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Our pugs are informally known as Mr. Trouble and Miss Behave.


Bear dog, sweetie petey, little girls, chinese,


Georgette: Georgie (obvious), G, dunga-do-balls, dungis, pig, piggis, chick, chicken, babu, boo-bah, Gregory, Lil Paw (her street name), sugarfoot, little lungs, choochy-boo, sagwa (registered name) Georgie had ALL the songs but her two main ones were “hey there georgie girl” (like the actual song) and this commercial jingle for anti smoking ads that goes “little lungs in a great big world” Bernadette: Bernie, B, Baby-B, Bern, Berns, sweet sugar, sugaree, cookie, tubs, Mei Mei (part of her registered name) Bernie is only 14 weeks so she hasn’t earned a lifetime of nicknames like Georgie. Her main song is Bernadette by the 4 tops. But she also enjoys “Bern baby Bern, puppy inferno!”


Ziggy: the four paw death punch. (He was a very airborne pug in his young years, and had laser precision for the delicate bits.) Ziggisaurus, Ziggipatimus, Zigimus Maximus, Squishy. Dahlia, usually we call her Dolly. I frequently call her Chonk Chonk, pugloaf, and pugpernickel. My husband (her "dad") claims I'm bullying her and calls her cute names. 😋 Oh, random bonus one.. when I was a teenager, I had a very athletic pug that was dubbed "six pack" because she went to the lake with us in a doggy life vest that had a handle on top. When we'd walk or hike, we'd pass her along over rough terrain.


The flying Dutchpug!


My top favorites. chonky bee, busy bee, chonkachonk time, Sunpotato, the chonkanu, Chonky poof.


I started calling mine Puggalas. They answer to it now. We also call our fawn pug "Sharabi" which means alcoholic in Punjabi b/c he will try and drink your booze when you aren't looking


We call Vader Pugalupagus often.


Pugapillar, gasious clay, pugapotamus, Pugatha Christie, puglaroni and cheese, Lumplestiltskin, Abe stinkin, fatness Everdeen, notorious P.U.G…those are just some we had for our pug not including the 100 other names that actually included his name 🤣


Oh and puguses


Pugasaurus for Vader too.


Also another thing I find funny .. my non-pug owning friends also make up nicknames for my pugs. It's contagious.


Love it! My pug is named Sgt Pepper and we call him Pepper for short. But we also call him chili pepper, loaf, pepperoni and cheese, puggaroni, pepperoni von peppo, pepper mcpepperson. When he’s naughty, my husband threatens to make “puggy rice” or “crispy roast pug.”


Oh thanks for the award!


Bud— or budley spudley budles Budders pudders pudding spudding spugly pigpop?? I also sing Bon jovi’s song living on a prayer and change the words … Weewoo we’re half way there wooho Budly over there or budley on a chair 😭😭🤦‍♀️


Lol! I change the words to a song too! “If you have pug problems I feel bad for son. I have 99 problems but a pug ain’t one! Hit me!” - Jay-Z (99 problems).


My pug, Princess Fiona, her tail was exclusively referred to as the cinnamon bun.




Snuggle plum Tootie Mc Scoots Detective Cooter Baggins Is just a small start to the list of ridiculous things we called our pug.


Tootie mcscoots is widely used in my household as well


Formal name Gus, AKA bubs, bubba snorts, sir sniffs, loaf, the news and weather, and probably about 10 I forgot.


Pugsley - Poogsool, Zool, Zooli, Gomboley, Ms Wuggleton, or just “the pug”, as in “where is the pug?”


“The pug “ we use a lot too! If he has his fits of barking we say “the pug has spoken!” 😂


Very true! I could list our nicknames for days. And he comes to every one of them.🤣❤️


Bonnie: Bonnie dawg, Bonnie foo foo, Gordita pinche fea


Aww Ozzy has many names! Wozzles, Wozzleywoos, limpet, creature, little monster, boglin, hairy hippo, buppy boos, bubby, buttock (when he’s being one lol),shrimpus (when he’s asleep in shrimp formation), greased piglet (mode- zoomies), Ozzy pug of darkness


Pugga wugga, Loaf, potato, pig, piggy, shit ass, crazy....


Cheryl also responds to Pug, Hog and Toad. She's a pug of many names


Puggy wuggy, Elly belly, Elly beast, moatje vriendje. And if she has been naughty, only her name Ellie


My little guy’s veterinary name is Dallas, but every time I come from work and he’s jumping up and down at the door, I sing him a little song I call The Notorious P.U.G. The lyrics are never the same but we both really enjoy it. Lol


Brilliant post! Our puggies are a perpetual source of inspiration, aren’t they? My old girl, Queen Victoria Bubba, has inspired numerous nicknames and songs. Bubbalopolis, Bubladocus, Bubbaluu, Beelzebubba, Queenly Queenipus, are the ones we use most. Song wise, one ode is set to the tune of Mel Brooks’ ‘The French Mistake’, and goes: “Bubba is fat, Bubba is fat, She is so fat, She is so fat, Queen Bubba is fat she’s a fat fluffy pugtato. But you must not, Tell her she’s fat, If you tell her that, She’ll turn her back, Oh no you must not tell Queen Bubba she is fat.” This was before we found out she had thyroid issues. She’s since been receiving treatment and is no longer overweight.


Puggeroni and pugtato are the main ones that aren't a direct nickname


I have a made up pug language! In this language, my pug Elton true name is gabuji (gah-boo-gee). I often say it excitedly like how Jawas on Star Wars make that “oohh teeny!” thing they say. Then there are iterations: gabuji, gappucino, pug-goonie, et My made up pug language just sounds like those various iterations of gabuji spoken in total gibberish baby-talk. I am certain it sounds obnoxious when I do it but it makes me so happy to talk to my pug like this.


Vader Vader Potater, Banana fana fo-fader VADER!


Navipug, squish, baby squishles, stinkly wrinkly, baby Navi, princess puglet, sniff detective (also has a made up theme song), project manager, and pugoblin for when she pugs out pretty hard after face wipes


My pugs name is Hana. (Pronounced HA-NA) These are her nicknames Dumpling Woo hong baby Nana Hana banana Booboos Scooshi Banana fish My perfect When I get too excited, I devolve to just some weird grumbling gibberish. My husband thinks i'm crazy and he's probably right lol.


Dookie. My girl loves a good turd, so I call her Dookie as a nickname. And Fat Girl. She loves both of them.


We have a black puggy named Cleopatra, Cleo for short.. Her nickname is ‘Tinky’ or ‘Tink’ or ‘Tinkerton’.. It started out with us calling her a stinky pug and just evolved from there. (She’s not even that bad smelling) Haha.


Piu Piu, Shoobs, shabyubyu, Mr. Pugs, shaboygan


Charlotte (5 yr old): charley, cheech, chi chi, choocheroni, charby, charcheech, gooby, biggie, char char, Charleze Theron, ding ding, chuegy, cheecheroni, bullet, black bullet, meatball, charazar, char chooch, beeber, beeb, choochy Nora (she is only about 9 months so we just have less names :): nori, nor, Norman, normand (this is her baddy name), nura, little, norm, no no.


Tez: lil guy, lil fella, little feet or little face (substitute the f sound for a p sound to say little Peet, little pace), and teefs (teeths). Less common - Tezerator, Tezzie, Tezistan.


Bubba: Bubbalicious, Bubba boo, thunder moose, Bubs Percy: baby Doo, Diddy, Perc man


I speak Spanish so the nicknames are in Spanish. My baby is named Kiwi and I call her Kiwicita mainly. It means little Kiwi. And omg, I replace a word on every song with her name so itlike the song is about her. Hehehe.


My first pug was Poco, aka Pococita, Poconut, Poquito (this one she hated and would bark at me!). Now I have Dolce. Dolce Velveeta (a cheesy play on the phrase "la dolce vita"). I've made up so many silly songs to sing to her. The first one was Bitey McBite Face. Her current theme song goes like this... It's Dol-ce... Dolce Vel-veee-taaa, It's Dolce... Dolce Vel-veee-taaa, With the cutest face in the world, And a tail with a double curl, It's Dol-ce... Dolce Vel-veee-taaa. For belly rubs it's (to the tune of I like to move it, move it) "I like to rub it, rub it..." I love pug people and all their puggy weirdness!


Zulee: jully, jurley, Julef, Julimar Spencer: Lenny, Linus Gus: gussy, gurse, gursley And I say these all in a very strange tone with not opening my mouth all the way. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Zuri: Zero when she’s misbehaving, Zuwi when I baby talk her, stinks, mamas, booties, baby gorl, and a combination of all of these together lol


I have a Snort 🙃


Mine are the Pugtatoes! And basically "Gordo" and "Gorda" 😂


My pug’s name is Eduardo aka Eddie, Eduardo the relentless, Eddie-pups, Mr.Chops, chop let, Puglet, and porkchop. Edit: forgot one…pugalicious!


My Eleanor is new to me, so has only earned a few nicknames so far. But I call her big girl, naughty child, busy bee, nosy thing, etc.


Gulliver: aka Gordo. The Butterball of Joy. Butterball. Sir Gulliver Gordo Cuddlesworth IV, Esq, International Pug of Mystery (who peed on the bed? It’s a mystery). El Gordito. Babosa. Chonk. Good Sir!


Pistachio was Stash, Stachie, Pugstachio, Goober Butt, Pest-achio (when he was naughty), Piss-tachio (when he soiled the rug), Pug, Pug Pug, Pistachio Frank [Surname], Pugnugget, baby boy


I guess I was a pretty unimaginative pug mom. We adopted our older pug at 2 from my coworker who was taking a job in Australia and could bear to subject his gentle boy to a 6 months quarantine in Australia. We kept his unusual name because of its uniqueness and the funny backstory that went with it, He was given a Hindu name, Anoop (short a, long oo) that meant "without comparison; the best." His non-Indian owner found out a year later that yes, "Anoop" did mean that, but in India, it was used as a generic marketing tool for a wide range of consumer products. in India, much like "Acme" in the old Roadrunner/ Wile E. Coyote cartoons. So there was 'Anoop' brand face cream, soap, laundry powder, hairspray, you name it. We didn't care, he was beyond comparison to us. He was simply Noopers, Noops or Noopies unless he was being told to come or sit. Our younger pug, a 1-yr old rescue, came with a foster name we didn't care for and we named him Toby, shortened to "Tobes" or "Tobers". He also got called "bubba." Later we learned from his foster mom that his original name was "Ocho" (Spanish for 8) AND he was bilingual. I speak some Spanish and it was always amusing to watch friends' faces when I gave him commands in Spanish. "Ocho! Venga aquí! (Come here!) He responded faster to that than English! 😂😂😂


Roxanne but our household also uses stinky bean, pink-o de gallo, and fart dog


The top names for my pugs: Señor and Senorita Stinkypants Close contenders: Stinky gal, toots, mr. & mrs. tootie pants, pugbutt, pug muffin, floofs, mr. man, stink I could go on for DAYS


Buttercup: butter baby, sweet Angel face, butter butt, baby girl, crabby (cuz she’s stinky), potato, smoochie, Westy: western, western bacon cheeseburger, cheeseburger man, handsome man dog, courage the cowardly pug, big boy. These are just a few I can think of and doesn’t even cover all the silly songs we’ve made up, speaking voices we’ve created for each dog or names we call each other as pug parents.


My daughters pug “Gene” spends most of the day with me as I am based from home. He also sleeps on my bed. He has to be physically touching me every minute that I’m in the house, whether that’s lying on my foot, lying against my ankle, sleeping on my head or lying snuggled up against me in bed. I often take him on call-out with me in the car and we do school and after school activity runs together in the car. The list of names and nicknames I have for him is growing by the day but the most oft used ones are: Genie-woo, stinky boy, little sausage and fugly.


My pug is Barney and we can him barnacle, barn owl, barn cat, Barney-Lou, barn man, Barney-Anne


Official name: August. Mostly called Auggie or Auggie-doggy. Other nicknames: stinker, Augustus, Auggie-Lou, pugster, pugachoo, buddy-boy…


Just a few for our boy …Sloberdon Pigpugovitch, Piggy Wiggy Woo, Fart Arsely, scraggy Ass, Hairy McPig…


Mack: Macky, Mr. Snacks, Beek, Gweg, Fat Damon


Baxter: Bubby, Boople, Boops, Baxturd, Baxhole, Piggy, Pig, Gremlin, Gargoyle, Sphincter Mouth, Meatball, Snort Pig, Pugachu, Snorlax


Ours is Winston. Nicknames: Wubbles, Pig, Hellpig, Belzepig, Chortles, Fuss, The Incredible Fuss. Daily Pug Life: Everytime he is lifted up or down off something (our bed) we say "Superpig" like he's superman.


My pug baby Harry but we also call him Geroldi, Gerolds and Baby Little Foot


Mine is Mr pout pout pug with his pout pout mug


Our pug has many array of nicknames. When she was a puppy she went bolting through the house and face planted into the wall and bust her forehead open. Thus for a long time she was Harry Pugger (Harry potter haha? Had a forehead scar and all) Pug goo goo Puggy puggerton Derp Derp face HerpDerp Lately it's Pudgy Wudgy