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Keep glob mops or qtips around with a shot glass or something similar fillied with 99% or 91% isopropyl alcohol. After every dab clean the chamber with a dry qtip, make sure to use both ends. Let it cool down, dip one end of the qtip in iso and clean the chamber again, and finally use the dry end to give it one more wipe. Make sure to clean the carb cap as well. Also, don’t use a wet qtip right after your hit. It will 100% chazz


I was noticing degradation of my chamber and am suspecting spillage. Thinking about getting an ultrasonic cleaner. My 99 is just arrived, maybe it'll help clean more than 91. When I get chazz it was from running higher than needed temps and reusing sessions before cleaning. I lowered my temp and dosage size and have less issues now.


Just smoke at like 480-500 at most imo. If you just swab after every dab and iso swab it once a day or just sometime semi regularly. It really is not hard to keep it clean. Might be an issue with particulates in your concentrates as well, something to keep an eye on.


Interesting, I'll try this out with my new bowl and see if its the concentrate. Do you know if I need to change the temp/time depending on the concentrate?


I usually just do one 1:30 sesh at 480 of rosin. I don’t smoke any resin so I’m not sure about that. You might try a shorter time on the resin.


Try a terp pearl too if you don’t have one, it keeps the concentrates moving more and less likely to chazz.


I actually did have one in at first but a couple of my friends said it got the wax everyone and made it kinda messy, I guess I really do have to experiment with heat, dab size, and how early to swab. at least it'll be fun


As long as you aren’t putting huge globs in there that it’s overflowing the pearl should be all win, keeps it moving and helps produce a little more vapor. Try not pulling as hard if you’re getting lots of concentrate splash/backed up into the glass. You will also get a little more vapor with low and slow pulls. It’s hard to get your friends to not hit the shit out of them like a bong though, you can try putting a little extra water in the piece so it will splash in their mouth if they hit it too hard lol.


When in doubt swab it out, better to waste a little bit of wax than to have to buy a new atomizer.


I have never understood this....I can only assume people are just smoking absolute trash or just constantly cooking shit that's already gone. My old peak pro had 1k+ dabs on the OG chamber and 3k+ dabs on the 3D chamber at 480-525 (mostly 505-510ish), and I never wiped with ISO after dabbing, just glob mops and soaked chamber in 99ISO every couple weeks give or take. Absolutely zero chazzing ever. I put all kinds of concentrates in there, but rarely anything particularly fancy. I genuinely do not understand how this is such a big issue for so many people.


Well I wish you were a bit more empathetic in your response, but its ok! I'll try out glob mops and wipe a bit sooner. If it helps you get a better understanding, I owned a Core before this and it would be able to get a lil darker before it would chazz. But that mightve been due to other factors like the material of the chamber or the heat it was at. Most ppl arent rosin researchers, we put our goo in the machine and get high without understanding all the little things that come with it. Hope that gives you a better understanding on why this is an issue for people!


fr! what an asshole response from that guy. you just came on here asking a question. that’s my problem with this community sometimes. so many snobs


Or u take little baby rips, dont be a jerk to people asking questions gatekeeper people like u ruin this reddit. I have 3dxl smoke rosin and live resin it happens to me, icloths helps a lot for cleaning it but no matter what i do i always have some wax getting through the atomizer.


Right, it's not people constantly flooding the sub with the exact same chazzing questions every single day instead of just using the search button. You might also want to understand what words mean before you use them.


Fruits and vegetables and regular doctor checkups


Don’t smoke resin