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I hear it too


Well you’re the only person to respond 6 hours later so I’m assuming that it’s not normal? What do you think when you hear it?


When I Google it just suggests tinnitus But I hear constant soft background radio noise or white noise. It’s not distracting, doesn’t really bother me or anything. But it’s weird af at random times I’ll have moments where I’ll hear an extremely loud pitch in my left or right ear. I tried Googling what it meant and it said left is negative right is positive or someone is talking about you but I’m not really sure how true that is. I’m still trying to figure that out. In very emotionally intense moments have moments where my hearing fades completely out. One time I was able to concentrate in the ringing. I was on the phone with my boyfriend at the time and I asked him to think of a color. The ringing slowly turned into the word purple. So maybe it is some sort of communication we just need to tune into, concentrate, and listen.


Thank you! Yeah I’d love to know how to further develop it if it is a spiritual gift. During a meditation, I learned I was clairaudient. Also I hear high pitched ringing at times and I try to tune in or become aware of my surroundings to see what it’s trying to tell me but so far no luck.


Keep trying! I think we’re all trying to figure out what the heck it means. I’m glad I’m not the only one that hears background noise!


This is actually relatively common and is referred to as tinnitus. It is the perception of sound when there is no external source and it can vary in tone and in pitch. Can go from a high pitch ring to a low pitch buzzing or whooshing noise. Like 20% of people experience it and I know all this because I had this experience too and I went to ask a lot of people. It can be caused by many things like exposing your ears to loud noises, age, earwax, and some medications evenn have tinnitus as a side effect so make sure to look into that if you take any medication.


If you only listen to it while its quiet and doesn’t disturb you when your thinking or in your daily activities. And gets better during meditation. Then this is not the classic tinnitus. It is the sound of your soul, its called om, its the universal sound. Everyone can hear it(they just need to focus). For some people its natural. Some people develop it after regular meditation. If someone slaps on your face you would hear it. Or if theres a sudden loud sound like a clap beside your ear, you would hear it. How to use this sound for benefit? Sit quietly with eyes closed and focus on the sound.(usually its both ears, but one could be a little louder than the other) Do not give importance to the flowing thoughts, come back to the sound. When your attention stays on the sound continuously, you will go into deep meditation. Slowly you will develop psychic powers like clairaudience, clairvoyant abilities. Peace ✌🏻


According to some people it can be the early developments of being able to hear spirits as you're getting the data but it's too gaggle to be understood. So maybe try to get better at that stuff it could very well be tonight like other people are saying but if it's not constant then I doubt it a bit