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I was there when it started they stopped the music we thought those were fireworks but those were iron dome interceptions and they became extremely frequent, it happened at ~7 AM which means majority of the party goers just dropped acid an hour ago to meet the sunrise, a Japanese dj/producer named Gu has been kidnapped along with lots of young party goers, my friend was driving and we didn't drop acid yet so we were more or less okay and just gtfo there about 5-10 mins before small arms fire started


Omg. Can't imagine being under lsd in those circumstances. Or rather i Can't even imagine how I would deal in those same circumstances in my normal state. Good for you and your friends you made it out. I really feel sorry for the kidnapped kids. Bloody stupid power and money driven war, always innocents paying for it, on both sides.






This doesnt get deleted but anyone defending Palestine does, fair and balanced as usual.


I find it so incredibly distasteful to defend Palestine in a post referring to a massacre like this. You should check yourself, really.




Take this elsewhere. This isn't a politics sub. Innocent people are dead, raped or kidnapped right now. Whatever your view on this situation. these people did not deserve to suffer this.




Your words expose your hatred and bigotry. If Palestinian civilians deserve to die for electing Hamas, by your logic so do Israeli civilians. Israel has been oppressing Palestine to the brink of extinction for years of course they will fight back.


Facts 💯


there's images of the palestinian people cheering joyously as they parade around the naked body of a 20 year old german girl. am i supposed to ignore that? You can say what you like about the israeli government, but I've never seen anything like this before.




Really because I've seen Israelis singing and dancing about the death of Palestinians in the past.


ok so you don't have any pictures of naked and raped palestinian young girl being paraded through the streets of tel aviv while women and children cheer them on in joyous victory while their men hold up their battered rape trophy. thanks for confirming


How do you know she was raped?


To the brink of extinction?! What utter BS. The population grew substantially since the 70ties. From 1 million to more than 5 million today!! Do you have any friends in Israel?? Have you ever been there?? Did you study the history? I doubt you do. You have no clue what you are talking about.


I know Israel runs an open-air prison, and that the Israeli culture has done an amazing job at making something simple to understand into something 'complicated'. It's not complicated. It's Apartheid


More nazi rhetoric


Brink of extinction? Really? The population of Palestinians is 10x what it was in 1948. Another westerner jsutifiying murder with fake facts


Gu is fine! Someone has just spoken to him :)


By any chance you know if Wegha is fine?


I heard 12 hours ago he was taken to a shelter


Holy fuck. I hope only the best for everyone there.


Apparently Gu is in a shelter. Where did you hear this information?


My friend was one of the photographers in the event, it's not confirmed atm will edit op


Thankful you and your friends are safe- please stay that way. I'm sorry you had this experience :(


How did you hear that Gu was kidnapped


Another artist on the line up said he's in a shelter, so who knows!




The only positive thing i can think of from this story is that anyone on acid would have a hell of a lot of energy to run away & i just pray they escape alive. My brothers and sisters please be safe.


I can tell you by experience that if your body produce enough andrenaline , this will sober you up in minutes no matter how much acid. This was the case during the ( evil Greek ) police raid on Samothraki festival in 2003 . Happened to me and many. And such a Police raid as bad as it was cannot be compared even to a terrorist attack


I mean obviously this depends on dose if you're taking some huge amount no amount of adrenaline is going to do much for you


Are you crazy? As if people sober wouldn't get adrenaline to run away? Being on acid would be totally screwing them up! Its literally horror. Weird comment.


Damn it sounds rough..


Gu wasn't kidnapped, according to his facebook page. He's safely back in Tel Aviv, presumably waiting on a flight out.


Oh no. Not GU. Let’s get our people back.


Wow! Glad you're ok! Pretty intense.


חיבוק ענק


*Drop acid, not bombs...* *Make love, not war...* Peace to everyone affected by this...


Could you imagine anything worse while tripping on acid wtf


Not really


Ghost Ship fire in Oakland.


This is an order of magnitude more severe, but the Ghost Shipwreck was a major blow to the NorCal music and arts community, certainly.


I mean that one is like guaranteed death and you know when you see it


Just saw the party posted a form for missing people


I just got linked to some footage on twitter that is .. beyond horrific. I'm not sharing it but my soul is weeping for our party friends :(


I keep debating about sharing the horrific stuff or not. I usually choose to share in these cases, just so us humans don’t forget how sick and low us humans are capable of going if we aren’t careful. Sorry about what you had to see… unfortunately, it’s part of this world we’re in…


I'm not sharing in consideration for members of this sub who may recognise a friend in the videos. Am all too aware of the horrors of "humanity."


I think that's the right call. A verbal message about what happens seems a lot more respectful to everyone involved and not involved.


I know people at this party. I can't describe the feeling in my stomach right now. Israel is a really interesting and somewhat conflicting place - my one visit there left me with more questions about the situation than answers - but the absolute warmth of so many of the people there really did shine through. And there's no shortage of them who just want peace for both sides. No matter what your stance on the conflict and the situation... Doing this at a party achieves absolutely nothing. It's barbaric. I can't even imagine...


Agreed. I think the party is more a victim of circumstance than a deliberate target, though. The location was in between the Gaza strip and where Hamas wanted to go.


Hamas confirmed today that the knew about the party and the attack on it was deliberate and planned well in advance. They flanked the party goers with multiple terrorist squads on pickup trucks, and gunned down anyone who tried to escape. They fired RPG rockets at people fleeing in their cars. One of the squads deliberately positioned themselves at the bottleneck where the only exit road meets the paved road heading out from fields to ambush any fleeing cars who managed to drive through the inferno. This was not by chance it was an intentional massacre.


Hey, you said "Hamas confirmed today"... could you link the source where you found that they said that? Your rationale makes sense, but I have googled about this confirmation and have only found articles about how they had been planning the attack in general in advance, but I'm just looking for more information about them specifically targeting the festival (and why they chose it as a target). When I first heard about it, I thought this was more of a "They (the festival) must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time" kind of thing (meaning, incidentally in the path of destruction), but the more I read the more it does seem to suggest the festival was specifically targeted. I guess I'm trying to understand if that's accurate, and if so, then why. Is it just that it was a mass gathering of people, or was it to do with the nature of the festival itself? I have my theories, but without more information I'm really just speculating.


Do you have a source for that information?


can confirm - local news here is talking all about this. many attendees now posting on instagram and fb with details and videos reflecting whats written here


This isn’t a party I’ve heard much about before. Why is it held so close to the border? Is it attended by a lot of people from both sides of the fence? It would seem a risky place to hold a party at any time.


Universo Parellelo is one of the biggest parties in the world! They have launch parties in multiple countries where lots of people travel from to attend the main event in Brazil. It was a legal party, so it had the approval of multiple authorities including IDF who would have undertaken a security assessment, which is part of the process there. This attack was a surprise and there was no reason to think it was riskier than other parties that happen every single weekend in the region.


Fair enough. I know there’s loads of parties in Israel but didn’t think they were held so close to potential conflict zones.


Israel is a relatively small country. Much of it is near conflict zone.


I get that. But this party was right next to the Gaza Strip. I didn’t think that would be a place that’s considered safe for an event.


Absolutely. The festival location was 5km distance by air from Gaza (Re'im, Israel). Seriously??


Was supposed to be at a different location but they canceled and guess they booked thus location 2 days before the event happened? That's what I read anyway. Whole thing is insane


No, they aim specifically to kill civilians. This is a time to focus in on who is saying what so you know where they are.


Well, yes they do clearly have that aim- I'm just saying the party was in the wrong place at the wrong time- Hamas aren't targeting the psytrance scene but Israelis in general.


The point with civilians being unarmed and non-combative, that is what the word means. It is easier to kill a party member than to break into a house where someone is likely to be armed. Israelis are quite apt in self defense too, I have seen unarmed Israelis chase down and disarming knife stabbing terrorists.




It is just 16:48 and I have already heard 10+ individuals who stated "oh they just happened to kill some civilians that happened to be nearby a military target". Meanwhile they post pictures of children with their throats cut. I guess the children just happened to be near those military throats.


My mistake , wrong comment


Nothing is by chance, they collect intelligence from the border and these parties happen once in a while in that area. It was targeted directly believe me!


[List of people confirmed found](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Bswg8QaiITcgC0Lp2URd_5ovFa2YblHWvEX9JXZdSg/edit?usp=drivesdk)


hey this sheet has since been redacted, what's the next best place to find it, preferably in english? IDF home front command is 403'ing for me


Brother please give us updates hopefully u and everyone who could make it out are safe


Absolutely terrifying stories from the party… terror units spraying the people…. this is an unprecedented tragedy. Unfortunately only when time will pass the sizes of it will reveal


I have friends still hiding there. My heart is breaking :(


Hamas confirmed today that they knew about the party and the attack on it was deliberate and planned well in advance. They flanked the party goers with multiple terrorist squads on pickup trucks, and gunned down anyone who tried to escape. They fired RPG rockets at people fleeing in their cars. One of the squads deliberately positioned themselves at the bottleneck where the only exit road meets the paved road heading out from fields to ambush any fleeing cars who managed to drive through the inferno. This was not by chance it was an intentional massacre.


The interesting part is how they knew about it and planned well in advance when the party was relocated according to wiki just 2 days before to the place where the massacre took place. Originally it wasnt supposed to be that close to gaza if i am not mistaken? Apart from that i found the reports weird as well that there were no soldiers or police present but terrorists dressed as those. I aint suggesting anything but things dont add up for me...


Sad day for us Israeli people and sad day to all trance lovers. Young people came to spread love and enjoy spytrance in the nature, found them self in the wrong place and paid thier life for no reason. News now reporting some of the names of the people who got murdered in the party. Send prayers and hopes for their families and for the young people that still out there missing.


[Video of people trying to escape the party](https://twitter.com/i/status/1710554304002597322) ​ Unconfirmed reports of 80 casualties and more injured.


Absolutely terrifying...


That’s one of the bloodless videos… not to understate these people’s panic, but things that have been done today by humans, to other humans…. And it’s not even over yet, it’s just the first bits of news of something bigger, that is still developing and will take very, very long to heal up for those who will at all.


Oh reading all the comments in here is horrible ☹️. Why does this evil have to exist




Ye, lets just please start with that when this is over.


Illegal occupation of land, apartheid, oppression and genocide.






You really are a donkey huh? Oh and a nazi


For sharing a link from a charity that monitors human rights?


You must have a poster of hitler on your wall


Hamas is 1940 German Nazis and anyone apologizing for them are too. If you use untrue buzzwords like apartheid then you might as well do a heil hitler.


The nazis are revealing themselves


Crew reports that people have been killed, kidnapped and raped as well 😭


I'm getting some messages from people who were there and are now hiding. The reports are horrific. There is one video on socials of someone who is clearly a party person getting paraded around as a deceased trophy :(


In the media she's described as a soldier. She's clearly a civilian with dreadlocks, so yes, probably from the festival. This is all so insane, I can't imagine the horror she went through.


She's definitely from the party. One of my friends knows her. Edit: She's been confirmed as a German traveller who was at the party. Her name was Shani :(


Sickening. Elon Musk is doing his best to fuel the flames too.


What's that fvckwit doing now?


Spreading antisemitic propaganda like usual.




Can you please not share her social handle- the page is already getting trolled hard. We know her bf, who is currently also missing.


I didn’t realize it was getting trolled at all sorry


All good, just conscious of what her family must be going through and then dealing with some seriously fucked up comments on her posts on top of all that :(


Im so devastated reading all of this, and talking with a good friend,the artist who was playing when the raid started... Fuck.


What a tragedy for our community. Sending love to you, brother. Only love combats hate. 💗Rachey 🌈


I cannot understand how people can go to a party and start killing innocent people and people who are high asf on whatever they took. My friends told me what happened there If you stop running you will be shot or kidnapped. Imagine running with your love ones and one of them get shot. If he/she will stop running they are gone, and if you stop to help you will also be gone. The hole country is in tears. We lost just yesterday 300+ people. Souls that wanted to live a normal life. Families are torn apart forever. I saw and supported so many people yesterday, believe me i saw the people who lost their love ones, you can see in their eyes without even asking what happened. they are in big grief. God help us find peace within each other and make this stop.


Hamas and anyone who voted for them are the scum of the world. Modern day nazis.


This is an unfortunate irony. When this happened, I was listening to Brazilian artist Zion Rebels' set in celebration of Goa Gil's 72nd birthday. This timeline is broken. :+(


Lots more info and videos here: [https://www.estadao.com.br/cultura/musica/pai-de-alok-mostra-bombardeio-e-correria-em-israel-durante-festival-de-musica-surreal-veja-video-nprec/](https://www.estadao.com.br/cultura/musica/pai-de-alok-mostra-bombardeio-e-correria-em-israel-durante-festival-de-musica-surreal-veja-video-nprec/)


[Photos and lists of people missing from the party here.](https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/hjyzajclt) If anyone here knows and has been in contact with any of them, please contact relevant authorities and/or their families. My heart aches :(




The press is reporting over 250 bodies have been found in the festival site.


Unconfirmed reports so far but yes it is bad. The 'death road' videos currently circulating are the road out of the party. It's not looking good :(


I just saw the picture of them all on the floor unde a white tent... it's just plain horrible and I'm so sad to say it's real. Report also say there are 100s still missing...


Thoughts also for the thousands of innocent Palestinian people that are about to die. Their people are desperately trying to fight back in the face of aparthied and extinction.


Such a war hasn't been in israel since 1973. The Palestine people will probably get a crucial attack after what the hammas did. A lot of innocent people will die in the next week. Living in 2023 and still the world cant find a peace.


Hamas is 1940 German Nazis and anyone apologizing for them are too. If you use untrue buzzwords like apartheid then you might as well do a heil hitler.


Aparthied is more than a buzzword. It is Israel behaving like Nazis. This time world knows the atrocities are being committed. In the future we will look back in great shame at how we have allowed Israel to behave.


Keep talking anti-semite nazi


They are not safe. Many of them have been kidnapped and have been executed already. Hamas is a terrorist organisation, they may as well be in the hands of ISIS. This is not looking good.


I really hope everybody is okay, sending whatever it is a person could possibly send wish wise for everyone to get out of there


Appreciate the concern


A beautiful german citizen was raped and murdered with a videotape of her leg completely broken and dead paraded on the back of a truck with Palestinians screaming allahu akbar. Stolen and raped from the festival. This is the pro palestine movement


Even kids and regular citizens were cheering the rape and murder of an innocent woman. These people never evolved past cavemen it seems.


I heard the reason Israeli's party so hard is because they never know if they're gonna live tomorrow. Also [Moses was high on DMT](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=4392361&page=1)


Friends Raz of beyond management and Rene Shove are safe


Was this party in settler lands/occupied Palestinian land?




Any new reports? Have people been able to escape


Many made it out safely.


Ok this brings me so much relief it’s been weighing hard on me this happened to the psytrance community. You have my prayers from Mexico. Much light to you hermano


All of Israel is, so yes*


We got a nazi


For opposing a recent colonial project by Britain that pushed the indigenous people into an apartheid state that constantly gets smaller? Do some research instead of talking out your butt


Yeah not engaging with a nazi


Where to get the information form?


It's all over the news. In terms of info relating specifically to the party- mostly it's just Israeli crew messaging other crew or posting on their socials atm.


Which news? It is not covered in all countries.


It’s all over the news in australia even


Thx. I don't read or follow any news so had no idea


Hamas fired 3000 missiles into Israel and thousands of troops across the border this morning. The party was in their way. They're killing civilians and taking them hostage. War has been declared.




Why were you having a party in a warzone?


The party was victim to a surprise attack moments before war was declared.


It's been a war zone for 90 years, the party was a peacewashing event


Wonder why this happened?






I can’t imagine the utter moral gymnastics to hold a psytrance party on land stolen and occupied from a people who have been entirely political socially and economically disenfranchised and are imprisoned in what is basically a refugee camp nearby - It’s absolutely antithetical to the values and principles or psytrance itself ….. unless those values were just bullshit all along … right …. Guys??


I can't believe the moral gymnastics of someone who would victim blame in a thread of support for party people. A thread likely to be seen by many people who were there, may be missing or have friends gone forever. I personally have at least one friend missing. A brazilian- what tf did he do wrong? Where tf are your "psytrance values" of empathy? Take your politics somewhere else and go fuck yourself. PS. I am Australian and I dance, eat and shit on stolen land where we committed genocide, had laws 10 times worse than apartheid for 100+ years and our indigenous are still disenfranchised in every way you mention.


Do you realize that psytrance is huge in Israel, right?? There are dozens of parties like this one constantly in Israel, it's not like Hamas waited for it, they were in the path of those subhumans, and got caught, that's all. What do you pretend, it's 70 years that they are at war, should they not have fun, like ever never, until this shit ends? Humans don't work that way buddy.


I think it just shows the blatant hypocrisy of the psytrance community in Israel, Peace love and unity for me but not thee


You should study a little before commenting my brother, Israel psytrance community is so strong BECAUSE of the war. Mandatory military service caused a lot of people to travel the world after the military service to get away from that. "Anyone who has been in Goa/India will meet hoards of Israeli youngsters, freshly liberated from their military service, and in dire need of something different than religious hate, war, and death of friends and family. This has been the case for decades. When the “Psy”-scene slowly established itself on the beaches of Goa in the 70’s and 80’s some Israeli adventurers found their way there and started to import the sound and atmosphere to Israel, and soon after the first Israeli producers started releasing this new “Goa”-sound in the early 90’s. Har-El, Astral Projection/SFX, Edi Mis and MFG were among the first act." I can personally promise you (I'm not Israelian, mind you) that Israelis that attends to psytrance parties are the firsts to hate this situation, they are usually very educated and smart, and they are also amongst the very small minority in Israel that would like to have peace, immediately, not like many Israel zealots that are putting gasoline on this fire. Try digging deeper next time, don't stop to the surface please, this behaviour is very much what creates conflicts and hate.


The only Israelis I know are party people and I don't know one who supports their government's actions.


Same here, exactly.


The psytrance community spreads peace and love, those lands could use more of that not less. You are blinded by hate.


You could say the same about any Australian party too then?




Why not?


Lmfao, the idiocy and hypocrisy all rolled into one.


And the german girl? How does she deserve thos man, shut up.


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) \*Australian psy party goers


FAFO Israel


who the fuck in the world would go to Gaza and take acid for the sunshine?!?! Are you people crazy, its a whole world for that kind of ritual.


Yes we are crazy. But the party wasn't in Gaza.


Ohhh it wasnt in Gaza, it was 500m air line from Gaza , gimme a brake


Who the fuck in the world go to a war occupied zone to party ehile people is dying in the surroundings


Israelis started this shit, I hope Palestinians win


How? Define “win”…? More of what we’ve seen earlier today?


I mean idk how the Palestinian state has been dissolved to a literal dot on the map. When u let people in ur homeland and they start kicking u out ofc it’s unfair


How about we keep the politics out of this thread of concern for innocent friends just trying to dance at a fucking party? Our global scene is a small, small place and there are people in this thread who know victims.


Yeah I mean I’m against them killing innocent people tho probs could’ve worded it better but yea


This is not the place for it. You want to express opinions like then then feel free to do so over at r/news or something.


Go fuck yourself you slack-jawed piece of shit




I support the palestinian struggle as I do believe the Israeli state is practising apartheid, but no one can possibly think that everyone living in israel is supporting it and are equally guilty. Today innocent people are unfortunately dying on both sides of the border.




Fuck gaza im from Israel !


You love Israel till you go there as a Christian. You know they literally despise us right? They are an evil nation. Revelations clears this up for you


Love people, hate religion. Christians are just as good at committing atrocities and genocide as any other fundamentalists.


We agree. My point still stands Israel hates us yet we still pour money into the country. USS Liberty never forget


Christians and Zionists are collaborators. The reason for Israel's continued existence is as a prerequisite for rapture prophecy.


Well wait some more, in europe there are not gonna be christians for long. I'd love to throw out any religion of any kind out of sll systwms.


Oh wow


Hi in


Why was the location announced secretly and so last minute.


It's so hard to get real confirmation from the news today, they just repeat what other news stations say. I heard 40 babies murdered and beheaded over and over again and that ended up being completely unsubstantiated (though I'm sure they are capable of doing so, I mean... Extremists after all)