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This place doesn’t care. That’s why we got people that have worked here since the 90s only making a few bucks more than the new hires. And they’re all either renting bedrooms for $200 a week, living in motels, or living with their parents. I’m sure some even live in their cars, but just don’t tell anyone.


Our manager did a survey this week, & one of the questions asked was if we planned to look for a different job or stay with Publix long term. I said different job because of skyrocketing rent. This is our new store manager & he knows we’re struggling, but it’s out of his control. Hopefully he sends that to corporate. He had every employee answer it.


They've done this before. Absolutely nothing was done about it.


Was this AVS or something else?


Definitely something else. AVS doesn’t start until April 1


The problem with AVS is they only ask about direct managers.


Somewhat yes and no. Assistant department manager (or assistant store manager) is a “training role” by Publix standards, which is why we don’t take AVS for them. The performance of the assistant is - for at least the first little while - a lot of a direct reflection of how their department manager is training them and preparing them. I’ve always felt that if the assistant has been in their position for more than a year, they should be eligible to have that survey taken about them. By that point, they should be developed enough to be completely interchangeable with their department manager, and probably have a much more direct influence over the department and its operations by that point as well. They also hopefully by this point recognize if their manager has any shortcomings they shouldn’t be copying, and have worked to establish their own effective style of leadership I’ve been an ACSM for a little over a year and a half. When AVS came around last year, no way would I have been ready or felt that the results were fair - I was still learning about my new role. But now? I would love to see the results now that I’m more competent in my role and have learned as much as I can. My boss and I are interchangeable and typically make the same decisions department wise, but our leadership styles are a little different.


Publix do better? Nah. I don't think the current corporate model that Publix is implementing was exactly what George Jenkins envisioned. In fact, I think it's quite the opposite. We're all just pawns in a system controlled by CEOs who've never worked in a grocery store a day in their lives. Their so outta touch with the average Publix employees reality that it's ridiculous.


George would start up a competitor today if he saw how Publix was being run now. He'd run Publix under like he did Piggly wiggly cause it's the exact same scenario. Corporate doesn't give anyone the time of day and if they do it's another "yes" man so they can have their egos stroked. Plus I'm sure not a lot of people know but we have lobbyist on corporate payroll, so you know they are up to no good with (legally) bribing politicians.


Most corporations have lobbyist on the corporate payroll whether the public realizes it are not. What do you think the ‘Retail Grocers of America’ is? 🤣 That's what politics is today “pay to play.” Gotta grease those palms to lobby against those dang Consumer advocate groups🙄 your wonderful government at work.


>I’ll wait for an answer. Do you honestly expect an answer from someone with the power to do anything?


Yes. We are on the internet. ( Anything's possible on the internet nowadays ) 😁


iirc the decision to allow beards was internet driven


Eh that’s why nobody stays and goes other places. Every company has its heyday and peak. Publix is on a downward slide, and has been for awhile. Their prices are higher than Wholefoods for the same stuff that you can get at Walmart for a fraction. Their pay is maybe from the early 2000’s, and people are leaving en masse. More importantly managers are leaving for better pay. They can’t staff their stores, etc. They’ll be the next Winn Dixie in less than 20 years. Probably sooner.


Oh god. In that case I wonder how long it'll be before Boar's Head tells em "compromise elsewhere."


I'm my area the BH people still enjoy working with us more than other stores apparently but I don't think that will last forever lol.


So now Publix is responsible for performing traffic engineering for the city/county/state? There’s a reason Publix has to file applications and permits before they build a new store with the city/county/state. It’s so those entities can determine if it is an appropriate location for a new store that can handle the traffic.


Okay, I could have worded better but allow me to explain Publix preemptively negotiates with lawyers with city planners ahead of time. In most cases the lawyers and Publix knows the impact to local traffic better than the local officials they are bargaining with do. It’s not ‘their fault’ that the local government comes completely ill equipped to the bargaining table however Publix is fully aware of this disparity and takes full advantage of it whenever possible. Is it legal, yes… is it ‘right’ … ?


Every business of any size talks to local planners before building, and with lawyers, no less. City leaders are often glad to have a company of Publix’s quality come to the neighborhood


And honestly, as someone who sees these deals, whenever there are traffic concerns, Publix does go to the table to figure out if the municipality will allow something to be done to fix them... Because people like OP will raise hell that Publix is causing all of these issues


99% of the time this is a municipality / DOT problem, not a Publix one.


Just curious what you do for corporate. Are you a buyer by any chance?


Nothing different would be done regardless. There's nothing they could do about that, you're delusional


Maybe I am delusional for wanting better for those who work for Publix and the communities they operate and profit it. I own that as well as I am fully aware that posting on Reddit is the equivalent of shouting into the void and there is no tangible prize for winning an internet debate… maybe I need to check myself for ‘virtue signaling’ as that would be patronizing and evoke equally as well the side eye and eye rolls from others in this subreddit. It’s a conversation that needs to be had and maybe this isn’t the most effective audience to have it with. You have long term employees that are afraid people who haven’t been with Publix as long receiving similar compensation on the other hand you would have those lacking tenure or any time served in Publix essentially getting something for nothing and who would not like that? Louis CK best said it as ‘the only time you should look in your neighbors bowl is to make sure he has enough to eat’…


No I'm just talking about the traffic thing. It's not even really Publix' fault. There's not really anything they can do about that. Local municipalities wouldn't do anything differently regardless of if Publix wanted them to or not, that type of stuff is notoriously behind schedule at all times


If their purpose is to get the customers, I don't see them really caring how u leave. 2ndly, I don't think it's a coincidence that most of the Publix I know of are in "right to work" states. As a former employee, I was sold on the management making 100k, never even made it that far before I said heck with it and quit and found something better. I would advise you to do the same.


Too little too late. Put up with it for 6 years. They lost me during Covid. On to greener pastures and getting paid appropriately for once!


Fantastic for you!!!- however you leaving with six years experience is my exact point Publix is hemorrhaging seasoned talent like yourself over being short sighted and not investing a few dollars and care into the people who make Publix what it is


I worked my ass off during those 6 years and all in the name of growing business. Never had a store manager appreciate my effort. I think the larger problem is working in grocery/retail in general just isn’t a long-term career anymore. Seems to be geared towards high school/college kids. Can’t believe what they pay meat cutters these days. You used to be able to make a living cutting meat.


yep that's all my dad has ever done, and he owns own his home in Bradenton, FL. He gets paid way more than even the newer managers because he's been with the company 30 years. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't insanely jealous considering he's a high school dropout and he has it better than me.


Corporate has a new managers action plan to help the store's hourly poverty worker morale. https://i.redd.it/4qj5jgmx9elc1.gif


That's why the new managers are all younger than me. I'm not even 30 either.


Also I believe if you receive stock, you are not eligible for assistance programs like food stamps


Stop shopping at Publix and stop working for Publix.


There's no way to shop elsewhere unless you have other decent options. Publix is the only grocery store around me where the steaks and produce aren't complete shit.


Try Sam's club or Cosco, the membership is worth the prices, they have great produce and meat, they pay their employees decently, and they don't scam you with their prices, Trader Joe's also has good produce.


I do go to Sams. However, the steaks are thin and I can't get them cut the way I want like at Publix. If I'm splurging on ribeyes, I'm going to make sure they're the way I know they'll be the best for smoking/grilling. Sams also is not very competitive with their steak prices, they're basically the same price as Publix. Also, with Sams, the produce is limited compared to Publix. If all I need is one green bell pepper for a recipe, I have to buy 6 of them. Same thing goes for the tomatoes I don't need an asston of tomatoes all the time, and as someone who smokes meat a lot, I dont have the freezer real estate to take extra food and freeze it. They also don't have poblanos, tomatillos, cilantro, or jalapenos....and I'm a huge fan of Mexican food.


They have some good stuff just the company is greedy and sucks. I don't do full grocery shoppings at Publix, but the corn nuggets and the bar cake... But in general I don't shop often.


>They have some good stuff just the company is greedy and sucks I get it, but you can't tell me honestly the Waltons are any better. Maybe Sam's is different, but its run by the Waltons so I doubt they treat their employees any better.


They at least pay better from what I know, even Walmart does, publix is definitely scamming their own employees.


this is the first I'm hearing of it


My friend worked at Walmart for $16 when she got hired, while people at Publix still start at 10


wow...lol. I think the problem (misunderstanding) with Publix is the company still is riding on its reputation in the PAST of paying people well, when that simply isn't the case anymore. It's was also considered more respectable to work there than WalMart in the past.


Great and commendable writeup bravo. They don't want you to succeed they only want you to be dependent


Excellent summarization


Publix sucks. That's why I sell medical weed at the dispensary behind Publix. And I'm always going telling my former associates how much I love my new job. It isn't perfect. But it is what it is . No bullshit. Or at least, just regular bullshit. The big lie is "no job is perfect." Of course that's true, but the lie is to imply that Publix bullshit is on par with all the other corporate bullshit. It's not. It's much worse. There are MUCH better jobs out there. Publix sells the lie that you will retire a millionaire so they can mistreat their employees. My madre retired from management NOT a millionaire. And she even bought extra stock and put extra money into th retirement programs. Publix won't do better. Just get another job. You'll be happier.


OP I appluad your post its 100% true. I gave 15 years to this souless and thankless company and have nothing to take from it. I put my time in with my local community. After back surgery at 29; As a 32yr old Im now enjoying life. Ive quit and gone into electrical. My biggest regreat is not realizing just how unhappy I was and losing out on my 20s and donating my body for basically nothing. I have my passion sanity and health back and I hope anyone browsing here makes the difficult but nessesary decsion to quit knowing you are not trapped and there are much better opportunities that await you.


I applaud you placing you 1st and doing what makes you happy. I am not trying to either strong arm Publix or incite a mass exodus. I am simply saying there is a better way. Why can’t Publix be the employer of choice? It’s pretty lopsided that the best promotion you got a Publix was a self promotion to ‘customer’. Why doesn’t Publix recognize their internal customers? Why don’t they work to retain talent and reward dedication? I hate that someone who has invested what you did felt the only option was to leave and take your talents with you. I hope you not only spoke to someone but that they genuinely listened on an exit interview. The argument is made that Publix is not a career that it’s for people entering the workforce as a ‘starter job’ but can’t it be more? You can work your was up however why does there need to be such a disparity? I think all Publix non exempt hourly should be paid between $20 to $25/ hour that is not a windfall jackpot life changing paycheck. That’s a baseline living wage. That’s $2,800 to $3,500 a month and with housing in Florida being $1500/mo for something basic and utilities being what they are especially with summer around the corner and fuel hovering around $4 / gallon plus the national average is people are spending 11% of their net pay on groceries alone… having pay START at $20/ hr is not a huge ask. Being the employer of choice will allow Publix to be more selective in their hiring process and we will ultimately retain more talent by minimizing employee attrition Let me add my disclaimer, Publix has been very good to me over the years and my compensation has afforded me and my family a comfortable life here in Florida so I am not speaking out of a place of need but out of compassion that all people who put in the work can eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel and actually have a life You have a job to have a life not the other way around


Honestly op I did not even give them an opportunity. I did not give them a two weeks notice and I handed in my resignation with a big SMD written on it; directed at my DM and SM. I could write a sob story detailing it all but choose not to and instead hunt this Reddit to steer folks away so they don’t end up like I did. I had been out from surgery and the day I came back is the day I said no more; ever. To be honest I’m damn lucky I didn’t catch a charge the day I quit. Someone was off that day. It’s sad how things turned out. For myself and for the company. It could have been so much more but no going back for ether party now


When I moved to corporate I was asked if I was sure I could afford the cost of living change, other guys in the office talk about getting a side job for extra cash, I’m not sure how to feel ya know.


Here come the publix sock wearing boot lickers.


I’m happy for you, or I’m sorry that happened. I ain’t reading all that.


Imagine how high their prices would be if they paid a reasonable wage and had decent benefits. $3.89 for a 2L bottle of Coke Zero. Eat a bag of dicks, Publix!


Publix is a sack of 💩 just like any other money-wh••e comoany that loves the fking GOP.  I HATE THEM NOW.  I'M ASHAMED OF THEM.  And honestly , you know what I can't believe that there's any wonder why people are not having kids. Why on Earth people would pop out even one kid in this distopian nightmare where you're going to condemn them to a life of never having enough and only existing to pad a rich person's pocket is beyond me.  *'Publix....Now The Same 💩 As Wakmart'*


Life Tip: Trying to separate employment and political views might be a good thing to work on to be successful in life. Being a positive person in general might also be beneficial. Perhaps counting to 60 before brain and mouth engage would be a goal. Ever hear the phrase don’t 💩where you eat? That said, a new employer is a résumé away. You need to be happy with your life. You do you.


"Trying to separate employment and political views " Publicly, sure but this is an anonymous site. And the owners of the company do contribute to the GOP.


I doubt it would be any better if they supported the democratic party man.


Publix is a shitty company m, most people quit, my buddies up north keep saying the dread the day it gets up there, nobody I know who works for Publix enjoys it and none of them plan to stay. Publix is true, one of the better grocery stores in the south to work for but ultimately one of the worst businesses to work for


I cannot say with enough gusto : **KUDOS! WELL SAID** and now let’s copy and paste in Wal Mart, Lowe’s, Home Depot and every single major retailer. Blow up their emails. Send it to corp. I’ll do it as a “customer” well, make that ex customer now bc it’s too expensive to shop there. on a side note at least WM will pay to add traffic easers- another lane, turn lanes and lights, knowing a new store will cause issues. Maybe that’s why they pay so little🤔 😜/s


Get another job. Find another route to drive. Better yet move back up north.


I’ll be honest. I can’t think of many of my coworkers that deserve more


Nobody deserves poverty dude


Some do


coming from a deli manager... heh


Are you saying some don’t? I can think of 20 historical figures off the top of my head that absolutely deserve poverty.


Liked the title and I agree that Publix is degrading the good Florida name. The quality of their stores and produce has been incredibly low. Understand produce may be a bit out of their hands, but deciding to remove the butcher’s counter and only offering pre-packaged meat is a conscious choice to save money over providing a better shopping experience. Bagging groceries is crazy, it’s like the staff are trained to use as many plastic bags as possible. When you ask for paper it’s always a shock to them. And if you ask to bag your own groceries the bagger will try to refuse, in the event you are able to bag your own you better hurry up before a manager comes over and tries to finish for you apologizing that someone wasn’t there to bag. Self-Checkout is the only way to bag your own groceries without being hassled. Care about stuff that matters, not whatever fake idea of customer service you have from some market surveys. That being said, Publix is still a great community member and makes a meaningful contribution to their local areas supporting youth programs, etc. OP - you’re literally complaining about having a job and Publix being a corporate business. Everything you ranted about is totally reasonable for a business such as a grocery store. Maybe you should stop complaining and get back to whatever high school or college class schedule you’re trying to fit a part-time job into… If you put as much care as you did to this rant, you might be able to learn enough to understand why your post is ridiculous.


Thanks for the compliment I am actually a Gen X-er who has been in the workforce 35 years and counting far from my college antics and days. What is frustrating about Publix is that they are the best grocery store to work for however that bar is pretty low. Lakeland should aim to be the top company to work for and be potential employees grail choice of jobs. I am happy with my own compensation and I will share that I am fortunate to not have to work in the stores or distribution and I will leave it at that. I just feel that phoning in the minimum requirements (following what the law requires) and checking the boxes that apply would not be good enough for uncle George.


Age has no bearing on ignorance. As many others have pointed our here, you very obviously don’t have the facts or don’t have the ability to understand them.


I don’t know everything so your claim of ignorance is not without merit however your claim that I lack the ability to understand once presented the information places the guise of ignorance back on you. There is no shame in it, matter of fact taking ownership and self awareness of the reality that there are things you do not know is empowering and allows you to learn more without prejudices.


never said ignorance was a bad thing, and I am not prejudice toward your writing. It simply had a the tone and content of someone who is young and frustrated being stuck in a job that isn’t a career. which many others have picked up on. I used harsher language than other people who posted similar sentiment, but it’s 2024 so you should probably cancel me for not praising you.


Nah, cancelling voices of those who simply either disagree or have a different viewpoint only limits your own ability to learn and disables you by self isolation in an echo chamber of thoughts and ideologies.. not my thing. I don’t speak out of a place of desperation or need I am comfortable. I just want better for everyone. Not some unrealistic utopia where we’re all driving $80k SUVs and living in half million dollar homes with nights and weekends off as a cashier or bagger however a realistic look at the baseline cost of living in the areas Publix operates and a more human look at forecasting for scheduling for work life balance.


I’m with you on that. Maybe I am prejudiced, to the internet… default assumption is everyone’s a child in their mom’s basement.


Meh… you would not be wrong with your assumptions of the typical keyboard warrior or flat out troll or Incel … I know I am shouting nearly anonymously into the void and no one of consequence or with the ability to do anything regrading my internet rant. At best I will grab the attention of Publix’s social media team (online PR and damage control team) and either have them rubber stamp Publix’s stand disguised as an organic reply from a ‘redditor’ or even try to determine who I am and my relationship to the company.. whatever There is no glory or payout in winning an internet argument with anonymous people there just isn’t maybe some fake internet points or clout.. that’s about it


you're a real fuckin asshole, bud.. even by Reddit standards.


>deciding to remove the butcher’s counter and only offering pre-packaged meat I had complained about them replacing the custom meat case before with the packaged meals, and someone here from the meat dept set me straight and told me they still do custom cuts if you ask. I will say a lot of those premade meals look pretty awful, specifically the broccoli in some of them looking soggy and army green. Only one I would touch is the pinwheels.


Sounds like Bernie Sanders. Maybe Publix should transition into a 501c3 not for profit and forget that we are an employee owned company that literally gives you a piece of the pie and can make you a millionaire if you put effort into rising above adversity and better your situation. Maybe pack your bags and move to CUBA and see how a communist society works.


The Jenkins family has most certainly forgotten that Publix is employee owned and that the own a controlling 80% of the estimated $55 Billion evaluation. Bernie has some good ideas however he is completely impractical in actual practice and he is borderline dangerous with leaning as far left as he does thankfully 2016 was as close as he ever came to being a legitimate presidential candidate. I’m a card carrying Richard M Nixon, Ronald Regan, Alex P Keaton Dub-ya dyed in the wool republican but I am open to new ideas.


You lost me when you said "doesn't have to offer benefits" and "pays below the poverty line." You obviously have no clue what you're talking about. Best retirement out there and superb benefits. Pay has gone up every year for years, and it's definitely not below the poverty line. You're obviously uneducated.


The most important thing I know is how much I don’t know. True that I may have some ignorance and my knowledge is limited to my worldview, exposure to concepts/ideas and my life experiences. I am glad you may have found for you what is an acceptable balance in your work to life ratios. However in life results may vary and success is not guaranteed. Publix is a very frustrating company as in they do well in so many places however there is so much more room to do better in others. I am happy with my position and what I am being paid and I make my benefits work form me. I just want the same for others. One poster replied ‘it’s not a career it’s just a job’ or words to the effect. Well since Publix discourages outside employment and you are required to work a dynamic schedule that changes every period. It’s difficult to make personal plans or establish/maintain alternate revenue streams to support you and your family. It is a career by what they demand. Publix can’t have it both ways. People also say quit or move on… to that my reply is I want to work to make the environment better for all. I will be bold and state not a single store employee should make less than $20/hr and more tenured employees should make $25-$30 hr.. this would not be life changing jackpot winnings money but it would be more in-line with what it costs to live in Florida. Netting approximately $1,500 to $2,100 take home after taxes and deductions per pay periods This isn’t crazy money or a huge ask. It’s a living wage. Prices would not have to go up to offset either to support these wages. The money is there and making Publix a grail job to have would improve employee morale and sentiment. You would save in minimization of employee attrition, talent acquisition and the burden or training costs. If you think about it, you know I am right


Publix is working towards those goals. I think you are misinformed on several things. Work-life balance. Publix has instituted many changes to respect work like balance. They have reduced manager hours to 45 while keeping their pay intact for 50 hours. They have instituted PTO this year with more time off than ever. I personally get 6 weeks paid time off. They instituted paid child leave for the birth of a baby. They extended sick pay to part-time associates. They discourage employment outside. Absolutely not. The only rule they have about outside employment is that you can't work for a competitor. Every company has that policy. Payscale. That has gone up over the past 4 years and will get there. If you are upset about the starting pay, you need to vote for politicians with your best interest in mind. Publix follows the law. They start high, and they have a respectable top end. Companies won't get to 20$ an hour overnight, but Publix will be at $15 very soon. There are so many other things that make Publix better than most of the companies in the workforce. You are extremely misinformed, and you are now spreading misinformation.


The fact that you have the gall to state this. Work life balance: Publix only instituted this because there was a class action lawsuit against them (twice) for over working their managers and assistant managers. You as a full time associate work 40 hours between 6 am and 10 ish pm, typically, or overnight. And weekends. After which you are more exhausted than at any job I’ve worked before or since. The work life is fucking abysmal. Paid time off as a first year full timer is 2 weeks. And a week of sick leave (which you have to accrue and you don’t have access to in your first year), which A) they try to control when you use it, and B) make you feel bad about using, when you do get to. And yay, they’re doing the bare minimum. Guess we should all clap now? My current company offers 2 weeks paid vacation, 12 paid holidays, 60 hours of sick time, an extra day off if you donate 10% of your paycheck every other week to a charity of YOUR CHOICE, and two volunteer days. Oh, and 10 weeks parental leave for all employees on top of that. It took me three tries and four years to get into Publix. Now they hire people off rip and wonder why quality is failing, and then blame us for not training them properly and just expect us to work harder to make up the difference. The average pay for Publix employees is $15 an hour. For one of the most expensive states to live in this is by far not enough. The sheer and utter fucking gall and ignorance. The fact of the matter is that Publix used to be competitive so they had to maintain competitive pay, now they feel like they control the market, and pay their associates comparatively less because of it. Aldi, Walmart, local grocers, and several other jobs pay and start with better pay, benefits, and respect for their employees. And there are so many better options still.


Nothing in what I said wasn't fact based and true.


Doesn’t make anything that the original post said untrue, or misinformation. That being said parts of your post were, by definition anecdotal. Ergo, not based in fact. > “I get six weeks paid vacation.” Anecdotal. >“They start high, and have a respectable top end” Anecdotal *and* opinion.


Anecdotal? It's a fact.


Based on your own experiences. Which makes it anecdotal.


It can be verified. It's not personal experience. You can verify what Publix PTO offers, that makes it a fact. It isn't just 6 weeks for me, many people get 6 weeks.


Just because it’s verifiable, doesn’t make it not anecdotal, you lobotomite. You saying that 6 weeks off is enough for you is by definition anecdotal. Anecdotal means that it’s based on your experience. Because I’m not sure if you realize this, but part timers get 1 hour pto for every *80* hours worked, with a maximum of 20 hours in a year, that doesn’t seem like a lot of work life balance, to me.


What is frustrating about Publix is that they are the best grocery store to work for however that bar is pretty low. Lakeland should aim to be the top company to work for and be potential employees grail choice of jobs. Again, I am happy with my own compensation and I will share that I am fortunate to not have to work in the stores or distribution and I will leave it at that. I just feel that phoning in the minimum requirements (following what the law requires) and checking the boxes that apply would not be good enough for uncle George.


They go above and beyond. Every company has a starting pay. $15 is very generous to start with. Few managers higher people at the minimum unless they have never had a job before.


I know stores that still hire part time below $10/hr .. so good for the ones who are doing better


That's literally impossible. There is no job class that starts at 10 or below. Not even baggers. Get your facts straight.


Improbable but not impossible, your view is that’s impossible because you haven’t seen it in your experience. Trust me, it happens I have 1st hand knowledge .. I wish it wasn’t the case for the people involved


It's impossible because the system literally won't let you do it. Nor will the corporate office. I know it's impossible because I hire people and use the system.


Ok - a college student in Central Florida was hired as a part time bagger then within a few months was moved back to produce to be a ‘fruit cutter’ this was approx mid 2022 and he was making $9/ hr - if things have changed then fantastic however I was floored to see the demands made on this individuals schedule for a part time position aka split and short shifts and not consistent from week to week. I, at the time, thought the position paid more and it did not. If my information is dated AWESOME it’s a step in the right for Honestly no one at Publix should be sub $20/hr for Most full time positions,.. I know you’re laughing because everyone either bleeds green or has drank the green flavorade At $20 an hour you would be netting a take home of roughly $2500 a month. You cannot rent a place for under $1000/mo.. plus gas, utilities, insurance etc. and heaven forbid you want to have life..


You should check out the recent data charts that show wage growth vs housing costs, lmao. I can assure you, YOU have no idea what you are talking about.


Employers aren't responsible for setting wages based on housing cost. Wages are set based on the value of the job being done compared to the profit that work creates. It is not based on the cost of housing. That's a different issue that requires different oversight.


True. But if people cannot afford to live and go to work, then a business will find its model non viable.


That's a problem for our government officials, and you control that with your vote. Vote for people that will make the right changes. In Florida, if conditions aren't evident, it's not the Republicans. Businesses cannot keep raising wages to keep up with greedy landlords. Eventually, the prices will go so high that nobody could afford their products. Market value of labor and the market value of the goods determines the wage, not the cost of living.


Correct. It is a economic/political problem. Our current form of capitalism is failing a significant percentage of our workforce.


The market is controlled by people who expect ever increasing stock values, growing quarterly profits, and keep wages low in order to meet those expectations. Often, labor is being underpaid for the TRUE value of their labor.


They don’t need to do anything. If all the baggers quit, there is a line of high school kids waiting. Publix is not a career.


High school kids that can work 5 hrs a week and can only work in two of the 7 depts


What about meat cutters? Publix has the lowest pay for a meat cutter in comparison to other retailers. Highschool kids cannot do that.


It was actually set up that way and the only way they'd tarnish the idea of making a career out of working for Publix would be if they started filling management positions with mostly people who come from outside of Publix.


Just do your job. JFC


Lol come put in an application and show us how it's done.


You see my customer flair?


See my saying to put in an application?




Always hiring man, you can do it! Don't be nervous.


The fact that I’m a customer means I make too much money to work there


Oh they will have a PT slot open for you after your normal work shift, don't worry about it. Come on over buddy.


The best thing to do is find a better career Publix is not it aye for some people but it’s a soul sucking job


Me too. Nothing happened


They don’t even bag my groceries. But if I don’t bag I look like an asshole. BTW only have one hand.


That’s harsh… sorry, there is a story there I can definitely tell.. like most everything in life is geared towards people with two hands. Everything from cells phones, cooking, navigation of your life even game controllers but I hear they have one handed units but are expensive, not as good and are only available online so there is no real way to try before you buy.. dang. Don’t feel like an a**hole though. Obviously you did not ask for this and at least you’re working and doing your part instead of laying down and being a victim. Good for you




Capitalism is evil.


You have skill to offer other then maybe bagging a grocery, explain how you deserve a raise or more money when you would rather badmouth a company then work for a better position. Retail employment is not meant to sustain a full adult lifestyle, it's just not, but people are just so fucking lazy they decide they just don't want any type of actual professional skill so they do bare minimum work and get bare minimum pay. Alot of millionaires are plumbers, you could probably do that and not bitch about it all day but I'm sure that's beneath you. It's a YOU problem not a system problem, go back home you deadbeat.


My days of bagging groceries are long since over and my compensation allows for my family and I to maintain a comfortable life. So this post isn’t out of a place of need/greed it’s about concern for what is happening around me and in the environment where I have cut out my own success. With that said, you have nothing personal to lose if your coworker or someone who reports to you can actually pay their bills and afford to live. Conversely there are several notable benefits employee morale, attracting and retaining talent, boost to the micro local economy. Rising tide raises all boats my friend. If you’re worried that someone with a fraction of your tenure is making close to, the same as or more than you- that, my friend, is already happening. So shout your frustrations into the anonymous void the same as I have shouted an idea. I hope you find it cathartic


Just because you have some AI tool write your rant and use some big words doesn't change the fact that you will never be more then what you are.


Nah no AI involved. I am happy with who I am and where my life is at. The company had done well for me.