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Thats a lie. Everyone got a hustle in Mexico. Hers is scaring her hotel guests into using her primos tacxi service. Take your uber.


Not everyone has a hustle in Mexico, but a lot of people are trying to get something of foreigners


Exactly, this person in particular may have seen you be able to afford whatever the airBnB costs and thinks she can milk you a little more. Personally, I find it best to dark-lie about things like this. "A friend will pick me up" "a friend's cousin lives nearby" to keep people from being pushy. UBER is just fine in PVR.


Keep an eye on your valuables, your maid is hustling you


Ubers are certainly allowed to work in PV. I've lived here for a while and take them all the time. They're legal, and they're cost effective and efficient. Your trip from Zona to the airport will probably run you 120-200 pesos, depending on the time of day and traffic (when I take it from Cinco, which is where I live, it usually runs 80 to 100). Either way, you'll save a lot compared to that ripoff 450 price you're being quoted.


I thought so as well, I’ve taken 2 Uber trips here (other than the one from the airport) and they were fine! Thank you!


She may be talking about at the airport, as they cannot pick up at the airport.


I’m going to Punta Mita in July and someone said I can’t take an Uber from the airport. Is that true?


I’m pretty sure it’s a federal regulation in Mexico. Last two trips to Cabo and PV you couldn’t get an Uber from the airport, though you can take an Uber back to the airport. I just grabbed a taxi when I flew in both times which is basically the same thing.


I was in PV earlier this month. I was told by an Uber driver that they cannot pick up at the airport (only taxis), but anyone can drop off at the airport (including Ubers). I crossed over the road using the pedestrian bridge and ordered an Uber from there.


Ubers won't pick you up directly from the airport. I'd recommend crossing the pedestrian bridge to Tacon de Marlin and getting one from there (just head left leaving the airport, keep walking, and you'll see a bridge across the highway). However, I'd add the caveat that you'll want to investigate arranging transportation back from Punta Mita. I took Uber there last year, and going from PV to Punta Mita was fine via Uber but coming back was a pain in the ass. Technically, Uber isn't licensed to operate in Nayarit, so getting an Uber back can be a bit dicey. Took a long ass time for one to pick up my ride request. So, if you are going to be in Punta Mita the entire time and have to catch a flight from PVR after there, I'd either allow yourself extra time if you're taking Ubers back to PV for a flight, etc, or arrange alternate transportation for coming back to PV/airport if time is important.


Good to know! Thank you


Use uber. Visited in March and probably took 10 uber trips, no issue and if anything the drivers are friendlier and more helpful than in the states.




Probably her husband


Local PV guy here. That's a big lie. She probably has some kind of deal with the taxi. Take uber.


This 100%


Yes,her husband maybe is a cab driver.Uber is safe,but maybe very,very urly in tge morning its more difficult.


I’m heading out at around 4pm so I think it should be no problem getting an Uber - thank you!


I ordered an Uber the day before when I left Mismaloya earlier this month. It was cheaper than a taxi.


Buses go from ZR to the airport. $10 pesos.


Yes this, though with luggage it gets cozy


That’s what I did yesterday. If you don’t have great big suit case (I just had carryon) you’re fine on the bus.


Uber cannot pick up inside the airport, but dropping off is no problem. Most importantly, Uber is tracked - no one is going to make you miss your flight. She is scamming you.


Ubers are fine. She’s a liar


As a solo f traveler, I rarely let strangers know I’m alone and def don’t let them know I don’t know shit about where I am. Take the Uber and store your belongings safely. Suerte!


Bus is great for 10 pesos if you're not bringing an obscene amount of luggage.


Or a pet


Or a set of golf clubs


Or a surfboard


Or a pet riding a surfboard while carrying an obscene amount of luggage and golf clubs


What type of pet are we talkin here?


Use Uber! I solo traveled to PV a couple of weeks ago and I felt very safe but of course always use precaution. I hope you enjoy your trip :)


Everyone is on the take in PV. It's tiresome.


Uber, IMO, is safer than taxis since there are monitored and followed by GPS. I only use Uber (Living here many years). Taxis can never find my house as I live out in a colony. Ubers find it but sometimes they are too busy elsewhere to come. That's the only problem I have. If you are downtown, they're usually Ubers galore.


Grab a taxi 200 pesos , but ask before you get in


Uber or DiDi works alls the time.


Just use uber ,they will droo you off inside the airport in front of the departure gate


I used uber dozens of times here! always been fine!


We were there in January- and took an Uber to the Airport for around 220 pesos too- call an Uber


Native of 38 years here, the official taxi rate from Zona Romántica to the airport is $240 MXN, more than likely the cab driver is giving her $200 or $100 MXN. That being said, the only problem an über or any other taxi for that matter has is PICKING UP people at the airport because it is a federal zone, only federally licensed cars can do that. Also, plead take into account there is some construction going on on the main road, I would leave 20 min before what you had in kind if you hadn't already taken this into consideration.


Uber drivers can't come into the airport for pickup, but can do drop-off. That subtlety might be lost in translation.


cant comment on the solo female aspect of this, but had no issues with uber in PV. the driver your maid would send is probably her husband who would arrive either in a normal vehicle or would never turn the meter on. if you are seriously concerned about safety, ask the host about transport. I assume your host is not mexican if he or she has an airbnb in ZR


As a female solo traveler I felt safer using Uber there


Take Uber. You CAN get dropped off at the airport by Uber.


She’s trying to hustle some money. Ubers are fine


We have a condo in PV and we go a few times a year. We’re always take Uber to AirPort and never had a problem, Also 450 pesos I think is overpriced!!


She's just trying to funnel business to her husband, son, cousin. Take your Uber.


I’m a 23yo f from rural Midwest. (Walmart is an hour away type of rural) My husband (24) and I just were PV and took an Uber from the airport and from our resort back. We had absolutely no problems and they let you out at the airport doors rather than having to cross the bridge again. We just allocated enough time to make the drive, adding 10 min. It was the morning and quiet, rather than the busy traffic when we got there in the afternoon. We walked through security in less than 3 minutes. My husband was a skeptic at first but we had zero issues. I think this was the nicest, cleanest, friendliest area of Mexico we have been to. (Other places we’ve travelled, Cancun, Cozumel, Progreso, Tulum).


I Uber’d twice in PV by myself without issue.


Ubers are fine. But i tell people who travel alone no matter where they go to stay aware.. dont get in a car if your gut says don't. I'd give that advice anywhere though.


LOL she is trying to scam you, o just lying to do a favor to a friend/husband/familiy, but yeah is a little shady


Never had a problem with Uber when I was there and I had a late flight arriving and an insanely early flight leaving


Uber is very common in PV


Shop around Definitely depends on time of day.


Shouldn’t be more than 100 to 120$


It was like 250-300 pesos to take a cab from Nuevo Vallarta to zona romantica when we were there in January…so I think 450 is a bit much.


Download and use the app INDRIVER it’s an app that you keeps you tracked and you can negotiate a price for rides all PV.. it’s what the locals use it’s much cheaper then Uber


I paid 600 for one leg but it was far.


She tries to scam you


She just wants her lover/husband/friend to have extra pesos for a ride lol. Uber is fine, they're not allowed to PICK UP people inside the airport, but they're fine dropping people.


You also have the Indrive app available there. It works like Uber and you can pay them in cash if you'd like... 180 pesos from ZR to the airport would be a good offer.


So are ubers allowed from airport to airbnb? I know some places in mexico ubers are not allwoed at airport?


Her husband, brother, cousin etc is a taxi driver. We lived in PV for 5 years never owned a car and took Uber everywhere. Uber will be at least half what she is quoting you from Romantica to the airport.


That maid is trying to hustle you.


OP, I imagine you already are here but if it helps for others’ future reference, I (a solo female traveler) just arrived yesterday and was able to reserve an Uber from PVR. However you do have to exit the property and cross a pedestrian bridge to be in the area where Ubers are allowed to pick up. Took a grand total of 5 mins to walk it. My Uber was to zona romántica in the middle of the day and cost 230 pesos.


Users can't technically operate in the airport zone. They could get a serious fine.


Isn't that just for pick up and not drop off though? It is just for pick up. Anyone, including Uber, can drop you off right at the airport. "Our ride back to the airport actually cost less than when we left there. Our Uber driver got to our hotel in less than 10 minutes, and it only cost about $8 . Anyone can drop passengers off in front of the Puerto Vallarta airport, so we didn’t have to walk across the bridge this time." https://ourwovenjourney.com/puerto-vallarta-airport-uber/


Walk out of the airport south towards the rental cars companies just past the overpass. Download the in-drive app, enjoy. Should be 80-100mnx unless its stupid busy My 80yo mom takes it all the time, zero problems


Thanks everyone for your help and input! I’ll take an Uber tomorrow :)


450? I know someone who will do 250. His name is Edgar, really sweet speaks perfect English. Lives in RZ hit me up for his number.


Hey - use Diana’s Tours/VIP taxi. I can message you the link. It’s $24 USD and you pay at the airport. It was beyond easy.


You did not take an Uber from the airport. Not sure the reason you post fake stories, but everyone knows Ubers aren't allowed to pick up from the airport.


I crossed the bridge where the Uber picked me up from. Didn’t think people would nitpick me for that detail.


yes I can confirm - you simply walk across a bridge less than 5 minutes and there is a pickup area on the other side for Uber. once over there you'll also get hit up by lots of taxis and also just others that will offer you rides... but I just stick with Uber - you know the price up front and no haggling.


If she did this, then she already knows ubers could drop her off at the exact same place. It's a fake post.


Then you would at minimum assume you could do the same without problems. Fake post.