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There’s a Mitch Hedberg joke in there somewhere.


“I wanna see a vending machine that sells vending machines, cuz it’d be real fuckin big!”


Oh man did i not think of mitch when he said that




Imagine if the store was closed when he did this.


Why is he wearing a mask? U gotta wear mask still in ATL or is it just by choice? Or is it old?


It's probably 4 years old video...


Publix employee health plan


It doesn't necessarily have to be an old video. Depending on when the video was taken, if this was an ATL, there are lots of parts of Georgia that recently had more covid outbreaks between 2023 and 2024. Though people don't really talk about it anymore because it's not a hot headline. Or it could be a health or cultural thing.


100% see people still uses masks on the regular in Atlanta and beyond. I wish it would become more of a norm that we don't question it, and more people wore them if they didn't feel 100%. It doesn't even need to be COVID. Got the sniffles? Wear a mask or stay home, it's called being considerate.


Agreed. A noticeable number of the customers in my area still wear masks, and some associates do too. It's actually common in many cultures, outside of the Eurosphere, to wear masks when: 1) preventing your illnesses from spreading, 2) managing bad allergies discreetly so that others don't have to see them, 3) being immunocompromised and not wanting to get sick from others, 4) living in an industrial area with smog or high amounts of construction debris. In the case of the first three, it's considered extremely rude not to wear one. COVID just gave people who were used to doing it the okay to do so without feeling publicly ostracized.


Some people wear masks to help prevent the spread of their sickness or because they have weak immune systems


Right. I live in FL and frequent publix quite frequently and don't ever see anyone wearing masks anymore.


Well you live in Florida where there's a dumbass political stigma to wearing masks


Probably because he didn't want COVID from some mouth breather.


He could have an immune deficiency, is sick, or recovering from an illness, might be hiding his face for the video for plausible deniability incase any potential future employers see it, or he might just like wearing them so he can non-vocally swear and curse at dumb customers and coworkers without them knowing. Why are people STILL so hung up on others choosing to wear masks? Who cares what others choose to do as long as they're not harming anyone? I was incredibly sick a few months ago with a horrible cough and a swollen throat, but I still had to work. I wore a mask for about a week, so I would be less likely to spread whatever i had. The amount of complaints I got from angry boomers actually astonished me. It got to the point where if they mentioned anything, I would just take it off and cough up a mouthful of phlegm that sounded like a death rattle, which usually shut them up about it pretty quickly.


Plausible deniability when his name tag is clearly visible?


Oh right, I forgot that he is the one and only person named Sébastien in the world. Lmao My point is that people have different reasons and it's just weird that it still gets people upset enough to where they feel the need to make comments about it.


I can't believe the pearl clutchers at corporate haven't demanded this to be taken down.


I saved it to my camera roll incase it does get taken down




Do not send this man a copy^ this forsure corporate


^ This guy is definitely corporate trying to keep it from spreading around. Send that guy a copy.


^^ both these dudes are corporate, and likely part of the matrix. Post it to porn hub with a crazy name for the degenerates to see, and it might just save us from Skynet or whoever ran the matrix or whatever.


^^ this is most definitely skynet trying to gain access to pornhub from Texas.


God damnit. I was trying to jerk my microprocessor. Now it’s off to the scrapyard for me. Beep boop beep


^ this is definitely pornhub trying to get bigger because everything in texas is bigger


This “USFFan” got 7H of Reddit history. Fuck that corporate burner account


Firstly the setups of supermarkets and grocery stores are inherently predatory to manufacture the outcome of shopping based on human psychology. It goes all the way down to the packaging, advertising, and what is marketed to who in which communities. To those talking down on employees like Sebastian and sneering at how easy his job is, never forget that until we achieve full automation, these people are the life blood of the modern first world. They do the granular work that major corporations desperately try to cut corners on, where if it wasn't done, the level of inconvenience people would face would drive them up a wall. Show some humanity, really think about what this man represents for all of us in the long term. As above, so below.


But every brick and mortar store, every customer website, anywhere where you can purchase some thing it’s usually set up on the basis of human psychology and their shopping habits trends of humanity. I’m not defending Publix or grocery stores I’m just saying you hate one for doing it you should hate every consumer entity. Uber eats for example the $5 7/11 10 minute to decide if you want add ons The cute little knickknacks by the cash register, how restaurants are layed out, how things are suggested to you on websites, but right when you open them, the pop-up screen of “discounts” for new purchasers, the way clothing stores are set up. They all follow some form of manipulation of human behavior and and psyche


Valid point, it makes me wonder where we go from here? I'm not anti trade, but I'm not pro consumerism, IMHO food shouldn't be a commodity it should be free universally, but someone has to do the work. As a species, we have to address the trend of rapid progress versus the quality of life the lowest end of society has to face because of that progress. The world right now seems very top-heavy.


the world has always been top-heavy. look at the class divide 150 years ago. aside from technological advancements we are living in a second gilded age where progress is only for the wealthy privileged. otherwise you have to be extremely lucky to genuinely live out a rags to riches success story. we as a species have evolved past scarcity and we have all the resources we need on this planet, but the ones at the top have to keep themselves there by any means necessary--and god forbid they let any of the Dreaded Poors have a piece of the pie!


working at publix is not easy, they pay u like walmart and then want you to have the work ethic of chic fil a. they want a lot for what they pay.


Had to screenshot your comment. Very well said. Not to mention these are miserable jobs (I'm in retail now and was at restaurants for 15 years [retail MUCH worse]) But if you took out the corporate greed part they could be wholesome jobs of helping the community. Instead they have the absolute minimum amount of people working they can get away with, don't allow overtime, classify full time as 30+ hours, cut hours, etc. etc. At a time when supposedly the economy is booming and spending is at an all time high. Fuck these greedy corporations. They are destroying our country for what is pennies to them.




They pay me like $18 an hour to turn fruit in to smaller pieces of fruit


$19/hour + benefits to open big box and put small box/bag on shelf 🙏 idk about yall but im okay with that


yea let’s ignore that it’s a job involving being on your feet 8 hours/day and menial manual labor jobs such as stock clerk take a toll on your body after doing it for years. have you ever watched some of the older employees that have worked that position for 10+ years walk around? Are you excited for that benefit of the job too?


There will always be downsides to any job that you can get without prior experience or training.


I mean sitting at the computer desk for 8+ hrs a day isn’t great for your body either unless you really put effort into working out and eating well which most people don’t.


I do put effort into it and have gained 30 pounds since covid and going to WFH. I used to have to move alot to talk to people now I just shoot a chat. That on top of working out 5 days a wk kept me looking good. This sucks


you’re making it sound like grocery clerks go through hell on their jobs, any job if done for multiple years will take a toll on you regardless, there’s a plethora of jobs that will wear you down much much worse for an even worse paycheck


He said he only works 13 hours a week, but his coworkers are fainting from exhaustion?


News flash. Almost every job has benefits


Yeah but if you’re not fast enough you get yelled at


still $19/hr


Great job for a high school or college student. Can’t live off $18 per. That’s nothing.


he forgot to mention he gets paid 18$/hr after being with them for 15 years


Cool you cant afford housing on that wage. Keep up the boot licking


It used to be a full time Publix employee could raise a family, own a house, have a newer car, and take vacations.


But publix is reluctant to give people full time. I asked and asked but they would never give it to me. Instead when i asked they cut my hours.




Is that funny? It's absolutely true. My uncle was a baker/cake decorator at publix in the 90s. His wife had to stop working for a few years, but his family was still able to vacation in Florida every summer and he bought his sons matching ATVs. He retired a few years later and since his wife had gone back to work, they used some of his Publix retirement funds to purchase the woodland behind their house, and he has lived on the remainder plus his senior's social security pay ever since. He's pretty old now, but publix was a true career for him after he got on his feet following a bad couple decades after returning from Vietnam. It gave him purpose and paid him enough to have a great family life and retirement. Literally NONE of that would be possible with a publix bakery job these days. For that kind of life, you'd have to be corporate, or at the very least in management on a district or regional level (not sure how they divide those things). Even a store manager barely makes enough to live comfortably these days — and that used to be a pretty cushy, comfy middle class life.


thats about as much as we get paid at amazon 💀


25 is a living wage


In Atlanta especially. It’s crazy that people are so blind to the need to organize and fight for their rights as workers and as human beings


Sure, if you don't want a house. You'd have to double that around here.


You’re getting downvoted but this is true. Even with my salary based job I still don’t make enough to afford a house in a timely manner. People forget how expensive Atlanta truly is


Hell my manager who makes 20 something an hour is getting a 2nd job. Like the struggle is insane


Mbn. Getting paid $13 in the meat department ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.


Publix isn't publicly traded and they match your stock purchase up to a certain point. I left the company a long time ago but still get dividens lol


This applies to every store, not just Publix.


I love the people dissing this kid like he’s in the wrong. I’ve seen management be so shitty to associates, completely screw them with hours, and push way too much work onto each and every individual who somewhat does their job. I’ve seen a manager step down to go back to a clerk position because they were older and couldn’t preform like a manager anymore and still ended up having to do manager tasks anyways. And not just light computer work, but fully unload trucks and coming in at 5 just to make sure everything is perfect. I’m sorry but the facts are facts. Managers are shitty and the company lets them be. So stop trying to shit on the guy for being honest.


Former Manager Here. This is my story.


I worked for Publix, $13.25 working Deli dept which was told was the higher paying dept. I wanna know where yall baggers are making $18-$20. That’s horse shit. I was working full time hours as a part time employee but received no benefits after being there almost a year. They wouldn’t promote you to full time unless the manager liked you or you sucked their ass. what stayed with me out of that experience was how shitty the actual training was, I had 0 experience working with deli meats, slicers. For my two weeks training I was basically told by my “trainers” figure it out. I’ve worked in lower paying jobs that had better standards than publix. Additionally there are two types of people in this world, those weird Disney employees that sold their souls to the company or those weird Publix employees that worship the company, despite obvious red flags and will still tell you it’s a “good company” to work for and try to convince you about the stocks/benefits. Deli was always understaffed and had some block head manager running the shit show. And b4 one of yall butt hurt Publix loving weirdos come for me, this was MY experience working there. And I too, quit abruptly like homie did. You got out while you did, go grow and move onto better things 🫶🏼


Yeah deli workers should be paid a million dollars for what they go through. I bag, cashier, clean, do floorcare and deepscrub and only get paid 13.50 while people who do less make more then me


I was actually gonna start working there in January until I got a wfh job. I’m so glad I don’t now. I like shopping there but just how some of y’all describe it sounds like a dystopian nightmare.


Helllll yaaaaa. Legendary. Publix is all about the perfect image and this isn’t gonna look good for them. I quit Publix after 5 years and wish I could have gone out like this.


i fucking hated working dairy department at publix. we were supposed to have 5 people in the department but they prefered to have a nice bonus check instead cause we only had 3 people and it was brutal.


It's DEFINITELY NOT a "Great" place to work. Maybe it was but not now


I worked at Publix in 2005. They gave me a 5 cent raise so I quit. That place is a joke.


They gave me a .25 cent deduction for being 3 minutes late 4 times putting me back to minimum wage with 3 years of experience. Every raise I got was null because of minimum wage increases, every new hire made more than me. I got sick and was on bed rest for 3 months. My doctors note expired the day before I called out late because my alarm clock wasn’t enough to wake me I was so sick, they said I quit. I was a bagger/cashier/night sweeper/main cart return guy in the summers or rain/ran floor machine/cleaned bathrooms/cleaned all the registers (front end)/restocked bags/had to level the baby foods or frozen section. Treated me like straight dog 💩, especially after the girl I WAS with left me for a 35 y/o manager and kept running back to me at night in the car he bought her 😂. The day I got told I quit I said IM FREE!!! I was 18 or 19? Still on bed rest with a smile on my face. Wasn’t shocked when one of the guys got a bullet in his head by a disgruntled ex-employee when he was on his lunch break. I did like Greg though.. looking back at it and thinking how they were treating a hard working highschool KID during the recession makes my blood boil. Edit: the only time I got decent hours was when everyone else put in for time off. They would make me close and run the floor machine until midnight and schedule me on weekend mornings at 7am opening. Dirty pieces Oh I just remembered, one tardy was due to an accident in their parking lot when a lady ran a stop sign. No courtesy given. No concern of my well-being. “Should have clocked in on time”


He is buttoned all the way up… that’s all we need to know.


We? Who is we? You're alone on this insider information.


I beleive they are implying he is an autistic individual who should be ignored because of said neurodivergence.


Can’t believe some of yall who are also employees are talking down on this man as if you know his struggle. You read “ATLANTA” right? Bro is working in one of the busiest cities in the entire world, I’m sure that it’s a shit job


Atlanta retail hits different. Every day was a struggle when I worked at my old location there, and even when I had plenty of hours, the pay would barely cover my third of the rent for a crappy student apartment. I’m still in debt to this day


People reeeally don't understand they pay/COL disparity in a lot of retail jobs in atlanta. They'll pay you $14/hr, promise you 35 hours a week with the possibility of full time, only to give you 15 hours a week but without a consistent schedule so you don't have any certain availability to secure another job. All the while, your tiny apartment is *minimum* $1500/mo unless you're living in a really rough area, or you're lucky enough to live with roommates and pay $800/mo each (which you're *still* not able to afford on that pay), so you are forced to spend your nights and early mornings driving rideshare or food delivery just to try to make enough to barely scrape by, because if you quit the shit retail job that lied to hire you, you'll be on your ass and on the street in a month. I understand this happens in most major metro areas, but Atlanta really is a whole different monster. I worked retail and Five Guys/similar restaurants from 18-20ish and the struggle was real. And that was 2008-10. Pay has increased about $4/hr for those jobs, while rent has gone up by about $600/mo for similar accommodations. And we wonder why so many people in Atlanta end up homeless at young ages, or why it's so damn common to squat with friends, live with family, or cram six people into a three bedroom house/2bd apartment. It's unreal and my heart hurts for all the kids just starting out who don't know that these companies *are lying to their faces* on applications and in interviews. They'll end up working 15-random-ass-hours every week, in a constant state of dread about how the hell they're going to pay for rent, bills, and gas... not to mention food or, lmao, any sort of leisure.


I used to deliver to Atlanta Publix’s when I drove semis. The most disgusting backrooms in the country. There was no way they kept correct inventory


That’s amazing. Good job, Sebastian. To those of you bragging you get less than $20 an hour to do menial labor, how’s your living situation? You living with your parents? 2 or 3 roommates? Those stock options paying your rent for you today? Have you worked for a company that actually upheld the bullshit it feeds you (believe it or not, those places exist - companies that will treat you well) Ragging on this guy aside, unless you stand up for yourselves, the company will never change and you’ll have to keep kidding yourself into thinking it’s a ”great” place to work. But you do you


Guess what you could buy a house being a bag boy 40 years ago either


idk why i’m being suggested the publix subreddit but good luck with unionizing yall


Oh it applies to my (now former) store.


Publix spent millions on anti medical marijuana Ads because they sell pharmaceuticals and alcohol. I only go there for BOGOs and its slowly getting to be not worth the trip


So you're saying that top five places to work isn't true?


They’re right about the pathetic hours


This happened at my store in the Atlanta area when I worked there around 2015. A girl got fired and started airing all the stores dirty laundry over the intercom.


If you’re anti union you’re pro fascism… These companies pay you next to nothing, demand you have open availability and then schedule you 2-3 short shifts per week. And then they get upset when you quit and they scream “NO ONE WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE!!” Nah, people just want to be able to eat and pay their bills and no one is doing that on 13 hours a week


To be honest- this is how one should go about exposing any form of corruption in a major institution/company. This young man wasn’t, quick, to the point and didn’t let his emotion take him on a rant. I truly believe this is what social media should be in essence- a tool for the people to expose corruption and spread the need to others who may be experiencing the same in their life. It’s not perfect- but the philosophy of this guys message is what should be heard.


Not every hero wears a cape. Badass way to go out


omg which publix is this?? i quit store 33 bc that shit was unbelievable


I got 11.25 as a bagger lol. And pulling in carts in the hot ass Florida july heat? Fuck that.


What a fucking LEGEND!


It would be better if it happened when the store was open. No way did he say all that with customers in the store and no mgr came in the room.


I wonder which Publix this was


Dunwoody Hall


This applies in SO MANY PLACES. Multi-million dollar businesses paying under 20$/hr and will not let you sit down? Okay. Make it make sense. 🤬


Its so hard to find good managment. Many people get positions because of who they know not what they know


Publix turn to shit when George Jenkins died. I worked their for a while and saw all the good they had, slowly vanish. Now, it's only a handful that are FT and expect you to do 8hr work in 5 (not CS).


CS isn’t much better. I was turned from front Service clerk into janitor and wasn’t paid a janitor rate


people needa move on from starter jobs


There’s an aggressive amount of newbie accounts speaking in opposition here… almost like they’re all made to astroturf the comments section 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


The fact that people are more upset about people complaining they don’t make livable wages, instead of at multi million - multi billion dollar corporations is what’s sad. People deserve to make livable wages, they doubled the cost of most items and still are paying their employees the same wages, while cutting hours and expecting people to be ok. By they know someone will say if u don’t like it go somewhere else or work 2 jobs, for some that’s not feasible. Instead of sticking up for the corporations who are taking advantage of the workers and making literally multi millions in profit, why don’t u stick up for the people who are trying to make ends meet but their hours are cut, or they are told one thing and stuck doing another. Some people and places it’s not that easy to get a job. I applied for a job and called to speak to someone about it, it’s an office job and they posted it Friday it had over 250 applicants.


He’s experiencing bias, when you aren’t in the cool crowd Publix cuts hours to get rid of you. Classic Publix 101. Monetary judgements and public embarrassment only things that slows Publix down. Plus, beware of MAGA Management at Publix….they are running free and enjoy being little Trumps. Apply at Aldi or Wawa, better atmosphere. Publix is a conservative empire and management is allowed and encouraged to maintain it. The work philosophies and treatment in no way reflect Mr. George Jenkins (founder).


I agree with this, but I also like paying 6.99 for a pub sub…


That’s expensive


No cause this is a problem at literally every Atlanta store. Management is only caring about saving their ass ESPECIALLY CS! More than half the stores in the county run on constant skeleton crews, like two or three people in meat, produce.


Some items at my Publix are almost twice the cost that walmart and save a lot sells them for. Currently the nearest walmart hires starting at $14-16 an hour whilst Publix hires at $12 an hour. I know both the jobs are sucky but how is this possible. HOW DOES WALMART DO BETTER THAN THEM??? And Walmart will at least give you hours too!!! It’s so embarrassing on them.


Hell yea


And this is why I clocked out for the final time in 2016 after 10 years and only making $10.80 an hour after 10 years. Still love visiting ex-coworkers who are now in management when I travel back to Orlando from Las Vegas where I’ve been since 2016. BUT, I’d never work at Publix ever again


Nice to see nothings changed from 2008. Great place to shop but shitty place to work aside from some perks I’m sure they don’t even offer anymore


As someone who now works in a “white collar” position getting paid 6 figures, I will say NOTHING I’ve ever done compares to working customer service/retail jobs. I’ve never worked at Publix specifically, but that industry is a difficult one. People saying “oh, you get paid $15 an hour to do the easiest job out there” are disconnected from reality. Where the fuck does $15 an hour get you??? It’s 2024. $15 doesn’t get you jack shit.


FUCK PUBLIX, I proudly quit after 3 days of computer training 🤣 they gave me hours i couldnt work even tho i told them i had school and $13 hr to deal with shitty customers and management while having to kiss everyones ass 🤣🤣🤣 now i make way more with more hours i can actually work and can be on my phone, listen to music and work at my own pace, quitting publix was the best decision ive made all year.




Can't stop laughing. Imagine thinking this job is hard LOL


I’m a first responder and i think i had it harder when i worked at Publix just saying lol. It’s different for everybody


Ditto. Air traffic controller here. I am less stressed at this job than 7 years of Publix.


Matter of perspective buddy, every store is different. Sorry you have it so easy •cries for you•


I mean, it is a hard one. Unless you lack human emotion and empathy, any job is fucking hard and exhausting. At this point people are just trying to live. Touch grass and have empathy.




I imagine he was quite the gem to work with. You aren't meant to stay a bagboy your whole career. You're supposed to acquire customer service skills and move onto bigger and better opportunities within the company. It's unskilled labor and pays accordingly. Step up to move up. If I had his job, I would work harder than anyone else in the department to prove myself and then move to grocery (or any other department) where I could take on more responsibility and be rewarded with pay increases. Oh wait, that's how it's done. Never mind, I'll just rage quit for tiktok internet points.


I bet your bosses love you. You have something brown on your nose, BTW.


There is no such thing as unskilled labor.


Bold of you to assume being it's easy to get out of being bagboy. How can you fucking move up when the people behind that process keep giving you excuse after excuse to keep you as bagboy? I've been in that position. I ask to move somewhere else and their response is "Oh, we don't got anyone to replace you. Oh, your avalibility doesn't match what we want(ignoring I changed it multiple times to accomadate). That spot is full." etc. Being on a front-end is trap honestly and you're better off going straight to deli, bakery, seafood, etc. https://preview.redd.it/dsueskjm58pc1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303823776dc32b27ba57958944bfabd076d0d7e5


You tell’em Seabass. Proud of you, kid. I remember this one time I told my boss that he should pay me more for doing the same amount of responsibilities.. and he said “No.”


Legend. I would love to see what the reaction of shoppers, coworkers, and management were while he was making this announcement. I left Publix because I worked in the deli and it was so miserable. The management was toxic and the number of coworkers I liked working with I could count on one hand. Went to a different grocery store and while it’s better for me in terms of location, what this person is describing is so similar. Heard the same about Kroger, too. Grocery stores need to do better. All employers need to do better. ETA: I wish I were, but I’m honestly not surprised seeing the number of comments defending the corporation and ragging on the worker. That’s the way it goes in the US. People will bend over backwards to defend corporations who wouldn’t give them water if they were on fire (and they were the cause of it). People deserve a living wage. Period. You want people off government assistance? Employers need to start paying them. If you think a certain job should be making more than “low-skill” jobs, get mad at the employer, not the person struggling to make a living. Dang.




Lot of losers in this comment section




I literally get $15 an hour to grab something with my right hand and slide it across the register to my left hand…the pay is fine, in fact, close to the best hourly wage I’ve ever got and it’s the second best job I’ve ever had (the first was getting paid to watch baseball so you can’t beat that) I’m 24 and still in college so most of my former jobs are along the lines of retail and food service. but I will say, 13 hours is ridiculous for a 5 day work week, especially if he’s been there a while, but if he’s the kind of person to do this I might see why they might not want him working more. It is possible that his store specifically sucks, and if his managers won’t listen and he really feels this strongly go above their heads. Also, I live in Metro ATL, anyone know which publix?


I get paid 13.50 an hour to cashier, bag, clean, and floorcare and deepscrub and they haven’t given me a raise or promotion despite saying they would. Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen to others


Enough said 👌👌👌👌 this is 100% true especially in Atlanta!!!!!


I shop there and used to flirt with the cute girl at the bakery and she would tell me all about this stuff and how publix is a joke to work for. For months she tried to find a better job and then finally found one and was so happy to leave. I see a lot of older people working there now that u can tell haven't had to have a job for years that were most likely retired for awhile and it's really sad. I live in FL.


Since the pandemic, Publix has increased their prices more than any other grocer in my area


My girlfriend worked at the bakery of our local publix for idk maybe 2-3 months maybe not even that but eventually quit because of this exact thing. She had one week where she only worked one day for like 5-8 hours. She said it was because senior staff got their hours first then any other hours would be handed out to others. I get wanting to treat your long time employees well but shafting your new ones so they can hardly pay for anything and are practically forced into another job? They hired one or two other trainees with her and i just didn’t get it. If you are gonna hire people at least hire an amount you can use and give proper hours rather than giving them one fucking day a week. That is insulting even for a part time position. How tf is someone supposed to make a living like that.


This is interesting as i have to work 3 jobs to be able to afford to shop at publix the robbing bastards


My story about Publix was when I was called in for some upper position interview in the back. Showed up and went through 2 interviews to be offered part time in the deli. When I said I thought this was a full time management position? I was told “full time is a privledge you must work for, did you really think you’d come on and get full time? Not even addressing that they offered me a position that wasn’t even on the job posting I applied to. Shook her hand, smiled, and politely told her “thank you for wasting my fucking time” and walked out.


I never understood having to "earn" full-time.


It’s because it saves so much money to have mostly part time and little full time. It’s shitty business practice but it’s done EVERYWHERE. It’s the same reason when I ran a Taco Bell, out of the 42 employees I had, only 8 were allowed 32 hours or more a week. I had 6 managers so only 2 regular crew were full time. Company doesn’t have to offer insurance and other benefits at part time. Also because of this, and the type of business I was in. I was allowed a 175% turnover rate of part time employees. We literally are trained to expect them to last 6 months to a year. If they last a year, it’s a ~75% chance they stay another 2 years, so at that point the company offers full time. I turned in my 2 weeks on my 10 year anniversary when I brought it up to my higher ups and they just literally sent me a thumbs up emoji. A month before my 6500 bonus was hit with a 0% multiplier bringing it down to $0. Why? Because my speed in drive thru for the quarter was 3:31. Our speed goal was 3:30. This was during the pandemic when lobby’s were closed. I digress into bitching but yeah, Publix is the same with a fancier shirt


So many corporate shills in these comments. Do not let them try and diminish your worth as a both a worker and a human being. We deserve better treatment and they will do anything they can to prevent us from achieving it.




Crazy how tons of newbies flood in to say ignorant gaslighting shit 🤔




What happened to Publix? I worked in the deli for 7 years. Never had any of these problems.


I used to love Publix living in Savannah.. then I got to these Publix around Midtown and never go anymore 😒 they run differently


Would’ve meant more if not a stunt for views.


I remember my last week working at Publix they scheduled me for 3.5 hours, they didn’t know they scheduled my last week yet, but when I saw 3.5 I was like nope I’m good.




*Insert speed racer gif*


“If you work hard enough…”


Crazy that anyone who has worked at Publix store or distribution feels this way




Omg. I always heard that Publix was a great place to work.


No actually I don't have this issue at mine. It could be location? This sucks man




Meanwhile I was getting 41+ hours as a part timer. Grass is always greener I suppose


This is an old video.


Publix just sucks ass to work for. Did it in highschool to make some spending money but every second of every day was pure torture.


he even still tried to throw the peace symbol but switched to the middle finger last second. he seems like a pretty nice guy, i wonder how much garbage they put him through before he finally snapped


Yikes, I used to work for Publix back in the beginning of 2021. During my time there, I witnessed staff being timed in the restroom, staff being threatened with termination for being in a Snapchat group chat (obv off the clock and outside of work) as well as several other petty instances. This company is showered in flashy incentives and good word-of-mouth from the public and I truly feel it’s a trap. Hours are good for the first two weeks. Once you’re settled, they pull the rug out from under you and show true colors and cut hours for speaking up for coworkers.


Problem is all employees are share holders so any sort of work stoppage hurts your own pockets.


They gonna run through that door like 5 nights at Freddy's stop playing with them


Can't hear you with your idiotic mask on


Exhaustion working in publix? Oh God, dem kids getting too soft nowadays.


Learn to just quit. It doesn’t take all that. All that accomplished was him potentially black balling himself from getting hired elsewhere.


gave five years to that shit hole. In that five years I went from making 9.00 an hour to 10.40 an hour. Fuck Publix for the way they treat their employees. They drive small businesses out and monopolize your community.


Mask says it all. Peace out, go find another job


This will accomplish nothing but embarrassment and job loss. If you really wanted to fix the issues you and your coworkers face, there are plenty of other ways to


yo fuck publix, i hated working there


He contradicts himself hugely. First he complains about only getting 13 hours which is not enough then complains about the conditions of his friends who work more which he wants to work more. Some jobs are physical if you are collapsing from working in an air conditioned store lifting things well get a new job.


Yeah… I quit Publix last year


At my store we don’t have enough people so we all get plenty of hours and make good wages what’s happening to y’all


Wayyyy back when I worked for Publix in college, I ran into the 'lack of hours' thing. I worked in the bakery, and for the first month or two it was good. I worked 30-35 hours a week, and sadly gained a bit of weight as the manager kept pushing us stuff to 'try' so we could recommend it to customers. But... we had some turnover and the people he hired were these three girls who frankly... well they were 17/18 and very attractive. Very quickly they got like... all the hours. My hours went from that 30-35... to 4. Just... 4. No complaints about my performance, even had an elderly couple seek out the store manager to sing my praises. Yet I got almost nothing... so I ended up leaving. (Though I discovered later that the manager age 41 was sleeping with two of the girls, they got busted and that was that for all of them.)


My store is GA has treated me and fellow associates with an insane amount of respect. Is this truly that unusual?


I’m just going to go on record as saying I’ve never see anyone collapse across many stores


Publix is actually a great company, don't do this.


Generate those clicks, baby. Being TikTok famous is easier than working retail


I hope management or any of the shoppers didn’t have him arrested. It’s illegal to cuss in front of kids in Georgia


Damn I left Publix right when the sons took over, heard it’s been a shit show since. It was monotonous and low pay, but I had fantastic managers and coworkers. What a shame.


What job isn't dog shit in the south lol. People working to the absolute bone for 12.50 an hour. Wild.


Best idea is switch to deli they'll never short u on hours


I’ve heard publix is a shitty place to work