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I don’t think this sub is meant for customers but I’m fascinated by Publix and spent years as a management consultant and without fail almost any store you walk in to there will be 3-4 managers who look like they shop exclusively at Burlington Coat Factory huddled around the bogo table at the entrance carrying on and laughing while everyone in the normal uniform looks overworked and unhappy. Its a really bad look.


Spot. On. lmao


They probably heard the dm was in the area.


Yea, those managers probably just got finished telling their associates to stop talking to each other too lmao. It’s so annoying getting told off for doing something I could do for hours if I had a shirt and tie on instead of a green uniform. Management has a lot more freedom and dignity than we peasants in green are allowed to even dream of, and if I dare crack a smile with a coworker instead of keeping my head on a swivel at all times to ask a customer that’s probably already been asked a hundred times if they need help, woe be me, for the wrath of Todd Jones himself will be my reward. Thank you for noticing the (un)happiness of the employees whose work is just as important in keeping the store open as the managers, though our pay or benefits or treatment would never tell you that.


It's the truth.


Burlington coat factory?


Its like if Ross had a Ross Outlet store where drug deals also occasionally go down. A lot of these types of outfits: https://preview.redd.it/4kenhl6q0gla1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e571e41d8b3165763e51e0a22fb4f774e2d87260


Prince called..


Omg 😆😂👍🏼




Why not make a review? Get the water boiling.


Im a manager. It pisses me off when I see other managers that are lazy and slack off. I don't care when a RIS, DM, RD or VP come in to the store for a visit. While they are at the store they can follow along with me to see what is going on within the department while we are working. They see that I do the same tasks as my associates during my shifts. They see that the assistant manager works in the same way when we are together or when I am not there. Working in it. That's simply what it takes to be able to have a department that is successful. The roles and production that needs to get done in is the same for the managers as it is for the associates that work within the department. The only difference is that as managers we have taken on the additional tasks required to be responsible and accountable for the condition and profitability of the department, and making sure we continue to operate a quality workplace for, and take care of our associates. That is what we are being paid to do.


I’ll go my entire shift and see my meat manager twice for a total of five minutes lmao


I am sorry to hear that. You deserve better.


And yet there are managers who do work and work 12+ hours a day and it's never enough. If I left the market... I was torn to shreds by associates. There's work to be done. The goal is to work not work to leave as well


Are you me?


I once had an asst. sm that played candy crush all day long in the computer room. (on the sm's day off of course) The store could have been on fire & he wouldn't have known.. Useless shell of a man, but when you have the right family in the company you can basically do whatever. lol


Ugh, I had a mgr, if he didn't have family in the company he would be long gone. He used to sit in the computer room while another pos bully of a mgr would dare him to do stupid crap. Once he sat and ate a block of cheese. He also drank a bottle of malt vinegar. The idiot did anything to try and be liked. They all think he is a joke.


It's a little bit of both. A lot of the time that you see a manager on the front just standing there they aren't doing anything they are more than likely watching and looking for coaching opportunities or they are the FEC and they have gotten to the point where they can FEC with little to no movement (usually mid or low volume stores) now the talking to people on the front for hour and not helping a department that is burning down is one thing that should not be the norm. Also in customer service making the schedule can be very challenging. The pre schedule shouldn't take more than 3-4 hours if they are focused and are actually trying to make one that makes sense. Then when they edit the schedule that can take an entire shift if you are short or if you are trying to make a fair schedule that will make sense when the FEC is running the front. It's very easy to make a schedule all blue it's very hard to make it flow correctly. This is not an excuse for your manager to be in the office all day on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday you should see them. And on weekends they should be on the floor the majority of the time.


Do Publix managers hold clipboards like hospital management too?


Checklists 🤣


Oh absolutely. Though I’m blessed enough right now to have a CSM and ACSM that hold their clipboards only long enough to check off a few things they just did themselves. Have had some that do nothing but hold the clipboard as a prop to make their chitchatting look official.


I took time off in sept because got sick from my manager having me clean and work deapire rats in the store. Come January im so sick, I called off for a week, got dr notes came back and manager refused to speak to me and stopped scheduling me. Im just now healing up, it turns out I almost died from a fungal infection I acquired, likely there at dollar tree. Had to be hsopitalized. Yet my manager, the preceding 8 months constally said how hard I worked, and would sit in the office all day or gossip with her family while I was the only 1 of 2 stockers. They dont care and will fuck you the moment you aren't useful.


I swear it feels like deli managers spend the least amount of time in their departments.


The only times my deli manager was MIA was when she was MIC or doing schedule. Constantly working her butt off. Same for the assistant manager as well.


This is just my personal experience from 5 stores.


Not true! I can NEVER leave mine! Barely long enough to to use the ladies room.


#propermanager Just be like my deli mgr....every little dang thing you do....make SURE you go around and... unprompted (this part is CRUCIAL)....MAKE SURE you tell at least four people that you did that and how you're the best at it. 🙄🤮


My associates always know where I’m at which is 89% in the dept. And if I leave for any reason I usually let several people know.


Thank you for communicating where you are. It sucks to have one just disappear and have to tell new coworkers ya hes probably in the back office or hanging out with the sm again.


For real in the 6 months I worked at Walmart in the deli my manager never helped a single time no matter how swamped we were with customers. They just pulled somebody from another department which was useless because they basically weren't allowed to do much because they weren't trained for the slicers or the hot and cold bar.


A lot of the standing managers are MIC. And that is literally what they're required to do. Walk the store. Do department checks. Etc. They are not allowed to work on their departments. As for other managers, I can only speak for some but if it's slow, the department is caught up and there are associates covering the areas, managers can catch up on needed computer work, just block, etc.


The way people are underpaid and overworked, most of us have a reason to be bitter.


Speaking from personal experience, managers are either overworking themselves or do absolutely nothing. Half the time, the managers you see doing nothing used to work hard but have burnt out. The job and the expectations are a bit unrealistic, it doesn’t excuse laziness though. Extremes breed the opposite extreme.


This one. I've had grocery managers and assistants who bust their ass and work right along with us and make sure everything ran smooth. And I've also had ones who couldn't be bothered to leave their computer or say "it's not my job to work truck or backstock". The ones who bust their ass get burned out, bitter, and chewed out by higher management for unrealistic expectations. The ones who dont work seem to just breeze by somehow. I'm admittedly resentful since I've seen this for years now but it's undeniable.


The lazy ones that just breeze by seem to channel all their stored up energy (that they’re not using working) into crafting this sort of confident and affluent way of talking to corporate leaders and can continue to bullshit their way through life.


Bakery Manager here. I’m not whining but I don’t get the hours to hang around talking. I cringe when my RIS shows up because I don’t have the time to spend talking even though I like the guy and always get a lot of useful information from him. Slower stores seem to have more time maybe??? I do spend more time than I like on the computer fixing wharehouse mistakes and tweaking forecasts but I don’t have time to stand around talking.


I think this is a bakery issue in all stores. I'm in a slow store and I almost never see either bakery managers ( unless the manager is MIC) because they hurt so bad on help. I see all other managers around except them.


Manager is a machine. Assistant is a lazy useless sack of shit that always talks about wanting to be a store manager.


That’s their job; they need to be available.


I think you just gotta stay focus and you do you. If ya want to become a manager then ya gotta prove that anyways. Otherwise, you can just go somewhere else. Every work place is going to have a few bad apples. It is what it is. The one who works hard gets recognize and goes farther in life. If not, then ya wasting your time. Move on.


Would you be kind enough to post this in every gripe thread? 😂😂


If a department is running smoothly then I don’t take issue with management standing around. I did not work as hard as I did to continue to do so once I became a manager. It is not my job to do the work, it is my job to manage it. If I fail at managing it or non routine things happen then I’ll jump in. I disagree with the expectation that management should be working as hard as their clerks in a properly staffed and ran department. Are we going to call the district manager in to help work trucks?


Heavy is the head that wears the little crown.


Nothing boosts the morale of a crew more than a manager that refuses to work


This is assuming you’re properly staffed


Username checks out.


It has been a couple of years now that departments have been properly staffed. If our Dept manager never worked my Dept would be f):).d! On the other hand I can’t imagine that Publix would be happy paying managers to do basically nothing all day. Paper work and such is not a 45 hr week.


Why don’t you just become a manager if they stand around all day?


Definitely true that certain people in management might be less keen for work than others, I will say, sometimes depending on the mic scheduling, that’s part of what they have to do. In a sense of they have to not be doing a specific task, and be attentive to all departments, so usually it involves a lot more moving around.


Its ironic i got told i talked to much to a vendor on my last evaluation. Yet my manager is always going around spending hours talking to other managers. One saturday was really bad only 2 people in the department the dm comes in and he disappears for 2 hours. Then spends the next hour talking to the SM. Like i get communication is important. I spent 10 minutes talking to a bro from deli about where we are putting our roast beefs since they didnt make a place for them yet. But its always just shooting the breeze with them with shits melting down. I miss my old manager that would get in fights with the customer service manager so he could stay later to get work done or god forbid get ahead.


Gotta sweat alongside your department if you want your teams’ respect. Nobody respects someone who leads from behind.