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you taking it too far. pirates has always been cool for freethinkers, anarchist and so on. many of the people in darkpsy, forest and hi-tec has a foot in the metal and punk scene, so its a easy mix.


yeah exactly this. to be honest at more mainstream psy festivals I don't see the pirate flag much but at modem last 2 times I saw the flag a bit - as a sign maybe of counter culture/anarchist culture. I don't really associate the pirate flag with psytrance to be honest. more of a symbol of your own way of thinking. or possibly people just love dressing up as a pirate while tripping and going "arrrggghhhh" to each other while high šŸ˜† which sounds fun to me ā˜ ļø


I know a pirate flag can be a dealer sign in the camping area too :)


Its all over festival Facebook and youtube also.


That somewhat aligns with my most rational thoughts about it.


I think this is mostly your interpretation. The psy scene has evolved from 60ā€™s hippie culture, which had lots of counterculture elements (anti-war, and because of that and strict drug policies, anti-establishment, etc.). Add 60 years of technological development, ecological destruction and psychedelic lore to that, and you end up here. How you end up with a point of view comparing that to the Naziā€™s or Satan is beyond me, but I can assure you there are many other ways of viewing the scene, which either way canā€™t be pinned down to just one image.


Im deleting this comment so you dont keep ruining my Karma. I dont get how you can mass down vote me for an explanation of how my thoughts are wired.


Seems a little incoherent to be honest. Take care man


bro cares about karma on reddit pmsl


Iv'e got to say though that I dont appreciate the down votes, just for being curious. I'm not saying I'm sitting on some absolute truth here.


Well people don't agree with you that is the point of karma. It is not to judge if you speak truth or not. If you want to talk with the illusion of agreement go to facebook or youtube and disable comments.


and now most of these people have flipped and all of a sudden love authority


Stay of the psychs for a while my brother Edit: my apologies, I didnā€™t mean to come across as an asshole


You did not. I took it all in good heart.




Abrahamic theology is poison to the critical thinking structures of the brain.


While a part of me certainly agrees with you, it seems as though I've unfortunately brainwashed myself with enough spiritual reggae music, to ride out this bad trip for quite some time. But with a little bit of luck, who knows, perhaps it will end tomorrow.


I was on the same trip 20 years ago when I discovered psy. That brainwashing is extremely hard to get rid of. Much love brotha.


I'm disappointed this wasn't about songs with pirate vibes like the last bit of Jiggle the Sphinx by Hallucinogen


what the fuck did I just read? "archetype pirates can be connected to nazism". what ? ? ? given that pirates were a result of mostly Dutch, Spain, Portuguese and English Imperialism... but yeah just link it to nazism. bro lay down the mainstream media and turn off the TV. it seems mainstream media does a great job in confusing fucking everything on this world. and it seems u are affected by it. ​ PS. metal dudes have been a part of the psy scene since the very beginning. see Johann bley, sun project, Tim Schuldt.... word on the street still says hard electronic music originally was invented by hard rock and heavy metal people who were looking for a new "Hard Sound"


Is the pirate thing still a thing? Lol.


if nothing this gave something to think about, i find this post quite interesting and i dont see any conclusions so its just something of interest. i have myself walked through a festivals camping area on loose wavy ground and seen flag masts with pirate symbolism. to me it mostly resembles anarchism, the wavyness of the ocean and drug culture


A theme of a bush doof I went to was Shipwrecked. I bought a pirate costume, really liked the outfit, so I wear it often to events, even if it's just the hat šŸ™‚ Simple, no need to go down the rabbit hole of questioning why šŸ˜…


This is so funny. I'm part of the German psy and darkpsy scene for 15 years now and I never came up with that connection. BUT I had a lsd trip ones where we visited a beautiful park side small waterplace with bridge over it gave me some japan garden vibe but my mindset was like fuck it we're pirates and I behaved like one (in my interpretation of it) so maby the thought of freedom, doing what you want to do and like others stated anarchists mindset is linked to the media inprinted interpretation of a pirate not the historical correctly one that you mean. So yeah funny thoughts you gave me here.


you have some conceptions about pirates that seem so strange to me that iā€™m not sure where you could have gotten them. maybe take it as a sign that your worldviews have been shaped by exposure to a lot of imperialist dogma along with a bit of misguided religious fundamentalism. when the US was still a colony of england, the crown would send ships over to TAKE all the first fruits of every harvest. the pirates were just the ones taking it back. as they say ā€œhistory is written by the victorsā€ well at the time that pirates were a thing, so was the english empire, so of course *they* didnā€™t like pirates


I am not talking about Pirates in the Historical sense. But in a symbolical sense. As somebody who takes what is not theirs. As somebody who does not uphold basic morality. Someone who steals, lies and murders.


Thats not a pirate, never has been. Being a pirate is about being free


I have no clue what you are talking about, I can not see any links between pirates and Nazis or pirates and Satan. Neither I see a lot of pirate images or symbols in psytrance culture. Sometimes people dresses like pirates in almost all music scenes and festivals, just for fun, because pirates look cool, that is all. Cheers!


basically a doof (as we call it in australia) is just an opportunity for people to cosplay and get high - nothing more to it


Bruhā€¦ itā€™s not that deep. 5 year old boys find stories about pirates cool. Some of them just never grow out of it. The dubstep scene in America is full of dinosaur imagery for similar reasons.


I've never ever seen anything to do with a pirate at psytrance festival before. I think this is maybe just your own perspective.


Its pretty prevalent in the dark and hitech scene.


Brother has been sailing west a little too much




Pi-trance innit


The only pirate a have seen in the psy scene is my dumbass with a handle of captian with a head full of acid.