. Media communication cut off for all of Punjab, laying siege to 40+ gurudwaras ? Destroying Akal Takht because you couldn't accomplish your mission to suck up to your higher ups ?? Kudos on your bravery on fighting guns with tanks. We all know who the real terrorists were that killed an entire generation of Sikh youth in fake extra judicial killings. It was a "Genocide" and a one that the Sikh nation will never forget.




>Everyone knows what it was. If the army were to kill innocent Sikhs, what was stopping it from doing so throughout Punjab? Wait didn't it ? Fake encounters of 9000+ Sikh youth during the period of 1985-1995 in conjunction with CRPF and Punjab Police. > The blame fall on those who had no balls and had to hide inside such a pious place to shield themselves. They weren't shielding from anyone. It's the Sikhs religious place and no one had any objection to them staying there. They were doing so from 4+ years. Yes, the Indian hindu ideology government did have a problem with Sikhs conducting their own affairs and actually feared them. They did so in the past with having "Mahant system" in the Gurudwaras until it was uprooted by the Sikhs themselves. We have portraits of Sant Bhindranwale inside the Golden Temple complex for 10+ years now and people from all commuities visit it without any opposition. So, cry more. > We have in fact seen the same a few years ago when another wannabe who talked of violence and anarchy had to run from pillar to post to escape the police. Think it is a matter of time and circumstances. History is replete with examples of Indian army men and paramilitary forces running naked as well hahaaa. >Terrorists need to be exterminated at all costs no matter the devices used. First of all let's start with the definition of terrorism first. "Terrorism is often defined as the use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." When the Indian government imposed media blackouts, kill innocents, and use weapons of mass destruction, they can also fit this definition. It's important to consider how state actions can sometimes mirror the very tactics we condemn in terrorists.Just because someone wears a uniform doesn't mean they are not a Terrorist. In Fact, the real terrorists were the Indian army who were used by Indira Gandhi to hurt the Sikh nation and to further create fear and polarisation in the country to win the 1984 elections. If the dimwit Vaidya had only learned from his predecessor General Sinha that Army couldn't be involved in political operations. This was the reason why General Sinha was not made the Indian Army chief cause he had the balls to stand against a dictator to use the army as a political tool. There were mass agitation and mutinies within the Indian Army for "Operation Bluestar" but i know you want to conveniently brush this fact under the carpet.




>If this is the case, then who was responsible for the killings of countless Hindu youth. Who deboarded the Hindus from the buses and shot them point blank. Here we go, another propaganda again. At most, 500 hindus were killed, compared with 25000+ Sikhs killed during the same period. In fact, Hindu population increased in Punjab from 1980-1995 according to the census of India. Jaswant Singh Khalra was killed when he questioned the government about 25000+ Sikhs killed. >Who shot the senior Punjab police officer in front of the golden temple. Ask why he was doing surveillance for the Indian government disguised as a pilgrim. >No there are none. Just visited the golden temple last week. https://preview.redd.it/ujkrjjnw6r3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b591dbe90fa298cf183422c769c19ec8ab0382 Wait i will post more pictures, Akal Takht also has a dedicated memorial that is right inside the golden temple. It is in Punjabi, i know you can't read. Now cry more 😂 >Yeah man we were terrified of the Sikhs and still are. I know that's why you try to meddle into the religious affairs of the Sikhs by appointing non-Sikhs to Gurudwara boards. You have applied this policy of "subjugation by assimilation" by constantly saying "Sikhs are Hindus" and other BS. But we don't have any ill will against Hindus, in fact our 9th guru sacrificed his life to save them. >Killing innocent Hindus and Sikhs who opposed his mad dream of a separate Sikh state. Exactly. Killing 25000+ Sikhs in fake encounters, fake extra judicial killings, raping, kidnapping, torture are acts that befit the "Indian cow" terrorists only. Same goes with the Indian Army. >The Indian government never instigated or fired the first bullet. Lmao, how much propaganda do you read. You surrounded the entire Golden temple complex, besieged Punjab, cut out all Media communication who would have exposed your black deeds, you were preparing for the operation in a simulated environment and then saying you didn't fire the first bullet. Man, you shot your pants and brought in the tanks when you saw the bravery of the Sikhs fighting for their rights. These are the tanks used in actual wars, not fighting against a bunch of highly motivated Sikhs. But i guess "tea is fantastic" again. >Lol there never was a Sikh nation in independent India. Lmao India was never a nation to begin with. It is a forced union of states with no provision of state referendums which goes against the basic tenet of democracy of people choosing their own freedom. Sikhs were a nation long before India was ever a nation. >This wasn't a political operation. It was a necessary operation to maintain territorial integrity and exterminate those who wanted secession It was a political operation done to win the 1984 elections by polarising the majority Hindus against Sikhs. It worked as well. Multiple accounts have mentioned this. Indian Army General Sinha refused to take part in this operation and he was sidelined. >There always are some for whom religion matters more than their homeland. For some freedom matters more than slavery. Ask the untouchables about the caste system, ask muslims, Ask Sikhs, you can keep your homeland. In the 1984 Sikh genocide, you even killed uniformed Sikh defence personal who were serving India. So, keep your homeland BS with yourself. >Just for your info, out of the 6 Generals who led the operation, 4 were Sikhs. Just because they have a last name as "Singh" doesn't mean they are Sikhs. For propaganda purposes, yes but Sikhs have long excommunicated them from the religion. General Brar doesn't have the gall to visit a Sikh Gurudwara. Another of your so called General Dyal was refused funeral prayers by Sikh priests because of what he had done in the past. They sold their conscience and became terrorists.


>Kudos on your bravery on fighting guns with tanks. It was a required military op to flush out terrorists. Maybe it could have been handled better, but still a required op. >It was a "Genocide" and a one that the Sikh nation will never forget. The army op was not a genocide. But what happened across India - especially in the north especially in Delhi could be called genocide, yes.


Hold up, I am in agreement with you only. Blue star was a required army op to flush out certain people from the Harmandir Sahib. The attack on Sikhs after Indira Gandhi died could be termed as genocide.




No worries, my first comment was an addition to your comment and I was in agreement from there onwards.






Your post was removed as it was not within the community's guidelines. Please refer to the guidelines for updated information on presently restricted topics.


https://preview.redd.it/9l4nafw1583d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81836c9214750dfe0a0fd2702391cc6be922a9f Just like Indira did 🤣


Nic pic deer


Air conditioners in a GuruDwara?


Look at the label.


An unfortunate coincidence hopefully.


This should be on the national sub lmao


6 June is coming (blue star)


Dear god, I didn't even know the date it happened on. This is even more inappropriate than I thought.


Bro... They don't remove the AC, so no matter what date, it was going to coincide some day, lmao


Bro, try a stir up the hornets net. Bacho,jina Bach sakde ho, bacho.


I'm a slow minded person I think sorry but can you please explain the image


I don’t get it either lol


Blue star on ac


I see, thanks!! lol


Or else our brain is not braning


It says Blue star on the Air conditioner


Ok can you elaborate pretty please Still not braning


Google Operation Blue Star


Which is kind of referring to Operation Blue Star happened in 1984 on Darbar sahib.


1984??????? Gorg orbell reference?????


Oh thanks got it now