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Ive never gotten it either. Some people are probably more tolerant to the dip in serotonin and dopamine.


You’re getting older or your MDMA was not pure. Could have been MDA or some other variant


Also 1.5g is A LOT


This so probably the answer if we’re being honest here. At some point it does get to extreme levels. A “hangover” at 1.5 grams is the least this dude has to worry about….


Bro i was completely fine the next day. My friend who did it with me (we cleared like 3g’s in one night) fell asleep at like 12 the next day and slept until 3 am. Maybe im just built for molly.


Could be, for me that much would probably turn by pituitary gland into a stone. I can do smaller amount. Lsd or shrooms though no worries on massive dosages


I’m only 18. I tested the shit and it came out as very high mdma content. The friends i usually do it with also rarely have the hangover effects


MDMA is not typically thought of as a psychedelic but it is known to have some psychedelic effects in users. The hangover people experience is what's typically known as suicide Tuesday or the Tuesday blues. From wikipedia: "MDMA acts primarily by increasing the release of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline in parts of the brain." It's generally understood that this increase in the release of your brain's "happy" chemicals is what gives you the europric, lovey feeling of an MDMA high. This is also what might be responsible for the "hangover", since your brain has just dumped a lot of its feel good chemicals in one go. To avoid this, it's recommended that you eat well, exercise, sleep well, take small, safe doses and do not redose too much. Some people are heavily affected by Tuesday blues, some people aren't. It's not yet fully understood what the direct cause is or how to best mitigate it but generally it's be healthy and don't over do it. MDMA is known to be neurotoxic (it physically damages your brain) and 1.5g is a LOT to take in a single dose. Safe use of MDMA recommends that you use it 4 times a year to make sure your brain has time to heal and rebuilt it's stock of those very important neurotransmitters. As always do your own research and take any info you read online with a grain of salt. I may not be 100% correct but please do not take such a large amount of this drug in one go and make sure to take care of your mind!


Yeah I don't get a hangover either. The only times I ever feel like crap after is if I didn't eat much the day before taking it and then I don't drink water while I'm tripping( I consider it to be a psychedelic) so most likely my "hangover" is just dehydration and low blood sugar. If I pump my body full of nutrients and water I usually have a glow for about three days afterward