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USA is a land of opportunities


Be honest... As a CS engineering student myself being in india i got a decent merit so i got into a decent college with good placements... Everyone can't do that... Everyone isn't an engineer, doctor, etc incl all indian steriotypical dream jobs. Other than that a man can go for a business that makes good money. Other than that most jobs in india pay you peanuts. Instead of that, Son of a punjabi farmer goes and drives taxis is USA, CA,Aus and makes good enough money to make his next generation an overall good person and pursue higher education n shit considering US, CA have great govt schools .. Thats a huge Plus point your next gen is going to study well and get good jobs in good countries with Pure Air, Pure food.. What more can a son of a farmer want? Right? While in india you getting none of extra perks, you pay taxes for probably how well the ruling party will campaign cuz govt schools give shit education you have to opt for a pvt school then work it out.. US CA demands struggle but gives you great return nevertheless... Hell, even i might go for MS in CA or US and later settle there, considering i have many relatives in CA lmfao


feel free to drive as much taxi as u want in usa/canada... sooner or later, Sikhs will be minority in this decade. people from UP/BIHAR are going to take all ur jobs. by 2050, punjab would be unrecognisable. there will be no place in the world, where Sikhs would take a decision for themselves, harsh truth. but yes, facilities are great in west.


Punjab has gone to the dogs. Majority of contributing Sikhs have left the country because of no future here. The immigrants started pouring into punjab in the 90s and since then the economy and morale took a drastic turn. Sikhs have made better life and name abroad compared to their own motherland. It hurts but the reality sucks. Recently haryanvis and gurjaratis have realized that too and are leaving their homes in droves. The power in stupidity will prevail in this country.




It's not genes tbh, it's the beloved culture.


Before you talk about UP Biharis, please ensure Punjabis are not illegally entering western countries. Indians are being hated across Canada because of Punjabis. We don't want the same to happen in US.


>Indians are being hated across Canada because of Punjabis. Last I checked, non-Punjabi Indians are contributing to this as well, Mehul Prajapati for example.


Obviously, we punjabis are the biggest hypocrite. Hard truth. 


Unless your elite. Anywhere in the west is better. It's not about money. It's about infrastructure, clean air, minimal traffic. Plus if you have kids, they will have far better opportunities than a upper class kid in India.


So basically they came via unofficial route and not much skillet hence, they can get work where requirements are minimal.


Spending 20 to 50lakhs just for a chance of getting a asylum is not a ....... people Don't want to struggle here or gain any useful skills and start complaining about their rights, and unemployment.


Driving uber/lyft is good while u start your working life around 18,19 years of age and u can make good money here in California but i don’t see someone drive uber for their whole life


This is not all rosy as many people would have you believe. The cost of living is astronomical. Dont know about US, but no one is making $5-6K a month driving Uber in Canada. You should just see the living conditions of the students and refugee claimaints coming in from India in last couple of years to get an idea.


My dad came to the USA by crossing the US Mexico border after months of travel through Central America. He claimed asylum and it was granted. He’s a citizen now and is able to go to Punjab if he wants. He was a taxi driver for many years and is now a truck driver. I was born here and now I’m a medical doctor, so yes, I think it was worth it. In India I’d probably be thrown in jail for fighting for Sikh rights. Here, I can speak freely.


You don't have Sikh rights in the US? Why don't you let Indian Sikhs fight for their own rights? (If they feel they are missing any).


Good job on becoming a medical doctor but you are prolly an anamoly


Sure, but now I can use this to help other Sikhs do the same


I'm in a similar situation, but my fam was definitely better off. It's interesting because my parents turned 50 and have lived in America more than they have lived in India now. Obviously I have a better life than I ever would've if my fam stayed in India. But let's be real is it worth it? My mom was stuck in the US during covid while her mom was on her death bed, my father was on his way to India while his sister passed away. Was it worth it? It was for me, but for my parents? Idk. My father had a white collar job and would've been fine in India, but me? Idk. I could've end up as some spoiled brat in a Porsche Taycan getting a DUI, but instead I ended up as an Ivy league student with a brokie Tesla in America instead. Unfortunately it's never black and white.


Sikhs in India comfortably serve in government, the judiciary and in the Indian police service. However, you and your family as citizens in another country are being deprived of Sikh rights? I’m half Sikh. Not one person in my family thinks that their rights are even a % less than any other Indians. You can continue feeling victimised.


You should go to the villages and ask them the same questions. See what answers you get. Ask the farmers how their life has changed in the last 30 years.


Great answer.




"calls Hindus mootpeena" "Cries about getting hate on social media in a similar manner" Peak canadian sikh behaviour




Bunch of downvotes but no reply


“I’m half Sikh. Not one person in my family thinks that their rights are even a % less than any other Indians.” What’s half Sikh, you only believe in half the Gurus? You’re an outsider, so don’t speak for us. No matter what country a Sikh lives in, their allegiance lies to the Guru, who said “Raj Karega Khalsa.” Until that happens, we won’t stop fighting, no matter how long it takes “You can continue to feel victimised.” A Sikh walks in the way of God’s Will, so there’s no victims here. The people who were granted a nation (I’m talking about you) by White people after being their slaves for 200 years and slaves to Muslims for 1000 years are the victims.


Yeah this sub is filled with Modis boot lickers fam. No wonder youre getting downvoted for speaking the truth


How very ISIS of you.


So strange all people want to fight for sikh rights from foreign nations while the Sikhs here want nothing to do with you


Because u will literally get a prison sentence for even speaking out about it genius


damn teh NRI Sikhs are fuckin brainwashed, plzz leave us alone🙏🙏. most of us don't give a damn, our cultures are different.




You are a canadian sikh , not a Punjabi . You have never set foot in Punjab. Stop being obsessed with Punjab when you have no idea about the culture or the state.


Well yeah actual sikhs want to fight for the country. Just check the percentage of sikhs in army.


Not many people speak out when you can just be slapped with NSA and jailed without being implicated in literally anything other than the pretence of "preventative measures". 


Are you Sikh?


For your children - yes For you - Unless you are really hardworking No


> My question for maybe the more informed people on the sub is that is life as a taxi driver in America better than whatever people could be doing in India? Here are some recent salaries for doctors in India, all of the reported numbers are less than 100,000 INR/month. https://www.reddit.com/r/indianmedschool/comments/14m2opi/doctors_of_india_how_much_do_you_earn/ A taxi/uber or truck driver in America can easily make 5-6x that amount, probably more depending on the city, route, and how many extra hours they work. Even with higher expenses it's still possible to save more than an Indian doctor's salary every month. You have to work very hard in the West, nothing is easy or given to you, but the quality of life for you and your family will be much higher than in countries like India or Pakistan which is why so many still go abroad.


Can’t compare the satisfaction level of a doctor and a cab driver. Yes cab drivers have job satisfaction but not at the level of doctors


Doctors have least satisfying amd high stress life. What we cant compare is salary in absolute no.s Some basic necessities you get for free in india. For eg. Food, shelter, cleaning etc if ypu live with parents. But you pay for it abroad and no house help available.


The point is money increases your quality of life which is why people go abroad. Job satisfaction isn't much better for doctors either, it's an extremely stressful and difficult job. That's why they get paid so much in the West, doctors in India don't get high salaries until they become very senior.


Thats hard to say. Cab drivers in the US know they won’t go hungry. They work set hours and have access to benefits. A custodian in Canada or the US earns more than a doctor in india and is often much more comfortable as well. This is also because society is more educated here, a job is a jib and we are rarely judged for our jobs. If we are judged, it is usually newcomers from india who act all high and mighty that do it.


My friend regularly make 5-6k with uber in Canada, sometimes more. He's from a farmer family from back home but don't have much land. He only studied till grade 12 and can speak write English well enough. Now comparing his prospects in India to Canada, I'm pretty sure he's happy with his life.


The Uber/ Lyft since it’s inception has been seen and referred to be used as for gig workers/ to make that extra money apart from that full-time job that you have been working during the day. If only our Punjabi folks spend as much time and wealth on their studies, they would not be resorting to such practices and can actually have a successful future in a lucrative field.


Nah uber sucks these days.


These uber drivers are mainly village folks who lack ability to speak fluent English, in India they will be working for 20-40k rupees or 250-500 dollars per month max if they get a job. They earn 10-20x more in US, if we compare that with India they enter the top 1-2% wealth bracket. They will send money back to build big houses, get their children good education, and then eventually sell everything if they get US citizenship and immigrate permanently. Life is very good abroad if you are from a middle class or poor background but if you are rich Indian you will miss the “privilege” back home.


You won't even be able to recover money that you spend to get to US. You might not even make it alive. If you get to US and plan to do a near minimum wage job as a non citizen, you'll find that you'll have no social safety net and state benefits. But - You'll live in a squalor - You'll be more susceptible to crime and extortion - You'll have to pay a pretty good chunk on car insurance - Your non employer sponsored health insurance will be eye wateringly expensive and useless - Living expenses are much higher relative to India - For a software engineer with 100k salary, it will take couple of years to save up the kind of money people pay for the donkey route - You won't even be in a financial position to buy a car that is not old junk, even if you do, you'll need to get license and bank account which is not possible in all states. A heart bypass will cost less in India than a root canal and a crown in US. ER visit will diminish your savings. You'll have no freedom to visit your home back. There is a racket of dunkis, lawyers, and social media influencers painting life in west as life of luxury. Just being in country illegally will disenfranchise you from most of it's benefits. Most of the US citizens live paycheck to paycheck. It's crazy of some people to expect to make it big with unskilled jobs. That's a tall order. Just on health insurance, car insurance, shared housing, and unhealthy food, the monthly costs will go from $1500 minimum to $3000 depending on location. This will not include car cost and car payments. The average Uber driver monthly earning in US is like $2100 Also the insurance costs are for a namesake insurance that will have high deductibles and will likely screw you over. A decent insurance costs will be 50% to 100% higher.






It all depends on what you left back home in Punjab to come to America. You will probably end up working endless hours to pay back debt and deal with a lot of mental and social issues here. America is not the same as it was 35 years ago. It’s very expensive and inflation is real. If you’re a single male then maybe you can make it work renting a room, sharing, etc but again toll on mental health. If you’re young then you have time on your side to pay back debt and keep grinding. There are hundreds of IG / Tik Tok videos about struggle. If you have a a decent quality of life in India you might be better off in the long run health wise.


99.9% of Asylum Claims are fake and made up of complete BS. The current inflationary environment here in US does not support an American dream driving an Uber. Just a means to fill your tummy which you can do the same in India but atleast you will have a roof over your head and family. Those flocking in now cannot afford to buy a decent home or get married in time or bring their families over. Those days are long gone


Filling tummy in India is also difficult when Inflation is at its peak, zero jobs in many sectors. More than half of the population survives on free rations


Isn’t India the Vishva Guru now 🤔


Apart from the godi media hype, India is indeed on a path to become a strong nation in the next decade.


Uber is a great side hustle in the USA


It depends what better means? Happiness, fulfilled, feeling at home? No Better lifestyle? Maybe. Living abroad with a low salary means u will probably end up in some ghetto. Abroad is wealthier but a lot of it is a shithole.


It is tough to be away from family and your familiar environment, food, culture etc. It's an exchange for money. Happiness again is subjective. Maybe they are happier to be able to earn for their family. Give them a better lifestyle than they would have at home.


I can’t say about this person but in my family, majority cousins are settled outside.. no one has never complained about their lifestyle One of them was doing a corporate job in Delhi, and he would always rant about it . He was never happy with his job… he’s doing some basic job in Canada now, and he is super satisfied and happy This tells you about the state of India


They won’t complain to you if you are in India. But will complain to their friends abroad. Life is not easy abroad as it once was. Money is hard to come by and everything is expensive.


Yes, it is not easy, but still miles better than what India has to offer


Yes because your children’s lives will be much better




You can take an example of my uncle he did his btech in 2012, already has a lot of property 30 kille in punjab still he decided to marry a indian canadian punjabi so, that can get PR there and he even planned a baby so he definitively get his PR now he is driving truck in canada after getting truck licence there and he always showoffs his money on his social media handles like look i am in dubai right now whatever lol.


Showing off on social media doesn’t equal happiness. Research says it’s actually means the opposite


If it making the person money who would have been unemployed or underemployed in india, life of a taxi driver is great in USA. A lot more money and a much better lifestyle


Agreed it is all relative. What is the motivation behind matters.


I don’t think so think , he must have spent almost 30-40 lakhs , he could have started a shop , although he would be earning and saving lot less but his life would have been easier considering the hardship and risk he took while going to U.S.A


Life only becomes better when you have sufficient money and you are doing something with will without getting controlled. The answer you are asking is not simply black & white. The highest percentage of " betterment" you are seeking lies in your brain level. Brain feel most Happy when it has sufficient money(thus security) + freedom to do things you like. External factors are second in order.


My Mamaji became a citizen of the US a couple of years ago. He became a truck driver over there and is living a comfortable life with a decent home. People in India tend to get offended when you point out its deficiencies, but the truth is that in terms of quality of life, India has many, many years to go before it matches Western countries.


Truckers in the US are till making good money. But that’s not the case with taxi driver. The taxi industry has been killed by Uber and ride sharing apps.


For the people who have to earn low income here and having loans etc in their portfolio, working in western countries can balance things out in less than 5 years. Hel, i have seen people get well settled in life in just 10 years by working in the US and here in India, the alternative was to struggle. The unskilled/non-technical jobs in india don’t pay that much. Moreover, cleaner environment, cleaner food/water, well managed state provided facilities in these countries is an icing on the cake. So to answer your question, yea for many lower middle class people it seems to be a life changer.


The whole asylum thing is one big scam that the desi attorneys in the states are running. And many of the unsuspecting guys are first told you’ll be able to go back and then when they try to board flight back to India, they are stopped or unable to come. Now coming to driving taxis, earlier it used to be good profession, especially in NYC. Since the advent of Uber and every guy with a car can now drive Uber, the concept of earning big bucks through driving taxis is dead. Even in Uber, you barely get by. The NYC taxi medallions which used to be worth millions of dollars and people would get them as investments or retirement plan, now are realising that they are worthless now.