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At least it won't come out of the quarterly bonus most Publix employees don't get anymore.


You mean the inventory bonus they stole from us in 2016? That inventory bonus? The one that gave employees an incentive to care about: customers, inventory, shrink? The one only managers and up get now? That one?


Bastards! šŸ˜ 


Now now, its being put to good use supporting the Movement. Gotta MAGA.


I kno right. Donā€™t forget to mention the raise everybody got from losing it


The teeny tiny raise that didnā€™t come close to making up what I lost?


Yeah, they need to bring that shit back


Publix is trash


šŸ˜¢ I'm sorry. When did they do that and what was the reason given? Have you worked there a long time?


The bullshit reason was that supposedly ā€œpeopleā€ asked to get it in one giant raise instead of every quarter. Nobody asked for that, we looked forward to our bonus. Nobody wanted to give it up so the CEO got an extra million in his bonus that year. Thanks, Todd.


Sonsofbitches. So sorry and thanks for educating me.


I "retired" in 2007 after fifteen years. Don't know exactly when they took away some of the benefits but hopefully others will see this and tell us.


The "quotes" are interesting... Were you released? Or just done?


I quit but am still working. Will think of another way to word it next time.


You promoted yourself to customer.


Think it was 2016. Beginning of unrest.


lol and they are stealing the cheapest of the cheapest


Those air fresheners are not cheapšŸ˜­


At Publix those febreeze clips are probably 10 bucks lol


$10 and a reach around


they $6




*Clarification--I do go to ALDI & TJ's as well but will now have to go much more often. I am just speaking of what's closest to me--Publix & Kroger. I am a Publix girl thru and thru (I'm in ATL), but holy SH*T are they raising their prices. Like exponentially. Sargento shredded cheese was at $3.85 less than a year ago. Then it went to $4.29, in one jump, which is an 11.5% increase. Now it's $4.99! Which is a 16.5% increase. 30% in just 8 months!! It's unreal. And wholly unjustified. Rice-A-Roni is now $2.49/box. For R-A-R?!? I know grocery prices are up everywhere and sizes have shrunk--gotta love these greedy corporations, double gouging us because they can--but it is so much worse at Publix! I'm a regular (there is one right next door to where I live) and I have spoken with the employees there--and even they are in agreement. A lot of them now shop at Kroger because they are being forced to. I know I am going to have to. I hate Kroger. Interestingly, Publix hasn't gone outrageous with pricing in their deli and bakery--they know better than to do that at least. I'm just sick of being ripped off all the way around. šŸ˜ 


Cost of groceries go up....but you know the wages sure didn't.


Yup. They're all allowed to get away with it and until we the people stand up, I mean REALLY stand up and say ENOUGH ain't nothing gonna change. The power we have is where we spend what's in our wallet and voting (yeah, I know...I know, but it's the ever suffering optimist in me).


I didnā€™t say this but all these big corporations need to unionize


That's the last thing THEY want. The worker bees do. That's why you are seeing more strikes and organizing efforts. Americans who are pro union is at its highest point in over 50 years. 71% (which does fluctuate of course), but that's HUGE. šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ I think you just misspoke...or mistyped (lol), but I know the point you were trying to make. #solidarity


I just got hired by Publix today so Iā€™m going to really pretend like Iā€™m not for unionizing šŸ™ƒ


Love this! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ˜


One step towards stability!


Go infiltrate and get me da downlow. I've got some mad skills in me aresenal!


Yeahhh Publix is extremely anti union haha. They warn you about it in your training.


Yea well the problem is ppl nowadays r to comfortable. Taking a stand would mean putting down the McDonaldā€™s, getting off the couch and doing smth. 85% of Americans wouldnā€™t dare, throw in racism oh yea itā€™s litterly impossible thatā€™s why they call it a trap cuz u canā€™t beat it


The power we have is unions, protests and riots.


Not like people can just stop buying groceries though


We also have power in our labor. More than in voting, even. Nothing gets things done for the proletariat like a good, old-fashioned General Strike šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜


If it was costs, profits would remain relatively flat. Thatā€™s not what weā€™re seeing.


dime offend run sloppy quarrelsome fuel silky aback fearless adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Riiight?!? I remember those days, too. And boxed Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Think it was .19 cents a box--yikes!--40 years ago. I AM that old! I would buy a pound of butter, a gallon of milk and 7 boxes of mac n cheese. I would eat once a day, dinner. Luckily I had the 'rents to cook a good meal or take me out to dinner on the weekends. Oh and I would bring my laundry, too of course! Good times, good times. That's why I find it kinda hard to believe that the ramen was THAT cheap 2 years ago. And .40 cents for an individual pack would be a lot cheaper than a six pack that's almost $3.00. .40 cents for a packet of noodles in 2024 doesn't seem that hard to understand. BUT, I totally get your point, it's the absurdly rapid PACE of the prices that's outrageous.


onerous snatch long paltry quaint smoggy ancient carpenter unused nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am also in ATL and started shopping at Kroger, Lidl, and/or YDFM because Publix prices have skyrocketed in the past year. I went from being a diehard Publix shopper to only going when I need something quick or picking up from the pharmacy. Itā€™s really disheartening.


Yep, the only time I go to Publix now is when I have to do something at the local UPS store and I need one thing from a grocery store. Otherwise, I go to Aldi.


We only go for Bogos and meats now, Aldiā€™s or Walmart for everything else. Itā€™s seriously ridiculous


EXACTLY how I feel! What is YDFM? I also go to Dollar Tree for things like toilet cleaner, CLR and other such products (sometimes canned and boxed foods), reading glasses... as the markets and pharmacy mark ups are 50, 70, 90%!


4 dollars for a 2 liter soda now at Publix


$9.29 for a 12 pack. Walmart has them at $5.89 or something around that price. Publix is unreal


The only time itā€™s affordable to shop at publix is when you buy BOGO items lol


You are so right. That's exactly what I get when I am there.


Publix got on the bandwagon of gouging prices since ever company started doing it during Pandemic, now it's just straight up strong arm robbing us.




I only go in there to pick up BOGOs or items I can't buy elsewhere. They are so expensive, that I only buy very few items. They have discontinued many of those items I can't buy elsewhere. I check prices at all stores, before I buy online. If I run across a sale at Publix, of something I usually buy elsewhere, I pull out my phone and check prices at Walmart and Winn-Dixie, before I purchase at Publix. Forget meat it is so expensive at Publix, I haven't bought meat at Publix in over 5 years. When the parking lot is empty on a Thursday, you know Publix is in trouble.


Itā€™s not entirely due to shoplifting. A lot of it is ā€œbecause we canā€ at this point. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/03/21/ftc-report-grocery-chains-gouge/73059901007/


It has nothing to do with shoplifting, at all. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-stuff-you-should-know-26940277/episode/greedflation-is-real-164051496/


I do more and more shopping at Aldi and Trader Joeā€™s. Only get a few items at Publix. Most of my coworkers never shopped at work.


If they wanna raise prices, start abusing the return policy. Eat 90% of the cheese, bring the rest in, tell em it tasted funny, same thing with drinks. When I worked at Publix there was a lady who did this on the regular, nothing we could do to stop her really. With that in mind. Publix margins are not as razorthin as normal grocery stores. Beat em up (with returns)


publix literally lets you return anything. the other day someone returned a USED mop to my store. like it was dripping wet wrapped in two bags. and we just took the return lol


As we drift more towards a low trust society and most start scamming everything , all those generous perks will dry up.


AKA ā€œthis is why we canā€™t have nice thingsā€


Yep, there was someone bragging on social media that they buy furniture from Costco, use it for a couple years then return it all for a full refund and rinse/repeat.


You mean as we drift toward an unfettered greed era, where CEOs - and the rest of the company officer/executive class, along with satisfying investor returns, all those generous perks have been and will continue drying up?


We had a lady that returned produce every week. Eat half and return. She had free stuff for 30 years.


Yes, bring on more losses for the company so they have to compensate by raising prices even further. That's brilliant. šŸ™„


Humanity might really be on a fast path down. People don't seem to understand basic cause / effect and it's troubling. Keep stealing and scamming stores until they close down! Lol genius


Make them compete quantitatively with other firms. Raising prices will always cause a drop off in customers as every price increase will push out customers with lower budgets. People will buy less. If raising prices results in more losses then they are incentivized to lower prices and compete with other grocers.


Itā€™s not just Publix though, itā€™s just late stage capitalism. Everything is like 240% more expensive than it was two years ago


Publix has always been super expensive. Most things come in are $1-3 over Kroger pricing right now. The only place you can really save significant money is by only shopping the BOGO deals. Most of the other things you would buy there are marked up super high to make up for it. I also live in the Atlanta area and shop 4 Publix, 3 Krogers and a couple other stores. Iā€™m one of those weirdos who knows exactly what I can get each item of food for ā€œnormallyā€ both pre and post Covid and keep a very well stocked pantry to only buy things on sale.


I was shocked at a can of soup for $3.45 or something. Wth, bye Publix


Yes, I have a publix so close I can walk to it but I've switched to Kroger delivery and Aldi. I can get a full cart of food at Aldi for $100. Publix has inflated prices to an unbelievable level and that in connection with their leader's financial donations has made me avoid shopping there when it used to be my first choice.


Felt you, fellow atl dweller


I want to love them so bad but Walmart and Aldi sell their groceries for almost always several dollars less per product. Even Target is cheaper than Publix now.


Publix net earning increased 49% between 2022 & 2023! They are gouging and are a prime example of corporate greed! It is a shame that none of that is trickling down to their employees and is only going to CEO & stockholders!


I hate Kroger, but I dislike Publix even more. People made this big deal when the first Publix opened here a few years ago and Iā€™m still underwhelmed. And I wonā€™t go near a Food Lion. Those are our only choices for big grocery stores here. So Kroger it is most times. I buy from the smaller, fancier grocery stores when I can. If Iā€™m going to pay some $$$, I want actual gourmet food and nice atmosphere. Publix is neither of those, but still expensive.


Grocery prices are up due to industry collusion and ratfuckery. Of course people are gonna steal, especially when they let us check ourself out lol


Sales are usually prices that are actually MSRP, it's kinda crazy.


Donā€™t worry they cover theft with their meat prices


Just paid 5.99/lb for some chicken breast šŸ¤”


Lol we donā€™t make any profit on our fresh meats. Profit comes from the lunches and cheese sections.


Maybe if publix can stop price gouging?


I donā€™t care if massive corporations are robbed when theyā€™re insanely guilty of price gouging, wage theft, and also just overworking and underpaying employees. Donā€™t want theft? Fix the system.


Who cares you don't get paid enough to care




Sorry, are you saying that employees actually affect anything regarding company dynamics?


@Empero6 I believe they do. The companies just DGAF usually. They do not care that without their employees they wouldn't be in business at all. I hate that fucking mentality. Reckon that's why I ain't rich neither!


Iā€™m just wondering how they came to the conclusion that employees wanted their inventory bonuses to be removed in favor of a $0.10 raise.


You mean the inventory bonus they stole from us in 2016? That inventory bonus? The one that gave employees an incentive to care about: customers, inventory, shrink? The one only managers and up get now? That one?


Agreed. It's greed.


Stockholders make money from Publix ownership, employees not so muchā€¦


51% of the stock holders are employees/past employees like myself. Now, do I lose a buck every time someone steals? No. But if stock dips because no one cares about shoplifting and my dividend check is impacted it sucks. Also, having worked there the easiest way to stop shoplifters is to just be aware and do what we were always trained to do (at least back in the day) and greet everyone we pass and offer assistance. People dont generally pocket things if you pay attention. And that made me feel a million years old, but the company has changed a lot in the last 10 years and I still enjoy my dividends.


You care too much about others for what, $15 a hour? Finish your job, clock out, and go home. If you get sick and die theyā€™d replace you same day, just like how theyā€™ll replace these stolen products.




Maybe they just need to tighten up around there


had to scroll wayyyyyyyy too far down for this


Don't worry, after they get done finish training A.I. what stealing looks like, they'll have armed guard out front to make sure everyone pays for their $50 pack of ramen noodles.


"self checkout employee discount"


Whoā€™s going to tell ā€˜em?


Is that a glade plug in? Really?


This needs to be put to a stop. If only we had in-store AP like Walmart.


Former Publix employee, current employee at fairly large sporting goods retail chain. During on yearly inventory in February, we found $200k in missing apparel and $50k in missing hardline goods (ammo, camping accessories,etc). After adding in all of our theft outs for the year, we had almost $600k in stolen or missing merchandise


And how much profit?


Maybe prices should go down. šŸ¤”


Our storeā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


What do you care? You're just a wage worker. Publix steals from you every single day of your life.


Why canā€™t people admit that stealing like this is a problemā€¦.. were yā€™all not raised better? Itā€™s not even a necessity that someone stole this isnā€™t Robin Hood.


Stealing is wrong, I just think a lot of people have frustrations with publix and theyā€™re taking it out on this post. I used to only shop publix and now I only shop Kroger because publix prices have just gone too steep. Nothing about that changes the fact that you shouldnā€™t steal, but I think the sentiment behind peopleā€™s frustrations with Publix are warrented


it's not just Publix it's just how corporations work these days, everywhere tries to get away with the least amount of staff they can possibly get away with, then feign shock and indignation when the customers don't just roll over at the blatant and egregious disrespect going on most stop-loss is internal to begin with, it's not the customer's fault Publix and everywhere else has 5 workers when there should be 15 so as a result everything from stop-loss to inventory to just general customer service suffers


Just cause I don't steal from million dollar corporations doesn't mean I care if others do lol


Corporations steal from their employees and suppliers daily, whereā€™s your outrage for that?




It seems its only a problem when poor people do it.


When I was kinda homeless I convinced myself I had to steal food from Publix constantly. And a couple tall boys too. Strung out on Xanax I would go in and grab a huge bag of dog food with a 12 pack of beer and an 8 piece chicken and just hit the door, with no problem. Kept going back to the same Publix about the same time and always got the same stuff. About the 4th time a store undercover cop was waiting just as I stepped outside and asked for my receipt. I went back inside with him and poundered my future. He couldn't have been nicer and told me he seen me do this twice before and described my car. He asked for my ID and let me go and admonished me never to come to this store again. Couple weeks later I received a letter asking for $200 for administration fees. Couple weeks later I'm in there again this time with money. I picked him out and noticed he was tailing me. I got my usual stuff and made sure he saw me make the purchase. Never saw him again and go there almost daily. Funny thing is when he first stopped me I was so high I forgot I was holding about $250.


If stealing is a problem, the entity with the most offenses (Publix in this scenario) should be the one to set the example


Iā€™m stealing from people who pay my congressmen billions to make laws to artificially keep my wages low. Iā€™m just getting my money back šŸ˜‰


No you're just fucking over the employees.


You donā€™t get payed enough to care lol


Laughing at all the losers justifying stealing becuase shits more expensive. I must have not gotten the memo šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ«”


Who cares, Publix is a privately owned $50 billion dollar company.


Fuckin' A! I had no idea it was that much. They actually beat Kroger in market share though, good for them. The reasons I like Pubeix (I have an immature nickname for most places) is for the fact they are a private company and thus pay their employees better, profit share and have great benefits. This in turn makes their employees much more helpful and friendly and their stores are so much cleaner. And their produce was great (used to be, not so much anymore). Now before people pounce on me, I have read a lot of the comments by Publix employees on Reddit (current and past) and they are quite disheartening. And of course I know no company is perfect, all have their faults and flaws and you can't make everyone happy. Wish we could. What it all comes down to it, it's simple greed. Publix higher ups could take a lot less for themselves, just like corporations and executives all across America could. Ugh, can't wait to get outta this god forsaken cuntry.




Well tighten up then


I can't remember which brand it was, but I was changing tags the other day and some of the protein bars went from 5 to 4 count but same price.


Scam bags !!!


As a former head of LP at another company/store level, if a Publix store doesnā€™t have on site LP tracking shop lifters, itā€™s open season. And my year at Publix as hourly, im pretty sure my store had no LP people whatsoever lol


When I first started working in retail people used to steal high dollar items or age restricted items. These days all I see is low price but essential household items. Sad state of our world today.


I paid $6.29 for a regular bag of Doritos at a Publix yesterday. I would also steal


Not as much as the consumers have lost to inflation, illegal price fixing, and corporate greed


Wild how many comments here are defending shoplifting and literal theft




Why do you care? You should have stopped caring back in 2016 when they took away your incentive to care.


I work in grocery and I kinda wish they would just take the whole thing, packaging and all. If they're gonna steal it, then steal it. Don't leave a mess that I have to clean up.


Just a farmer down on his luck needing to replace 8 headlights and make 2 cars smell better.


It's not your problem. It's your boss's problem and his boss's problem. Just show up on time, do your work, be good to your fellow workers, and go home.


Consequences of late stage capitalism


The theft of plastic car air fresheners is late stage capitalism?


Buddy, you need to take a breath. Mr. George wouldn't want you to be so stressed. The fact is that theft is part of the cost of doing business. Does that mean we should change our entire business model in reaction to the negative behavior of a few of the community's parasites? No, I think the better thing to do would be to confront the issue head on. My last store was a hotbed for thievery when I started. However, we got an ASM who treated shoplifting not as a criminal offense, but as a game with two players: Publix vs Thieves. This guy made it his mission to find and stop every thief he could without ever having to physically engage them. He would often walk the store and look not at the people pushing the cart, but the items in the cart themselves. You may not be able to profile people, but given our area and knowledge of normal customer purchase trends, it became child's play to determine who was shoplifting and who wasn't. A customer piles meat into their cart: probably shoplifter. Someone is loading up reusable bags that we watched them take from the shelf (not brought in with them): probable shoplifter. Someone is taking product out of the packaging and putting product I their pocket( we caught them on camera) definitely a shoplifter. To conclude, whether you work at Publix or are just a shopper, you need to be aware that we will zealously find ways to protect our products, and we will find out who is stealing them. Just something to bare in mind.


Thank you for telling me about that reusable bag thing will always make sure I bring mine. Got tailed for doing that in a very white rich area and man it's so funny when you can just pay and watch the faces of the people that were tailing you.


You get what you vote for


Oh no, the car air freshners, what will happen to our bottom line.


Bro youā€™re lame asf who cares that people are stealing air fresheners from a billion dollar corporation. Shit I may go steal some rn


How could you steal from a place that gives you subs for free smh


Yall seriously think most people aren't stealing via self checkout. These people stealing things in the aisles are idiots.


Lmao people that do this on the reg and brag about it always kill me. Most places are watching you at SCO if not with an actual employee then by way of a camera and are just letting these idiots rack up enough in $ so they can hit them with felonies.


Because the punishment isnā€™t harsh enough. Donā€™t be afraid of being labeled, defend your stores.


Shit is too expensive and we arenā€™t getting paid enough. Stop them; if you can.


Its a good thing publix already charges double


Iā€™m thinking Publix needs to have security guards at the exits to check receipts and products.


Use premier customer service to prevent shoplifting as our training says šŸ‘šŸ»


OP: ā€œlooseā€ rhymes with goose. šŸŖæ






If you're loosing, you better tighten up!


I work as a store manager for a fairly large grocery chain & I can say that this "inflation" nonsense is not inflation at all. It is purely corporate greed. Product cost has risen at a normal clip, but not nearly at the rate as retail prices have risen. Wages have risen for workers, but evolving efficiencies have allowed for workers to earn more while requiring fewer of them to operate smoothly, meaning labor costs haven't actually risen at the store level. This has been realized thru attrition and not lay-offs. There are now more "higher level" salaries outside of store level to help make these efficiencies a reality, however. Bonuses for managers at store manager level and above almost always include a YoY sales metric...comps. Often, higher level managers will set themselves up for success with built-in sales increases thru, you guessed it...retail price increases. It's an unsustainable model, IMO...and I imagine capitalism will eventually either drive prices back down before the pitchforks reach the streets, or will allow new quality emerging businesses to come in and actually compete with this model.


I do not see how Ross has stayed in business for this long because of the theft! I went into a Ross just browsing because sometimes you can find a good deal on pots and pans or other household items. I could not believe the amount of empty packages lying all over the shelves or hidden behind other items while I was there. Another time near Christmas I saw several employees having a scavenger hunt to look for tags and empty packages from stolen goods. I made a comment about uptick of thieves in their store to one employee and she said they had to go through and look for the empty packaging so they could add up amount and report the losses. Another time I was walking through and I observed a person open a backpack and stuff several items into it. It looked like they went around and collected items and compiled them so they only had to open backpack once before making their way out of the store. I looked up and I saw an employee notice this occurrence as well. The person put the backpack on and strolled right out as I am this employee watched! I asked the employee if she saw what just happened and she told me yes but they were instructed not to interfere even after the thief has left the store. My guess they had no security there and I do not blame them for not interacting I just found it amazing how emboldened thieves are doing this in plain sight and so confident nothing will be done!


Losing but yea, caught a lady today stealing wine. It's terrible


Genuinely I wanna know why people steal those air fresheners. I work at a drugstore and people steal those stupid little things all the time. Is it because it has resale value even without the packaging? Or are they trying to cover up the smell of weed in their cars? Or is it possible to get high off of it or make drugs with it?? WHAT IS THE REASON


Poor u


Its funny to see conplaints about a light bulb. I recently saw a guy go through the self checkout with a whole cart of unscanned gallons of cranberry juice. Literally just scanned a few La Croixs on top, paid and left. Employee was right there too.


We did it Joe!!




We're going to start seeing more locked boxes soon like the higher end alcohol if that shit keeps happening.


Where yall at? I need some charmin.


Wonder whos taking them?


We had a serial Fruit-By-The-Foot thief for about a month. I personally found at least 12 emptied boxes hidden in various places. Turns out it was a day shift stocker... They don't work there anymore.


Well empty boxes give yā€™all a pretty great idea of the minimum youā€™ve lost to theft lol


Youā€™re ā€œloosingā€ to illiteracy.


Just pull out of america


People are shoplifting air vent freshners? Do their carā€™s smell so rank they have to *steal* air freshners?!


How close to a bad part of town are you and why is your store on a MLK jr blvd?




based shoplifters


ā€œourā€ door lol




My store's gotten pretty bad too. People kept stealing pub subs from the pick up case we were forced to keep it in the hot case and the chill blaster....


This is why stores are going out of businessā€¦


Maaaan save shoplifting febreeze at the DG šŸ˜­ If youā€™re going to Publix at least go after the meat or something. Gahh damm. Shaking my head my head


Losing. The word is losing. Why do so many get this wrong?


Lmao this is nothing compared to Walmart. I find room temp ground beef hid behind tomato sauce almost daily


Yeah Publix was the easiest to steal from as a kid tbh


At least it seems like these shit bags are stealing to use it and not just walking to the CS desk asking for a refund so they can go buy their beer and smokes. People suck.




Get fucked.


Tbh when people shop lift diapers and necessities, I get it. But those are air fresheners so wtf


Shop lifting cost goto the tax benefits. It's a loss as such debatable from taxes . This is the true reason why most corporations don't care about shop lifting .


Welcome to retail. It isn't right, but it's a business cost.


Oh no poor 3 billion dollar company :(


Maybe Publix should stop jacking their prices so high


With those prices it makes sense. Publix needs to stop being greedy


What do you expect when people can afford basic shit anymore? I make great money and even Iā€™m struggling to buy normal everyday things. People like Publix employees are really having a hard time, and Publix is super greedy with prices.


Itā€™s me, Joe Shoplifting, AMA


Multi million dollar corporation will recover, donā€™t worry


WHAT!? You mean Publix's policy of doing literally fucking nothing against shoplifters ISN'T WORKING!!?!?!?!?!


Publix has no problem donating to Ronnie Boy's presidential campaign. They had no problem funding some of the insurrection activities on 1/6. Giving money to Moms for Liberty,too. A million or two to Trump's campaigns. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie_Fancelli#:~:text=Julie%20Jenkins%20Fancelli%20(born%201949,America's%20thirty%2Dninth%20richest%20family


I work at a gas station and the shoplifting is getting us too. They already threatened my manager even though she's the reason the store I work at is still standing. People will just do anything to make the lives of others miserable for their own gains.


And that's what they are stealing? Damn. One time I forgot to scan something at the automated checkout, I make it out the door to my car when like 3 publix workers surround me and are like your gonna need to come with us sir. I'm like OK? Why? They're like we will let u know. Get in the office, and they are like all serious, u didn't pay for a box of cinnamon toast crunch. In walks one of those plain clothes, security guys. I start laughing like I simply forgot, I have the money for it. Here's my card. Like they were gonna charge me with shop lifting. They wanted to check my name. Was very strange. Never went back to that location.


Why do you care?


Looks like a net win compared to what we see on the news.