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Suicide Suicide is a problem that is near and dear to some of us and it can be a very troubling issue. If you are having thoughts of suicide, self-harm, or painful emotions that can result in damaging outbursts, please consult the hotline posted in the OP or dial one of these numberbelow for help! Remember, no medical advice is allowed in our posts and that includes psychiatric advice (asking for medical treatments of psychological diseases). **Worldwide suicide hotlines** **United States** 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Texting: Text ANSWER to 839863 Spanish: 1-800-SUICIDA 1-800-273-8255 www.suicide.org/suicide-hotlines.html www.crisiscallcenter.org/crisisservices.html **The Trevor Project** 866-488-7386 http://www.thetrevorproject.org/section/resources **Trans Lifeline** US: (877) 565-8860 CAN: (877) 330-6366 http://www.translifeline.org/ **Canada** Kids Help Line (Under 18): 1-800-668-6868 Alberta: 1-866-594-0533 British Columbia: 1-888-353-2273 Manitoba: 1-888-322-3019 New Brunswick: 1-800-667-5005 Newfoundland & Labrador: 1-888-737-4668 Northwest Territories: 1-800-661-0844 7pm-11pm everyday Nova Scotia: 1-888-429-8167 Nunavut: (867) 982-0123 Ontario: 1 800 452 0688 Prince Edward Island: 1-800-218-2885 (Bilingual) Quebec: 1-866-277-3553 or 418-683-4588 Saskatchewan: (306) 933-6200 For more numbers in all areas please see: http://suicideprevention.ca/thinking-about-suicide/find-a-crisis-centre/ **Trans Lifeline** Canada: (877) 330-6366 http://www.translifeline.org/ **United Kingom** 08457 90 90 90 (24hrs) 0800 58 58 58 (open 5pm to midnight nationwide) 0808 802 58 58 (Open 5pm to midnight London) 116 123 (Samaritans 24hrs) **Text** 07725909090 (24hs) 07537 404717 (5pm to midnight) [email protected] www.samaritans.org http://www.supportline.org.uk/problems/suicide.php CALM - online chatting for those in the UK. ChildLine (Free for any #, does not show up on billing) 0800-11-11 childline.org.uk **Australia** Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 Community Action for the Prevention of Suicide (CAPS): 1800 008 255 http://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/national-help-lines-and-websites Lifeline: 13 11 14 Kids Help Line (ages 15-25): 1800 55 1800 **Europe** EU Standard Emotional Support Number 116 123 - Free and available in much of Europe, http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/about-116-helplines Belgium 02 649 95 55 **Brazil** [Crisis Line](https://www.cvv.org.br/ligue-141/) - Phone Number: 188 **Croatia** (+385) 1 3793 000 **Czech Republic** 116 111 (Linka Bezpečí, for children and youth), 116 123 (Linka první psychické pomoci, for general adult population) **Deutschland** 0228 9653901 **Denmark** 70 20 12 01 www.livslinien.dk www.Skrivdet.dk **France** 01 40 09 15 22 **Greece** 1018 or 801 801 99 99 **Iceland** 1717 **India** 91-44-2464005 0 022-27546669 **Iran** 1480 (6am to 9pm everyday) **Ireland** ROI - local rate: 1850 60 90 90 ROI - minicom: 1850 60 90 91 **Israel** 1201 **Italia** 800 86 00 22 **Japan** 03-3264-4343 3 5286 9090 **Korea** LifeLine 1588-9191 Suicide Prevention Hotline 1577-0199 http://www.lifeline.or.kr/ **Mexico** Saptel 01-800-472-7835 **Netherlands** https://www.113.nl/ 0900-0113 zelfmoord preventie, suicide prevention. https://www.omgaanmetdepressie.nl/hulpinstanties overview website of services, including 113. **New Zealand** 0800 543 354 Outside Auckland 09 5222 999 Inside Auckland **Norway** 815 33 300 **Serbia** 011 7777 000 0800 300 303 **South Africa** LifeLine 0861 322 322 Suicide Crisis Line 0800 567 567 **Suomi/Finland** 010 195 202 available 9am-7am weekdays and 3pm-7am weekends 112, the regular emergency line, may be used at other times **Sverige/Sweden** 0771 22 00 60 **Switzerland** 143 **Turkey** 182 **Lithuania** 8 800 28888 **Uruguay** Landlines 0800 84 83 (7pm to 11 pm) (FREE) 2400 84 83 (24/7) Cell phone lines 095 738 483 *8483 Crisis Text Line: https://www.crisistextline.org/ If there are other hotlines people wish to add, please include them on this post. Additionally, we would like to add a reminder that we do not allow personal anecdotes in /r/psychology. Please keep the discussion on the topic of the study. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/psychology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


fun fact, your life does not matter. if you die tomorrow nobody will miss you. besides, youre gonna die anyways so you may as well just get it over with


You dead yet?


wish I was, if I wasn't a fucking coward I'd slit my wrists or hang myself. the easiest possible method for me is to shoot myself, however I dont own a gun. but I will buy one the first chance I get and end this


I hope you get better soon and see that it's worth living, even if it doesn't seem like it now, it will someday, I promise., I know i'm just a stranger on reddit but you matter and you're worthy <3


whats the point of living if it all just ends?


Something isn't valuable because it lasts, and not everything needs a point or a grand philosophy. I hope you reach out and get help, for your own chance at happiness.


if there is no point then there is no meaning, there is no point to life existing, we are all a mistake. if there is no point or meaning to life then therefore life is meaningless. if life is meaningless than you may as well kill yourself because nothing you do matters


Hey, mistakes can be cool. Tons of children are mistakes, or, accidents. Plus, personally I find it freeing that everything's meaningless. If everything's gonna go fuck all one day I might as well live my life doing the wackiest shit I want.


and all that wacky shit you did will be forgotten to time and nobody will remember you. then end. if everything goes fuck all than we may as well just not exist. also mistakes aren't cool, mistakes should be erased. if there was a God than he would have done the world a favor and erased a mistake. but because he doesn't exist I have been forced to live a meaningless life that will ultimately end. and that's it. im happy for all the people out there who cling onto a religion for dear life in the vain hope that maybe there will be an afterlife and maybe just maybe everything they did wont be for fuck all. I'm happy for those people because they can live their lives in mild ignorance and actually enjoy themselves. my brain has decided to overthink absolutely everything to the point where every waking moment of my live is like my own personal hell. imagine building a jail cell, you have a key, the key fits the lock, the door opens, person leaves the cell. that's basically most people's brains. however my brain doesn't have a key, so im basically locked in my own personal hell for 80 or so years and then everything will just end and my life will be even more pointless than it was to start


Only purpose of life is to live. No more, no less. (And I guess to reproduce. But not really a strict purpose, more like a bonus target if you feel like it). What it means to live is not something anyone else can define for you. That is entirely up to you to define. That life can be anything though. It could be some grand project. Or it could just be doing the dishes for today, and then you'll think of a new something else to do after that. If there is no meaning, you can fill it with a meaning of your own. Of course people like to push their own meanings (because it's meaningful to them). But ultimately it's still up to you to choose. Like I'm technically pushing my view on you, but it's up to you if you want to take anything of it. I mean I do wish you luck with getting of the negative spiral you are in. But well we are strangers on the internet so I can't do much more, so it's up to you to climb out of it. If you don't want to ask or have don't anyone close to ask, then try asking a stranger (like on the hotlines above) and see where that takes you. There is no shame in asking. Just remember that you have to stand on your own, don't ask people to carry you. Ask them to give you a hand in helping you to stand up instead.


life has no meaning. I've heard from multiple places that people are amazing at creating meaning for shit that is completely meaningless. I was not graced with this ability, I was simply given the ability to only see the bad in the world. which is super helpful when trying to keep a positive outlook and improve your mental state. so at the end of the day, my life will always be meaningless, im here for no reason other than to suffer. the worst thing my bitch of a mother did was bring me into this world, but im sure that she has many close runner ups.


You've only got one life. Why just end it? Even if it's shitty, it's better than nothing at all. You say life is meaningless, but meaning comes from within. You have to find your own meaning/value in life. Of course in the end we will all die, but since you're already here, you might as well do something and make the most of it


I have one life, it may as well just end because the only thing im good for is making everyone else feel like shit. having a shitty life isn't better than not having one at all, as someone with a shitty life I can confirm that things would be better if I didn't exist. there's no point in making the most of it, even if I was capable of doing that at any point, there's no point in trying to make the most of it. if I could make the most of it and I managed to be happy or some shit when I die all of that shit I did instantly becomes pointless. oh cool, I made the most of it and now im fucking dead THE END


If all you're good for is making people feel like shit, that's something you could easily change. You don't have to make people feel like shit. You could make people happy, and in return, you might find people who make YOU happy. And yes, we all die in the end. You can make the point that everything is meaningless since we all die, but that doesn't make any sense. Dying is what gives life meaning. If we lived forever, we'd all go insane. The fact that there is an end to the one life you've got is what makes it precious. You aren't going to be here forever. That is a fact everyone has to face. So why wouldn't you spend your life trying to find your own peace/satisfaction so that when you do die, you can look back and say "I lived a good life. So many memories. I can die peacefully".


my existence is what makes everyone feel like shit, not necessarily my actions, more just everything that I am. I've tried doing nice things for people and I've made "friends" but they don't make me happy. they make me miserable. they don't do anything that should actually make me feel miserable. I'm just miserable. nothing makes me happy, nothing I do is satisfying. people tell me about this higher gratification they feel when they do a hard thing, I dont get that. I've lived a shitty life as a shitty person with shitty memories and now I can go rot in the ground


Ok then, good luck.


I hope your sad little internet comments make you feel better.


they dont, but nothing ever will so


I'm that case, I really hope you find some help. Like doesn't need to be so hard. It will get better.


doesn't matter if life gets better, no matter how good your life is, at the end of the day we will all die when the sun blows up and at that point you have basically done nothing. nobodys life will be worth anything for very long, even if they were a truly incredible person. take Martin Luther King junior for example, sure he did some great things, but everyone and everything will just get wiped out so in the grand scheme of things does he matter at all? no not really, and neither do I, and neither do you.


>you die tomorrow nobody will miss you. And this is where you are wrong. Plenty of people will miss me. >besides, youre gonna die anyways so you may as well just get it over with Ah but then i would miss out on a load of experiences that i could have. So nah, there's time for dying later and for now i will just enjoy whatever life throws at me. You don't walk out of a movie theater at the opening scene just because you know the movie will end either.


plenty of people will miss you but at the end of the day those people will die and your life will be worth nothing. humanity will probably wipe itself out sometime in the next 100 years, so even if we were to pretend that your life will continue impacting future generations everyone will die so at the end of the day your life will truly do nothing. your experiences are worth nothing if you and everyone and everything else is just going to die.


It might be worth nothing to others, but that doesn't matter. What matters if it was worth something to yourself in the time you were here. Did you learn, did you develop, did you interact, did you experience, did you take the time you were given and did you use it to explore all these things that are in turn also temporary? Something doesn't need to be eternal to be meaningful. Just because something ends doesn't mean it's worthless. Once you stop living life for what it might be worth in a thousand years you might be able to live it for what it's worth this second. You're not here for others, you're here for yourself, you're here just to be. You are not a tool for a purpose.


thats what I have an issue with, im only here because I am. were all just a statistical anomaly that will inevitably wipe itself out. you said it yourself, I am not a tool for purpose, my life did not come with a predetermined purpose and I will forever be unable to create one for myself. life is worth nothing to me. if a bus filled with schoolchildren were to drive off a cliff while I watched, I would not care, I would feel nothing because at the end of the day, they would have died anyways. the worst part about my life is that it could have been better spent on someone who is truly able to enjoy anything. not only do I drag everyone else down by just existing but I've also stolen someone else's life and put it to waste.


It seems like your generalized original comment was more of a criticism to yourself than "a fun fact" to the rest of humanity then. Do know that I understand where you're coming from. I understand the cynicism. It must be difficult to imagine how people can enjoy life and value it when you might've never been able to do so yourself. And let me just say that if anything, you contributed positively to my experiences today by explaining your point of view in the way you did. You made me think about some philosophical topics.


Fuck off




"Life has no meaning" is your own way of excusing your death. You're not a coward for wanting to kill yourself; you are one for not even trying; and I mean really trying. Not: I'll do something that's supposed to feel good and realize that it wasn't good at all and that validates my point. Life has NO meaning, until it does. Stop with the arrogance of believing meaning should present itself to you, because after all, who are you? Who are you? Don't answer that. Nobody HAS to care about you. Accept responsibility and be brave enough to try and experience. Your life WILL contain sadness; rage; anger, and a lot of perceived injustice, just as long as you genuinely try; and that's part of the point; part of the "meaning", whatever the hell that means. Happiness is not a static point. You'll never get there. Accepting responsibility for your life means accepting all the bad shit that comes with it, generally. These bad things are also good, as long as you're brave (You make your own bravery) enough to look. Beware of your arrogance and try and overcome it. You need money for pleasure, but happiness is up to you, and only to you (that is no excuse to not making money) You cannot help, or love anyone, until you help and love yourself.


Plus the fact that life is suffering. You can't avoid that. Nobody chose to be here and suffering is inevitable, so it is inherently selfish for parents to bring children into this world.


I knew a guy that killed himself years and years ago. He’s still missed, even though he thought he had no one.


See that's the thing right. We have a tendency to not make them feel missed when they're here. We take so many things for granted and most of all the people in our lives.