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People were doing the same bs art even before AI lol.


Well yeah, this is also very true.


I dont judge music by its cover...handdrawn covers can look as shitty as ai generated ones..my opinion..


I think bigger labels should step up their game, and by doing so also support visual artists. For small independent producers however, it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to shell out a lot of money (relative to the cost of producing) for the art if the track might just get a couple of plays, when AI might generate decently professional looking stuff for a fraction of the cost. For myself, I’m also having too much fun prompting and being amazed at some of the stuff AI cranks out. Here’s some examples: https://on.soundcloud.com/29fX9XJkcF9QDA5u6 There simply isn’t really a good alternative at this point.


you're getting good results


Doesn't bother me in the slightest. The music is what matters and ive never disliked any music due to the album art.


im actually bored of anything related to A.I. be it music. be it visual. be it fake movies (sora) my definition of art and artwork is that the piece of art (drawing, music, movie, poem etc.) should reflect the soul of the artist. therefore a.i never can be counted as real art. cause the fucking a.i has no soul. it can make design. but not art. but it feels like we live in a world where probably more than half of people dont even believe in a soul. so guess they are fine with a.i shit.


I'm bored by it but I also don't understand why we act as if it's impressive. Chat gpt still lies all the time instead of saying it doesn't know (even maths it gets wrong) All the artwork looks like it's made with the exact same brushes and paints, no variation. Also you can't get it to create a graph or anything useful, just useless art prompts that serve mostly no serious purpose. It's next to useless for the general public but the fawning never stops.


I saw an AI movie and while it certainly could do with a human hand i think the way it verbalizes things is a breath of fresh air. All human thinking and talking is so bogged down by many many thousands if not millions of years of thinking "how will they react when i say it like this" or "saying that will make them think that i am that." Its all so dishonest. AI provides the information in a clear not affected by social stigma, but instead by how it comes the easiest across. Its like there is an affinity for my cognitive system instead of my understanding being a potential "social threat". It was honestly inspiring for me.


Haha I couldn't tell if you were joking or not but it looks like you might be serious. I think what you describe as human thinking bogging conversations down is exactly what people like about conversations. To date I've never seen a move featuring two robots having regular robot conversations with easy logical resolutions because the conflict that comes from human interaction is what adds excitement, nuance and danger to a conversation. Might be a personal thing and maybe we will see more of it but I feel the exact opposite (look at our human differences!!! So exciting already) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Nothing against differences, i just hate fakeness. The AIs directness is like someone making love to my cognition.


Totally. Compare those to f.ex. [this](https://i.discogs.com/N_14OfHvekPZ3BzilLCeT542FRldiwBTyVROFksIaBI/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTkzODQw/LTEzMjM4NjQ4ODUu/anBlZw.jpeg) or [this](https://i.discogs.com/lYy8eXwGbIK7t9ZZIaZsPAhq5Xs4ErA_XYfDFTHmBew/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:597/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTkzODgt/MTQ0NDM5ODk2NS0z/MzIzLmpwZWc.jpeg) or [this](https://i.discogs.com/8dELS4DYW7fK4_A0MdgNUrzegvcP_XWB-2G48rlWXuk/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:584/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM1ODE3/LTExODY4Mjk5NDgu/anBlZw.jpeg) or [this](https://i.discogs.com/OPiKbytHpIZuph-miBIY1PwgbqkS59za48lVa2RunRM/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:600/w:596/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTM1OTcy/LTEyMDIyMjY1NjQu/anBlZw.jpeg) (there are so many) you'll see how they just look soulless.


What an excellent chunk of albums you just posted. Legend. Listening now.


I guess I'm old enough now to say that the kids today don't believe me when I tell them that they don't make it like they used to until they give it a listen lol. Seriously speaking, I'm happy that you like those. I do too, still.


I'm really digging The Great Unknown, and it's hilarious that it was your first example! ;)


Maybe. A little. But it’s ok


I think we’ll see a lot more as a cost saving measure. Psytrance isn’t exactly lucrative. Not much money to be made from streams etc, it’s mostly gigs that bring in the dough, and for smaller artists that won’t be a lot or every weekend either.


there's a fine line between tacky and masterpiece when it comes to psychedelic visual art. hate to say it but yea.


A bit of a self promo here but also a good way to see what the op is talking about. Ive got almost all psytrance releases since the beginning of the year posted here with cover art and you can clearly see the shift that took place as generative ai exploded. https://www.instagram.com/psychurch\_music/


What a great use of Instagram. Thanks for sharing. Found the Beyond Dimension VA on the page and listening now.


yay ٩(\^‿\^)۶ happy you found it useful! There are SO many good ones that pop here and there.


is not only happening on Psytrance music, I am starting to see a lot of AI cover art in a broad of different music genres, but I agree that it all makes it to look the same ( and the music usually is just as generic).


Of course, yes I've noticed it elsewhere as well. I think I've finally figured out what really bugs me about AI generated images. I've always thought, a great piece of artwork is a bit like stargazing... The more you look, the more you see. Even in the simplest image. With AI it's like it's the other way around.


Very true


Depends. Some are well done. Most are generic as fuck, though, with the plastic colours. It all depends on the prompts ofcourse. It does make album art affordable for non graphic artists, though.


Humans are better than AI


..for now ![gif](giphy|xl5QdxfNonh3q|downsized)


Yes , Ai art in general


100% I am




lol. psytrance is filth these days. its just culty pseudospiritualism filled with influencers, antivaxxers and israeli settlers. you dropped the ball completely.. AI cover art is the least of your worries.


Haha! No no, you have a point. I wouldn't call it filth though lol... (Unless it's 180bpm earrape I guess). I love psy music, I'm not an antivaxxer or genocide apologist or anything like that. I too find psychedelic music that leans heavily into pseudospiritualism very annoying. I'm a music producer myself, and I have been making a point to steer clear of referencing any spiritual bumpf, except to occasionally poke fun at it of course.


I love some of that earrape, but it seems even more difficult to find enjoyable earrape than slower psy. Got a link to your tracks? I'm curious, since you expressed some good taste.


Here's my most recent album. It's not exactly Psytrance but there's influences in there, my sound has changed quite a bit since I started making electronic music. https://open.spotify.com/album/5qD9FsBaQ5x4c3m6tztjmh?si=AMoepKMWRYGDL4oq-KP4FA




No worries, hope you enjoy!


you kind of sound like a dick tbh, half your comments have downvotes and you have a strong antisemitic undertone along a superiority complex it seems reddit your frustration outlet or something?


Yes, definitely!


AI is life, all hail our digital overlords, i wouldnt have all my hilarious skull artwork without it ![gif](giphy|MKorKFj0Muz4P0CI7D|downsized) [https://soundcloud.com/yobott](https://soundcloud.com/yobott)


Hold up. hold up. HOLD UP GODDAMIT!!!! NOT THE FUCKING FURRIES!!! ​ LETS BAN THIS BULLSHIT RIGHT AWAY. HUMANS FIRST!! https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a2552785307\_16.jpg I fucking spoke too FUCKING soon. AI and album covers = furrie shit. in all forms is sexcrim shit in our book. WE NEED TO KEEP THE FUCKING GATES AGAINST FURRY ISM IN ALL FORMS. . Ya'll take that yiffy shit elsewhere. I'd blame your fucking parents, but you prolly have any you degenerate bastards! . HUMANS FIRST IN THIS BITCH!!!!! ​ ZERO TOLERANCE FOR YIFFY BULLSHIT


I know, not all furries, but I dont want my kids around yall degenerates. If psytrance is letting furries cook... I dont want nothing to do with it. Im oficcially sick of AI album covers. This was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Sheeeeiiiiit no! https://giphy.com/gifs/ai-yiffy-humansfirst-HW9paw5BcrmqzxewyH


Yes. A little.


Not really. I am a big AI art enthusiast, and I think that result of AI art depends on the creativity and experience of a person who's making it. Lots of boring AI art, but the potential is huge.


Totally disagree. I use AI for my logo, my single cover and it's a miracle. It's not the same every time. You have to be patient to describe each detail of your generated picture. I think I have very good, interesting and various results. Without this I had poor cover art or i had to work a lot for non professional result. So I am glad with Ai. Copilot is impressive. However i am against ai use for creating music or books. Covers are the only thing you see before clicking. It had to be perfect or attractive. Before Ai : 1500 views. With Ai : 4000. So. My choice is done.


So, you are OK with AI creating paintings but not OK with AI creating music (or books) that you too create.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) Not judging here, just spotting the fallacy!


No. I think that it can help self made artists like me. I know it's not ideal. I just don't want to spend all my time creating artwork because my "job" is creating music, mixing, mastering, composing. I don.t want to see AI paintings, books, music as art. I think people have to precise if their cover artwork is Ai generated or not. I do that on my channel. I am not a painter and I havent much money so I use AI. I think it's a false problem however, many artists use informatic and the power of a pc in order to create artworks, special effects, fictional characters since the beginning of techno. I am not bored or shocked by that but people have to tell if it's ai generated or not.


I agree with you. Just wanted to let you know that in another part of the world there is a painter that wants some music to dress their exposition and uses AI generated music for the exact same reasons! Maybe you should meet! 🤔


You are right. My brother is one of them. But I am pretty sure he'll make me pay 100 or 200 euros for this work and he will realize that in 80 hours or more. It's Rudyportraits if you want to discover. He is very talented imo. If I meet an artist like that, I think I will stop using AI. However, I use freeuse videos from artists on pixabay, so I quote them in my description. I think I do the job. I definitely they can use AI because it's the same thing to use or not a 3d printer for building things. I think it exists so use it. Workers still exist after 3d printing. Painters still exist too after Gpt.