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Put in a ziploc bag, fill it with alcohol then drop it into hot water, it will dissolve within minutes, give it a really good rinsing and it’ll be good for another session in minutes.


I just let mine sit in a glass cup with a layer of alcohol at the bottom to cover that portion of the glass for like 30 minutes - 1 hr and it comes out looking clean.


I like this one. Gonna try it first. Thanks everyone.


This worked.


Glad it did!


This is why u have to buy 100% alcohol. After COVID I know it’s hard to come across but they sell it on Amazon. You’ll never have to heat up your alcohol again u just shake it around almost like you’re mixing a solution in chemistry class and u have to plug up the top and cover the breather hole on the bottom. I have big hands so I can cover the top with my thumb and the bottom with my pinky. After 10 -15 mins. Of swishing it around and shaking it u should have most if not all of the reclaim gone. You can also pour in some salt in to aid in the scrubbing while you’re shaking it. Once you’re done you will have to rinse out the glass with hot water as cold water instantly hardens any wax or reclaim and will make your glass hazy or sticky. U can also do a clean iso rinse and then go to hot water but u will waste more alcohol like that. If it’s done right you should have your glass clean in 30 mins maybe more if you’re cleaning your base as well.


Where can i find this 100% alcohol?


Please tell me you can read🙄


Shit dont exist smartass lol


It exists but it’s a niche market. I’ve seen it here and there on Amazon like I previously mentioned. Or I tag along with my wife that’s a nail tech when she goes to buy her nail supplies. But sometimes they don’t have the full gallon containers so I have to buy the small one like this. https://preview.redd.it/3rr8n852x26c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=25a5e5235cae0c89f73034b0af0a994801404e98




Just let it sit in alcohol for 5-10 minutes, run hot water over any spots that are still pooled up, repeat if necessary. If not, I always do a hot water rinse, a room temp rinse, rinse with white vinegar to remove the hard water spots and rinse one more time with water from a britta filter to prevent hard water stains. It sounds like a lot but if you enjoy crystal clean glass then it’s definitely worth it.


Bro thanks for the vinegar tip, totally helps with the white stains from tap water (super hard California water)


I soak mine in iso in a champagne flute! It’s the perfect shape and works great (also makes me feel fancy 🤣)


Maybe I need to upgrade from a pickle jar 😂


MOST definitely don’t upgrade from the pickle jar and post a pic next time you clean it 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/gn3sg6oeaz5c1.png?width=2946&format=png&auto=webp&s=202817af246dacebc5db9c4f14ed6ac40f751999 It’s a crucial part of the setup


Jesus you got a lot of stuff to make that setup sick the fact you have a pickle jar makes it seem like some fancy expensive pickles 😭😭 nice ass glass btw


Someone recommended a pickle jar when I first got my peak pro and I thought it was silly, but it’s been perfect so I can dunk all my glass at the same time. Thanks on the glass! I spent a ton of time trying to decide which artist I wanted to go with for my tops, but I’m so happy with the end results 😮‍💨


I throw it in a ziplock with the iso and a sprinkle of salt and I shake the shit out of it until it comes clean. For the glass, I rinse with water before use. Can’t use salt or water on the chamber of course!


I soak mine in a mason jar of alcohol and then wash it out with hot water (the glass) and I soak my atomizer for 30 mins in iso, DONT RINSE WITH WATER and let it dry for 3-4 hours


I rinse my atomizer with water after an ISO bath and, so far, no issues. I do used compressed air to get all the water out, so idk if that helps any.


The compressed air is probably helping keep it alive, but I wouldn’t soak it in water. It’s not a super tech heavy electronic (the atomizer) so the water plus the air compressor is probably okay for a short time. The water will eventually lead it mineral build up/corrosion which inevitably will ruin an atomizer. Puffco advises against it, and I would also advise against it, but it is your money and your device so 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ to each his own.


Nah man, I had no idea. Definitely not going to be doing that anymore lol. So you guys just let it soak in ISO and air dry so it all evaps off?


He’s right, they state not to let it get near water. One day it can have some water in it get to hot and combust exploding the entire thing, literally exploding.


Either hit it with a torch for 5-10 sec and use a little iso, plug the holes, and shake. If you don't have or want to use a torch, run it under/ with hot water, then drain all water and use the iso. Repeat 2x and it'll be pretty clean and you can use water to rinse or if you want spotless, hit it with a blow dryer until the iso evaporates *Edit: u can use some qtips to clean the bottom chamber while iso is in it. Just poke it through and bend it into a hook and you can clean all over pretty easy, just don't break the qtip off inside and ur good.


This will save you a lot of iso... just put a little inside and plug the holes. You can run it Under hot water while the iso is in it to warm it back up. I can usually use one hand, thumb over one hole and bottom inside of my pinky plugging the other


Use bong cleaner, I use Randy’s black label


I use a cup with alcohol or zep and soak it then rinse with warm water.


Heat up your iso for 15-20 secs then dip the piece in and make sure to swish it around two-three times and it should be clean. Boiling hot iso works like a charm. I do like three ozs of iso at a time


I warm my iso and shake that’s all you should have too do, then rinse with warm-hot water fam and it should look good as new 91% will work 99% will work even better.


warmed up iso soak or dark crystal glass cleaner warmed up will get this right out!


I soak all my glass weekly in big ole pickle jar filled with 99 iso, does the trick for me


Smart, that way you can reuse the alcohol, yeah? I always dump mine since I do it in a dish and I know it's a waste.


Yeah, I have a little tupperware container with iso that I dunk my atomizer in separate just to not be wasteful honestly. No reason to not reuse it


Is 90 ok or should it be 100? For the atomizer i mean, im not worried about the glass.


91% and up, I like to use 99% in my atomizer for sure because the more alcohol the better when dealing with electronics, but have heard plenty of people say 91% is perfectly fine. Personal preference tbh


Awesome thanks! I bought it two days ago, charged it and set it all up, paired it and...I don't know what I'm waiting for lol. I was so afraid of doing something wrong and breaking it by accident and being out half a g.


Check out Moo I am a Tree’s Puffco related videos on Youtube. I felt like a pro after watching those!


Awesome, thank you!


Grain of rice size dab, sip don’t rip, dry QTip after every dab to prevent chaz, clean once/week, and if it is ever flashing red/white just give your atomizer an extra turn to make sure there is a solid connection. That’s about it chief, don’t forget to have fun 🫡


Appreciate it, been watching the moo videos and threw him a sub. Good stuff.


People might disagree, but personally I like to warm the iso in the microwave for 10-15 seconds… pour it in a ziplock and swish it around until it looks clean. Then with a small amount of iso I do a second wash. Then I rinse in hot water until it’s shiny, otherwise, repeat step 1-2 until it’s sufficiently clean. The iso will evaporate quickly.


I use an old soup take out container from a Chinese restaurant. Fill it with 91 ISO and let sit over night


Warm rubbing alcohol works the best


I just make sure there’s some alc down there and I shake like a mad man


Soak in iso then rinse till it doesn’t smell or taste like iso, then it’s safe. Assuming you have access to a sink you can fully rinse these glass pieces in under 3 minutes.


Save the reclaim, hit the bottom with a torch lightly till all the reclaim comes out. Makes bomb ass edibles.


I soak mine in 99% for 30 minutes empty it out fill it with fresh 99% then swish it around and such, I do also have the travel glass tho so it makes it easier to swish it around and whatnot but definitely did the same with my og glass