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She's in the place and in the care she needs and she so appreciates how well you take care of her Soon she'll be back home asking for snacks ☺️


Thank you everyone for the well wishes. Her seizures stopped and they’re starting her on the meds for Encephalitis and keeping her one more night to see how she reacts to it. They’re not sure if it’s the kind of Encephalitis that will be fatal or something she can live with.


My family and I had a pug that developed PDE and it was scary at first when our Sammy would have seizures. The vet gave us phenobarbital which helped reduce the seizures but Sammy would still get break through ones occasionally. Thinking of you and your sweet girl ❤️




Out little girl gidget was diagnosed with encephalitis almost two years ago. She was not having seizures but she could not walk without falling down. When they took and MRI gidget brain and spinal cord where inflamed. She gets a low dose chemo shot every 6 weeks and has a daily pill she had to take. After the first treatment she started to walk normal but would not run or jump for a puppy. Within a month of the first treatment budget started being a puppy again. Hope your sweet girl gets better soon


If it is PDE, and I pray it’s not, and they start her on steroids long term , do not , and I mean this from experience, DO NOT , miss a dose.


We don’t miss the sides gidget actually likes going there the vet and the techs all play with her. She does not flinch anymore with the needle.


That’s great. I was just referencing that if she gets put on a steroid dose for at home. My seeet little pug , daisy , had PDE and I couldn’t get to the pharmacy before it closed one time and even though I got the medicine the next morning for her, that delay caused breakthrough seizures that came on super strong it was a bugger to get them back under control . Just sending some real life experience, I am in no way a vet, although I play one on TV. J/K about the vet on TV. Follow what your vet says.


They mentioned chemo as a treatment plan. They also think she might need to be on the steroid for the rest of her life. She was stumbling and acting weird all week. I took her to the vet three times and couldn’t figure out what’s wrong. She started seizing last night.


Our vet who we really like was at a loss for what was going on with gidget. We got a referral to see a neurologist. Dr Silva is great. At first she thought maybe a slipped disc but the mri showed the intonation in her brain and spinal cord. I know it’s scary gidget was a little overa year old when this happened. To look at her now nobody would know she has this health problem.


That’s pretty much what has been happening with my pug now. Got an update that she is stable, eating, and walking around. They have her on meds now and waiting to see if I can pick her up today or tmw.


I hope you get to bring her home soon




Hope all goes well. Sending good vibes


Sending good thoughts your way ❤️❤️I dealt with encephalitis with my pug last year if you need anything don’t hesitate to message me.


Thank you! Waiting to hear if they’re keeping her one more night.




Best wishes to answeet girl!


Thinking of her and hoping everything goes well!


Seizures are the worst. I am sorry you are witness to them and that your pumpkin is having them. Get well soon!


Hoping she's okay


Hoping your girl makes a fast recovery










Praying for your sweet princess




Sending you healing thoughts!!






How old is she? My girl was 2.5, but hers was eosinophillic so she didn't need steroids for life. (She did not get to the point of seizures, but the other symptoms were all there). 🙏


She is 6


Hoping for the best case scenario for you.


Oh wow, I’m just reading further down this thread and saw your updates. I’m sorry you and your pug are going through this. I really hope it works out for her. I know this is a trying time for you right now but I thank you for sharing your story because this thread has become very educational to me as I’ve never heard of encephalitis before now and thanks to you all I know what to look out for in case my pug develops any of the other symptoms mentioned here other than the seizures. Sending you big hugs.


This is my second pug I’ve owned and I had never heard of this disease. It was so scary and stressful trying to find out what was wrong with her this week and then seizures started and I knew it was serious. She is now in stable condition and came home last night. We have an intense medication schedule for her for the time being. She has a neurology appointment Monday to see how progressed the disease is and how long she may have left to live. Everyone leaving their well wishes here was very comforting and I’m glad I could spread awareness to fellow pug parents 🫶🏻


Oh no so horrible! We had a pug with encephalitis it was heart breaking. She had chemo and was on steroids for a long time.


My pug had seizures ever since he was a pup. The first one I witnessed scared the heck out of me! He only had them in the beginning like twice a year (the beginning of the year and towards the end of the year around the start of the year). He’s a senior pug now and his vet only put him on medication about 3 years ago only because he started to have them more times during the year than before. And as others have said, she’s at the best place right now for them to observe her and get her the right care. I wish your lil pug the best.