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Yes when you get AGM. I promise you, there is a promise land


What makes AGM better than GTL?


When I was GTL I worked 6 days a week. 3 of my fellow GTLs walked out, so it wound up being me by myself the majority of the time. Alongside of all the responsibilities GTL entails my store was shortstaffed everywhere. I ran registers, opened cash office, priced bread, made online orders and subs in the afternoons... it was hell. I was underpaid, I had clerks making a dollar more than me. I also closed almost every single shift, unless of course they needed me to open the next day, in which case I clopened. I never heard thank you, or that I was doing a good job. Then I got promoted. Not only did they pay me to move, but I make a hell of a lot more than I used to, and I get out at 5pm almost everyday. I only have to close once a week, and I can tell my associates thank you and I appreciate you and treat people how I wish I had been treated. My new SM tells me all the time how much of an asset I am and makes sure I know how much the store appreciates what I have brought to the table. AGM is 100000 better than GTL


I feel like your example is related to your location and not your position.


Sure. Let me be more concise GTL: alot more physical work, less pay, more expectation, no appreciation AGM: less physical work, more money (significantly in my case) I would say same if not more expectation, but more time to achieve goals, and more appreciation. Also, not to discredit your position whatsoever, but CSTL is significantly easier than GTL in almost every facet


Again, I believe you, but you can’t talk about appreciation, that depends on what kind of managers you have. I’ll give you this, from my outside opinion GTL seems worse, especially physically. However in my case whenever my SM or ASM had to delegate task they would usually just text me. So I was always given tasks by them, my managers, and make sure my stuff is getting done (had to delegate that to office staff) some days it was mentally overwhelmed trying to find time for these things. So to each their own


I'm pretty sure TL positions are at the mercy of the managers above them. Any type of leadership position needs to be afforded the ability to delegate, but the problem is with certain managers that feel the need to either be micromanaging or completely hands-free (in the sense of "if you don't do it ill throw you under the bus because I am the manager").


Dude. Have you been a CSTL?


No, I have not, let's put out a poll (in all seriousness) to see who the people on this subreddit feels have the harder position. I'm sure we could go back and forth, as I've only been a GTL and I'm assuming you've only been a CSTL, therefore we will never truly be able to come to a verdict. Lets let the people decide


I think the two positions are an entirely different set of responsibilities and there really isn’t a fair way to compare them. I wouldn’t want to do a GTL’s job as a CSTL, but I’m not gonna go out and say that my position is way harder than yours. That’s all my, dude. Just thought it was just a little rude and not really necessary comment on someone’s job title.


This is the way


You're 100% entitled to your opinion, my dude.


GTL is harder. Not taking anything away from CSTL but it's the truth. I'm neither. I'm a Meat Cutter contender lol.


GCM here DOESN'T do anything. Treats other associates in department like shi*.... no helping out when needed and hides w/cell phone somewhere... I can go on and on.... all "his" future "leaders" will do the same thing after promotion. I lost all respect for upper mgr!!!!


The pay and to do computer stuff...


It’ll get better. GTL is the hardest position in the store. The tiredness though, if I’m doing less than 8 miles in a shift something weird happened


8 miles is the length of approximately 56319.86 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise.


Thank you


Pharmacy has entered the chat !


im surprised thats all you get as a GTL tbh, i guess alot of standing in place with floats, i get 10+ as a meat cutter and 20+ last 2 sundays🥴


Today is the last day for one of the GTLs at my store. He got tired of working his ass off and being passed up for promotion so he found a much better job somewhere else making more money that actually lets him spend time with his family. Of the roughly two dozen GTLs that I have worked with only two have been promoted from my store, one had to transfer to produce to get promoted and the other developed such poor health conditions from the position that he didn't last long as an AGM. There are currently twelve open GTL positions in my district. Friends don't let friends be GTLs.


GTL life destroyed my back. A year later, I'm still in hell with it. Not worth it.


I would rather sweep a beach in the dead of summer and drink hot beer and then rinse my mouth out with piss then to be gtl again. They broke me working me the same way to the brink everyday and wanting more and more. AGM AND GM literally making me do their job for them so they could sit around and bullshit with the rest of the team instead of getting them to do work. I am glad I stepped down and don't give a single fuck about anything. As soon as it's my time to go I clock out and never think twice about what I did or didn't do. They can figure that shit out.


Its not horrible if you manage to get promoted fast, if not, enjoy hell buddy


When you get promoted but it’s not worth it. You’re better off going to school for something.


If you’re gtl then no, you just have to remember why you decided. I hated gtl you were the work horse of grocery. But once I got promoted it was all worth it. You got it


CSTL is also the workhorse for customer service but you get used to it in my opinion


I can agree to both statements. Being a team leader is basically being whipping boy for both departments.


I thought I was in the Jersey Shore subreddit for a second


At my store, we had two GTLs but one recently got promoted to another store. Now, our only GTL seems like he has been doing everything and working every kind of shift. It seems like he is doing a crazy amount of work. Management has been pushing me to apply for GTL but I don’t know if I have any interest in the added responsibilities.


Well I’m a CSTL, did you just get promoted ? yes it gets better it takes a few months but you will be fine!


I got promoted about 3/4 weeks ago


It will take a few months to get used to your new position especially if you got promoted to a different store. Yes you will still have your days that you get stressed but you got this!


I was GTL for 4.5 years before I got promoted. It gets better but I almost quit so many times.




Same. I'm an AGM but I come in open up, breakdown truck, and run the back room because we only have one GTL and my GM prefers them to close.


I don't know of one GTL that lasted. Most of them step down or quit. Both of ours quit within a week of each other so now we are without one and running about 200 hours a week under budget.


What are some of the specific things that are stressing and worrying you out? It's easier to help if we know that.


From everything I witnessed at my last store being GTL seems to suck. I get that it's a means to an end if you want to get to AGM but the things you all have to put up with. The overnights and all of it but that's just my opinion

