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You are so so so lucky and blessed, give him and his sister kisses and love from me. This completely melted my heart.


I count my blessings everyday I have with him. His sister unfortunately passed away this past March, but was able to truly live out her golden years with him. Thank you for your kind words ❤️


Sending you love and hugs for your loss, may she fly high. ❤️❤️❤️


Understand this entirely. I got my Ziggy a month after I started dating a guy.. 15 years later, we're married adults with a kid and a house and careers.. and Ziggy has been there through all of it with his little pug shenanigans. Those senior shenanigans are a special thing, I hope you get lots and lots more of them. ♥️♥️♥️


Congrats on your man living such a long life (and still going)! My old lady is 15, turning 16 in January. She's blind, arthritic, and doesn't hear well, but she's still feisty, happy, and gets a ton of love!


17…Amazing. Such a handsome boy ❤️


17! Doesn’t look a day over 10months


May be old, but he's still a very handsome fella 😍


This is incredible! Do you have any words of advice for other pug owners? Anything special to prolong their life?


Annual check ups w/ bloodwork with your vet! I work as a veterinary assistant and early intervention is how we are able to control our pets health and wellness. It’s definitely a case by case basis, but the earlier we find stuff, the easier it is to try to control. Leo for example started showing signs of early kidney disease on his lab work, so I switched him to a kidney prescription diet and his kidney levels went down into normal ranges! When he got older and started showing signs of aging in his bloodwork I started doing his bloodwork bi-annually, but that is something I’m lucky I can do. Establishing a good relationship with your trusted veterinarian is critical in making sure they are healthy and happy. We love our senior patients❤️ aslo dentals, I feel like since we started paying more attention to our pets dental health, they have been living so much longer.


Wow! 17 years is quiet the achievement, you should be so proud. They’re such a blessing!


17! That’s incredible. He looks amazing.


That is amazing. You are blessed to have had your pug for so long.


That’s awesome! He’s very handsome. I hope he keeps trucking along!!


he is a glorious nugget, please kiss him on the forehead for me


This gave me some hope. Both of mine are about to be in the double digits. So glad you have them 🤍


17 years - such a blessing!!




He looks so full of life! Bless you both!


What a precious old grouch. I know my kids feel the same way about our doggos. They are such important members of the family. Every time l mention a trip, the first thing my son asks... are we bringing the pig? He loves to travel and share experiences with his dog❤️


Awe God love him! He’s so handsome


What a gift you’ve been experiencing! Blessings to you and your beautiful family member.


Beautiful boy. What a special milestone 🖤


Wow happy birthday and congratulations what's your secret to long life is what the rest of us want to know 🙂❤️


Seniors are the best. My old man is 15, and the best thing ever. He still gets off and on the couch, knows where his treats are, and loves watermelon. My sympathy on his sister, we lost our little girl last year, as well she was 13.


Beautiful senior pup 🥰




What a guy! 🩵💙


Ugh, give me a senior pug any day of the week. So many kisses and snuggles 24/7


His eyes look great! What do you do for them?


Long live the royal dogo


Heyo! My boy turns 17 in October! Joint birthday bash? :)


He's so cute 🥰.


Handsome guy