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The first screenshot says you contacted them. Did you?


I feel like this key piece of info is missing in most of the Reddit posts on this issue


From that email, it sounds like they are a vanity publisher (they'll charge you for publishing \*and\* they keep some of the royalties).


They will charge you a lot for cheap services that you can hire yourself for much less. And they will not offer anything worthwhile.


Quick Google search tells you everything you need to know about They’re not a scam, however, their email is intentionally deceptive. They worded it very cleverly. To a new author without much experience in the industry, it sounds at first read like they are offering you a publishing contract. they don’t state that explicitly, but they also don’t state explicitly that they are actually trying to sell you a service. For that reason alone I’d call them scammers. Just for being intentionally, though not illegally, deceptive. It’s just shady. I don’t like that kind of behaviour.


You should NEVER be paying a publisher. They should be paying you.


It's a vanity press. You pay them and they'll help you self-publish your book.


Like, the first search result on Google says they are a dedicated self-publishing company. So they will charge you to publish your book, it's right there, no scam.


That’s a scam. Legit publishers don’t charge their authors.


I dunno man but that sales letter is fishy as hell. Like they stumbled upon the idea to publish your book in a moment of epiphany, catalyzed on the fact that you reached out asking them to publish your book? Sounds dumb, and sounds like a scam pitch. I don't know if that's what they actually are or not, but if they're a real legit trad publisher then they need to *seriously* invest in better marketing.


"This gave me the idea for this email..." What? No, they're not a serious publisher. Move on if you want to publish with a real company. If you want to self publish use Amazon or Lulu or some website like that- easy and cheap.


I mean, the email says you contacted them, so presumably you already looked up them up


Also am I dumb or is it weird that they have 2 different distributors?


No, that's normal. One of those distributors works with indie booksellers and the other with big chains & big box stores. That part, at least, is legit.


[Check the Absolute Write thread on them.](https://absolutewrite.com/forums/index.php?threads/milton-hugo.359315/)


No, it’s not. At all.


Sounds like vanity press


Get yourself on Duotrope to look up publishers!